The Genius Delta

Chapter 26 - Silvercloud

Chapter 26 - Silvercloud

The phone conversation Cillian overheard freaks me the fuck out. I still haven’t managed to wrap my

head around Cillian being that Demonclaw girl’s mate. Yes, I’m still calling her that. Until she’s been

cleared of suspicion, she doesn’t get to have a name. And I don’t think that will be happening.

Persephone might be right that I’m targeted not because I’m Silvercloud but because I’m a Weaver


And I don’t know what’s more distracting. All this crazy shit or Persephone’s presence in my lab. Either

way, I’m distracted, and it’s making coding difficult. Lunch break couldn’t get here soon enough. I may

not be able to do much about the Demonclaw shit, but I can do something about Persephone and the

gravitational pull the bond creates.

We hadn’t directly discussed our lunch plans, but the way we kept looking at each other, I felt we were

on the same page. I’m not sure where we could go that would genuinely be private. Then the thought

hit me that we could use my Silvercloud office. I need to get us into an empty elevator to enter the

code. While trying to find the best way to do that, a voice that made me sick to my stomach called out

my name.

“Jonny!” Mila shouted, pushing past someone else in the elevator to get to me.

Unable to stop myself, I growled when she tried to push Persephone out of her way. Jaci wanted to

take control and put her in her place. Too bad we are in mixed company, or I might have let him. I

moved to put Persephone in front of me as a buffer. Maybe not the best idea since Goddess knows my

mate might decide to lash out. I’m not changing my decision now because I want that girl to stay as far

from me as possible. Mila blinked in confusion.

“If you didn’t get the non-verbal message, let me clue you in. Jonny would like you to keep your

distance. You’re freaking him out.” Persephone spoke on my behalf. In the mirror wall of the elevator, I

could see her smiling. It was a scary smile somewhere between sinister and polite.

“He’s my mate. So if you touch him, I’ll make you compost.” Persephone whispered so quietly that only

a werewolf or other supernatural creature could hear her.

Mila blinked again and looked at the mostly faded hickey on Persephone’s neck and the matching one

on mine. Her gray eyes narrowed before snorting. Ugh, Cillian got stuck with a piece of work with this

one. She doesn’t believe Persephone.

“Hickeys aren’t marks. Till he’s marked, he’s fair game, blondie.” Mila whispered back, glaring at


Her whole demeanor changed when she looked up at me. A bright predatory smile spread across her

lips. “We should have lunch together. I think we interns should meet with other department members. It

would help build comradery and a sense of belonging in the company. It’s totally lame how they

restricted our access to only the floor related to our department and common spaces.”

“No,” I stated. “I don’t want to have lunch with you. I don’t even want to be talking to you. I, for one, am

thrilled upper management realized you were wandering the building instead of doing your job.” I

elaborated, making sure I was loud enough so the others in the elevator would take notice. Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

“Now, back the fuck off, or we are going to have an HR issue for harassment.” I ensured my tone was

harsher and more aligned with my Delta authority.

It’s a rare day when I use my Delta voice. I don’t like doing it since being a voice of authority isn’t really

my thing. Mila didn’t seem bothered by the Delta authority. I didn’t expect her to, as she’s from another

pack. However, the few humans in the elevator took notice as they unconsciously stood straighter. It

didn’t stop them from all looking at Mila with distaste.

“Mila, come stand over here. You are my intern, and your actions reflect on me. I won’t have my

reputation in this company tarnished because you couldn’t keep your grubby hands to yourself.” Reed

huffed as he reached between some others and yanked Mila back to his side of the elevator.

“Wow, thanks, Reed. Who knew you’d ever give a shit about defending my honor.” I chuckled.

“I could care less about your honor, Weaver. How you retain a job here is beyond me. Especially as

you are so blatantly sleeping with your intern.” Reed snorted as he pointed at our faded hickeys.

This, of course, got Persephone and me dubious looks. I rolled my eyes. They may not understand that

we are mates, but the fact remains that we are both adults from all points of view and free to do

whatever we fucking want together. I don’t care that they are judging us. I’m not going to sit here and

look remorseful or act like anything we did was improper.

“If you have a problem with our relationship, that’s your problem, Reed.” Persephone rolled her eyes.

“Maybe worry less about what Jonny and I do in our personal time and more about keeping your intern

on a shorter leash. She crosses another line, and she will be an HR problem.”

