The Chosen Alpha (Prequel to The Female Alpha)

Chapter 30: A Bond of Sisters

Mikalya's P.O.V

I woke up one morning with an odd sense of apprehension gnawing at my mind, like an ominous shadow hovering over my consciousness.

The first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting patterns of light and shadow across the walls. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something significant was looming on the horizon, though I couldn't quite put my finger on what it might be.

With a sigh, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and pushed myself upright, the cool touch of the hardwood floor sending a shiver up my spine. As I padded my way through the familiar corridors of my newly built paradise, the sense of unease only seemed to deepen, wrapping around me like a suffocating cloak. I couldn't shake the feeling that today was going to be different, somehow.

Heading towards the kitchen, sensing the unnatural stillness of the house, I couldn't help but think Ruksaar had finally decided to leave me. After all, she and I hadn't exactly been on good terms since that fight we had about me acting as the coward and being unwilling to take on Kashmira and her son. So it could very well be that she had gone off to help them on her own.

But even so, the mere idea sent a pang of loneliness coursing through my veins, a reminder of just how much I relied on her presence to anchor me in this unpredictable world.

Pushing open the door to the kitchen, I braced myself for the possibility of an empty room, my heart sinking at the thought of facing the day alone. Yet to my surprise, there she was, sitting at the dining table with a steaming cup of coffee cradled in her hands, her gaze fixed intently on the newspaper spread out before her. Relief flooded through me like a tidal wave, washing away the lingering tendrils of anxiety that had threatened to consume me.

"You're still here," I breathed, the words escaping me in a rush of gratitude as I made my way over to her side.

Ruksaar looked up, confusion clouding her eyes as she examined my appearance from head to toe.

"Of course, I'm still here." she replied, tilting her head to the side. "Where else would I be?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her words, a weight lifting from my shoulders as I sank into the chair opposite her.

"I don't know. I guess I just... had a feeling." I shrugged, the tension slowly seeping from my muscles as I allowed myself to relax in her presence. "You got papers too?"

"A feeling? And yes, I got it last week, together with some supplies we needed for the house." Ruksaar arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "What kind of feeling?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to put the sensation into words. "I'm not sure, exactly," I confessed, a frown tugging at the corners of my lips. "It's just... there's something in the air, you know? Like the calm before a storm." Ruksaar nodded, her expression thoughtful as she considered my words. "I know what you mean," she murmured, her gaze drifting back to the newspaper in front of her. "But sometimes, a storm is just a storm. It doesn't always mean disaster is looming on the horizon."

I couldn't help but smile at her optimism, grateful for her steady presence in my life. Leaning forward, I reached for the coffee pot and poured myself a steaming cup, relishing in the warmth that spread through me with each sip. "Maybe you're right," I nodded. "But what's the use for an old newspaper, though? It's weeks old..."

"Just keeping up with everything that's happening all around the world." She shrugged, taking another sip of her coffee. "Even if it's a couple weeks late, knowledge is still power."

I couldn't argue with that logic, however, another question now gnawed at my mind, seeing as how cryptic her answers were. It was clear that she wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Ruksaar... why haven't you left if you don't like staying with me?" The words spilled out of my mouth before I could stop them, tinged with a hint of frustration and vulnerability.

The two of us have been together since the beginning, since a century ago when I had rescued her from the hands of a monster. But I could tell that sometimes, I wasn't the best kind of person for her. Ruksaar was a free spirit, her thirst for adventure often leading to her packing her bags and going out on random trips to far off lands.

But on the other hand, I liked to keep to myself. I preferred the comfort of my own home, the world that I had created for myself.

Ruksaar's eyes flickered to meet mine, her expression a mix of surprise and resignation.

"Because, Mink," she began, her voice soft but steady, "you're pushing everyone away. And every time you feel guilty for something that happened, for the incidents that were well out of your push everyone away so that you alone can bear the guilt of it all." Her words hung in the air, heavy with meaning. I felt a pang of guilt tighten my chest at the truth in her statement.

Ruksaar's gaze softened, and she took a step closer, her hand reaching out to gently grasp mine. "Mink," she murmured, her eyes locking onto mine. "You aren't responsible for anything that happened. None of it was your fault...not Mouri... and definitely not the falcons."

I looked down at our clasped hands, a bond that had been forged through fire. She was right, whenever I was overcome by guilt, I pushed people away...sometimes even forgetting the fact that Ruksaar was all I had left in my life. "You've been more than just my sister, Mink. You've been like a mother to me. We've guided each other through tough times," she continued, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "And we'll continue to do so in the future. You're my only family as I am yours."

