The Heartless Alpha

Midnight Wolf Chapter 35


“Would you calm down? We would hear if something happened.” Uncle Luke said.

“Easy for you to say.” I grumbled.

Mom had abruptly stopped mind-linking me, and wasn’t replying anymore either. My anxiety went from a little to over the top in seconds. I couldn’t sit still, pacing the cafeteria while Uncle Luke sat and watched. I desperately wanted to reach out to Jasper, but I didn’t want to distract him either. This was torture!

“Don’t forget this was your idea.” Luke said.

“Why would you remind me of that right now?”

He shrugged. “Just saying. Next time, keep your opinion to yourself.”

I shot him the finger and he chuckled. “You’re going to make one hot-tempered Luna.”

“Only if Jasper lives. Which we don’t know, because nobody is telling me what is going on!” I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

“Kiren stays in B***d Moon.”

Moms voice resonated in my head, causing me to jump at the sudden intrusion. I looked at Uncle Luke; He was on his feet, his light expression now serious.

“What was that? Who is Kiren?” I asked.

“You are hereby banished from ever stepping foot on our land again. Leave! NOW!”

I winced at the fury in her voice. I’d never heard my Mom so angry before, ever. Before I could stop, I found myself moving to the door, needing answers. Clearly, something had gone wrong, or Mom wouldn’t have been intervening. But Uncle Luke beat me there, blocking the exit with his muscular frame.

“I’m sorry Violet, but you can’t leave.”

“What?! Come on Uncle Luke! I need to know what’s happening!”

“Then wait until your Mom or someone else mind-links you. I’m under Alpha orders to keep you here until they return. I can’t disobey that.”

I growled, turning away.

“Mom?” I held my breath. Hopefully she answered me this time.

“We are on our way back. Stay in the cafeteria; We need to talk.”Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

My heart started thumping painfully. My lungs constricted, and I gasped at the air that suddenly seemed to thick.

“Why? Is it about Jasper? Is he okay?!”

“He’s fine, don’t worry. He won.”

My legs nearly gave out at the news. I reached out to grab the nearest table, Uncle Luke coming up behind me and guiding me to sit.

“Is he… Did he get hurt?”

“Nothing that won’t heal. See you soon.”

I looked up at Uncle Luke, my eyes glassy.

“They’re on their way back. Jasper won.” I breathed.

He smiled at me. “I knew he would; You’ve got yourself one f**k of a fighter Violet. He alright?”

“Mom said he was. She said to stay here, that they need to talk to us.”

He nodded, taking the seat beside me and rubbing my back. The action calmed the last of my nerves, and before I knew it, they doors opened and in walked a group of people.

Mom was first, her expression heated. Dad followed behind her, and he didn’t look much different. Next came Uncle Ben, who nodded at me, and then, finally, Jasper. I jumped up, running towards him. Only to stop short when I noticed he had his hands full. He was carrying….Was that a child?

“Uh…” I looked between the kid and him, my face a huge question mark.

“Sit down, and we’ll explain.” Mom said behind me. “Jasper, put him upstairs. There is an empty room three doors down from yours. He should be comfortable there.”

He nodded, turning to leave again. I grabbed his arm before he could make it out the door, and he looked back at me with blank eyes.

“I’m really happy you’re back.” I told him.

The flatness in his eyes turned soft, and he smiled at me. “I promised I would be. Be right back.”

As soon as he was gone, tears welled up and started running down my cheeks. I didn’t even notice when Garrett walked in the door, only realizing he was there when he pulled me into a hug.

“Hey, don’t cry. He’s safe, he’s here.” He soothed me. It was so weird, my brother talking like this about my mate. Still, his words didn’t calm the flood in me. They only made it increase. This time, my legs did give out, and I pulled Garrett down as I sank to the floor, all my strength leaving me as I sobbed.

All the anxiety and nerves and terror since he’d left were finally getting the better of me. Of course, I was overjoyed that he was safe, that he was alive. But the fact remained that he had risked his life because of me. Because of an idea I had, and stupidly put into his head. What would I have actually done if he hadn’t come back?

“Oh my. Is she alright?” A new voice said above me.

“Poor thing is probably overwhelmed. Violet dear.” I peeked through my hands to see Linda crouched in front of me. “What’s all this now? Jasper is fine.”

“B-but I-I made h-him g-go and f-f-fight….” I mumbled pathetically.

