The Heartless Alpha

Midnight Wolf Chapter 10


I stormed past my parents and Uncles and Aunts. My vision was red, my mind hazy. Anger and confusion coursed through me at an alarming speed. The only thing that kept repeating in my mind was ‘Why?’ What had I done to deserve this? What kind of game was the Goddess playing with me?

“Garrett, what happened?” Aunt Thara called after me.

“I don’t want to talk about it now.” I replied gruffly.

“Son, if she’s your mate-“

“I said I don’t want to talk about it!” I yelled at them. Every pair of eyes widened incredulously. Never in my life had I raised my voice to my parents, let alone my entire family. Violet joined the group, her face passive. Only she understood the turmoil going through me right now.

Mom stepped forward, reaching for me. “Okay. Just remember we are here if you want to.”

Dad shot her a look. “Lily-“

“Don’t.” She turned to him. “This is something he wants to work out for himself. It’s his mate, and his choice.”

He didn’t look very happy about it, but he didn’t argue. Vie stepped around everyone, taking my arm.

“Come on.”

I let her pull me away and into the foyer, starting up the stairs. Everything in my body was urging me to turn around, to go claim Sophia, to hold her. But I couldn’t.

“So what are you going to do?”

I gasped, looking around. Violet gave me a wierd look, taking a step down towards me.

“Are you okay?” She asked, her face worried. Then her face lit up, a smile taking over. “Did you hear your wolf?”

Was that what that was? I reached out with my mind, calling.

“I’m here. Nice to meet you Garrett.”

Despite the wave of emotions in me, I grinned.

“I got my wolf!” I told my sister and she laughed happily.

“What’s his name?”

“Nice to meet you too. What’s your name?” I asked him eagerly.


I relayed the information to Violet. She opened her mouth to say something, but instead she gasped like I had. Her eyes became unfocused, staring into space. Then her face lit up with a huge grin of her own.

“My wolfs name is Hala.” She exlaimed.

“Spirit and Moonlight.”

We turned to see Mom, Dad, Uncle Ben and Uncle Luke behind us. They were all smiling proudly.

“Is that what their names mean?” Violet asked.

Uncle Luke nodded. “Hugo is derived from German origin, meaning ‘Bright of mind and spirit.’ Hala is of Arabic origin, meaning ‘Halo around the moon’, or ‘moonlight’. Both beautiful names.”

I could feel Hugos pride swelling up at his words. He was obviously proud of his name as well.

“We’re going to bed. Let us know if you need anything.” Mom said. She kissed our cheeks as she went by, Dad following behind. Uncle Ben wished us a happy birthday again before departing but Uncle Luke leaned against the bannister, staring between the two of us.

“Are you going to accept her?” He asked bluntly.

“I don’t know.” I told him. Hugo whined in my head.

“You know that she is more than just your mate. She is the future Luna of the pack.”


His face grew serious. “I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but if you need to think carefully about your decision Garrett. If you reject her, there is no garuntee of a second-chance mate. You know as well as I do how rare those are. You would have to take a chosen mate, for the sake of the pack. But heed my advice now; Not every woman is meant to be a leader. The Goddess chose her for a reason.”

I didn’t reply, and he knew I wasn’t going to. My sister was silent behind me as well. Uncle Luke pressed a hand to my shoulder before going down to his floor. I thought over his words, not wanting to agree, but not denying that he was right.

“Are you going to be okay tonight?” Violet asked.

“Yeah. I just…”

“Need some time to think.” She finished for more. I nodded. “Alright. I’m going to bed too. Come get me if you need anything.”


She left me standing there, once again lost in a crazy mess of thoughts.

“You can talk to me.” Hugo said.

“I know what you want. I can feel it.”

“I know what she did Garrett. But you never did give her a chance to explain either.”

I snorted. “What is there to explain? She slept with another guy.”

“She did acknowledge that she was in the wrong. Let’s go back and talk to her.”

“No. Not tonight.”

“You can’t put it off forever. She’s our mate.”Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I know! But with my shift being so close, I don’t want to say something I’ll regret. Afterwards, okay?”

He pondered for a minute before agreeing.

“But we are going to talk to her.” He said.

