The Girl He Marked

Book 3 Chapter 48

Book 3 Chapter 48

Axel's POV.

It doesn't take long for the moon to rise to the position. My body heats up as my wolf awakens.

Images of Grace fill my mind and I don't fight them. I try to keep my body calm, focusing on visions of

my sweet mate. Maybe if I don't fight this, if I just go with it, it will be easier.

My gums throb as my incisors extend. They dig into my bottom lip, piercing the skin and making it

bleed. The holes heal just as fast as they break.

A violent shudder shakes my body and I groan, falling forwards. I get to my hands and knees, my

whole body trembling with the need to shift.

My wolf is awake, and he is seriously pissed.

I shift painfully quickly. Usually the process is smooth and controlled, this is different because my wolf

has forcefully taken control of my body. My bones snap and pop into different positions in a fraction of a


I feel like a breath in, and by the time I exhale, I've changed form.

Another painful shudder wracks through and I groan dropping my head to the floor. This is going to be


I look up at the moon out of the small windows in the basement. It's not even at its fullest yet. It's

probably about half eleven. Not even midnight yet.

The worst is yet to come.

If only Grace knew what I am going through for her. Hopefully, this will work in my favor when I tell her

about my kind. When she hears about what I went through so as not to force her into anything,

hopefully it will make her more sympathetic to my situation.

Thinking of Grace is a mistake, it reminds my wolf of our true purpose, claiming our mate.

He tortures me with visions of us marking her. Now that I have seen her sweet body, the visions are

even more realistic and arousing. My entire body quakes with the need to find her and claim her.

My mind goes blank with only one focus Grace. I leap to my paws and pull against the chains.

When they don't give, I keep pulling. I jump in the air, throwing myself towards the door. Each time, the

chains creak and groan under the tension.

I must do this for almost an hour. It's exhausting, but I can't stop myself. My wolf is determined to get to


Eventually, I'm so tired that I shift back into my human form. My body hits the cold cement floor and I

sigh in relief at the chilled temperature. It cools me slightly, allowing me a brief respite in madness.

My eyes land on chains attached to the wall. The nails are loose, they won't be able to hold me all


My hand shakes as I quickly reach for my phone. I unlock it and call Xaden. After two rings, he picks


'Axel Are you okay' He asks hurriedly, no doubt worried as to how I am calling him.

I can hear music in the background.

'Are you still at the party' My voice is gruff and gravelly and nothing like my own.

'Uh, yeah. Some people went home and the rest of us decided to stay, most of the teachers are drunk,

it's hilarious.'

A wave of need fills me, and my hand tightens around the phone, it creaks, and I wonder if I'm going to

break it.

'Get. Her. Out. Of. There,' I bite the words out through gritted teeth. 'I'm coming for her.'

The phone is crushed in my hand, and I drop it to the floor. At the thought of Grace, my wolf takes

control once more.

I throw myself towards the door with renewed force and the chains give. They pull from the wall,

bringing a load of debris and rubble with them.

With the metal weakened, I tear the cuffs from my wrists. My wolf is in control as he opens one of the

basement windows and pulls us out.

I get to my feet and shift back into my wolf. He takes off towards the trees, heading for the Blackwood


It will only take five minutes to get there at the speed I am running. I really hope that's enough time for

Xaden to get Grace out of there and far away from me.

My claws dig into the soft earth, propelling me forwards at a faster speed. I'm panting my head off by

the time I reach the estate.

I approach the old house from the grounds. All of the lights are still on, both inside and outside. I sniff

the air. There is no one outside, they must all be in the house.

I pass the maze and pumpkin patch, getting closer to the house.

At the back of my mind, I know that I shouldn't enter the house. I will expose my kind and put us all at

risk, but my rational mind isn't in control right now.

I'm working on primal instinct, consequences are damned.

There are barely any cars left in the car park. Whispers make my ears perk up and I turn in the

direction of them.

Rory, Xaden and Grace are in the car park, rushing towards Xaden's car.

I sprint towards them. Rory acts fast, dragging Grace behind the car before she can see me.

'Xaden! Deal with him!' She shouts and pushes Grace down to the ground.

Xaden spins around and quickly shifts. He leaps in the air and lands in front of me on four paws.

I bear my teeth, warning him not to try and stop me. He doesn't heed my warning.

Xaden lunges at me and we begin fighting. Our wolves snap and claw at each other as we roll on the

ground, each trying to kick the other off.

Over our growls and pants, I can hear my mate asking what is going on and Rory trying to calm her.

She's cursing because Xaden has dropped the car keys somewhere and she can't find them.

Xaden catches my ear with his teeth and that really pisses my wolf off. I have been fighting to get him

off of me, but I haven't wanted to hurt him. My wolf takes control, and we launch Xaden off of us.

He flies through the air and lands against a nearby tree. His back hits the trunk and he lets out a whine

of pain. He falls to the ground, unconscious but alive.

Rory, having seen Xaden is incapacitated, grabs Grace's shoulders.

'Grace, you need to run, now,' she says urgently. 'Run!'

Grace looks between me, a giant brown wolf, and Rory. She turns on her heel and runs towards the


'Not in there!' Rory shouts after her. From NôvelDrama.Org.

Too many humans.

Smart Rory.

Grace quickly turns towards the maze, and I smirk, ready to go after her.

Rory suddenly wipes me out from the side. Having shifted into her wolf, she is now taking me on. I

snarl at her in irritation and buck her off. She lands on her paws a few meters away from me.

I bare my teeth at her and she bears them right back. We circle each other for a moment. I wait for her

to lunge at me, and I dodge her attack.

Uninterested in fighting her, I sprint past her, heading for the maze. She howls behind me and chases

after me.

I can smell Grace's scent all over the hay bales at the entrance. She's in the maze and I'm going to find


Rory lands on my back and I growl at her. She grips on tightly, sinking her teeth into my shoulder. I

buck my back legs, trying to shuck her off. She holds on tight, so I run over to one of the bales and

throw myself against it, effectively slamming Rory against it, too.

She groans and loosens her grip enough for me to knock her off. I run into the maze, following Grace's


I follow her deeper into the maze, with Rory hot on my heels.

It doesn't take long to catch up with her. I reach the center of the maze. My mate is trapped in a

clearing made by stacked hay bales. She looks like a deer caught in headlights as I enter the space.

She backs up against the bales, panting heavily. I can hear her frantic heartbeat from here.

I approach her slowly, keeping my body low and unthreatening. Grace watches me with wide eyes,

terror on her face.

'Rory! Help me!' My mate screams for our friend.

I get within a meter of her, and Rory calls out, obviously having shifted back into human form.

'Axel!' She shouts. 'Don't do it!'

Grace looks over my head at Rory, her face becoming even more surprised as takes in her state of


'Rory What do you mean 'Axel' Where is he' She asks breathily.


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