“People in glass houses.” Mila scoffed. “How low can you get hooking up with her mentor on the first


“Not that our personal lives are anyone else’s business, but Persephone and I have known each other

for three years through mutual friends.” I shrugged. “It was fate, destiny, the will of a higher power

perhaps that put her as my intern. I don’t know. I don’t make that call.”

No one else seemed to pick up on my meaning, but Mila must have understood. She has a mate. She

doesn’t know it because his scent had been masked while he was spying on her. Persephone already

said we are mates. The Goddess brought us together, and any werewolf with two neurons to rub

together knows you can’t go against the will of the Goddess. I hope she takes the hint and leaves me


“For a scientist to believe in such silly notions.” Reed rolled his eyes as the elevator dinged open.

I shrugged as he nudged Mila out of the elevator, and soon it was just us in the elevator. When

Persephone went to step out of the elevator, I held her elbow to stop her.

“Aren’t we getting off?” She asked, looking over her shoulder at me.

“Oh, we will certainly be getting off, just not here,” I smirked, reaching for the buttons to hit the correct

sequence. As I was about to hit the first button, someone else stepped into the elevator. Jaci wanted to

growl at the interruption, but I managed to keep him at bay when I saw it was Rohan.

He was in the standard issue gray and white Silvercloud security guard uniform, with brown hair styled

neatly into a pompadour, a trimmed beard, and sad hazel eyes. Now that I know about his rejection, the

sadness in his gaze makes much more sense. He bowed his head respectfully to us as the doors


‘Delta Jonathan. Alpha Logan said you would need to speak with me. Is there somewhere we can

speak privately?’ Rohan questioned through the link glancing uncertainly at Persephone. Of course, he

doesn’t know she’s my mate, so he may be concerned about speaking freely around her.

‘We were about to head to my CEO’s office. I was looking for privacy with my mate, but we probably

should address your assignment.’ I explained with a sigh.

“Rohan Rock, meet Persephone Fayte.” I introduced them so Persephone wouldn’t feel left out.

“Nice to meet you, Rohan.” Persephone smiled, offering her hand.

“And you as well, Miss Fayte. Welcome to the company.” Rohan nodded, shaking her hand.

“Alright, let’s head up,” I suggested reaching back to the panel and entering the 1, 10, 20, and 18


We didn’t get far before the elevator froze, and a red light filled the room as guns pointed down from

the ceiling with red dots focused on Persephone and Rohan. Rohan and Persephone both looked

terrified. Rohan’s legs started to fade into a mist, and a green energy armor protected Persephone. I

groaned, running a hand over my face.

“Delta override code Glitter Bomb.” I clarified my words to the security system triggered by the addition

of unauthorized people in the elevator. At my command, the guns went back into the ceiling, and the

lights returned to normal as the elevator started to move again.

“What was that?” Persephone questioned, looking at the ceiling as her armor faded.

“Just like my private lab, I maintain a high level of security in my office here. The system realized I had

two unauthorized people in the elevator.” I shrugged. “I’ll have to add you both to the authorized list.”

“See, if you had answered my question last night about what taking my biometrics would grant me

access to, we’d have known this would happen and already bypassed it.” Persephone tisked.

“I should have known something like this would happen if I worked for you.” Rohan sighed.

“You’ll get used to it.” I smiled as the doors opened to the top floor.

Holding Persephone’s hand, I stepped out of the elevator. Shikoba rose from her seat, and her lunch

spread over her desk. I sighed, realizing she was probably working while on her lunch break.

“Another working lunch, Shikoba?” I teased, shaking my head at her.

Shikoba rolled her eyes and signed her response.

“What did she say?” Persephone asked, arching an eyebrow.

“She said unless I want to get off my ass and run the company, she will work during lunch.” I sighed.

I do feel bad that much of the day-to-day is on Shikoba. I need to reevaluate her workload and make

sure everything is good. Honestly, I need to give her the official title of COO. John technically holds the

role, but running two companies, especially when they are this large, isn’t easy. I am not saying I don’t

do my share of work as CEO. I do. And I pay Shikoba far more than any assistant would get.

“We are in mixed company. You could use the text-to-speech program on your phone to not be

inconsiderate. Persephone only knows Italian sign language. And I’m not sure if Rohan is familiar with

any sign language. Rohan…” I turned to look over my shoulder to see him frozen in the elevator.

What’s gotten into him?

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