The Dracones

Chapter Five

My decision is made when Gracial begins to remove her foot for a second attempt. While she pulls her foot back, I move with it; staying low enough so not to touch her leg, but fast enough so not to touch her foot. Once out I roll into a bush, so Trayvon does not see me. We’re on a cliff. The cave is burrowed deep into the mountainside. Red sand and dry bushes twine with rocks as they climb up the mountain, leaving a thick forest behind them. The fact that the tops of the trees below look small is clue we are really high up. I force myself to calm down by looking at the dragon. Trayvon has his arms folded with a dying smirk on his face as he stares into the cave. The dragon he calls Gracial is about twelve meters high and seven meters long. That’s a huge dragon.

Just go Kit. Go. I soothe in my head as I slowly crawl up the hill around the cave, while I watch Gracial make a second attempt. Without making so much of a sound, I start descending down the hill when I have cleared the cave, then start racing down the mountainside.

I finally touch the ground when I hear Trayvon swearing, and a roar sounding from Gracial. At that point, I start running through the lush forest covered in vegetation. I can’t even find dirt as I keep running. Where did Trayvon say we are? Eagle’s Bane Rock. Now where the hell is that? I figure I better head south since running in a straight line will not help me. and I can smell smoke coming from that direction. Maybe I can get help. Besides, he’ll expect me to head north. Remembering years of experience, I locate moss and start running in the opposite direction.

About two hours later the forest disappears and is replaced by sheer nothingness. I swear and walk back into the very thinned-out forest. Should I chance it? I haven’t seen many dragons, but I’ve heard them. I decided to try and see if I can find another way around. From this point on it’s nothing but plains. Should have gone north.

I start pacing. Should I turn back or try making it across this plain in hopes of finding help? Well, if I turn around, I have a higher chance of running into Trayvon. During my two hours of running/walking, I have failed to come across a single path or trail. The forest is my best bet for protection though. Then again, I still smell smoke. It’s just across the plain. Since this is the south, I’ll need some help getting back. I shrug and decide to start running through the plains.

About halfway there I notice a dark shadow over me. I look up as it grows bigger. “Dryitch!” I scream as I drop to the ground and roll, narrowly avoiding a black foot from grabbing me. Well, at least it’s not Gracial. That does not comfort me. The grass provides some cover, but the rocks have scraped some deep cuts into my palms.

I look up and narrowly avoid another clawed grab. This time I end up on my back, looking up at the sky. I swear as I see the big red dragon coming down to join this little game of catch me if you can. Gracial found me. I notice a brown saddle on her back with Trayvon riding her.

“Oh, come on!” I cry as I roll to my feet and try to start running. In my haste, I completely forgot about the black dragon. Its foot slams right onto my chest, knocking me over. Instead of crushing me like I thought it would, it uses its claws to form a cage around me; pinning my shoulder with its outer claw tucked underneath its palm. The dragon keeps my head exposed so it can look at me. That’s the moment that I choose to notice its white claws are thicker than the size of my head. Now that’s comforting, I think bitterly as I try to push myself out from under the dragon’s foot. It pushes harder, forcing me to be still.

It’s looking right at me, and it looks pissed. It lowers its head, so its nose is touching mine. “Why are you such an idiot?” A deep male voice demands. “Trayvon is just wanting to help, and you are causing trouble. Behave yourself. It is my job to keep you safe and you will follow what I say. Am I clear?”

I’m still petrified from this very close contact with a dragon. I can’t move, or barely think for that matter, but at least I know where the voices in my head are coming from. Though this does not help my plea for sanity in my head.

“Answer me youngling!” He snaps.

Finally, I find my mouth. “Why? I snap back. “I’m nobody. This is not who I am. I’m not even from here, so why should I be involved?”

He gives a deep, frustrated growl as he presses his face closer to mine. “Because you were chosen. This is a great honor. Maybe since you lack our knowledge you fall short of the proper reaction. I cannot blame you for this. But you are somebody. You are Katarina. One of the leading members of the Wolves. You’re a warrior that strives in stealth. You are who we need. Nylarth did not fail when he chose you.”NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“Who?” I ask as I watch Gracial getting ready for her descent. I need to leave now if I even have a hope of escaping.

“You’ll know who soon enough. Do I have your word that you’ll stop running?”

“I’ll never give you that because I will not let go of that option.”

He groans. “You’re a stubborn and headstrong girl. Now I definitely know why Nylarth chose you.”

I swear I’m going to kill this Nylarth for doing this to me. “Will you let me up now?”

“Are you going to run?”

I swear because that is my answer. Gracial lands just then, leaving the earth shaking. I hear her voice chuckling in my head, so at least she’s amused.

Trayvon immediately jumps off of his saddle and runs over to the big black dragon. Worry is replaced by gratitude as he smiles at the big black thing. “Thank Granth that you caught her Alienis. Gracial spotted a couple of the Adversantem a while back.” He looks down at me and grins as I glare. “You’re good.”

