The Hidden Luna Queen 2

Chapter 100


I glanced at the overhead clock. 10:20 o'clock...

And I was supposed to be at the palace in ten minutes!

I was cutting it close. Very close.

Dr. Meadows' clinic was, by no means, far away from the palace. Not only was it within two miles of Mona Road, but we had even finished with nearly forty minutes to spare.

What I'd forgotten to take into account was the tests she'd ordered following my appointment. Peeing in a cup was not quite an experience I thought I'd ever have, but what was done was done and I wanted to forget the whole thing happened. And then there was the bloodwork, which was my first time being poked and prodded by needles. Of course, it didn't help that my veins were smaller than average and required more pokes and prods than I'd like.

And then there were my clothes, which were completely and horrifyingly-inappropriate to wear in the presence of the Luna Queen, of all people. Yesterday, I'd been advised by the receptionist over the phone to wear comfortable clothes for my appointment, but I'd quickly realized during the drive back that my loose v-neck shirt, black leggings, and canvas flats had to go.

Now, I found myself wearing a simple navy blue sundress and white dress flats-simple yet comfortable and, most importantly, suitable to wear to the palace. It was a very... very necessary change, but it also threatened to make me late.

By the time the car managed to finally roll to a stop, the clock hit 10:25, which meant it was my cue to leave. I all but threw myself out of the car as soon as it was safe and hurried into the palace, where I was surprised to see Charlotte making her way towards me. "Good morning, Maeve," Charlotte greeted with a smile. "I was beginning to worry you might not make it after all."

I hastened my steps until I finally reached her and quickly fell into a curtsy. However informal and friendly we were in private,

I did not feel comfortable disrespecting her station in the middle of the royal palace, where anyone could walk upon us.

"I'm sorry," I said, out of breath. "I should have called, but I was distracted by an appointment I had this morning." "An appointment?" Charlotte repeated, glancing me over up and down. "Are you unwell?"NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

I shook my head. "No, it was just a check-up for the baby. Everything's fine."

The subsequent relief on her face was a pleasant surprise that filled me with sudden warmth. "Of course it is. My nephew is a tough little boy. There's nothing he can't overcome, especially with you and my brother to take care of him."

I smiled, quietly thanking her for the sentiment. "Are you joining today's lesson?"

She shrugged disconcertingly, despite the knowing, growing grin she not-so-subtly displayed. "In a manner of speaking, but the short answer is yes. Come on, I'll lead us there."

I waited a moment to see if she would elaborate on her mother's plan, but when she simply stood there with such an expectant look on her face, just waiting for me to follow her, I realized she did not have anything else to add. Was that... all she would say about it?

"You... wouldn't happen to know what we're doing, would you?"

"So many questions!" she quipped, looping her arm around mine. "You'll find out when we get there. My mother is waiting in the gardens for us."

That baffled me even further. Charlotte was in on this apparent secret, too? What on earth could the Luna Queen have planned ... and why were they both so cryptic about it? Did they really want me to learn what to do on the fly? Was this some sort of test?

I tightened my grip on Charlotte's arm as she led me through the palace. If it was, in fact, a test, I wanted to do my very best. No more fighting with others and no more awkwardness.

Within minutes, we finally made it to the gardens, where I found myself surrounded by the most beautiful diversity of flora and fauna, all groomed to classy perfection, vibrant and fresh in the late morning sun. And there, in the center of it all, Queen Leonora stood, speaking with an attendant.

"Mother," Charlotte beckoned, prompting her mother to turn around, "our last guest has finally arrived."

"Your Majesty," I whispered, curtsying before lifting my gaze to meet hers. "I'm sorry, I hope I'm not too late.”

Queen Leonora shook her head. "Nonsense, you're right on time."

For the first time since entering the garden, I took a proper look around and was surprised to find that we were, in fact, not alone.

There were perhaps fifteen... no more than twenty women gathered in the garden with us, all spread out at small tables and chatting amongst themselves. Most of them looked more similar in age to me, with others appearing closer to their thirties or forties. All were dressed nicely, indicating they were likely from alpha families.

And sitting among the women, in a gold, flowy dress that accented her pretty blonde up-do... was none other than Isabelle. But she had not yet noticed me, it seemed. She was too busy enthralled in her conversation with three other highborn girls that I'd never me before.

Thank goodness for that.

But... why was she here, too?

My anxious silence must have spoken volumes to the queen, because she broke her silence then.

"You have nothing to be worried about," she gently insisted. "As a matter of fact, I think today's activity will be perfect for you. Remember to keep in mind everything you've learned thus far, but above all, I want you to trust your instincts." "My instincts?" Queen Leonora smiled. "Yes. Do what Maeve feels is right."

Do what feels right, I mused. That sounded easy enough.

"Ladies," she called out, gently clapping her hands together and bringing the garden to a silent standstill, "come, let us gather around now."

Quickly, anyone who was not seated took their seat and anyone who'd been busy chatting silenced themselves. Charlotte discreetly pointed me towards a table with an open chair, which I was grateful to take.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Isabelle glare in my direction, but she otherwise kept to herself.

I suppressed a sigh. As long as she left me alone, I'd be fine.

Queen Leonora stayed in place, where she could see everyone. "Welcome to our lovely gardens. I see a few familiar faces, and plenty of newcomers," she said, smiling as her gaze briefly skimmed over me. "Before I let you get started on your projects, I'll just leave you all with this: we may hold the world on our shoulders as women, but never forget," she enunciated with the power of a true Luna, "that we are just as strong as the men at our sides."

"Although, some might say," she continued with a teasing lilt, but the fire in her eyes showed otherwise, "that we are stronger."

A chorus of laughter and cheers rang out from the women in attendance, and I felt compelled to partake in the revelry.

And suddenly, it dawned on me what was going on here. This was no ordinary gossip circle for highborn Lunas and mates to have fun and talk willy-nilly.

This was a support circle.

In other words, this was a chance for me to practice what it meant to be a Luna Princess with those unsuspecting.

I steeled myself. I could do this.

There was a variety of different activities laid out for us to engage in. Many chose to draw, while some chose to knit, and others even chose to arrange flowers. They all were things I'd never had the opportunity to try before, and I was filled with the urge to try every single one.

But there was one craft I found myself inexplicably drawn to.

I wasn't sure how I'd do it, but I wanted to make a bracelet.

I gravitated toward lovely ocean blues and warm forest greens-the colors soothing something deep inside my soul-and began to weave them together as one might braid several strands of hair. The image I'd envisioned in my head was adorable, but it was nowhere near the mess I was making in front of me.

"Ah, that's not how you do it."

I glanced up at the girl seated at my right-young and pretty, with light brown hair and a lovely pink dress-where awkward confusion was written very clearly across her face.

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