“You most certainly did not.” She cupped my cheeks, making me look at her. “I’ll admit I wasn’t happy about the idea. But honestly, he would have done the same thing, eventually, once he figured out he could.” She pulled me into a hug, rubbing slow circles over my back.

“Vie, if you’d seen him, you would be so proud.” Garrett smiled at me. “He was amazing. There was never any reason to worry.”

Everyone looked at him with mixed expressions, but I gave him a little smile.


“Really! He’s going to be an incredible Alpha.” He mock punched my shoulder. “But only if he doesn’t have a snotty mess of a Luna by his side, so buck up girl!”

I laughed shakily, wiping my face.

“Thanks Garrett.”

Just then Jasper walked back in, taking in the scene before him. His eyes landed on me and immediately clouded in worry.

“What happened? Violet?” He sank to the ground, and Linda released me. I threw myself at him, relishing in the feeling of being in his arms. I would never take this for granted.

“Sorry. I’m just really happy you’re okay.” I sighed. He laughed, kissing the top of my head. Then I remembered he hadn’t come back alone. “Who was that kid?” I pulled back to look at his face.

“My brother.”

His brother? Oh… Warricks son?

“Why did you bring him here? Why didn’t he leave with his Mom?”

“He didn’t want to.” Mom said. I looked at her. “I banished that bitch.”

“Is that what we heard?” And she nodded. “Why? What did she do?”

Jasper picked me up, bringing me to one of the tables. Everyone sat down and, one by one, gave the replay of the fight from their perspectives. I almost choked when they told me about what Anne had done.

“What?! How could she do that?!” I practically yelled.

“I’ll be talking to the Elders. And our allies. That law needs to be abolished.” Dad sneered. “I’ve never seen anything so disgusting!”

“You already have my support in that.” Jasper agreed.

“So, did Anne go back to Silver Moon?”

“If she did, she had better enjoy her time there. I’m banishing her from that pack as soon as possible.” Jasper growled.

His words brought me to the reality that we would be leaving. We were now in charge of that pack now. The thought made me tense up; Was I good enough to be a Luna? I had every confidence in Jasper, but not so much confidence in myself. And how was I suppose to continue my lessons from Silver Moon? I couldn’t ask Aunt Clara and Grandpa to just pack up and leave with me. Without my lessons, would I be a danger to the pack? Would I hurt someone?

“Hey.” I looked up to see Jaspers staring at me intently. “Everything is going to work out. Okay?”

I released the breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Okay.” I whispered back.

“When are you leaving?” Dad asked.

“I’m not sure. Is there anything I need to do before we go?”

“Hmm… You may want to contact the packs Beta and Gamma first. Let them know the situation.”

“Can I come to your office tomorrow to do that?”

“Sure thing.”

They hammered out a few more details, and then people started to say goodnight. When Jaspers parents approached us, Linda looked determined.

“We’re coming with you.” She deadpanned.

“Mom.” Jasper gave her a look but she held up her hand.

“Don’t. We talked about this a lot, and we’re okay with it. Besides, Silver Moon sounds like it could use a few extra helping hands. And Elena would miss you too much. We’re coming.”

He sighed. “I guess I can’t stop you, if that’s what you want.”

“No you can’t.” I giggled and Jasper rolled his eyes. They gave us each a hug before departing.

“I have to admit, I was worried about leaving Elena.” He admitted softly to me.

“Well, it seems that problem is solved.” I said, squeezing his hand.

He gazed down at me, and I knew he wanted to be alone. I did too. So we quickly wished everyone a goodnight, and made our way to the doors. I had barely stepped into the corridor when Jasper scooped me into his arms, pressing his lips to mine in a hard, heated k**s. We stood like that, too absorbed in each other for several minutes. Eventually, I started to get dizzy from lack of oxygen and pulled away, breathing hard.

“I would say sorry, but I’m not.” He sighed. “I’ve wanted to do that since the challenge ended.”

“I’m not complaining.”

He carried me all the way to our room, and someday I was going to ask him how he got so good at carrying people up ladders without dropping them. As soon as the door closed behind us, I pulled him back to me, the tension between us heavy. Part of me wanted to stop and assess if he had any injuries, but the majority of me just wanted him to be as close to me as possible, as soon as possible. Based on the way he was tugging my clothes off, I guessed if he was in any pain, he didn’t mind.

“I want you.” He growled lowly. “Right here. Right now.”

