The Gift chronicles

Book 1 Chapter 34

Book 1 Chapter 34

Book 1 Chapter 34

"'Hello mate'?" Alpha Cain mimicked me mockingly, standing in front of the small throng of people that

were watching the interaction, and a burly, humongous man with a serious face stood next to him.

"Playing innocent won't get you out of trouble," He growled lowly, even though I didn't feel that

threatened by it.

I shrugged and defended myself as much as I could, even know I knew my defense was extremely thin.

In my defense, technically I wasn't training, I was merely demoing, no thanks necessary!

Alpha Cain growled at me and stalked towards me , picking me up and cradling me towards his bare

chest. "I should punish Delta Carter for letting you come here," He began, and my eyes widened. "But I

won't, because I'm positive that you and Gwendolyn somehow manipulated him into taking you guys."

Gwen smiled and waved, completely unconcerned by the seething Alpha. "Hey, Alpha!"

Suddenly, the large man who had been previously standing next to Cain growled and narrowed his

eyes at Gwen. "I should have known you would have been involved, Gwendolyn."

Gwen giggled and ran towards the infuriated man, jumping into his arms, to my surprise. He easily

caught her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Sorry, babe.

Won't happen again." She promised.

The man rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw in annoyance. "You said that the last time when you got

in trouble for loosening the tops of the salt shakers in the pack house."

Gwen shrugged. "Merely an oversight, my love."

"And before that, when you almost burnt the house down after leaving the stove on," He continued to

scold her, not relenting on his hard glare.

Gwen rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. In my defense, they should really make those things turn off


"And before that—" the man began again, but Gwen interrupted.

"Okay, Jax, we get it. I'm such a vexing troublemaker, I need to stop causing chaos, blah blah blah,"

Gwen dismissively spoke, and waved her hand passively. "Anyways, do you need him anymore today

Alpha or can we go back to our house so he can punish me for my indiscretions." Gwen directed her

question towards Cain, and her tone indicated that it would definitely be a punishment she would enjoy.

"Jesus, Gwendolyn, have some shame," Jax reprimanded his inappropriate mate, who just grinned

wickedly and playfully snapped at his ear with her teeth in response. His grip on her tightened as his Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

eyes darkened in lust, even though his serious expression didn't change otherwise.

Alpha Cain nodded once at Jax. "You are excused for the day, Beta."

My jaw dropped. Gwen's mate was the Beta of Blood Moon and she still had discipline issues? I could

only imagine the headache Jax suffered dealing with her wild antics. I smiled slightly when I realized I

also was quite the nuisance to Cain.

The Beta respectfully nodded and turned around, Gwen still in tow. She squealed and giggled as Jax

threw her over his shoulder and spanked her. Good Lord, these Blood Lake men are barbaric.

Alpha Cain turned towards Carter, who looked terrified. "You are dismissed as well. I will be spending

the rest of the day with my mate and you are no longer needed to guard her for today." Carter nodded

and was about to head out when Cain added, "And the next time, mindlink me as soon as you know

those too are up to trouble." Carter breathed out a sigh of relief that the Alpha wasn't going to punish

him, and respectfully nodded and darted out of the training center.

"The rest of you, back to training," Alpha Cain ordered the few bystanders who were watching the

ordeal. Many had scrambled as soon as Alpha Cain and Beta Jax pulled up, but a few had lingered to

watch in curiosity.

Alpha Cain looked down at me, the fury that once dominated his eyes extinguished. "What am I going

to do with you, little mate?" He sighed heavily, making me giggle.

"That's my favorite sound," Cain softly spoke as he traced my lips with his finger.

I stared up at him, unsure of what he would do next.

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and started walking us out of the training center. When we were

almost to the Pack House, he began speaking. "You should take it easy until your back is healed," He

chastised me. In all honesty, I had forgotten about the injury until he brought it up.

I nodded, even though I had no intention of listening to him. Why did you assign Gwen as one of my

escorts if you knew she was a troublemaker? I asked him.

Cain paused before answering. "I knew you would like her."

I only like her because she's so much trouble, I reminded him.

"I know that. But I want you to be happy and not feel like you're trapped and alone here. I knew that

Gwen would be an excellent companion for you because she's also a tough little firecracker," Cain's

mouth curled into a small smile. "And I thought she might help bring you out of your shell a little bit. I

can see I was right."

