The Girl He Marked

Book 3 Chapter 60

Book 3 Chapter 60

Xaden's POV.

She looks up and meets my eyes. I feel like my heart is on my sleeve right now, I'm giving her


Noelle considers my plea and I wait impatiently for her reply. Finally, she opens her mouth to respond.

The fucking bell rings.

She quickly shuts it and shakes her head. She takes a step back.

'I need to get to form,' she mumbles and rushes out of the room.

'Noelle! Wait!' I shout after her, but she disappears into the crowd, leaving me bereft and alone.

What the fuck do I do


At break time, I find Rory before we go outside and meet everyone.

'Look, I really need you to talk to her,' I beg her urgently. 'She won't listen to me, and I don't think she

believes a word I say.'

Rory gives me a sympathetic look and pats my shoulder. 'Fine, I'll have a word.'

'You're the best, thank you.'

Everyone is already sitting on the benches when we go over. My mate is sat talking with Grace, who is NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

on Axel's lap.

She looks up as we approach, and Rory quickly takes a seat next to her. It kills me to stay away from

her, but I know she needs some space right now. I sit down with the boys on the grass, trying to

reassure myself that at least she is near me.

We hang out for the next twenty minutes, until the bell goes. When the rest of us go inside, Rory hangs

back with Noelle.

Hopefully, even if she won't listen to me, she'll listen to Rory.


Noelle's POV.

'What did you want to talk about' I ask Rory as we walk to our art class.

'I know that you and Xaden are mates,' she says, and I grimace. 'He told us because he was so

excited. There's a lot you need to know about Xaden.'

I scrunch up my nose at her statement. 'I already know all that I need to, he's an asshole who sleeps

with women for sport.'

Rory grabs my hand and pulls me down an empty corridor.

'What about class' I protest and she shrugs.

'This is more important. Anyway, listen to me. There's no denying that Xaden has seriously fucked up in

his past. He's made mistakes. But what you need to know, is that he's changed.'

I snort in disbelief and Rory narrows her eyes at me. I wait for her to continue.

'A few months ago, Axel and I spoke to him. He never believed that he had a mate. He didn't think that

the Moon Goddess deemed him worthy of one.'

That's so sad.

'Why did he think that'

'Because he'd made so many mistakes. He thought he didn't deserve you, still thinks that, probably.

Anyway, we managed to convince him that you were out there, and that he could make up for his past

by being better in the future. He hasn't slept with anyone since that day.'

I raise one eyebrow dubiously. 'Really'

'Why don't you ask him He can't lie to you. He's been good for the last few weeks; he wants to prove

himself to you.'

'And what about his past Am I just supposed to magically forget about that' I demand.

Rory looks sympathetic. 'No, you're not. You need to talk to him about it, see his side and understand

why he did it, but also let him know how upset you are that he did.'

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and chew on it as I think it over.

'Okay, I'll talk to him.'


At lunchtime, I eat my food and then lean over to Xaden.

'Can we go outside and talk' I ask him nervously.

His eyes light up with excitement and I'll confess, it is quite cute.

'Of course,' he replies with a grin.

We leave everyone in the cafeteria, but I can feel their eyes on us as we walk away.

It's cold outside, but not freezing.

'How about over there' Xaden suggests, pointing at an empty bench in the corner near the wall.

I nod and follow him. We take a seat on the bench and face each other. I twist my fingers nervously,

trying to find the right words.

'I spoke with Rory,' I start.

Xaden looks at me hopefully, patiently waiting for me to carry on.

'She told me that you've changed, apparently you haven't slept with anyone in a while,' I tell him, letting

the doubt creep into my voice.

Xaden nods enthusiastically. 'I haven't! I stopped weeks ago. Eight, actually.'

He's seriously proud of himself because he hasn't slept with anyone in 8 weeks

'It's been a year and a half for me,' I reply and Xaden's eyes widen.

'You're not a virgin'

I scoff at him. 'No, I'm not. But then, I didn't sleep with half of my school, either.'

Xaden looks down guiltily. 'It's not half the school,' he mumbles.

'Look, you say that you want to be with me and that you won't sleep around—'

'I do! And I swear to you, I won't even look at another girl. They don't interest me, Noelle. It's only you.'

His voice is emphatic, pleading with me to believe him.

'But I need you to prove it,' I explain. 'For me to trust you, I need you to prove that you're not like that

anymore. It's going to take some time for me to trust you.'

His eyes soften. 'I understand that. And don't worry, I will prove it to you.'

I nod awkwardly, wondering what to say now.

'To start proving it to you, I want to take you on a date. I want you to get to know me, the real me. I've

never taken a girl on a proper date before; it'll be my first real one.'

Okay, so I kind of like that I'll be the first in that sense.

'Okay. When'

He grins, obviously happy that I've agreed. 'How about this Friday'

I think about it and then nod my head. 'Yes, okay.'

'Great,' he replies with a grin. 'And, until then, I'd like to sit with you at lunch, if you're okay with that'

Seeing him this happy is making me happy. I might not like his choices or his past, but he is still my

mate and I like seeing him smile.


With Xaden in higher spirits, we go back into the cafeteria and join everyone else.

I don't really concentrate on my next lesson, I think of Xaden and what I'm going to do.

Ever since I turned sixteen almost two years ago, I've wondered who my mate would be. What would

he look like Would we click instantly Would we have loads in common

I never expected him to have slept with a lot of people. It's not often that shifters do sleep around. I've

only slept with one person, and I know I'm going to have to tell Xaden about that properly at some


I'm already dreading that conversation.


Xaden's POV.

I have a smile on my face for the rest of the day. I didn't tell my parents that I'd met my mate yesterday.

I didn't want to have to tell them that she currently hates me for my past.

There's no way that they won't ask about the grin on my face when I get home, so I brace myself for

their reaction.

'What's got you so happy' My mum asks the second I get through the door and enter the kitchen.

'I met my mate,' I tell her proudly.

She squeals and throws her arms around me. She pulls me into a bone—crushing hug, completely

winding me.

'Rixon!' She cries in my ear, making me wince. 'Our son found his mate!'

My dad comes into the kitchen, surprise on his face.

'Congratulations, son,' he says warmly and slaps me on the back.

'So, what's she like' Mum asks eagerly. 'What's her name Do you have a picture When can we meet


I lose the next half hour of my life to my mum, telling her all about my mate. I go quiet towards the end,

when she asks if she's coming round.

'She's upset with me, someone told her about my not—so—great track record.'

My mum's eyes soften, and she tousles my hair, making me scowl.

'Aw, darling, it'll be okay. We've all made mistakes. The only thing you can do now is to show her the

real you, the changed you.'

'Yeah,' I reply sullenly. 'That's the plan.'


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