The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman

60 Lily And Her Scorn

60 Lily And Her Scorn


I could not believe what Tamia had just told me about Lily.

I was so mad that I knew Knight could emerge.

I looked at my mate, and she did not seem like she was joking.

From the look in her green eyes, it took a lot of effort for her to tell me what she had just divulged.

I raised my hand, patted her head gently, and then kissed her lips. It was more to calm myself down than to tell her I was okay.

I knew I needed to be calm to handle the matter.

Lily was a big problem. If she was betraying me, then I was in trouble because she knew of my investigations, and she was helping me with one of them.

What if she was giving out the information to someone else?

I had always suspected I couldn't trust her, but when she came, she was innocent-looking, and I thought I could have the younger sister I never had.

I revoked her privileges when I heard all the awful things she did to the women in the harem.

I did not want to jump to conclusions, but I wanted to get up and go and find out the truth.

I was about to get up when Tamia stopped me with her hand. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"I have not finished talking to you, darling. Please be calm. I hope there is a rational explanation for what I heard and saw," She said, and I searched her eyes, my soul pleading, hoping that whatever

she needed to tell me next would be easy to digest.

"Here goes," She said and sighed.

"After the incident with Lily, I bumped into your mother." She said, and I held my tongue. I did not want to say anything that would change the topic.

" She was crying, and she requested to speak to me immediately. Of course, I went to see Avery and then returned to your mother's room." She said and squeezed my arm.

"Your mother explained why she left the estate in a hurry that day Dominic was arrested, and what she went to do," she said.

"According to her, your father had a fated called Lady Alissa Pavlishchev," She continued, and I exclaimed. Tamia just nodded gradually and continued what she was saying.

"Your father accepted his fated and made your mother share. She did not have you then, and when the woman was pregnant, your mother left with Dominic. Things happened, and your mother was asked to return to care for her. All the while, he tried to divorce your mother, but her family was too important for him to divorce her successfully, so he started conquering the council families and the west. He wanted to own the world and be powerful enough to overthrow the council and marry this woman. According to your mother, the woman was evil and did many mean things. Eventually, she died giving birth to her son. This was relieving to your mother, but that was the beginning of your father growing his harem and getting involved with the women in the harem. He only went for women of western descent because they reminded him of his fated. Your father realised the boy was an Alpha, so he tried to get your mother to take care of the baby, but she said no, so he sent the boy to be cared for. She got pregnant with you, and everything became rosy after she gave birth to you, and he discovered you were an Alpha too." She said and searched my eyes for emotions, but I made sure there was nothing in them so she would have the confidence to tell me the rest.

"When your mother left, it wasn't an act of defiance, but to find David Pavlishchev, your half-brother, because she believed he might be the culprit. He has so much to gain if anything happens to either of you," she said, and I knew she was right.

"Did my mother tell you his last known location?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"Very well, I will handle it," I said, and she smiled.

She laid down a bit, and I held her in bed until she fell asleep.

It was time to go to the only part of the mansion I never visit. The Harem. I linked Theodore to meet me there with two women from my staff.

I kept my anger under control and moved swiftly.

When I got to the common hall of the harem, the entire place was silent. I had never visited there since the women had been brought. The last I was there was when we were actively involved with the former women in the harem before I let all of them go.

Marcel, Theodore and I threw orgies there and partied all night long. Thinking of the life I led back then; I was ashamed of myself and grateful that Tamia brought meaning and love back into my life because Susan left with everything, and I was nothing but an empty shell.

Most of the ladies were looking at me seductively, and I ignored them. My eyes searched and found Lily, who smiled at me.

I motioned her to come to me, and she approached eagerly.

"Take me to your bedroom," I said, and I heard some women gasp. I knew what they were thinking, but I did not owe anyone any explanation.

We waited for Theodore to join us before leaving. I could see the giddiness in Lily's eyes, and I remained silent.

"I hope Luna Tamia won't be mad about this Alpha. I do not want to anger luna," She said with a sly tone, and I wanted to hit her, but I controlled myself. If what Tamia said checked out, she would have betrayed me beyond repair. I was holding my temper.

"What is going on?" Theodore linked me.

"Be attentive," was all I could manage, and he was silent.

We got to Lily's room which she shared with two other girls, and I entered.

The room was beautifully furnished, and three beds were placed in it. Beside each bed was a vanity table. It looked like a luxurious hostel, which was the point, and Lilly stood with her head bowed.

I knew what she was thinking, and she began to undo her tunic to confirm my suspicion. I could feel her joy and expectation. I had never given her the sign that I wanted anything sensual with her, but I knew it was a fantasy in her head, and it almost cost me my relationship with Tamia.

"Keep your clothes on," I ordered quietly. She looked confused but nodded.

"I am at your service, Alpha," She said with her head bowed.

"Where is your bed?" I asked, and she eagerly pointed to the bed close to the wall. I linked the women that came with us to search through her things.

Lily became apprehensive immediately.

"What is going on, Alpha?" She said, looking worried.

"Hold her, Theodore," I told my Gamma, and he did as I had said.

"Where is the phone, Lily?" I asked her and her eyes widened.