I ignored his last comment. Her mate is the Beta, I stated.

"Yes," He simply confirmed.

He's strict, I remarked.

Alpha Cain let out a bellowing laugh as he walked us into the Pack House, sitting us down on the

couch, me in his lap. "I would hope so. He's the Beta."

I wondered if Jax and Gwen had as many problems as Cain and I do with our clashing personalities,

but I figured that I would just ask her the next time I saw her. Something more pressing was bothering


Why is Carter so timid around me now? I asked Cain, who's eyes narrowed at my words.

He ground his teeth, his eyes flashing dangerously. "He should be timid around you. He's your


He didn't used to be like that, not until after I escaped the first time, I retorted. As I spoke, I realized

why he suddenly was too scared to let me do anything slightly dangerous. You whipped him after I

escaped that one day from the Pack House didn't you? I asked him, already knowing the answer.

"Yes," He simply spoke, not a hint of regret in his tone. "I have every right to punish my pack members

as I see fit. You escaped under his watch, making him the responsible party."

I starting punching Alpha Cain, who was quick to restrain my hands. What the hell is wrong with you? It

wasn't his fault! I'm the one who ran!

"I trusted him with my most valuable possession," He snarled, and I narrowed my eyes in anger at him

calling me a possession. "And he almost lost it. He's lucky he retained his life, as is Gamma Axel."

I jerked my hands out of Alpha Cain's grasp, and leapt off of his lap and on to my feet. I sank into a

fighting stance, ready to punish him for hurting Carter, who had been nothing but kind to me my first

day in Blood Lake.

Alpha Cain sighed. "How many times do we have to spar until you learn that you can never win?" He

questioned in exhaust, but nonetheless stood up, ready for me to attack.

Without hesitating, I swung my leg out at his ankles, attempting to knock him off his feet. He tried

swiping at my leg to grab it, but I quickly withdrew it, knowing that as soon as he has a grip on one of

my limbs, I'm toast.

He swung his fist toward my jaw, and I dodged the blow, but sent a punch of my own at his chest. I

heard a slight crack in his sternum, and smirked when he growled angrily in response.

I attempted to send a kick to the same location, but he pushed my leg to the side, knocking me off my

feet due to the sheer force throwing me too off balance to recover.

I fell on my butt, and was soon pinned down by Alpha Cain. His wolf was in control, judging from the

darkness of this eyes and the feral way he was snarling at me.

"You need to calm down, Ares," He commanded, and I continued thrashing underneath him. "If you

don't calm down of your own volition, I will force you to."

I laughed at his threat. He couldn't make me do anything.

"Oh? You want to play, pup? Fine, let's play," and my heart stopped when his canines extended. He

was going to reclaim me so I would be forced into slumber.

I frantically struggled underneath him, trying to escape the bite I knew was coming. "Don't worry, little

mate. I'll make it painless," he promised.

Before I could register what was happening, I felt his teeth sink into my throat as I cried out. He was

right though. The pain was mild, and pleasure soon replaced the feeling.

When I stopped moving under him, he released me. Alpha Cain picked me up and walked me upstairs,

knowing he was going to put me to bed.

I tried moving my arms, but my body felt like it was drowning in tree sap. I couldn't move, and I could

tell that I was about to pass out.

"Before you wake up angry at me, remember that you forced my hand," Cain chided me gently, and the

rage that filled me was replaced with exhaustion.

Alpha Cain set me gently down on the bed, placing the comforter and pelt over me. He kissed my

forehead and whispered, "Goodnight, mate. I'll be there when you wake up."


Surprisingly, I woke up alone. When I was no longer in the groggy state of semiconsciousness, I

noticed that there was a note on the bed in place of Cain.

Sorry to abandon you, Ares. I had pack issues that had to be dealt with. There's water on the dresser

for you


I narrowed my eyes at his note. As much as I hated being called "little mate" or "pup" by him, I knew he

only called me Ares when he was extremely angry with me, and I didn't think he was too angry before I

went to sleep. He had even kissed my forehead.

Brushing the inconsistency off, I gratefully drank from the bottle of water he thoughtfully left for me. I felt

completely parched.

A few moments after downing all of the water, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I vomited instantly, and

started convulsing on the ground, knowing I was seconds away from unconsciousness.

Only one thought floated in my head.

I had been poisoned.

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