The Heartless Alpha

Midnight Wolf Chapter 14


I felt Violet slipping out of my arms. I tightened my grip, not willing to let her go.

“What are you talking about?” I spat at Garrett.

I hadn’t talked to Garrett much. Our confrontation a couple weeks ago was the most words spoken between the two of us probably ever. I never went out of my way to be his buddy, or even an aquaintence. Truthfully, the guy kind of annoyed me. But now he was trying to interfere between my mate and I? No.

“It was you?”

I looked down at Vie, who was staring at me with tears in her eyes. I couldn’t tell if they were from anger or sadness, it looked like a mix of both.

“I don’t know what he’s talking about Vie.” I said.

“Liar!” Garrett yelled. “I saw you! Have you slept with so many girls that you don’t even remember all of them?”

“Jasper.” Violet said lowly. “Did you sleep with Sophia? Sophia Chang?”

My face paled as memories flashed. The party. I’d been upstairs, wondering why I even bothered to attend the stupid thing, when Sophia had entered the room.

“Oops. This isn’t the bathroom.” She said.

I smirked. “Nope, sorry.”

“Jasper Cole right?”

“The one and only.”

She giggled, dimples popping out on her cheeks. She was pretty, not Violet pretty, but passable. “What are you doing up here by yourself? The party is downstairs.” She said.

I shrugged. “I’m not really the social type.”

“Oh, I know. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you speak before now.” She laughed again.

Taking a seat on the bed next to me, she sighed heavily.

“Can I ask you something?” She said randomly.


“Well… it’s more of a confidence.”


She started playing with a strand of her long hair. “I’m worried… is s*x… hard?”

I almost spit my beer as I laughed. She glared at me, and I tried to sober.

“Sorry. The way you phrased that.” I chuckled. “I don’t really get what you’re asking.”

She looked down at her hands. All of my friends have done it. And they talk about it. I can’t imagine doing any of that… I’m scared I will disappoint my mate, when I find him.”

“Oh.” I thought about it. “I don’t think that possible. According to my parents, the love you have with your mate is unlike anything else. One can assume the physical love is the same.” I took a swig of my drink.

Suddenly, her hand was on my arm, her body turned towards me. “Show me.”

This time, I did spit my drink. “What?” I sputtered.

“It won’t mean anything. And it doesn’t have to be intimate. I just want to… learn some thing.”


Her lips were on mine before I finished. I almost pushed her back. But I didn’t. I don’t know why, but the next thing I knew, we were under the covers of Goddess knows who’s bed when the door swung open.

And Garrett walked in.

I stared at my mate, pleading my eyes. But she knew. I’m positive my face gave it away. I swallowed, and answered her anyway.


Her face clouded in disappointment and hurt.

“But I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. She never told me that.” I continued frantically.

“Nobody knew we were dating.” Garrett said. I turned to him.

“Then who’s fault is it really? Look, I’m sorry for my actions, but it should have been up to her to tell me if she was taken or not. Nothing would have happened if I’d known.”

He scoffed but Violet looked back to me. She was biting her l*p, the little quirk she had when she was thinking.

“I didn’t know Violet. I swear. You can ask Sophia, she came onto me.”

A fist connected to my face, throwing me off guard and off balance. Instantly I released Violet so I wouldn’t take her down with me. I hit the ground hard, my hand rubbing my jaw.

“Garrett!” Violet yelled at him.

“Sophia would never-” Garrett started screaming at me.

“But she did!” Violet screamed back. Both of us looked at her in shock. “Jasper’s right Garrett. It was her responsibility to tell him she was in a realtionship.”

“Are you serious right now? She probably did and he manipulated her into doing it anyways!”

Violets eyes sparked. “Excuse me? Are you accussing him of forcing her?”

He glanced at me, a nasty smirk on his face. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”

Two seconds later, Garrett was holding his cheek. He stared at his sister in complete and utter disbelief as she lowered her hand. Then she walked over to me, offering me her hand. I took it and she pulled me up.

“You… you slapped me.” Garrett breathed.

“You’re f*****g right I did.” She hissed.

“For him? He’s lying to you Violet. You can’t accept him, he can’t be your mate.”

