The Heartless Alpha

Midnight Wolf Chapter 37


The next morning, I woke up alone. For a second, I felt sad, until my fingers touched something smooth on Jaspers’ pillow. Rolling over onto my elbow, I picked up the folded piece of paper and flipped it open.


Gone to your Dad’s office. Come join me when you wake up. You looked so worn out, I didn’t want to wake you. See you soon. Love- Jasper. Xo

My lips curled into a smile. Could he get any cuter? This simple gesture-leaving me a morning note- warmed my heart and put me in a good mood. I tucked the paper under my pillow and then got out of bed, stretching minutely. And suddenly, a sharp pain hit my abdomen, making me wince. I doubled over, my face scrunching. The sensation hit again, and I streaked to the bathroom, making it just in time to empty last nights meek dinner into the toilet.

“What the Hell…” I muttered to myself.

“Are we sick?” I asked my wolf.

Unbelievably, she giggled in my head. “Not in the technical sense of the word.”

I narrowed my eyes. “What does that mean?”

“It means you should probably get a check up.”

I thought she might be right, but I stayed over the toilet bowl for another five minutes, just in case I had another bout of sickness. When I was sure I felt fine, I stumbled into the shower. I washed and dried quickly before trying to brush my teeth; I spit the toothpaste out immediately, my throat burning. Checking the tube, I frowned. Could toothpaste even expire? I mean, of course it could, everything had an expiration date, right? But it wasn’t just my throat; I had a weird taste in my mouth, and my chest burned as well as my throat. I put everything away, walking out to find clothes.

I opted for a white blouse and some low hanging jeans, and threw on my sneakers. Then I was off to find Jasper, heading towards my Dads temporary office at the end of the hall. I knocked once before letting myself in.

“Hey.” I said.

Dad, Jasper, Uncle Ben and Uncle Luke looked up at me, giving me wide smiles.

“Morning.” Dads eyes immediately went to my neck.

“Let’s have a look at that.” Uncle Luke was in my face in a second, brushing my hair back and peering at my mark. “Hmm… Incredible, just incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it!”

I pushed him away gently. “I’m glad you find it so interesting.”

“It suits you. Both of you.” Dad said. He looked between Jasper and I.

Jasper was looking at me with such tenderness, such love, that I felt a blush color my cheeks. Was I ever going to get use to this intense feeling I had when I was around him? I kind of hoped I didn’t, if I was being honest with myself. Clearing my throat, I stepped away from Luke, taking my mates hand.

“Have you gotten ahold of the Silver Moon Beta and Gamma?” I asked.

“Yes. They’re on their way here now. They want proof that Warrick is dead.”

“Will he be buried at Silver Moon?”

“Yes. They will transport his body back.”

“And where does that leave us?”

Dad leaned forward, crossing his arms. “You can leave anytime. Probably sooner rather than later is best; You shouldn’t leave your pack unattended for too long.”

‘Your pack.’ The words resonated through my head, seeming surreal to me. I always figured Garrett would be the Alpha of B***d Moon, and me? I hadn’t really thought about my future past meeting my mate. On the rare occasions I did, I assumed I would be mated to an Alpha, or even a Beta. Someone with b***d to match mine. Still, I’d always brushed it off, thinking I’d cross that bridge when I came to it. Now that I was at it, I was more than a little nervous.

“I’ll let you deal with them then. I need to go see Mom.” I changed the subject.

“Why?” Dad asked.

“I’m not feeling too great. Probably just anxiety about everything.” I shrugged, trying to seem like it wasn’t a big deal.

But Jasper frowned, putting the back of his hand to my forehead. “You are a little pale… Do you want me to go with you?”

I shook my head. “No, you need to be here when the Beta and Gamma arrive. Silver Moon is only an hour or so away, right? They should be here soon.”

“Alright. Let me know how it goes.” He kissed my forehead, the more familiar sparks erupting.

“I will. See you later.”NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

I waved to everyone as I left, opening a mind-link to Mom.

“What’s up, Vie?”

I smiled internally. Mom rarely used my nickname; She must be in a good mood this morning.

“Are you busy?”

“Not really. Just doing some paperwork to discharge a patient.”

“Can I come by the hospital?”

“…Sure. Is anything wrong?”

“I just don’t feel good. I was hoping you could give me a once over.”

“Of course. Come to room three-ten when you get here. Tell Cal you’re here to see me.”

“Okay. See you in a minute.”

I ended the mind-link, absorbed in my own thoughts as I made my way to the hospital. A few people stopped me on my way, politely exchanging morning greetings. I smiled at everyone, stopping to talk for a minute. Finally, I made it to my destination, hurrying up the front steps and through the doors. Cal sat behind the reception desk, clicking away on the computer, the screen reflecting in his glasses. He smiled when he looked up and saw me.

“Hello Violet. How are you this morning?”

“I’m good Cal. I’m here to see my Mom.”

“No problem. She tell you where to go?”


“Then, by all means.” He gestured down the white tiled corridor with a flourish and I laughed. Cal had been working for Mom for a few years now. Like herself before, he was training to become a pack doctor, under my Mom. He was a funny guy, with his light brown hair and Harry Potter glasses. He was a hit with the kids who had to come here; I’d never seen a child more at ease while getting a vaccination, not that we needed many due to our higher immune systems. In fact, werewolf children only ever got two vaccines, for diseases that effected our species exclusively. They were extremely rare, but it happened sometimes.

I gave him a salute as I passed the desk. My eyes scanned the numbers above the doors. I took a left, then a right, and then I opened the door to three-ten. Mom was already there, sitting on a chair and looking over a file.

“Just give me one second to read the rest of this…” She said. I took a seat on the bed next to her, swinging my legs. After a few minutes of silence, she placed the papers down, giving me her full attention. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine.” I shrugged.

