The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

42 Say What?

Aurora POV

I heard some light voices off in the distance, waking me up from my restful slumber. I stretched my

aching stiff muscles slightly like a cat and brought my hands to my eyes, rubbing out the tiredness.

Quick hands caught my wrists and I blinked heavily trying to clear the blurriness.

“Don’t rub your eyes too hard sweetheart” Charlies said sweetly, still holding my wrists firmly. “You will

hurt yourself.” I nodded skeptically and continued to focus on blinking while my body and mind came

back to the land of the living.

“I guess you found me” I said shyly, remembering just falling asleep in their strategy room.

“Yeah I guess we did.” Charlie replied. There was really tiny smirk at the corner of his lips, but

otherwise his face was emotionless. He released my wrists when I tugged them slightly.

I looked up and behind Charlie’s broad frame who was still sitting on the sofa and saw Jason, Kai, Ben,

Draco, Thomas, and the other two men I keep forgetting their names of

Seeing Jason and Kai so close made me feel butterflies in my belly, and not the hot and bothered kind.

And what made me shiver is seeing Kai. He had dark red blood splatter on his face and white dress

shirt. He didn’t seem bothered by it. So this sickening feeling creeping in my bones was more you

make me nervous, I know what you did and you scare the crap out of me, I don’t want to die feeling. I

brought my knees up to my chest and hugged my legs close to my

Charlie stared at me, that little smirk was now quite visible. It was as if he was basking in my

uneasiness. He rose after a few minutes and left me on the sofa without saying

anything else, patting my foot lightly as he stood. He went back to his desk and I just stayed there in


I don’t know how long I was sitting there. I just let my mind wonder to more happy thoughts when I

heard my name being called.

“AURORA!” was practically yelled and I visibly shook the inner thoughts from my head. I looked up to

see all eight pairs of eyes burning holes in my soul.

“Sorry” I mumbled and hugged my legs closer, trying to will my body into the tiniest ball and hope I can

d dissolve into

the shadows.

I looked at Jason and his hard expression softened slightly. He waved me over with two fingers in a

“come hither” motion. As much as every fiber in my being was screaming at me to NOT do it, I slowly

unfurled my legs and slowly made my way into the lions den..

When I reached close to the desk, Draco, who was sitting in one of the chairs facing Jason’s desk,

stood up and offered me the seat. Charlie, Kai, and Ben had all made their way over to his desk too

and took various positions around. Kai came directly behind me and I yelped when his strong hands

landed firmly on my shoulders. I am pretty sure he could feel me shaking.

“We are not going to hurt you.” Jason stated softly. Right, telling me something like that was supposed All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

to make me magically relax. I just saw you murder a few people in your home like it was a breakfast

snack, no way would I believe


42 Say What?

you aren’t going to hurt me.

He continued: “Aurora, sweetheart, we have decided to introduce you to our men as our future Queen.”

Good thing mother nature decided that eyeballs needed to be attached to the skull, because my eyes

would have popped out by

now and rolled across the room, out the window and down the street.

“Say What?” was all I could mutter.

The guys chuckled. “You are ours Aurora. From the moment we laid eyes on you, you became ours.

Ours to love, ours to possess, ours to worship, ours to control, ours to ruin.” Kai said next to my ear

with a little bite of anger. His warm breath put shivers down my spine.

Jason chimed back in: “Since you are our girl, you will have to go through an initiation in front of a lot of

our men.” I just blinked at him. No emotion or thoughts were in my head. Initiation? Before I could ask

the question Jason answered it for me “You will be branded with our seal.”

Blink. Blink. Blink. I let myself blink and keep the silence in the room while my tiny brain processed this

new information for a moment before my anger just exploded from my mouth.

“SAY WHAT?” I began to shout. “You want to fucking BRAND ME?” I was fuming and tried to stand but

Kai’s strong

hands just held me firm.

“Language” Kai snapped at me.

“Fuck you!” I snapped back.

“Gladly sweetheart. My room or yours?” He countered. I wanted to gag! So I did. He still didn’t remove

his hold from my shoulders.

