The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Part 15

“Here.” Talia said with a laugh as she Retrieved and handed over a pair of necklaces to Six, who was

the closest of the Governors. Each had a flat stone mounted on a gold necklace, one stone eight

centimeters wide and the other four, both the same color and outline as the Truthstone.

“These are power stones.” she explained. “The larger one transmits warlock power from another stone

that floats in the focus at Focus Mountain. The smaller one transmits wizard’s power from Laylas

Valley. The wizard’s power varies a bit with time of day at Laylas, with the minimum just before dawn

there, and the warlock’s power varies from nothing when it’s night at Focus Mountain to maximum

when it’s noon there. It’ll be noon there in an hour, so be careful. Beyond what they transmit, they’re

both batteries with a lot of capacity, and they’re fully charged. We’ve put safeties on them that turn

them off on command, and they only work for whoever they’re keyed to, so I’ve keyed them to the four

of you.

“If you need more power beyond that, just let us know.”

“Thank you.” Six stated for his team. “Once we’re done with the spells to deal with murderers, we’ll

spend some time meeting a few people, if they have time for us. If not, we’ll probably meet them at the

next gathering of The Assembly of The Just Alliance. Assuming we can get an invitation.

“But after meeting people, we have a lot of work planned. We assume you’d like our assistance in

showing the rest of the world the military techniques and spells we’ve all developed on Hiliani, and in

learning what the rest of the world came up with while we were away, and integrating it all.

“And we intend to go to Serminak and set up training camps for the young Sylvan there, along the lines

of our system on Hiliani.

“And then we and Kragorram are going to test our void craft and void survival spells up in the real void.

If all goes well with that, then we’ll need to set up systems to build a lot more of the craft, to teach the

spells to those who’ll fight in the void, and to train everyone to do so.

“If we can get all that done before Father decides to start working on gaining godhood, well, we have a

few ideas for that too.

“And if we can get all of that done before we have to fight the demons, then we have another project in

mind. But we’re going to keep that confidential for now.”

“Very confidential indeed, considering that you’re psionicly shielded so thoroughly that even Falgaroth

and I can’t see through!” Visinniria laughed. “Truly, you are a most impressive quartet of youngsters!”

“Thank you.” Six grinned. “It’s really nice to meet you both, by the way. We’ve only met one other god

before today. You’re a lot more different from Ria than I expected.”

“I did a lot of changing after her personality was set.” Visinniria smiled. “Not least of which was

becoming Elven Goddess of War. But she’s a darling and I love her.”

“Thank you, My Lady.” Ria said as Talia touched her hilt and she manifested.

“Goddess, could you alter Ria again, so that she can be aware or manifest whenever she wishes?”

Talia asked. “Without me or Quewanak having to touch her hilt, that is? And it would be nice if I didn’t

have to touch it to Link with her, as well.”

“I can do that.” Visinniria nodded with a warm smile. “And it is done.”

“My Lady, thank you, you are most generous.” Ria smiled as she gave her stiff bow. “And if I may be so

bold, I would also like to impose on your generosity for a further alteration.”

“Oh? Of what sort?”

“The only moment of true physical pleasure I have felt in this manifestation was the moment I was

allowed to share hugs with you and the Six of Hilia, on the occasion of our victory over Zarkog. It was

as nice as feeling your hand on my hilt and my blade slicing through the flesh of our enemies. It was

truly heavenly. I wish to be able to have the aspect of flesh as I did that day, when I choose it.

“And if you would gift me with your embrace again, I would truly treasure it.” Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

“Ah, my darling, my truest friend, I would be glad to do so.” Visinniria smiled, and waved her over with

outstretched arms.

Ria’s stiff but smiling form flew over to her with palpable eagerness, and settled into the arms of her


“You know Ria,” Talia giggled as she hugged her sword’s hilt to her bosom and gently caressed the

blade, “If I’d have realized that you were capable of perceiving the sensations of touch through your

steel, I’d have hugged you regularly.”

“Oh! Oh my!” Ria giggled as both of her physical forms were simultaneously hugged and caressed by

the two people she cared for most in the world. “Thank you, excuse me, I am overwhelmed!” she

exclaimed, then her elven manifestation disappeared.

“Simply call me whenever you’d like another hug, my dear.” Visinniria laughed, and all understood that

Ria had heard her.

After a round of warm chuckles had gone around, Mark said to his children; “I think I’ll call for The

Assembly of The Just Alliance to meet tonight. It’ll be my public appearance as Visinniria asked for, and

you can meet the leaders you’d like to meet, we can all show what we’ve done for the last seven years

and get what others have developed, and you and Kragorram can make a presentation on the void

craft and on the void warfare techniques we’ve got.

“And perhaps most important of all, we’ll announce the techniques that we’ve developed to end aging

and needless death from natural causes by those who’re vulnerable to it.

“We might not get every member of the Assembly to attend, since it’ll be on short notice and nothing

we have to deal with is of immediately critical importance. I have no idea how many of the gods will

show up, but then, they don’t have to be there to pay attention to the proceedings anyway. At any rate,

if we don’t fill the room with leaders, we’ll invite a few extra sub-leaders. It wouldn’t do to have the place

look half-empty in the Revealings.”

“I doubt very much that you’ll have to worry about that.” Somonik chuckled. “Shall we say at three

hours after midnight, standard time?”

Mark produced his time-sight and considered it. Val also considered it, and immediately produced a

fully functional duplicate.

“That’s about three hours before midnight here.” Mark stated. “Sure, that sounds good.”

“I’ll announce it.” Somonik stated as he psionicly did so. “I’m already receiving many confirmations of

attendance. We may have more attendees than we have room for, in which case I’ll ask the dragons

and other larger attendees to appear in smaller-sized Simulacrums.”

“Good thinking!” Mark laughed. “Though if we keep adding to the members of the Assembly, eventually

we’ll either have to make a bigger room, or have everyone attending in Simulacrums the size of


“That’d be fun!” Fire laughed as she leaned back, closed her eyes, and cast a fifteen centimeter tall

Simulacrum of herself on the table-top. “Wow! This really looks different!” she exclaimed as she ran

through the dishes to the edge of the table and looked down, then jumped off and flew over to Karzog

and landed on the tip of his nose. “Let’s all do it tonight!” she proposed as she danced a bit of a jig.

Karzog went cross-eyed for a moment as he looked at her, then shook his head and shook her off.

“Let’s not.” he smiled as he rubbed his nose where she’d danced. “That tickled you know.” he told her.

“I’ll have to remember that.” Fire laughed as she dismissed the Simulacrum and opened her eyes. “I’d

never have guessed you could tickle dragons, let alone do it by dancing on their noses!”

“You know,” Gran mused, “This is the very first instance I’ve ever seen of the children of dragons being

raised with the children of other races. Never before have I seen our children treat each other with such

unthinking trust and camaraderie. It’s as if the differences in their races don’t even exist.”

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