The Girl He Marked

Book 4 Chapter 13

Book 4 Chapter 13

India's POV.

Staying overnight at Sebastian's house turns from one night…to two…to three. On the fourth day, I

realize that I don't want to go home. I'm happy here, with him and Jake.

On Monday, Sebastian gets Jake to sit down with us and he asks how he would feel if I moved in


He just shrugs and says that he assumed that I already would be moving in. Filled with relief, I hug him,

surprising both of us.

He awkwardly pats my back and then asks if he can go to his room now. He leaves the room and

Sebastian grins at me. Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

'You're moving in,' he states happily.

Later on in the day, he drives me back to my flat and helps me load my things to take back to his.

Fortunately, I had barely started unpacking from moving into this flat a couple of weeks ago. I've been

so swamped with schoolwork that I haven't had time to unpack and make the place my own.

Considering what a shithole my apartment is, Sebastian's mansion is a complete upgrade.

He gives me my own bedroom to start with, claiming that he respects me and understands that I might

want my space.

I want to argue with him and say that I will share his room, but, once I get to see the beautiful guest

room, I decide to let him have his way. It's gorgeous.

It's probably best that I have my own room for a while at first, whilst Jake adjusts to his teacher living in

the same house as him.

It's perfectly normal for shifters to move in with their mates straight away, so that's not a worry for us. In

fact, it is healthier for us if we spend a lot of time together before we've completed the mating process.

I talk with Jake and Sebastian later in the week and we decide that, as long as Jake's happy, he can

stay in my lessons. If he feels uncomfortable at all, he can be moved so that I don't teach him.


It's a Thursday night and Sebastian and I are lying on the sofa together. Jake randomly decided he

would stay at a friend's house tonight and he had a knowing look on his face when he left.

Something tells me it was his way of trying to give us some alone time, I appreciate that. It's pretty

considerate of a thirteen—year—old boy.

'I'm so pleased that you and Jake get on,' Sebastian states.

My head is laid on his chest, I lift it up so that I can look at him.

'So am I, especially after our rocky start this year.'

Sebastian sighs and leans back against the sofa.

'After the disaster that was his mother at parenting, I really hoped that. when I met my mate, she would

get on with my son. To find out that you're his teacher and you care about him so much already, it's a

wonderful relief for me, you don't understand.'

I smile at his words, but there is something I want to ask.

'How old were you when you had Jake'

He smiles sadly. 'You're probably wondering why I didn't wait to find you,' he says, and I shrug.

He sits up so that we can talk properly. I mirror his movements and we face each other on the sofa.

'Hunters were a real problem when I took over the pack,' Sebastian starts and runs his hand through

his inky—black locks. 'They were attacking all of the time; they were out of control. I inherited the pack

at eighteen, after my parents were both severely injured when returning from a visit to another pack.

They needed to recover, not lead.

'I realized pretty quickly that something needed to be done, but I knew I was going to risk my life

fighting these hunters, I needed an heir and fast. A rogue entered our territory, she was feisty and

beautiful, but she was obsessed with running free.'

He shakes his head in disbelief.

'I couldn't believe how obsessed she was with going wherever she wanted, no commitments. She told

me she had rejected her mate; she didn't want any ties or responsibilities. She had attacked my patrol

when she crossed the border, and I had her imprisoned.

'She tried to bargain her freedom. Somehow, she knew what I needed, so she offered it to me. I'm not

proud of the deal I made, but I was desperate for an heir, and I was eighteen. After she got pregnant,

she wouldn't talk to me much.'

He grimaces, obviously worrying that he is hurting my feelings.

'For the sake of our son, I tried to form some sort of relationship between us, even just a platonic one.

She had Jake and stayed around long enough to nurse him. When she weaned him and he could feed

without her, she left.'

I watch as his green eyes lose their light. He looks so sorrowful as he talks, my heart clenches in

sympathy. I reach over and slip my hand into his. I squeeze it gently and he squeezes it back.

'I really didn't think she would leave, but she did. I was twenty, with a one—year—old and a ton of

hunters to fight. I still can't believe it, but we managed to eradicate the hunters in this area. My pack

was crucial in helping me fight them off and raise my son at the same time. I knew I'd meet my mate

one day and I just hoped she could forgive me for making a choice I never wanted to make.'

I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

'She forgives you,' I reply softly, and he chuckles.

He picks me up and I settle myself in his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck, my legs on either side of


'You know, my parents have suggested that we go and visit them this weekend. What do you think' I

ask him.

Seb nods. 'Sounds good to me. I'll give Jake the choice. Don't be offended, he'll probably say no and

stay with his grandparents.'

'That's alright, I understand that he needs time. My family would just be strangers to him.'

'Not for long, hopefully.'


On a Friday evening, Sebastian and I drive to Alpha Damien's pack. As expected, Jake declined to visit

with us.

I know my parents will be disappointed, they wanted to meet their adoptive grandson, but they'll

understand. This is a lot for him to process and accept, we need to give him time.

It's night—time when we arrive at my childhood home. My parents come out as we're getting our bags

from the car.

My mum, often mistaken for my sister by humans, still looks the same as she did when I was born. The

benefits of being supernatural.

Her auburn red hair is tied up in a messy bun and she's clinging onto my dad's arm excitedly. He looks

down lovingly at his mate and kisses her forehead.

'Mum, Dad,' I greet them, giving them a quick hug each. 'This is my mate, Alpha Sebastian.'

'Sebastian, this is my mum and dad; Grace and Axel.'

My mum barely gives my mate any time to react. She grabs him and pulls him into a tight hug.

'It's so great to meet you, Sebastian!' She cries happily. 'Please, call me Grace or Mum, I don't mind.'

My dad eyes my mate up and down and is obviously impressed by what he sees. He gives him a firm

nod and then holds out his hand. My mate nods back and shakes my father's hand.

With introductions out of the way, we go inside.

'Your brother was just on the phone; he should be down— oh! Here he is,' Mum says as we enter the


Rian, my older brother, comes down the stairs and gives me a lop—sided grin. He pulls me into a

rough hug, making me grunt.

'Little sis! How are you'

I push off his chest, making him let go of me. I scowl at him and pat my hair down.

'Rian, this is my mate, Sebastian,' I introduce him. I point at Rian with my thumb. 'This is my idiot


'She means incredibly handsome, genius and all—round comedian brother, actually,' Rian says jovially

and shakes Sebastian's hand.

I can't wait until he finds his mate and someone else has to put up with his annoying ass.


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