His words made me shiver, his hands running down my sides, grasping under my butt. Then he lifted me, spinning so my back was against the door. I wrapped my legs around him, staring into his silver eyes.

“So take me.” I panted.

He didn’t waste any time. My panties ripped across my flesh as he tore them off, my bra torn off with his teeth. Adjusting our position slightly, he took one hand from underneath me and started rubbing between my legs. My head fell back, my mouth opening. I was already wet, and his fingers teased me relentlessly until I started to squirm. He pushed two fingers in and I bit my l*p at the feeling. His eyes never left my face the whole time, as if he didn’t want to miss a single expression that crossed it.

“Does it feel good?”

“Yes…” I m****d.

“Do you want more?”


Setting me on my feet, he removed his fingers.He got down on his knees, placing my left foot on his shoulder. I looked down at him confused, but he just smirked up at me. And then his tongue was on me, and I nearly lost my balance.

“Oh! Jasper..”

He licked, sucked, and bit gently, but mercilessly. I couldn’t do anything but stand there and try to keep my legs from buckling underneath me. My head was swimming with pleasure as he sucked on my clit, my hands in his hair. The sparks from our bond felt electric, only sending me higher on this ride.

“O-Oh my… Jasper..Jasper please…”

His speed increased and my words died on my lips. The only sounds I could make were m***s at this point, getting louder and louder until I found my release. My legs shook violently, Jasper grabbing them to keep me standing. When he stood back up, he had the biggest smile on his face, though it looked kind of smug. Taking me by surprise, he lifted me again, placing me back against the door. I’d barely gotten my breath back when I felt him at my entrance, slowly sliding into me. My mouth formed an O, my nails digging into his shoulder.

“f**k!” I hissed.

He kept going, stopping only when he was all the way in. The silver in his eyes was blazing, like icy fire. We were connected, one being, staring into each other eyes. The intimacy of the moment made my heart swell; What had I ever done to deserve this man? The man who put his life on the line to help a pack he wasn’t even a part of. People he had never met. He could have died in his mission to liberate them, but now he would get the chance. I was so proud of him.

“Goddess, you’re beautiful.” He whispered. B***d rushed to my cheek at his words. He started moving, pumping in and out of me, eliciting m***s from me. Damn, he felt good…

“I was thinking about you.” He rasped. “The whole time. You kept me going, Violet. You helped me survive.”

I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck, bringing my lips to his. He kissed me with a passion I’d never felt before, and it set me on fire.

“Jasper!” I whimpered. I could feel my core tightening, could feel myself tightening around him. He started going faster, harder, almost primal in his need for me. I saw when his eyes turned black, his canines elongating. He shook his head, but I stopped him.

“No. Do it. Mark me.” I pleaded.

The only response I got was a fierce growl. He wrapped his arms around me, swinging us away from the door and practically throwing us onto the bed. Not once did he pull out of me, just positioned himself over me, his head at my neck. He continued ravaging my body, his wolf in control now. As soon as I orgasmed, I felt his teeth sink into me. The pain was very short-lived, followed immediately by the most pleasure I’d ever felt before in my life. I was positive I’d never feel like this again either. The feeling brought on another o****m following the first, adding to the euphoria.

Something in my mind clicked, and I realized it was the chest. I’d lost control of it, setting my power free. However, a million other emotions kept me from panicking. My body acted on instinct, pure animal instinct, and my teeth came out. I gripped Jaspers’ shoulder, finding the right spot, and bit him. He jerked a little at first, and then we were both riding this wave of ecstasy.

“I love you.”

His voice flooded my mind. The fact that it was said this way, instead of verbally, at this moment, made it absolutely perfect. I could feel parts of him, his soul, as we bound ourselves together. I could feel the love flowing from him, his very essence. It was beautiful.

“I love you too.”

A bright light shone in my eyes, blinding me. I closed my eyes, releasing my teeth as he did the same. When I opened them again, the room was as dark as before, and I wondered if I had imagined it. But as I went to lick his mark, closing the wound, I gasped, and knew I definitely hadn’t imagined it. Because on his shoulder, right where my mark should be, was a tattoo. It was the same marking I had on my side in wolf form, now imprinted on his skin. It was a beautiful gold, almost shining even in the dark.

I felt his fingers touch my shoulder, and I knew before I even looked. Just as I thought, I had an identical mark.

“The mark of the Midnight Wolf.” Hala said proudly in my head.

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