The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Part 8

“I hate them Father.” Reggie stated grimly. “We’ve relived a lot of Somonik’s memory of the first demon

war, with enough fidelity to feel like we were there. The demons are the worst thing in reality. They’re

pure evil, there’s not a trace of good in them anywhere. They were so mean and so foul and so

intentionally horrifying… Well anyway they were. Even if they never hurt any of us or The Triax, that

won’t matter to me. I’ll still want to kill them to get revenge for everything they did here before.”

“I see.” Mark nodded again.

“You’re not answering his question.” Helemia told Reggie with some intensity. “Was vengeance part of

the prophecy? I think it was. I’ve Read myself for when you got it, and I got it from you when you got it.

If you do the same, you’ll see that there was an emotion to it. I could almost feel the emotion of killing

them, and it felt like revenge.

“And besides,” she continued to Mark, “I hope that we get them all before they can hurt any of us too,

but we all know that we’d have to be unbelievably lucky for that to happen. Maybe they are just a

wandering horde of minor demons making their way through the void, who don’t know about the other

demons that got beat here before. The Triax said they attacked a helpless world with no thinking

people on the way here, which I think kind of goes with the ‘wandering horde’ idea.

“But we don’t believe it for a second.” She paused and looked around, meeting every eye there with the

strange intensity of her gaze. “Me an’ Reggie are pretty certain that the demon homeworld sent this

horde to get revenge for us beating the last one, and so are all of you. They’re coming through the void

because we already know how to wreck the gate they used to get here last time. And if that’s the case,

I doubt there’s even one minor demon in that rock. It’ll be full of billions of greater demons and those

DemonLords that The Triax told us about. It doesn’t make sense to bring any weaklings along for all

that way, unless they need ‘em for food. And I doubt that’s the case, since they just ate a whole world

on the way here.

“And we think we’re all being incredibly stupid. That is, Reggie and I can’t believe we’re all just waiting

for the demons to get closer! We should be out there killing them now, all our gods and the Triax at

least, and the rest of us as soon as possible! It sure seems like all the preparation that the people of

Kellaran are doing is for the defensive war after the demons get here! No one is really preparing for war

in the void except the gods and the Triax! And that’s stupid! Just as almost all war has been fought in

the air ever since it became practical, so now all of us should be ready to fight in the void! If we’re This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

bound to Kellaran while the demons attack us from the void, we’re as helpless as a deer being attacked

by a dragon!”

“It’s easy to think that way.” Quewanak nodded. “The possibility that the demons are indeed the terrible

and forewarned force that we fear they are is what prevents The Triax from attacking them now, or long

before now, for that matter. The Triax want all of us in our alliance to be able to strike against the

demons together, to minimize the chance that they’ll be overwhelmed.

“Beyond that, the raw power for magic comes from the sun, and wizards’ magic only comes from the

energy of the sun that’s been absorbed and re-radiated by certain rocks on Kellaran. Most spell-casters

are helpless once they’ve expended their power, and when they’re far from Kellaran, there’s nowhere

to get any more. Only the unicorns, the gargoyles, and a few of the hidden races from Xervia utilize the

power of the Source directly and purely; even dragons get half their power from the heat of the stone.

And at the immense distance the demons are from the sun now, the Source supplies only a very tiny

fraction of the power it delivers to Kellaran.

“We think that even the gods might derive most of their power from the sun, and before the Triax

arrived, none of our gods had ever ventured any further from Kellaran than the closest of the outer

worlds. That was far enough for them to confirm that Kellaran is the only thing circling our sun that has

life, and there was no reason to go any farther. At the distance that the demons are now, even the gods

might be severely restricted in their ability, due to the power required to go there and the weakness of

the Source there.

“As for preparing our peoples to fight in the void, I can assure you that great efforts are being made to

do so, but we are at the very beginning of a learning process that is immense. The Triax and the

demons do it, but they both required many, many millions of years to develop the ability, and almost

none of their methods will work for us.

“As cold as it seems, our best strategy against the demons may be the exact opposite of what you

propose. We would hide the Triax and feign helplessness so that the demons will land here on

Kellaran, where our powers are so very much stronger than anywhere else, without them feeling the

need to launch any major attacks from the void. Then we would attack them from all sides while the

Triax attacked them from above.

“However, that plan contains too many huge risks for our populations. The plans that will be enacted

will be the best compromise we can craft between attacking at the greatest possible distance to

minimize our risk, and attacking at the minimum possible distance to maximize our offensive capability.

The longer we wait, the greater part of our people will be capable of fighting in the void. But even if we

halted all the defensive preparations in order to concentrate on void warfare, we would still only be able

to bring a very tiny fraction of our force to bear in the void. It truly is a huge problem. The distances and

harshness of conditions in the void are incredibly difficult to deal with, and effectively waging war there

is many orders of magnitude more difficult.

“If you truly wish to advance your plan, and we would all like nothing better, you need to contribute to

our ability to fight in the void. That means learning to calculate and engineer forces, materials,

momentum, energy, and gravity, and inventing new solutions. There’s much to be learned in those

areas that’s beyond the general education that you’ve received so far.

“Of us here, Yazadril has the greatest grasp of the rules of reality. I can easily know everything he

knows, but that doesn’t give me the talent to understand it as thoroughly as he does. He’s also fully

aware of all the technical challenges that fighting in the void entails. If you decide to do this, learning

from him directly seems the best course.

“Unfortunately for you, researching void warfare techniques was not part of the research mandate of

this colony. Many others are working on it, and many of them are doing so in other time-bubbles like

this one. Our research here has been concentrated on ending the ageing process in humans,

increasing fertility in elves, achieving immortality, and improving warfare training and defensive

emplacement construction techniques for general populations on the land and in the air of Kellaran.

“These are important researches, and if you choose to join them your efforts are more likely to

contribute to results. We lack the single most important resource required to research void warfare, and

that is access to any of The Triax. Though their techniques are not directly applicable to any of us, their

experience and general knowledge of war in the void would be invaluable.

“Conversely, many of the greatest discoveries were made by those who researched in isolation. Their

work is more likely to show originality. So if you truly wish to pursue this, we’ll give you all the help we


“Yah, I guess we kind of knew most of that.” Helemia admitted. “It’s just so frustrating though! We know

they’re out there! I just wish we could just go out there right now and burn ‘em all!”

“We all feel that sometimes, Love.” Alilia smiled. “Patience can be a hard thing, especially when the

future of life on our world may hang in the balance.”

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