“Obviously,” I mumble under my breath.

Trayvon looks back at Alienis. “How’d you find her?”

“She is my charge. I see what she sees.”

His eyes widen. “But that means she’s already established a mental link with dragons. She’s advancing quickly.”

Alienis chuckles. “Despite today’s events, she is very intelligent. She will run so use the chains.”

“What?” I ask as I try to lift my head. I knew I should have played nice. I sincerely doubt it would be smart to piss off a dragon.

“Good idea.” He goes to Gracial’s saddle and rummages through one of the huge saddle bags. I swear I can fit in one of those. He pulls out a thin silver chain to which manacles and a neck chain are connected to. I groan. Oh, come on. I slam my head on the ground as I berate myself. I’m such an idiot.

Trayvon has the biggest grin on his face as he bends down and attaches the metal collar around my neck. It’s tight and squeezes against my throat. Alienis slowly raises his foot for Trayvon to attach the manacles. I’m not stupid enough to try anything while a dragon still has the option to squish me.

I just look away as his rough hands grab my wrists and chain them about six inches apart, leaving me little room to work with them. He then takes the chain around my neck and connects it to my wrists.

He looks at me, his grin gone. He’d thought I’d put up a fight. “Are you going to get up for me, or do I have to do that too?”

I sigh and slowly get up. Both dragons tense as they get ready for me to run. Oddly when I’m standing, I see a saddle on Alienis’s back. Immediately my heart starts pounding as my eyes widen. “Please tell me we’re riding horseback,” I beg.

Trayvon grins. “Nope.”

“Walking?” I squeak.

He shakes his head. “Uh-uh.” He then figures it out. “You’re afraid of heights, aren’t you?”

I blush and look at the ground. He starts laughing. I hear two growls and snaps, making me look up. Gracial and Alienis took a snap at Trayvon in warning. “Not everyone has ridden a dragon like you have.” They both snap.

“Besides, she’ll get used to heights soon enough,” Alienis says as he gives me a quick look. Oddly enough I notice I’m completely visible in his black eyes. Okay, now I feel really small. I look up and notice I’m about halfway to his shoulder blade. Now I feel minuscule. Alienis looks at me and lets out a wing. It’s thin and almost see-through. I can see veins pulsing in it. His bones are thick but seem flexible enough. I touch it. It feels like a duck’s foot.

“Do you need help?” Trayvon asks as I see a smirk coming from Alienis. He’s enjoying watching someone intrigued by him.

I nod. Trayvon picks me up by my waist and steps onto Alienis’s wing. Alienis raises it with no effort as his skin shows no sign of bending. Trayvon sets me down and has me walk over to the giant white leather saddle. I have to raise my skirt quite a bit, showing my leg all the way to my midthigh, as I sit down. Trayvon’s eyes linger on the exposed area as he reaches across my waist to retrieve some sort of strap. He loops it through several metal rings and pulls it tight against my waist. When he notices I have caught him staring he goes for my chains and attaches them to the horn.

“You might want to pull your hair back.” He says as he drops his gaze, providing some cover to his reddening face.

I roll my eyes. “And how am I to do that?” He looks at me and I look pointedly at the cuffs. He sighs and grabs a leather strip tied around my wrist. He leans in as he starts pulling my hair back. I can smell smoke, sweat, and pine coming off of him. There is a light layer of hair speckled across his chest, from what I can see. I can also tell he’s very well-muscled.

When he pulls back my eyes are forward, staring straight at the smoothly scaled neck of Alienis. Why was I just checking him out? He hesitates and then sighs as he hops down. He climbs up Gracial’s saddle without needing assistance from her. Show off.

“We’ll be at Morningswood in three hours. Don’t worry about holding on. Alienis will not allow you to fall.” He then chuckles darkly as I gulp and widen my eyes. I didn’t think that was a possibility until now. I look down and nearly scream. I’m so high up. My entire body starts sweating as I try to keep my lungs from hyperventilating. Now is not the time to have the chance of fainting.

Alienis looks up and takes off. My stomach drops as I bite my lip so not to scream or I might vomit. I bend down and grab hold of the horn as best I can. I close my eyes so I cannot look down. I can feel the wind blowing past me as Alienis’s head separates the harsh air from me.

“You okay back there?” Alienis asks. I can’t open my mouth to answer. I’m so scared to open my eyes and see nothing below me. This is not a good calling for me. They had to have screwed up somewhere when making this decision. Hopefully, I can reverse it.

“She’s fine!” Trayvon shouts back. “Just don’t be surprised if you feel something warm on your back.” I’d snap something back but I’m at the point that I feel sick. This is not good. How long did Trayvon say we had? Three hellish hours of this. Please kill me now so I don’t have to do this again.

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