The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

49 The Chamber

Aurora POV

I woke up slowly with a killer headache. I tried to adjust my eyes but it was pitch black. It took me a

moment to realize that I did not have a blindfold on, the room was just black. I tried to move my body,

but I was stopped by restraints. The clanking noise of the chains rattling against the metal railings

bounced off the eerily silent walls. My arms and legs were shackled with hardly any room for

movement. I had a ball gag placed in my mouth and I felt my drool on the side of my face.

Since I couldn’t see anything, I had to rely on my other senses. There was not a single spot of light to

figure out where I was. I had no concept of time. I was lying flat on what I presumed was some sort of

bed as the cushion was surprisingly soft and there was a thin pillow under my head.

I figured out that it was rather cold in the room. I had a small thin fabric, probably some sort of blanket

that was pulled up to my chin. The fabric was coarse and itchy. As I tried to move in the restraints, my

chest began to hurt. I focused on the sensation and realized that my bare skin was against the rough

blanket. I was topless and what was even more shocking is that I did not have a bra on! I also had no

pants or anything on my legs but I did feel fabric around my private area thankfully.

As I laid there, staring into nothingness, I began to take inventory of my sore muscles. My arms and

legs were feeling numb, my back was paining as if I was sleeping on a spring, and my nipples felt like

they were on fire! I tried to move my body and pain shot through my sensitive little pebbles through my

chest and up my arms.

I grunted through my gag which felt like a rubber ball inside my mouth. My jaw was feeling achy being

open for so long. I could not hear anything except my own breathing or the rustling of fabrics when I

moved. I cried silently for probably hours, my eyes were stinging and felt puffy and I eventually faded

into sleep.

I don’t know how long I was down there. I remember counting in my head and I think I dozed off after

getting to four thousand and ninety–three and another time counting to over seven thousand before my

eyes closed. I woke up to my tummy grumbling loudly and feeling starved, I felt severely dehydrated

and tired, and I had an urge to pee badly.

I tried to make noise but the restraints and gag made it almost impossible, not to mention every time I

moved, my nipples would burn as if they were being cooked like fajitas on a cast iron skillet.

I fell asleep at one point and had one of my recurring nightmares of the shadow man. His promise that

he was coming for me had me jostling out of my deep slumber and panting so hard I started choking on

the air I could barely inhale through my nose. I had peed during this time and now laid there in wet

mess and I felt so dirty and ashamed.

Having no concept of time plagued my deepest thoughts. I truly felt alone and eventually being in

darkness turned into a self–induced fear. I began imagining sounds that were not there, feeling little

whispers of touches. I swear I was the new bed for all the creepy crawling, insects. Every second I was

jumping out of my skin, screaming, and crying, begging for them to leave me alone. I lost my cover at

one point trying to get what I am confident there was a spider trying to burrow a home on my chest and

now my body was extremely cold. My nose started to fill with mucus, making me sniffle constantly, and

my chest felt heavier with each breath.

I stopped sleeping, fearing the creatures in the room and fearing the man in the shadows that plagued

my dreams. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

I had maybe nine panic attacks to where I would hyperventilate until I blacked out. It was the only time

my mind. would take a break from the madness that was slowly consuming my soul.


49–The Chamber

I was woken up to the sounds of a lock: click click click. A lock. I thought I was imagining it at first and

then a sliver of precious amber light created a rectangular shape not too far from me. The line of light

got bigger and I had to close my eyes tightly when that ambient source of brightness hit my eyes. I

looked up and tried to blink away the spots in my cloudy vision. I saw a large figure bathed in shadow

and I started screaming. The man in my dreams was here to take me. I kept fighting my restraints, a

new renowned source of strength. I only stopped when large hands came to my shoulders and held me

down. A face came close to mine and my vision adjusted enough for me to see a man I knew too well..

Kai was looking at me with concem. I couldn’t help but cry and fresh tears streaked down my face.

He cupped my face gently in his hands and slowly shushed me, helping to calm down my erratic


“It’s okay baby, your safe” he said, still ever calm. I couldn’t help but snuggle my cheek further into his

palm. I was so happy to see him right at that moment. I thought I was dead for the longest time. The

light that cast a glow around him was such a welcomed sight.

He took a moment to look over my body and I saw him grimace.

“I am going to remove your gag and restraints and then we are going to get you cleaned up and fed,

okay?” He gave me a small smile when I nodded. I felt like going back to sleep, I felt so weak.

He lifted my head and I felt him 5ddle with a strap before the pressure of my jaw slacked and the ball

was brought out. Kal pushed my chin up slightly helping me close my jaw and I winced at the pain. I

whimpered and fresh tears left my eyes. He then moved to my arms and be gently brought them to my

sides from above head and that was painful as hell. He took his time and massaged the muscles and

helped get circulation back into my arms. He removed the nipple clamps and I screamed. He then

removed my ankle restraints and rubbed my legs.

He walked away for a moment through the door and then came back before I could protest with a white

linen sheet that he draped over my body. He then picked me up bridal style, a firm hand under my legs

and around my back. I nuzzled into his chest and he carried me out of the room. I closed my eyes, not

having the energy to keep them open.

I was woken up briefly when I felt strong arms place me in a hot bath and I felt soft hands caress my

aching skin. A bottle was placed on my lips and a cold liquid hit my mouth.

There was a sweet strawberry flavor and I became greedy wanting to fill my belly with the heavenly

treat. I could hear male voices but I couldn’t concentrate, I just wanted the sweet liquid. When the bottle

was removed from my lips, I whined seeking more. I felt a rumble on my back, probably from someone


My hair was gently washed and I finally opened my eyes when I was brought out of the water. I was

placed in a fluffy robe that cocooned my body and was placed on a soft cloud that I just wanted to melt


I felt several hands on me but I didn’t fight. I was changed into something soft and warm, bandages

were placed on my wrists and ankles, and someone brushed my wet hair. I was tucked into the bed

and I felt like I could sleep forever.

I felt a warm body snuggle behind me and strong arms wrapped around my center. When the lights

turned off is when I screamed. I jolted upright and started panicking. Why was I moved into that room

again. I was a good girl.

The lamp was turned on instantly and two worried faces of Kai and Ben looked at me.

“I’m a good girl” I started chanting. “Please don’t put me back in that room. No dark please. Please.” I

was able to


49 The Chamber

force it out, my throat still feeling raspy and sore. I was beyond terrified at that moment.

Ben, who was behind me soothed my back and Kai went into the closest before returning with a small

object that he plugged in on the dresser opposite the bed. It lit the ceiling with stars and I instantly

relaxed and fell back onto the pillow and strong armis wrapped around me once again, and this time I

slept and for the first time in months, no nightmare.

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