The Hidden Luna Queen 2

Chapter 122

"It... it was supposed to be a secret," I answered, as if I needed to justify myself to him.

I felt hot with embarrassment, once again finding myself stuck under someone's beaming spotlight as they scrutinized my every move and decision. Still, I forced myself to hold his gaze. I would not show any more hints of weakness in my vulnerable, exposed state. "And, yes," I quietly added. "My father knows." He was prepared to imprison me for the rest of my life because of it... but, to put it simply: yes.

A line creased his brow as he studied me. "How can you-" he trailed off, seeming to rethink his next choice of words before

continuing. "You're... so young, my dear. Too young to be leading the life you have. And now, to be carrying the prince's child


"It was unexpected," I admitted.

"It shouldn't have happened," he said sternly, making me fidget uncomfortably. "Not to you."

I didn't know much about this man, but I could tell he meant what he was saying. Whether it was out of concern or disappointment, however, I couldn't decide.

"It's shameful, is what it is," Isabelle, who had been watching all of this unfold with a sly grin, said with a scoff. I tried my best to hide my flinch at her snide comment. "I mean, imagine how the whole scandal practically cornered-" "Isabelle, that's enough."

The princess froze, turning her attention to her father, whose stark displeasure stunned everyone in the immediate circle. " Daddy-?"

His responding frown caused a physical reaction in Isabelle, who recoiled away like she'd been slapped.

"That's no way to speak to this child," he scolded, looking down on his downcast daughter. "I thought you were better than that. As some of the few who knew her before, it's our responsibility to help her through this new stage in her life."

I was floored. I never would've expected him to criticize Isabelle to protect me.

Had I... gotten the wrong impression of him? Was he someone I could truly trust?Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Suddenly, I heard an array of gasps and awestruck exclamations fill the courtyard, as well as what I thought momentarily to be someone announcing something, but I'd missed it. Had the royal family returned...? Or maybe was it an announcement that all of the food had been cooked and served?

Either way, it sent the crowd into a frenzy.

But before I could think to sneak a peek, I heard a short huff of breath.

"Excuse me," Isabelle muttered, squeezing between her father and me, and disappearing within the bustling throng of partygoers a short distance away.

"Well..." Kenneth broke the silence with a small frown, crossing his arms. "I must admit, I feel a little out of the loop. All of this excitement has been going on behind the scenes, and this is the first I hear of it. Had I known, I might've been of some help."

Burke lowered his head in apology. "It was Princess Charlotte's idea, sir. It's only meant to be a temporary cover until the family is ready to make an official announcement."

"I see," Kenneth said as he processed the swarm of new information. "How kind of the princess to want to help her brother's.." he trailed off, seemingly struggling to find the appropriate word.

"... Luna."

My sudden interjection prompted him to glance at me. "Pardon?"

I swallowed, straightening myself. "I am going to be his luna, sir," I said, clinging onto what essence of courage I still could, now that my secrets were out in the open. "Nothing so belittling as a dalliance, mistress, some mistake he wants to rectify, or whatever else people might assume me to be... and I'm more than just a temporary title."

"Well... how about that," he remarked, stunned. "I never knew you to be so outspoken."

There were only so many ways to respond to that in this social setting, so I simply said: "A change of scenery does wonders."

At that, Kenneth looked pensive. "So it does," he murmured, and it seemed to me that he was hiding more than what he let on. "But perhaps this isn't-


"Are you lot enjoying the banquet without me?"

The sudden, familiar voice made my yearning heart skip a beat, and swiftly, I turned to face its owner.


He's here.

He's finally here...

It had only been perhaps four hours since we'd last seen each other, and it felt like coming home after being days apart.

Xaden was with me again, and everyone else around me ceased to matter in the split second our eyes met.

His dark hair looked ever so slightly windswept from the hunt, his green eyes bright and wild with adrenaline. The faintest whiff of blood brushed past my nose, clinging loosely to his now-dressed figure, but it had all but evaporated with the shedding of his wolfish form. But none of that mattered.

He was here, and that nervous energy I'd had instantly began to melt away.

With only Burke standing between us, Xaden was close enough that I could touch him if I so wanted to... which, oh, words could not even begin to describe how I wanted just to hold him and feel his strong, secure arms wrap around me... but I did not. Not with so many wandering, eager eyes in the bustling palace courtyard.

I heard Burke faintly welcome him with a bow from beside me, which quickly reminded me that I needed to follow the same etiquette. After all, I was just another guest here.

I gave him a slow curtsy, with his eyes on me the entire time.

"Good evening, Maeve," he said, addressing me with a formality that I was no longer used to, and yet... there was a subtle softness meant only for me.

I smiled, despite myself. "Good evening."

After a beat, Alpha Kenneth spoke up.

"Your Highness," he said, offering only a small nod in greeting to Xaden's princely presence, who swiftly turned his attention to the older man, as if only just realizing he was there. "I must say, that was a rather impressive beast you caught tonight." Impressive was an understatement, to say the least.

Prince Henry had been the first to return to the banquet, carrying a great elk that had inspired many excited murmurs from the crowd. Both King Arlan and Lucas had managed to capture wild boars of differing sizes, while Charlotte carried the body of badger, and Queen Leonora brought a lovely deer.

And then there was Xaden... dragging a monstrous-and very dead-black bear in the powerful jaws of his hulking, seven-foot-tall wolf.

And that was what had sent the banquet into a wild frenzy.

Despite my slightly nauseated state earlier, even I couldn't help but be in awe of his sheer power.

"Honestly, Xaden," Burke commented amusedly. "A bear, of all things. It's like you were trying to give the cooks something impossible to labor over."

Xaden's lips quirked up, though it seemed more out of acknowledgment than anything else. "It was all for the benefit of my hungry subjects, I assure you."

"You were magnificent-"I blurted out, unable to keep quiet.

And, suddenly, everyone's eyes were on me.

I gulped but kept going. "I only meant... it's what everyone needed to see, especially in times like this. With a bear-shifter war possibly on the horizon... seeing you carry in that bear for the banquet," I murmured, maintaining eye contact with Xaden," I'm sure it reminded everyone how strong and capable our kingdom really is."

"She's right, you know," Burke commented, impressed. "What better visual of strength than an alpha prince dragging the symbolic corpse of our enemies?"

Xaden chuckled. "And here I was, thinking I was being subtle," he teased.

"Indeed!" Kenneth interjected with a pointed look. "One might also think you were trying to impress someone tonight."

I bit my lip, allowing my gaze to wash over the busy courtyard for a moment. His comment was rather direct.

I just hoped it didn't mean tensions would break out.

Xaden, as well, seemed to catch the sneaky jab. "Speaking of showing off," he said, crossing his arms with a widening smirk," I was surprised you didn't join the hunt this year. I seem to recall you, yourself, catching piles of beasts for these banquets when I was but a pup." "Ah, I'm afraid not," Kenneth said with an exaggerated sigh. "I was drawn elsewhere this time, so I thought I'd leave the hunting to those more eager."

"Yes, I can see you've been busy enjoying the company of other guests."

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