“He is. And I do.” She looked at me. “We have stuff to work out, obviously. But I will not reject my mate just because my brother doesn’t like him. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not your mates biggest fan. But I’m also not telling you to reject her. I’m leaving that choice up to you.” She took my hand, pulling me past him.

“I just thought you had the same respect for me. Clearly, I was wrong.” She said as we passed.

We walked away, leaving him standing in the training yard. I clicked my jaw; Garrett had a good punch, that was for sure. I focused on my mate, trying to figure out what she was thinking. Her grip on my hand was tight, and her face was like stone. Now, more than ever before, I regretted my past actions. I was making a mess of things, not just our bond, but her relationship with her family. I looked away, startled that she’d dragged me to the pack house.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“My Mom wants to meet you.” She grumbled.


We earned a lot of stares as we walked through the foyer and to the stairs. I’m sure we looked comical, but my stomach was twisting in knots. Had Garrett already told his parents? Was I about to get beat up from none other than the Alpha of B***d Moon? Well, I had a good run. Though maybe I could still run…

“Stop fidgeting.”Violet sighed. “They’re not going to bite Jasper.”

“Easy for you to say.” I mumbled and she shot me an amused look.

I’d obviously never been to the Alphas floor. I looked around, admiring all the artwork as we walked. A particular piece caught my eye, but Vie pulled me along. I’d have to take a closer look later. We stopped in front of a door and she walked in without knocking. Slowly, I followed her, shutting the door behind me. Turning around, I was met with a smiling Luna and a passive Alpha. I gulped loudly, nodding my head respectfully.

“Alpha. Luna.”

“Jasper.” Luna Lily said. She came to stand in front of me, looking me over. “I haven’t seen you up close in a while. You sure have grown.”

“Only a little.” I replied sheepishly and she laughed.

“Come, sit. I made an early lunch.”

“Thank you.” I said. I took a seat next to Violet at the round table in the center of the room. The Luna had prepared all kinds of sandwiches, crackers and meats, cheeses, tea and juice, and some delicious looking desserts. Feeling awkward, I took a sandwich and poured myself some orange juice. I could feel everyones eyes on me.

“So.” Alpha Dimitri began. “You’re Violets mate.”

“Yes sir.”

He looked at her. “And is this another case like Garretts?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“So you accept him then?”

She looked at me with a small teasing smile. “Most of him.”

“Alright.” He looked at his mate and she nodded.

“Violet, come help me in the other room for a minute.”

“Uh, Mom-?”

“Your Dad would like to speak with Jasper.”

Did my soul just leave my body? Standing, Violet shot her Dad a look, one I interpreted as “Don’t kill him.” Or maybe that was just my wishful thinking. She glanced at me over her shoulder as her Mom ushered her through a door near the kitchen, shutting it behind them. I stared at the plates of meats and cheeses, already sweating.

“I’ve heard a lot about you Jasper.” Alpha Dimitri said. “I hear you’re very good with the ladies.”

“Hardly sir.”


Daring to look up, I met his eyes. “Most of what people hear about me is rumors. I’m not perfect, but I’m definitely better than the Jasper everyone hears about.”

He raised one eyebrow, and I saw a lot of Violet in the action. “My daughter knows this?”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“I’ve explained it to her Alpha. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting her to accept me as her mate.”

“Being Alpha, I hear a lot that goes on in the pack. Not much escapes me.” He picked up a spoon, twirling it in his fingers. “But I am happy to hear that most of it isn’t true. You’re very lucky to have my daughter as a mate.”

“I feel lucky.”

“And I think she is also lucky. To have you.”

I raised my eyebrows, surprised he would say that. A small smile played on his lips.

“I pride myself in being a pretty good judge of character Jasper. And I know your Father well. I do not believe he would raise you to be the man I’ve heard so much about. As long as you treat me daughter with the respect and love she deserves, I am happy to accept you into my family.”

Tears brimmed my eyes. Partly from being grateful that I was still alive right now. But mostly from the knowledge that I’d gained such a respected Father-in-law. Alpha Dimitri was a great man, and I looked up to him.

“Thank you Alpha.” I replied lowly.

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