I couldn't help but marvel at the strength in her conviction, the unwavering loyalty that had been the bedrock of our relationship for as long as I could remember. And yet, beneath her steadfast resolve, I sensed a vulnerability that mirrored my


"I'm sorry," I whispered, the words tasting bitter on my tongue. "For everything."

Ruksaar squeezed my hand gently, her eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions. "You don't have to apologize, Mink," she said softly. "But you need to forgive yourself."Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Her words pierced through the haze of self-doubt and guilt that clouded my mind, striking a chord deep within me. For years, I had carried the weight of my past mistakes like a burden, allowing them to define me in ways I couldn't fully comprehend.

"And what if I can't?" I asked, the words barely more than a hoarse whisper.

Ruksaar's gaze held mine, unwavering in its intensity. "Then you'll never be able to move forward," she said simply.

"You took the life of those at Mouri when you were just fourteen, Mink. It was a terrible tragedy, but it wasn't your fault."

Her words echoed in the silence that followed, a stark reminder of the wounds that still festered beneath the surface. And yet, despite the pain they stirred within me, there was a glimmer of hope, a possibility that maybe, just maybe, I could find peace amidst the chaos of my own making.

"And now, after getting rid of an entire falcon cast," Ruksaar continued, her voice gentle but firm, "the guilt has only intensified." She paused, her expression softening with empathy. "But you have to believe me when I say that you're not alone, Mink. I'm here for you, now and always."

Her words resonated deep within me, causing me to rethink everything that I thought I knew about myself, about everything around me.

"You push people away because you think you don't deserve happiness," Ruksaar continued softly, her voice tinged with empathy. "But Mink, you deserve happiness just as much as anyone else. You are worthy of love and companionship." I nodded, unable to form words as her words struck a chord deep within me. It was true, I often found myself pushing others away, building walls around my heart, convinced that I was better off alone but hearing Ruksaar articulate it so plainly made me realize just how destructive that mindset could be.

"But Mink," Ruksaar continued, her gaze unwavering, "you are not meant to be alone. None of us are. We are social creatures, we are wolves. We thrive in the company of others, in the warmth of a pack."

"You're my pack, Ruksaar," I whispered, my voice barely above a breath. "You've always been there for me, supporting me, guiding me. I don't know what I would do without you."

Ruksaar smiled, a gentle, reassuring smile that melted away the last vestiges of doubt and fear.

"And I will always be here for you, Mink. No matter what. We're in this together, remember?"

With those words, I couldn't hold back any longer. I rose from my seat and crossed the room in a few quick strides, wrapping Ruksaar in a tight embrace. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, the burden of loneliness and self- doubt slipping away with each passing moment.

In that embrace, I found solace, I found strength. And most importantly, I found the unwavering support of a sister who would never abandon me, no matter how dark the days ahead might seem.

All this time, I had thought that I was all alone in this entire world, but I had been overlooking the only person who had stood beside me through thick and thin, sacrificing everything in her life to stand by my side.

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Suddenly, my wolf rose in my mind, it's interest piqued as that strange feeling from earlier returned with a vengeance.

"Ruksaar," I said with urgency, breaking the heavy silence that surrounded us. "I need to go outside."

Ruksaar looked at me with concern etched into her features. "Are you sure, Mink? It's freezing out there."

I nodded, a strange pull tugging at my heart, urging me to step into the frosty wilderness beyond.

"I have to," I replied, my voice resolute despite the uncertainty gnawing at me from within.

Stepping out into the cold, I felt the chill seep into my bones, but I paid it no mind. My gaze was fixed on the horizon, where the sky met the snowy expanse in a blur of white and gray. My mind was restless, my thoughts swirling like the snowflakes that danced around me.

And then, I saw them. Two figures emerging from the haze, their silhouettes blurred by the falling snow. A surge of anticipation washed over me, mingling with the primal instincts that stirred within my soul. My wolf, always vigilant, howled in recognition, telling me what my heart already knew.

"Abhay," I whispered, barely daring to believe it myself.

Ruksaar stood beside me, her presence a comforting anchor in the midst of my tumultuous emotions.

"Is it him?" she asked softly, her eyes searching mine for reassurance.

I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. "Yes," I replied, a sense of wonderment and disbelief flooding through me.

As the figures drew closer, I could make out Abhay's familiar form, his stride confident and purposeful against the backdrop of snow. My breath caught in my throat as our eyes met, a silent understanding passing between us that transcended words.

"He's here."


This isn't the end. I will post more soon.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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