The Heartless Alpha

Chapter 50


“Almost ready to go?” I glanced at Lily.

“Mhmm.” She didn’t even look at me.

I sighed. She was angry with me, still. She’d been like this since the night of the attack. When I’d got home, pissed as f**k, I’d found a just as angry mate waiting for me. It was the first fight we’d had since truly accepting each other, and I guess it was true what they said; Women really could hold a grudge.

We’d chased those f*****g rogues for two miles outside of our border until they disappeared. Literally. A whole f*****g group of wolves just up and vanished into thin air, comfirming my suspicions about Gideon being behind the attack in the first place. What really pissed me off was we didn’t have a live prisoner to interrogate.

But Lily was convinced she could have helped. She was pissed I sent her home, but I couldn’t do anything else. As soon as I’d realized it was a trap, everything inside me screamed to get her to safety. I couldn’t turn it off, and I couldn’t ignore it. As a result, my mate had barely talked to me since.

I’d also been confused when she’d shifted. Hadn’t Clara said she was black now? Aya was still white, with the same soft glow. Perhaps Clara had been mistaken in panic.

Today, we were in our room, getting ready seperatly for this stupid Alpha Ball. As if I needed another thing to stress about. I watched as Lily applied her lipstick carefully; I decided to try again.

“You look beautiful by the way.” And I wasn’t lying. She was wearing a floor length green dress that brought out the red in her hair and outlined her curves. Her hair was left down, but curled in loose waves that brushed over her back.

“Thanks.” She replied curtly.

My jaw ticked. “How long are you going to keep this up?”

She pursed her lips, setting her make-up down. She didn’t answer me, just walked past me to put her shoes on. My patience snapped at the silent treatment. I walked over and took the shoes from her hands, throwing them on the bed.


Turning her to face me, I held her chin, meeting her eyes.

“I know you’re pissed. But you know why I had to do it.”

Lily yanked herself out of my grasp. “No, I don’t actually. All I know is you didn’t trust me enough to look after myself. Instead, you sent me back here to hide in the packhouse. I’m sure the warriors think so highly of me now, their cowaring Luna!”

“That’s what you’re worried about?”

She grabbed her shoes angrily off the bed. “Yes! I’m suppose to help protect this pack, and you had me run away! What is the point of all my training if you’re going to send me away to hide everytime there’s a fight?! I’m not some useless, weak slave anymore Dimitri! But you acted as though I was.” She snapped.

I was taken aback by her outburst. Did I really make her feel that way?

“I don’t think of you like that Lily. I just didn’t want you to get hurt.” I took a deep breath. “I don’t know what I would do if you got hurt. I can’t even think about it.” I admitted.

Her eyes softened a bit. “You don’t think I feel the same way? Do you know how hard it was to watch you leave without me? I worried just as much about you. But I also know how capable you are, so I trusted you to come back. You didn’t even give me the chance.”

“She’s right. I hate it, but it’s the truth.” Ajax said.

Crossing the room to her, I took her in my arms and kissed her head. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I should have had more faith in you, but I screwed up. Next time, we’ll fight together, as equals.” Everything inside me went against having her in danger, but she had a point. The pack would never respect her as Luna if she hid everytime trouble came knocking.

I felt her arms wrap around my waist. “That’s the way it’s supposed to be. Now, can you k**s me please? It’s been hard, ignoring you.”

I chuckled, pressing my lips to hers. “Next time, don’t ignore me.” I said against her mouth.

“Next time, don’t be an idiot.” She bit my bottom l*p gently, pressing her body against mine.

“We should go. If we stay here, like this, we won’t be leaving this room for at least a few hours.”Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

“Hmm, that doesn’t too bad actually.”

Groaning, I pulled away. She radiated smugness, knowing exactly what she does to me. Bending over to put her shoes on, I almost changed my mind.

“Knock knock.” Ben opened the door, poking his head inside. “You guys ready?”

“Coming.” Lily said. She gave me an innocent smile, running her hand over my chest as she passed me. I bit back a growl, giving her a look.

Ben looked between us. “Something up?” He asked.

“Dimitris just having a hard time containing his excitment.” Lily said. She walked past him out the door, leaving me to face my Beta. He gave me a knowing look, unsuccessfully hiding his smirk,

“Shut up.” I snapped.

