The Girl He Marked

Book 4 Chapter 36

Book 4 Chapter 36

Orelia's POV.

The date is a complete success. The food is amazing, and the company is even better. Xavier and I

talk continuously, laughing loudly and annoying the patrons around us.

It has stopped raining when we walk back to my flat, but he holds my hand and keeps me close to him,


He takes me right up to my door and waits for me to unlock it and step inside. I turn around to face him

and my breath catches in my throat.

His eyes, intense and dark, drop to my lips. I instinctively rub them together and his eyes follow the

movement. He looks back up at me and leans in slightly.

With my heart thumping wildly in my chest, I lean in, too. Our eyes fall closed at the same time our lips


Kissing my mate is the cherry on top of a perfect evening. His lips are soft but insistent, coaxing me to

respond with equal fervor. I lean into his touch and sink against him.

Xavier's arms wind around my waist, his hands gently pressing on my upper and lower back. I drop my

handbag on the floor with a soft thud and wrap my arms around his neck.

I lift onto my tiptoes to kiss him harder. Encouraged by my reaction, his tongue nudges against my lips.

I open my mouth to him, and our tongues collide.

Instantly, I'm addicted to his taste. I want more of him the second I taste him. My hands pull him closer

to me and my body rubs against his.

Thankfully, Xavier has more control than I. He slows our kiss down. When he pulls back, I eventually

set my feet flat on the floor again. My lips are swollen and tingling from our kiss.

I want to do it again.

Xavier smiles down at me, looking both turned on and amused.

'I should go,' he says. 'Can I see you again tomorrow'

'Yes,' I reply a little too quickly.

Xavier chuckles and kisses my forehead, sending a flurry of flutters through me.

Reluctantly, I say goodbye and watch him walk down the hall. With a sigh, I step into my flat.


The next week is perfect. We go on another three dates. One is a brunch date before I start my shift

and the other two are dinner dates. Like before, Xavier walks me to my door but doesn't make any

move to take things further or come in.

I know that he is stressed from everything that is going on with Lettie and her son. He's looked tired on

our dates. Handsome, but tired. I love that he is so supportive of Lettie, she needs him right now, I get


She texted me at the beginning of the week, telling me that she has named him Anthony after his

father, but she is worried about a rash he developed on his back.

I ask to come round and see him in person, and she agrees. Xavier picks me up and drives us both

over to her house.

I feel nervous when we first arrive and knock on the door. Lettie answers it, looking like a typical mum

who is almost a week postpartum. Her hair is unwashed and in a messy bun on her head, she's in

comfortable clothes and looks tired as hell.

'You look great,' Xavier comments dryly and she glares at him.

'Don't be a dick, Xavier,' she snaps. 'I'm not in the mood. Orelia, come on in.'

'Aw, don't be like that, Lettie!' Xavier whines childishly. 'I was only kidding!'

'Don't kid with a woman on the edge, Xavier,' Lettie says firmly. 'Come in and be nice, I'm sensitive at

the moment.'

Hesitantly, I enter her house. It's only decorated with the basics but is really open and welcoming.

Anthony is in a Moses basket by the sofa in the living room. I watch her pick him up and take off his

baby—grow to show me the rash. I recognize it instantly.

There are red blotches above his bottom with yellow dots in the middle of them.

'Don't worry,' I reassure Lettie. 'This is Erythema toxicum neonatorum. It is a common rash, lots of

babies have it in their first week out of the womb. It should clear up in a few days.'

Lettie sighs with relief and hugs Anthony close to her chest.

'Thank Goddess,' she whispers. 'I'm sorry to have dragged you all the way over here just for that.'

'Don't apologize, it's perfectly fine. It's better to be safe than sorry.'

She gives me a weak smile. 'That's what I thought. I'm panicking about everything nowadays.'

'That's understandable. You have the most precious thing in your life in your arms,' I reply warmly.

'You're pretty wonderful, you know that' She says sweetly.

'Hey! What about me' Xavier protests from the other side of the room.

Lettie ignores him. 'You helped deliver my baby, allowed your mate to see me more often than he sees

you and now, you've rushed over to put my mind at ease.'

'I'm sorry, allowed your mate' Xavier calls out, clearly annoyed by the wording.

We both ignore him.

'It's really not a big deal,' I reply. 'I'm happy to help.'

Lettie's smile widens. 'We're going to be good friends, I know it. Come on, do you want a drink'

'I'd like a drink!' Xavier whines behind us.

Xavier makes us all a cup of tea whilst we sit in the kitchen. Lettie takes the opportunity to shower

whilst Xavier and I are around.

I hold her son, pulling faces and cooing at him.

'I want one,' Xavier comments from next to me.

'Down boy, we've only kissed,' I reply with a laugh.

Xavier grins at me. 'I'm just saying. One day, it would be nice.'

Anthony starts fussing and fussing quickly becomes crying hysterically.

'Okay, maybe a day long in the future,' Xavier mutters and helps me settle Anthony.

Lettie comes down, looking refreshed and a little better. She takes Anthony from me and sits down with


We stay all afternoon, helping Lettie out. I offer to come back next week, and she eagerly agrees. I can

see how much she's grateful for help.

'Do you think Lettie would be offended if we offered to clean next week' I ask Xavier when we get into

his car.

'No, I think she'd be alright with it. Needs a hoover, right'

I shrug. 'It's honestly not bad, but I'm sure she'd feel more comfortable in a clean environment.'

'You're right. We'll give it a blitz.'

I twist my hands on my lap nervously. I look over at him and Xavier smiles back, silently encouraging

me to share what I want to say.

'My parents and my sister want to meet you,' I tell him. 'I called them and told them all about you, and

now, they want to meet you.'

Xavier grins. 'I'd love that. When works'

'They were thinking this weekend. Would that be alright' Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

'This weekend would be perfect.'

Xavier drops me home and walks me up to my flat again.

'Hey, I was wondering, do you want to come round to mine on Friday night'

'Yeah, I'd like that,' I reply and lean against my doorjamb.

'Great. You good with roast chicken'


Xavier turns to leave, and I panic. I want to ask him, but I'm nervous. I somehow manage to find my


'Xavier' I call and he turns around.

'Would you like it if I stayed over'

The surprise on his face is worth it. His smile lights up his face and makes my heart flutter.

'I'd love that.'

I enter my apartment with a grin on my face. Hopefully, we can move past just kissing on Friday.


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