“Aurora,” Jason pulled my attention back to him, “this is not up for discussion. It is small mark on your

wrist so every person in this world will know who you belong to.”

I began to shake my head in denial. This can’t be happening! They wanted to burn my skin and call me

their Queen? I can’t believe these assholes. But one question remained that I needed to know.

“When is this supposed initiation” I asked making sure to put air quotes when I gritted out “initiation.”

“It was going to be next week, but we decided it would better not to wait any longer. We will do it

tomorrow night.” 1 wanted to smack that disgusting smile off of Jason’s perfect demon face and feed it

a feral lion.

m like he had just

Thomas surprisingly spoke up “Tomorrow night, you sure about that Boss?” Jason just looked at him

like stolen his favorite play toy. “Yeah, Thomas. Got a problem with that?”

“No Sir” he said instantly, shaking his head, fear in his eyes. “Draco and I will make sure to get

everything ready.” Jason just nodded to them and they scurried out of the office like they were lactose

intolerant and just ate a bowl of ice cream.

Once they left, Jason looked back at me and smiled sweetly. But that smile was evil even if it was on

his pretty face. “And you my dear, will be confined to your room until the ceremony. We don’t want you

running off.” He hit a button on his desk and before I blinked, four guards, dressed in their usual black

suits waltzed into the office, only stopping


42 Say What?

when they got close to the desk. Each one of them bowed their heads to the other men in the room.

“Please take Aurora back to her room.” Jason commanded and gave me a quick nod with his head

demanding me to go with them. Kai released me from his grasp. As I stood up, he grabbed my arm and

leaned over, giving me a kiss on my cheek. I could smell the copper of the blood on his face clearly and

it was nauseating.

I walked to the guards and they surrounded me. They didn’t touch me but they were big and buff and

intimidating. We began to walk to the door.

“OH and gentlemen!” Jason said loudly. We all stopped and turned to look at him. “Put the chain on her

ankle tonight and give her a sedative. I don’t want to take any chances before tomorrow.”


Unknown POV

“Yes Master, right there! Oh right there! AHHH” My new weekly play toy screamed while I had her

sitting on the edge of my desk, her legs spread wide open, her decent size exposed tits jiggled nicely

as I rammed by hard cock inside her. Her hands were braced behind her and I latched my mouth on

her neck, biting hard as I continued to bury myself deep inside her bare cunt.

I was about to bust my nut when my phone began to vibrate vigorously on the table. I looked down and

saw the caller ID as my spy. I should have stopped my aggressive assault on this cunt, but I really

wanted to blow my load so I pulled out of her and quickly forced her on her knees.

“Open Up!” I commanded and she did without protest. Her wet, hot mouth coating my aching member

nicely. I hit the speaker button as I buried myself deep down her throat feeling her gag around me

before I pulled out slightly letting her breathe..

“Speak” I shouted.

“Boss, we have a problem!” my spy said quietly.

“Oh? And I pay you to fix my problems.” I seethed out. I groaned as my toy sucked in her cheeks.

“They moved up the initiation. They want to brand her tomorrow.” The voice on the other end said.

There was worry in

his voice.

Say what now? It took me a moment before it all clicked. If they brand her, I won’t be able to claim her

properly. “FUCK!” I screamed in frustration.

“I can get her tonight. It may be a little messy, but I can do it.” he said confidently.

“And that is why you are my favorite. Get it done.” And I clicked the phone off.

I grabbed my toys head in my hands and began to fuck her mouth without remorse until my balls

tightened and I felt the release I was so desperate to have. The good little slut swallowed all of it.


42 Say What?

“Get the fuck out!” I told her as I zipped up my pants

“But I didn’t get to cum!” She stupidly said. Next thing I knew, there was mostly naked and dead woman

lying on the floor by my desk, a bullet hole now in the middle of her forehead.

I leave my office without a second thought and tell my guard to have the mess cleaned up. That’s my

ninth bitch this month. I can’t wait to have my Princess. Just a little longer.

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