The Gift chronicles

Book 1 Chapter 43

Book 1 Chapter 43

Book 1 Chapter 43

I blew softly on her face, making her sneeze and then giggle. I smiled softly at the little pup. She was

as goofy as her father. I would protect her with my life for the rest of my days. When she was of age, I

would train her so she would be just as fierce as me. I knew it was what Carter would want for her.

A hand suddenly grabbed my shoulders, and the familiar tingles and woodsy scent soon accompanied

the touch. Cain.

He sat next to me on the floor. "May I?" He asked, reaching for the baby. I nodded and handed Lily to


He rocked her and bopped her nose, making her giggle. She really was the happiest baby. It broke my

heart knowing she would grow up without a father. Even though I did, I wouldn't want that on anyone.

"How was your day?" He softly asked me. He had been incredibly gentle with me since Carter's death,

knowing I was always seconds away from a breakdown.

I shrugged. Terrible as always, I answered honestly.

Cain frowned. "It isn't healthy for you to stay inside all day drinking. You'd feel better if you went out.

Maybe trained or— "

I cut him off. Train? In the same training center where Carter took Gwen and I to throw knives, even Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

though he knew it would piss you off?

My heart clenched at the memory. That was just the kind of person Carter was. He knew he would

likely get in trouble by the Alpha for taking us, but he did it anyways to make Gwen and I happy.

"I know it hurts to lose someone, Ares, I do. But you can't keep drinking and holing yourself up all day.

It isn't healthy and won't help you recover," Cain tried to reason with me, but my grief couldn't be

reasoned with.

Gwen returned with the bottle of vodka. "Am I interrupting something?" She asked.

No, I quickly answered, thankful for the distraction. She shrugged and chugged a quarter of the bottle. I

took it from her and took a large swig myself. I offered some to Cain, knowing he would decline. He

sighed and shook his head. When Rose came back, he handed Lily back to her.

I'll be in my office, mate. Mindlink me if you need anything. Please try to somewhat limit your drinking,

Cain begged. He kissed my forehead and left the four of us.

I watched as he walked away, and took another large drink, letting the alcohol heal me.


One week later

Tonight was going to be the first night that Rose was going back to her house. She said that she

wanted to try to get back to normal, as normal as possible. I assured her that she really wasn't a

bother, but she insisted that she had to gain back some control in her life. Gwen was also going to

return to her house with Jax. I wondered if something was wrong between them, because Jax was

hardly around the last two weeks. I assumed that he wanted to give us girls some space. Cain had

been doing that, even though he lectured me every few days about my drinking habits.

The pack house felt empty as I waited for Cain to get back from work. I sat on the floor where I used to

hangout with Gwen and Rose, feeling completely alone. I missed their company. When I was alone, I

could feel the guilt and pain set back in.

To counteract the grief, I drank more, even though Gwen and Rose weren't here. It was the only thing

that brought me comfort, especially when I was alone. I had never been much of a drinker before, but

now, I couldn't imagine living without it. And yes, I realize how bad that sounds.

Cain came in about 2 hours into my pity party. He looked at me sadly as he took in the scene. Me,

laying haphazardly on the floor, surrounded by empty bottles.

"Oh, mate," He said, setting a binder with some papers down. He wrapped his arms around me, and

used his Gift to warm me up.

Hey, sexy, I said to him, appreciating his muscular body. I liked that he was always shirtless. It gave me

more of an opportunity to check him out.

He pulled away, making me groan. I missed the warmth and comfort that came from his touch. The

mate bond may be fickle, but it definitely was useful at times.

Cain narrowed his eyes at me. "You're drunk," He accused me.

And you're sexy, I said to him, my words slurring. Okay, maybe I was a little drunk.

I reached for the half drank bottle of tequila, but he beat me to it, and moved the bottle out of my reach.

"I think you've had enough."

I glared at him. I think you should mind your own business, Alpha, I spat at him venomously. I may or

may not be a mean drunk.

"You are my business, pup. And you need to stop drinking. You're becoming too dependent on it. It's

getting out of control," He said softly, looking at me with pleading eyes, begging me to listen to him.

I don't know how else to deal with the pain, I mumbled, in a striking moment of honesty.

Cain wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I know, little mate. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but

you'll get through it. You're the strongest wolf I know."

I scoffed. Strong, but couldn't protect Carter.

I really wanted another swig of alcohol. I could already feel my buzz wearing off, damn werewolf


"It was his job to protect you. He did that, and the Moon Goddess will reward him heavily in the afterlife

for his bravery and honor," Cain assured me.

I scowled. Fuck the Moon Goddess. What kind of God would let someone as pure as Carter be taken

away, but let someone as evil as me continue to live?

Cain sighed, not answering immediately. "It's all a part of her plan. Try not to question it, little mate. I

can assure you that everything will be okay."

Nothing will ever be okay again, I countered seriously. My heart didn't feel much better than it did two

weeks ago. The pain weighed on me heavily.

"I can take it away," Cain mumbled.

What? I asked.

"Your pain. I can take it away," Cain seriously spoke, pulling away to look into my eyes. I was suddenly

extremely sobered up.

Biting my neck only helps for so long, I venomously responded.

"Not that. I can take away your pain and bear the weight of it myself," Cain said slowly, and I could tell

he was leaving something out.

What's the catch? I asked.

"We have to be fully... mated," He gauged my reaction as he said the last word.

Let me get this straight, I was glad I no longer was drunk, because my mind struggled to wrap my head

around this concept. We do the do, and you can take away the pain?

Cain hesitated, and then nodded.

Why the fuck wouldn't you say that sooner? I demanded.

Cain looked surprised by my outburst. "I didn't want to take advantage of your grief, or make it seem

like I was just trying to get into your pants. I didn't want you to only have sex with me because of your

guilt. I want you to because you want to."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. You thought I wouldn't want to have sex with you on my own


Cain looked confused by my statement, so I continued. You're literally the hottest male I've ever seen.

I've never been more attracted to anyone.

Cain ground his teeth. "Careful, pup. My wolf has been begging me to take you since the day we met.

Do not say these words unless if you mean them. I won't stop myself if you encourage it."

I don't want you to stop yourself, I said, pressing my mouth against his.

He growled lowly, and maneuvered me so that my legs were now wrapped around his waist and my

arms were around his neck.

I tugged on his long hair that was now shoulder—length. I have to admit, he looked extremely ruggedly

handsome with the beard and long hair.

He snarled into my mouth at my aggressive hair—pulling, and kissed me harder, drawing blood with his

canines, which excited me. He flipped us so that he was on top, my legs and arms still wrapped around

him. He didn't break our kiss.

We made out for awhile, and I ran my hands all over his shirtless body, appreciating how muscular he

was. He truly was a full man.

His beard was scratching my face raw, exciting me even further.

Cain pulled away, making me growl at him. "This is the last time I'm asking you. Are you sure this is

what you want? I won't do it unless I'm positive it's what you want."

Shut the hell up and do me already, Alpha, I snarled at him, capturing his mouth in mine once again.

For once, he did as I said.

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