“You ready to go, or do you need a couple minutes to yourself?” He chuckled.

“I swear, if you weren’t one of my best friends…” I nudged him out of the way, closing the door.

“I see you two made up.” He bit his cheek.

“Ben, seriously, let it go.”

“But it’s so much fun annoying you.”

I sent a punch to his arm, which he neatly dodged.

“Did you tell her yet?”

“No. I will, in the car.”

His question brought my b***d to a boil. I’d finally read the file luke had given me on Snow Moon. Turns out people really like to gossip in that pack; Everyone knew about Lily, and what she was going through. They knew she was whipped, beat, cut with silver. The things I’d read were horrific, worse than I’d ever imagined. What kind of people could do that to someone else, with no consious or remorse? The worst part, in my opinion, was everyone knew, but nobody ever stepped in. In fact, it seemed most of the pack helped in torturing my mate. I wanted to that pathetic excuse for an Alpha to feel everything Lily had felt, only worse.

We got into Bens SUV, Lily sitting in the back humming to herself. She seemed to be in a better mood now, and I hated myself for what I had to tell her.

“Sweetheart, we need to talk.”

She turned away from the window to look at me. Ben started driving, glancing at her in the mirror.

“I should have told you before. There’s going to be some people at the Ball that you don’t want to see.”

I watched as the light bulb went off. “Alpha Theo.”

I nodded. “And his Luna, and probably their daughter.”

Lilys face paled a bit. Then she raised her chin and said, “It doesn’t matter. They have no power over me anymore.”

Ben smiled and so did I. She most definitely was not weak; She was the strongest person I knew.

“I’ll make sure nothing happens.” I promised.

“Me too. One of us will always be with you.” Ben added.

“Thank you guys. I love you.”

“You mean me, right?”

“No, Ben too. He’s the big brother I never had.”

“Awe. Thanks munchkin. I love you too.”

I growled and they both laughed at me.



I felt like an i***t for not realizing that my former Alpha would also be attending this Ball. They were the last people I wanted to see, ever again. However, what I said was the truth. They didn’t have power over me anymore, they could no longer hurt me. Dimitri would never allow it to happen, nor Ben. I was safe.

That’s what got me through the two hour car-ride, and enabled me to take Dimitris hand and walk with him into the hall, head held high. With him by my side, nobody could touch me. We were at StoneLake Pack, where the Ball was being held this year. It was a beautiful pack, with modern houses and lush gardens. True to it’s name, a large lake spread out behind the packhouse, relfecting the clouds in the sky. It was a place I’d like to visit again.

The Alpha had opted to use his training gym for the Ball. It was decorated stunningly with whites and golds and silvers. Flowers and vines were everywhere, giving the feeling of being outside. It was comfortable, nice. I moved along at Dimitris side, taking it all in. How different this experience was compared to the one I’d had as a child. This time, I was one of the Lunas I’d admired so long ago. It felt surreal.

“Alpha Dimitri Varlos, how good it is to see you!” A tall, broad shouldered man came forward to shake my mates hand. He had red hair, and an equally red beard. He stood almost as tall as Dimitri, and just as muscular. The hair colour told me this was our host.

“Alpha Phillip. It’s good to see you too.” Dimitri said.

“And who is this lovely woman?”

“This is Lily, my mate.”

“I’d heard you finally found your mate! Congratulations to both you!”

“Thank you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Lily.” Alpha Phillip stuck out his hand, and we shook. I liked him already. He had a very positive vibe about him.

“It’s nice to meet you too Alpha Phillip. You have a lovely pack.”

“Why, thank you dear. I have my Luna to thank for that.” He smiled proudly. “She really brought out the best of StoneLake.”

“I didn’t know you found your mate as well.” Ben said.

“Oh yes. I couldn’t be happier Beta. She is nothing short of a miracle sent into my life.”

“Is she here?” I asked. She sounded like someone I could get along with, and Alpha Phillip was clearly over the moon for her.

“Ah, here she is! Come here baby, I want to introduce you to someone.”

I looked over my shoulder, my smile dropping from my face. She was wearing a gorgeous pink dress that sparkled under the lights. Her blonde hair was tightly secured on her head, and a gold chain with a blue gemstone hung on her neck. When our eyes met, she froze, mouth gaping open.

“Lily?” She gasped.


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