“Yes. I am the future Alpha, and I won’t run away from my problems. I’m just… putting it off, until I have a clear head.”


I start walking again, my brain never stopping until I reached my room. I flopped onto my bed, rolling over and staring at the cieling.

“So, what do you look like?” I asked curiously.

I could almost see his wolfish grin in my head. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

“You’re not as big as my Mom are you?”

“No.” He barked a laugh. “As awesome as it would be, there is only one Mother Wolf in this family.”

“Does…Can you sense Sophias wolf?”

“A little. She has a strong aura, because she was meant to be a Luna. But she has not turned eighteen yet, so I cannot talk to her.” He sounded disappointed.

“Her birthday is-“

“Next month. I know.”

“How did she know?” I wondered while I talking to him. “She knew I was her mate, but she shouldn’t have been able to sense it yet.”

“Like I said, she is meant to be a Luna. Our Luna. Her senses are stronger than regular she-wolves. She doesn’t feel the full mate bond, like you do, but she felt enough to know.”

I blinked. That was interesting. Then another thought came to me and I g*****d loudly. In my head, Hugo yipped happily. Sophia would have to be with me tonight, during my shift. Unless….

“Trying to pull what your mother did?” Hugo scoffed. “Remember how that worked out for her?”

I shuddered, remembering how Mom told us about her first shift. Okay, so maybe having my mate there was better.

“Poor Violet. Unless she finds her mate by tonight, she’ll have to do it alone.”

Hugo was silent, and I frowned.

“What? Do you know who her mate is?” I asked.

“No. I can only sense our mate bond.” He replied. But it felt like he wasn’t telling me something, like he was holding something back. He sighed. “Alright. I don’t know who her mate is, but I know she has one. She just doesn’t know yet.”

“How do you know?”

“Because like you and Violet, Hala and I are also twins.”

I sat up, my mind whirring.

“But… that can’t be right. Mom told us that the Goddess gave one of us a wolf who needed a second chance.” She never told us who’s wolf that was. Only that she was looking forward to seeing her again, making me think it was Violet, as the wolf was female.

“And that means the Goddess couldn’t have blessed that wolf with a sibling?” Hugo challenged.


He laughed his barky laugh again. I rolled my eyes.

“Being twins, Hala and I have a stronger bond. I can sense that she has a mate, but I can’t sense who it is.”

“So if Violet has a mate… and she doesn’t know who it is yet…” I thought it through, my eyebrows scrunching together. “That means that someone knows Violet is their mate, and hasn’t told her? Why?”

“I was wondering that too. But I have no answers. You humans think very oddly at times.”

I laughed, not even able to disagree. There were some pretty odd ducks in the world. We talked the rest of the night, getting to know each other. Rather, I learned about him. He was privy to all my memories already, having been with me throughout my life, just dormant until now. It was beyond nice having someone to talk to, someone I knew I could trust without a doubt in the world. Up until now, that person for me had been my sister, and even still, there were things she didn’t know. Hugo knew everything about me, and I felt whole having him here with me finally.

Light shone throughmy window as the sun peeked over the treetops. My body was full of energy, and I was also starving, despite everything I’d eaten hours before. I got up, going to the bathroom for a quick shower. Afterwards, I changed my clothes and went to meet my parents for breakfast. Violet was standing outside her door, waiting for me.

“Hey. Get any sleep?” I asked. She had light bruises under her eyes.

“None. You?”


Our parents eyed us as we joined them, and I apologized for my outburst the night before, assuring them I was fine, but I still didn’t want to talk. They respectfully agreed and we had breakfast. Thank the Goddess Mom made extra. I loaded my plate, barely fitting everything on, while Vie nibbled on a sole piece of toast and a glass of orange juice.


She looked up at our Dad as she chewed.

“I just want to remind you that we will be there tonight. Just in case.”

She smiled at him, but even I could tell she was nervous.

“Thanks Dad.”

I almost told her. But somehow, I knew that would only increase her anxiety. I thought again about who her mate could be, Jaspers face coming to mind. It would be just like him to not tell her they were mates. Hugo was silent in my head as I thought about this, and suddenly, I was just as anxious as my sister.

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