The Girl He Marked

Book 3 Chapter 36

Book 3 Chapter 36

Axel's POV.

'Dude, stop panicking. My eyes are closed, and I can still feel myself getting anxious because stress is

rolling off you in waves,' Xaden's voice breaks through my thoughts.

'I'm sorry, alright I can't help it. I'm meeting Grace's family tonight and I need them to like me,' I snap.

I lean forwards and put my head in my hands. 'This isn't like normal shifter relationships. Shifter parents

would be so happy that their child had met their mate. Grace's mum has no idea that I'm destined to be

the best man for Grace.'

Xaden sighs and abruptly sits up, obviously ditching the idea of taking a nap in the common room.

'Look, it'll be fine. Just be polite and show her mum that you care about Grace and you're not only after

one thing. She'll like you, I'm sure of it.'

I nod and give Xaden a strained smile. 'Thanks.'

'Anytime, now shut up and let me sleep cause I got none last night.'

I look at him suspiciously. 'That wouldn't happen to be because you weren't alone in bed, right'

Xaden scowls and lies back down on the chairs.

'No. I was alone. Just couldn't sleep, that's all,' he complains.

'Why do you think that is'

He shrugs, closing his eyes. 'Stressing about this whole mate thing.'

Poor Xaden. Hasn't even met his mate and he's already stressing about her.

'Well, stop. You've been doing well, you've been loyal.'

He scoffs. 'For over two weeks.'

'That's still two weeks longer than it would have been. Honestly, you have done good, bro.'

Xaden huffs but remains silent. I know he's definitely feeling better in himself for abstaining the last two


Each day lessens the amount that his mate might be mad by a tiny bit.

I'm no less nervous when I walk Grace to the gates at the end of school.

'Come round at half five, don't forget the flowers and you'll be okay,' she says gently. She takes my face

in her hands. 'I've already told her how wonderful you are, you just got to prove it to her.'

I exhale shakily. 'Yeah, okay.'

I drive home and somehow manage to pass the time till 5 PM. My mum picked out a nice bunch of

flowers for me and she gave the approval on my outfit.

Her advice was a shirt instead of a tight t—shirt and no rips in my jeans.

I feel more nervous than I did on my first date with Grace!

I drive around and park outside their house. I grab the flowers and nervously walk up the path.

The door opens before I reach it. A woman in her mid—thirties, with the same bright red hair as

Grace's, answers the door.

Her blue eyes narrow and look me up and down. She is about a foot smaller than me, but still terrifying.

'Axel, I presume' She says calmly.

I smile and hold out my hand. 'It's lovely to meet you Ms Barlow,' I reply, my voice sounding a bit higher

than usual.

She regards my hand carefully before shaking it.

'How tall are you' She asks, taking me by surprise.

I blink a couple of times. 'Um, 63, I think. Why'

She gives me a tight smile. 'Sorry, I'm being rude, come on in.'

I cautiously enter the house, keeping my eyes peeled for any waist—high children running at me.

Grace suddenly comes down the stairs, wearing her dungarees again. Her hair is in two pigtails. She

looks so damn cute and pretty.

'Hey, Axe,' she chirps and jumps down from the bottom step.

'Dinner will be ready in half an hour, why don't you introduce Axel to your siblings' Grace's mum


'Let me know if you need any help in the kitchen, Ms. Barlow,' I say quickly.

She gives me a curious look, nods and disappears down the corridor.

I blow out the air in my lungs and my shoulders sag.

'I don't think she likes me,' I comment to Grace as I put my arms around her waist. 'She asked how tall I


Grace scrunches her nose up in confusion. 'How weird, I'm sorry about her. Don't worry, you'll grow on

her, she just needs some time. You ready to meet the terrible trio'

I grimace and nod reluctantly. Grace takes my hand and pulls me into their playroom.

Her three half—siblings are sat on the floor, playing with their toys. The TV is on quietly in the

background. Their hair is wet and they're in their pajamas.

All three of them instantly look up as we enter. They stare at me in that unashamed way that kids do.

'This Axel, my boyfriend,' Grace introduces me. 'Axe, this is Hannah, the oldest, Mickey, and George.'

The three of them look up at me silently.

'Hi, guys,' I say awkwardly.

Hannah steps forward, twisting her hands nervously.

'Do you want to play' She asks shyly.

I force a smile. 'I'd love to.'

Suddenly, two sticky hands grab mine and pull me to my knees. Grace sits on the floor next to me, and

the two of us join the three kids in their game.

I'm given a superhero figurine and ordered to provide the voiceover. I dutifully do as I'm told, hoping

that I'm earning serious points with Grace for doing this.

Grace's mum suddenly appears at the door.

'Axel, on second thoughts, could you give me a hand in the kitchen, please' She asks.

Surprised, but happy I can help, I quickly get to my feet.


Grace moves to get up, too, but her mum stops her.

'You stay and keep an eye on your siblings, Grace. Axel and I will be fine together.'

I swallow hard and follow the scary woman into the kitchen. A pan is bubbling on the hob and a mouth

—watering smell of her casserole fills the room.

'Could you chop that courgette, please' Ms. Barlow asks, gesturing at the knife and chopping board.

I'll be honest, I'm relieved I'm the one who gets to hold the knife. Right now, with the way she is

watching me like a hawk, I don't trust her not to be tempted to run me through with it.

I slice the courgette, pretending that I know what I'm doing. My parents enjoy cooking, I rarely have to

make any meals for myself.

Isn't that one of the only perks of living with your parents Free food

'So, Axel, you're very tanned. Do you go on holiday or a lot or are you fortunate in your family's

genetics' Ms. Barlow asks casually.

'Um, both of my parents have quite tanned skin and I tan easily. It's been good weather at the moment,

hasn't it'

Don't adults always talk about the weather

It's a safe topic.

'Mm,' she responds noncommittally. 'You're in good shape, too. Grace tells me you take P.E for one of

you’re a—Level choices. Do you exercise often'

I frown with my back turned to her, wondering why the hell she is so interested in my appearance.

Oh shit, she's not going to come onto me, is she

Cause that would be so fucking awkward.

'Uh, yeah, I exercise a lot.'

'Really What's your favorite exercise Running' Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

I scrunch my eyebrows together, wondering if Grace told her.

'Yeah, actually, I love running.'

'In the forest'

The hairs on the back of my neck rise up. She is making an effort to keep her voice casual, but her

questions are anything but.

Something weird is going on.

'Sometimes, yeah,' I reply warily. 'What about you Do you like— Ah!'

Ms. Barlow bumps into me with the pan from the hob. The metal grazes my arm, burning it. The skin

turns pink as she suddenly steps back.

'Gosh, I am so sorry! I'm so clumsy,' she says quickly and puts the pan back on the hob whilst I put my

hand over the burn.

Shit, shit, shit!

It's going to heal in seconds, how can I hide that

'I'm going to get some plasters or something,' I announce hurriedly and head for the door.

Grace's mum runs in front of me, blocking the doorway.

'Let me see it,' she says, reaching for my arm.

I pull it away from her. 'No, really, it's okay, just needs some cold water.'

'Let me see how bad it is, then we can decide what to do,' she urges.

I take another step back from her, gripping my arm protectively to my chest.

She narrows her eyes at me and takes a step closer.

'Why won't you let me see it, Axel' She asks pointedly. 'What are you hiding'

I swallow hard, staring at her with wide eyes.


She scoffs. 'Show me your arm, right now,' she snaps angrily.

She lunges for my hand and pulls it back, revealing my unblemished arm, perfectly healed.

She scowls and raises her head to glare at me.

'Get your werewolf ass out of my house.'


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