The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

102 – Little Sadist

Third Person POV


“No? Nothing? Damn, dude! Let’s try again I guess…” Jason teased his newest play toy before

grabbing the hammer once again and moving very slowly to the other hand that was tied down tightly

on the metal table. Alexi Vorkov, the right–hand man of Dimitry Marco, was fully strapped down,

practically immobile.

Jason took a large welding nail this time from the bench and lined it up against the soft flesh of Alexi’s

hand. Without any more taunting, Jason raised his hammer and WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! The nail

penetrated his hand and Alexi closed his eyes tightly trying not to give in to the sick bastards‘

pleasures. They wanted to hear him scream and he was slowly losing his will to show strength.

It had been almost two hours since the O’Donnell Mafia clan arrived at the warehouse, True to his

nature, Kaí quickly took Aurora up to his personal playroom, slinging her over his shoulder once again

like the feral caveman that he is, Ben decided to watch and left Jason, Charlie, and Grammy to head to

the torture chambers.

They decided to go to the silver room for this one, aptly named for all the metal instruments they

enjoyed using in this particular room. As always, there were several throne–like chairs placed along

one of the walls and it was hidden in shadows, the main source of light always directed in the middle

where the entertainment was.

Grammy took her place on Jason’s chair and one of the men brought her a purple satin pillow to sit on

and her lavish lavender tea set was brought down along with a decanter of bourbon and several

glasses for the guys. Soon an already battered and bruised Alexi was dragged in, fully shackled and

hardly conscious. The effects of the narcotic mixture he was injected with are still heavy in his system.

The guards made quick work of securing Alexi to the metal table from his head to the ankles, he was

strapped down. Of course, it wouldn’t be much torture if the straps weren’t covered in acid so when the

straps hit Alexi’s flesh, it was scorched immediately. But Alexi didn’t scream, only gritted his teeth, and

grunted. Grammy suggested strapping an O gag in hopes that dear old Alexi would finally scream. It

forced his mouth but two hours later he still held back.

Jason, Charlie, and several guards took turns dealing copious amounts of pain to the prisoner. They

easily broke over twenty bones and his flesh looked like a Jackson Pollock painting. They were

impressed he had held out as long as he


They were taking a break when the dungeon door clicked open and in walked Aurora, sort of, with Kai

and Ben hot on her heels. Every step she took she was trying to hide her own sinful pain. Charlie

nudged Jason in her direction and they both tried to hold back their smiles.

“You okay there, sweetheart? You look like you just got your ass kicked.” Charlie teased her while he

approached her and kissed her on her forehead. He was covered in blood and didn’t want to get too


Aurora scoffed at him and turned behind her to glare at Kai as she said, “More like I got my ass bitten.”

Jason and Charlie looked at Kai who had a very smug look on his face and shrugged. “She told me to

bite her ass. I just complied. A few hundred times.”

Jason tried to hold back his laughter and just shook his head. Ben was all smiles too, looking sated and

refreshed. Kai


14:49. Thu, 22 Feb

102–Little Sadist

had another mischievous glint in his eye.

Aurora moved slowly around her men and stopped seeing the bloody mess that was Alexi, who was

visibly panting on the table, trying to enjoy the moments of peace before his torture continued. They

had yet to do any interrogation. so this was pure sadiem for the sake of inflicting pain. Not that Alead

would ret out his boss and friend. But upon hearing Aurora’s voice, Alex’s interest certainly peaked and

he started to grunt, wanting to talk to her.

Everyone stared at his mangled form and Aurore stepped closet, noticing his mouth was pinned open.

She looked at the guards standing near the table and said sweetly Release his mouth please. They

looked at their bosses and Jason nodded. Kai and lason stepped doser to the table and gave a slent

signal to the guards to draw their weapons at the


Once the gas was released Meri began to cough his throat felt like sandpaper and he could taste the

copper of the blood from his internal injuries Aurora asked for some water with a strew and to

everyone’s surprise, she brought the straw to Alec’s mouth. It’s okay, it’s safe” Aurore looked at Aleri

with pity in her eyes and Alexi greedily moved his

sore jen muscles to capture the straw and guibed down the cool liquid and he felt a little relief.