“So, what seems to be the problem? You said you aren’t feeling well?” She stood up, grabbing her stethoscope off the desk.

“Not really. My chest hurts, and my throat, and I have a weird taste in my mouth. I also got sick this morning.”

She frowned. “What kind of taste?”

“Kind of… acidic?”

“And on a scale of one to ten, one being the least, and ten being the worst pain you’ve ever felt, where is the pain at?”

I thought about it. “Probably a one. It doesn’t really hurt, I guess. It just feels like a burning.”

“Hmm…” She tapped her a chin with her finger. “What did you eat last night?”

“Uhm… Nothing really. I had half a sandwich. I was too nervous to eat.”

“Okay. I’m going to ask you some basic questions.”


“Did you take anything after you got sick?”


“Have you eaten this morning?”


She grabbed a pad and paper, jotting down my answers quickly before continuing.

“We already know when you went into heat…” She wrote it down. “Today is the first time you’ve been physically sick?”


“No pain anywhere else?”


“And how do you feel right now?”

Again, I stopped to analyze my body. “Actually… aside from the burn, I feel fine. Maybe a little tired.”

She nodded, a small smile forming on her face. “And…. when was the last time you had s*x?”

I shifted, but reminded myself there was nothing to be embarrassed about. This was my Mom after all, she’d given me the s*x talk years ago. Besides, right now, she was a Doctor first and Mom second. I’d come to her, and she was doing her job.

“Last night.”

“Okay…” She set her pad aside. “I want you to lie back on the bed. I’ll be right back.”

I did as she asked, getting comfortable. The burn was stronger in this position though, and I wondered over what it could be. Mom didn’t seem overly concerned, and that was comforting. If I was in trouble, I’m sure she would be freaking out right now. She came back not two minutes later, pushing a weird looking machine with all sorts of cords and wires connected to it.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“An ultrasound machine.”

Our eyes met; She had a knowing look in hers and it took me a few seconds to catch up to where she was.

“No…” I breathed.

“I’m inclined to say yes, but let’s make sure, alright?” She shut the door, giving us privacy.

“But… I… We…” The words wouldn’t come out my mouth, so I closed it instead. Was I pregnant?

“Lift your shirt. I’m going to tuck this towel into your pants… There. Okay, just breath nice and steady, and relax.” She touched my cheek gently, her eyes casting to the side. “Your Dad told me you and Jasper marked each other.”

I blinked, unsure if I could respond right now.

“It’s lovely. Unique, and magical. Just like you.” She gave me her Mom smile. I hadn’t seen it in a long time, and seeing it now, in this situation, almost brought tears to my eyes.

“Thanks.” I managed.

“This is cold.” She held up a tube before upending it and squirting the clear jelly onto my lower stomach. I watched as she started the monitor, grabbing the ultrasound wand. “We might need to do an internal ultrasound. But I’ll try this first, okay?”

I nodded.

“Can… Can you…”

“She paused, the wand hovering above my stomach.

“Can you… turn it? So I can see too?” I whispered.


The monitor turned, a simple black screen. Mom adjusted her chair, then placed the wand over the jelly. The screen immediately lit up; It looked like static on a television, except it was blue and gray instead of white and black. My heart was almost beating out of my chest as she moved it around, turning it this way and that. I picked out every odd-shaped thing I saw, wondering if that was a baby. It was dead-silent in the room, only our breathing and my pounding heart made any ounce of noise. So it startled me when Mom stopped moving the tool and spoke.


She looked at me and I looked at her, then back to the monitor.

“Where?” I asked quietly.

She pointed. “Here.” Then her finger moved to the left. “And here.”

I squinted at the screen, not fully processing her words. And then I saw it.

I saw them.

Two little squiggles, side by side. Twins. I was having twins? Oh my Goddess, I was pregnant with twins!

“See, here,-” The screen enlarged, giving me a close up of my babies,”- you can see their heartbeats. It looks like you’re only a few weeks along, you must have conceived even before your heat hit. And…Hmm…” She scooted her chair closer, enlarging even more. “I see only a single sac…So, monoamniotic twins, or identical twins.”

Surprisingly, her words hit me on impact. It was surprising, considered how shocked I was right now. Identical twins… would they be boys, or girls? What should we name them? Would they be healthy? A million thoughts ran through my head as I stared at the screen, watching two tiny hearts beating. Big, fat tears were running down my cheeks, but I didn’t care. Love washed over me, more powerful than I thought possible. It was fierce, almost overwhelming. It was very similar to the mate bond I had with Jasper, but also very different. I knew I would do anything for those two little squiggles, protect them wherever I could, and love them unconditionally. My heart felt so full, I wasn’t sure if it would burst or not.

“Violet.” Unwillingly, I forced my eyes away from my babies to look at my Mom. “Can you please say something? I’m trying very hard to remain professional right now, given that I just found out I’m going to have grandbabies.”

A slightly hysterical laugh burst forth from me. “I… I’m just so… happy!” I cried.

“I know. I am too. Here, let me print a couple of pictures of the darlings…” She clicked around on the keyboard a bit. I was sad when she removed the wand, the screen going dark, until she handed my the pictures. I couldn’t stop staring at them.

“So, how are you going to tell Jasper?” Mom asked as she washed her hands at the nearby sink.

“Uhm…” I had no idea.

“You remember what I did when I found out I was pregnant with you?”

I laughed again. “Yes. Well, I remember the video. I’m not sure I want to do something like that though.”

She came to sit beside me, giving me a side hug and a k**s on the temple.

“However you want.”

Then I got an idea, and grinned. “I know how I want to do it. I’ll need you there though, I want to take a video of his reaction too.”

“I wouldn’t miss that for the world.”

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