"Do not bother lying because people told me you have one. Where did you put it?" I asked her, and she bowed her head and began to sob.

"Where is it!" I yelled, feeling my anger bubbling to the surface at the realisation that there was indeed a phone and Tamia was right.

"Inside the mattress under my bed," She confessed. The women lifted her mattress, and there the phone was.

They brought it to me, and it had no number and no messages, but the call log had an anonymous caller on it. The person was wise to hide their caller identity when calling.

"How did you get this?" I asked her calmly, and she sobbed. I tried to hold my temper because I knew I could kill her.

"What have you given them?" I asked her, and she continued to cry.

"Answer me!" I yelled with my authority, and she shook.

She struggled and broke away from Theodore and went on her knees.

"I am sorry, Alpha. I am sorry. They promised I would go home but threatened they would wipe my family out if I did not comply," she said without answering my question.

"Do not test my patience, Lily. What did you give them, and who were you speaking to?" I asked her, and she began to sob.

"They did not give me a name. Sometimes it was a woman and sometimes a man," She said, and I grabbed her neck and squeezed.

"What did you give them?" I asked, angry.

"Sylvester?" I heard Tamia's voice in my head, and I cursed under my breath because I wasn't expecting her to be awake.

"Sylvester?" I heard her voice again, and I released Lilly's neck.

"Yes, darling, I am in Lily's room; you are right," I said, and she did not reply. I knew she was on her way.

"What did you give them?

"Banking details, signatures, royal seals, envelopes, and I placed a backdoor on your computer to help them monitor what you were doing," She said quickly, and I slapped her.

She fell to the ground. I was enraged.

"You practically helped facilitate the treason against me, you bitch!!" I said, and I landed another slap.

"Do you know what you have done!" I yelled, and she remained on the ground. Just then, Tamia burst in, out of breath and barefooted. She must have run to where I was.

"Why did you run?" I scolded her, afraid because of her condition. Our baby meant everything to me, and I did not like her running.

"What happened?" She said, and I bowed my head. Lilly was crying, her nose bleeding.

"It was Lilly that helped facilitate the treasonous moves. She exposed me to them, Tamia. Bugged my computer, gave them my signature, my seal..." I said and wanted to send another slap when Tamia stopped me.

"Lilly," Tamia said, standing between me and the treacherous bitch.

"Why did you do it?" she asked, and Lily could not stop crying.

"Your actions would have cost Dominic his life or made Sylvester lose his lordship. You could have caused a war. Why did you do it?" Tamia asked, sounding pained.

"Because I am tired of being here all by myself. They promised me freedom, and I wanted it badly. Since he did not want me and would never see me, I chose to take my chances..." She said, and Tamia slapped her before she could complete her sentence.

"That is the most stupid excuse I have ever heard!" Tamia said.

"Do you think life is all about sex!" Tamia yelled at her angrily.

"If you loved him, you wouldn't have done this. We can never harm the people we love this way. I thought you would have a good excuse, but you disappointed me," Tamia growled.

"The East and South hate him, and part of the west is wary of him because of this. Do you know the extent of the damage you helped our enemies cause? What was his crime? Making us comfortable when we were all supposed to be languishing in a cell because that is what happens to war prisoners," she said. I pulled her to my body by the waist to stop her from saying those words because I did not want her to refer to herself as a prisoner.

"Please, Tamia," I said, and she shook her.

"No, Sylvester. Sometimes people have to hear the truth as it is. When we were dragged to the north, I thought I would be a slave. Only for me to be pampered and cared for even more so than I was back home, and I know the same is for you, Lily. How dare you feel entitled? How dare you!" Tamia said, angry, and I could feel Kaira emerging.

"You have exposed us to great danger! Where are your puppeteers now? They won't save you from what I will do to you, Lily. They won't save you," Tamia said, and Lilly looked at her.

Tamia lifted her chin while Lilly remained on her knees.

"Tell me how you got recruited, and I will make it easy," She said, and Lily's eyes danced with fear.

Tamia slapped her impatiently.

"I do not have all day, Lilly. Tell me now!" She said. That was when I realised why every Alpha needed a Luna.

"There... is... there is an uprising group in the north, and they are recruiting members. I do not know where their headquarters is or how they meet. It was a former Luna that is in service that recruited me eight months ago. I refused to help, but when they threatened to wipe out my family, I decided to help them," She said, and Tamia laughed.

"You expect me to believe that bullshit?" Tamia said and slapped Lily again.

"They did not need to threaten you for your cooperation, Lily. Sylvester just had to get with me to make you snap and want to bring his downfall, you scornful bitch! What is your handler's name?" Tamia asked her.

"Sofia Malek," She said, and Tamia stepped back, allowing the men to carry her away.

"Guard her and make sure no harm comes to her. She is mine" She ordered them, and they looked at me. I nodded, letting them know they were to follow her orders.

The situation with Lily had blown this thing wide, but I was glad we now had a name. Sofia was a luna that worked in the kitchen for the harem.

***Please, if you aren't following me on I.G.. please do. I like staying in touch with my readers. My handle is Karimasaadusman. Thank you for your support and feel free to DM me I always respond***

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