“Thank you my lack.” He whispered Aurora modded and gave

the table. Bas be called at all?” Jason shook his head and She turned her attention to the guys but

remained dose replied “Na we haven’t even started the interrogation vet” Aurore whipped her head

back to Alexi’s mangled body and looket mer is runes once more

She came closet, and leaned forward slight tigh aware of the pools of blood all around the table. “Alexi,

will you please answer some quesaus for me.” All of the gas batowed their vision, not liking how

sweetly Aurora was taking to the master before them.

Aleti lezt his mouth closed and just looked at her. Alexis Dinding Salelive.” Alexi took a shallow breath

his luns were crushed agains his broken ribs. He knew he was going to de, but he would remain loyal

to the end. But this was

now so he decided to appease bez some also as hess’s love and he knew with Divabey would want


“es” Alter’s answer was short and sweet and sent involuntary shivers down Aurora’s spline. She had

been in blissful

fernall for so long

“Where is he lost humed in. Alexi just med to laugh but it came our as a garble and pain shot through

his whole

Where is he Alep Bum sted but Aled just looked at her like she just asked the stupides question Suure

key from that is that he was the loyal guard dog as ever and so she decided to change her directio

“s he going t

take me again Alan Aura’s exes were pleading and eleni tried to smile at ber

“ine beking an un.. He will never up Aura les did not pay the girl. She was strong and beautiful and had

beem Dimitry v dimesson for as long as he could remember

avrikfest her beat ter noticed a cheape

mutioner for Kato come to them. She wagered in his ea

Hipped. She tuned towards the guys

ew things and Kai’s face Ett up like he was a buddie

and the cool box andhag he warned. Be smiled wicked) belon kaming her passionately no the

mamizng with cumicsiny and kamera just sent a wink to

102 – Little Satis

“So Alex. Aumabog her atention back to the man on the tame. “You have always them an oval dig.


estun tim your won’t give us answers to He is coming and seeing as huw KOLWOTE aty done on any

on two next lexikemt his face cim, but Aurramute!

going to waise my time asang

in the city, I am guessing he

his pupils dilated and that was all she needed.

lies under Wave Chiver Gine” Alexiedusalito grze any Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

she say summer Auro nam nugintie smail

“Let me guess, Dover Cry? Hation? What die Lee information but heart din uten for a second detail.

happy that he training with Ben had bean pang of She tumed to the guys alsand Feismuine”

And Alexi began to thrash and showed You Yukon nating didnt say anything?

The guards immediately placed the gag barn out and he was paning evil would say tim tit remain

confirm it.” Grammy stated comaty, eng anube snobe en Well done during” Ben compediman Auram


Kai came back in at that moment with a guadowering ma small troly and all the guys and leven

Grammy’s eyes widened at what they sent.

“Thank you dear.” Aurora miez and kused Kad on the mean “Aming to my litte Sacs beamedani Aurora

walked over to the small tane and broer Alex and even wiened in fen

Ter’s begin.” Aurora sand sweaty. She war spending way too much time with these off on her. She still

hated this deep down but she had tiny lite set of mat need for a line revenge

peal it was bundo

her soul wie sie te como ther

The guys were sitting on their chairs and Jaxon was sting on the arm of anexo Grammy. Auro sati

messing with the table in from of her and began spring to en.want ad much at vi imenezi

had a favorite little game he

at my time in the Marco compound. My imune some i benene u one liked to play. It was called How

Long” Aleat now moving excity wia sie planned on dong, betonttimush once again in hu restrains. With

him being on a mezal ane and now hood was gang to be bad. H

ted to shake his head but it was pinned down so he could only whimper

Aurora ficted the little switch on top of the big black bu siting on the tame. The bio came to life

withausmalhum and sie picked ng one of the linle clip that was attached to it by a long we. She then

piled the dam annet RCOJÍ Allen’s swollen banken finger. He winted in pain as the metal cias dumped

into h: aan.

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