The Challenge Two Alphas, One Girl

Chapter 4: Humiliated and Heartbroken

Chapter 4: Humiliated and Heartbroken

Friday’s POV

I had not gotten out of bed that day. Last night I dreamt of Maze. In my dreams, he accepted me so dreaming was much preferable to reality. Dreams were always better than reality when it came to me. I had not had a happy day in a while and my first happy moment in two years led to me being humiliated and heartbroken. It was early in the afternoon. I was not hungry. I wanted nothing more than to sneak into the pack house and beg Maze to accept me as his mate, my one chance at happiness and love.

There was a sharp knock on my door. I sprang up and ran to the door, flinging it open.

My brother, Fang, stood there, shocked at how I had responded so quickly. My face fell. Fang was alone.

“You have to come to the pack house,” he insisted. “That’s an order!”

Before I allowed myself to hope, fear gripped me. What is Alpha Maze wanted me banished or killed? Surely, he could not be that cruel. He had not harmed me last night. He just wanted nothing to do with a wolf-less mate. He was ashamed of me. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I groaned.

“I don’t want to hear it, Friday! Let’s go!” Fang said.

“I just want to know why I’m being summoned to the pack house. Maze said never to come there” I said, pleading with my brother.

“Don’t be insolent! Maze changed his mind and that’s Alpha Maze to you!” My brother bellowed using his beta voice.

It had no effect on me as I was wolf-less but it was still scary to witness.

“I’ll get ready very quickly,” I said.

“Come as you are,” he said, walking away. “No one cares how you look.”

I slammed the door which I knew was a huge risk. I quickly grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom, locking the door. I brushed my teeth while in the shower. I heard Fang’s cry of rage. He banged on the door incessantly. I dried off as quickly as possible. I would have to go with damp hair. I slipped into the only nice dress I had, a short red sundress. I actually dared to put on mascara. Fang literally broke down the front door and then ripped the bathroom door of its hinges. I would never be able to afford a repair person for that. He grabbed me and swung me over his shoulder. I was still barefoot. I was too scared to protest anymore.

He marched through the woods at an incredible pace and before I knew it, he threw me on the porch of the pack house. I braced my fall with my already bruised palms. My knees did not get scratched but they still hurt. I got to my feet and followed Fang upstairs. He was leading me up many flights, all the way to the fifth floor, but the fifth floor was only for the alpha. I was terrified. He knocked on a door. A tall blonde werewolf I did not recognise opened it but he was quickly pushed aside by the tallest werewolf I had ever seen. He was almost seven feet tall with broad shoulders. He was well-built and muscular. His dark ash brown hair was just past his shoulders. He stared at me, his blue eyes wide with shock. He smelled like a rainforest. It was the most beautiful smell. It reminded me of when I had sniffed Maze last night. I did not know if I wanted to see Maze desperately or hoped I would not run into him. I was confused and this gorgeous man was making me even more confused.

“Alpha Thaddeus,” Fang said, addressing the seven-foot-man.

“Beta Theodore,” Fang added as the blonde man came back into view, grinning, not the least bit annoyed that he had been pushed aside.

“This is my wolf-less sister Friday who cuts my hair like I was telling you,” Fang said.

Wow, what a marvellous introduction. Fang left. I suddenly realised how sore I was from being thrown onto the porch.

Alpha Thaddeus motioned me forwards into his room. It was amazing. I had never seen any of the Alpha floor’s rooms. There was a king-sized four poster bed with curtains one could draw for privacy. There was a huge wide-screened television mounted on the wall. There was fireplace, a dining table for two and a couch. The room was bigger than my cottage and that was not including the master bathroom which I had not seen yet. The room was decorated in yellow and green, our pack colours.

Beta Theodore was grinning at me like I had announced he had won a million dollar sweepstakes or something. They were creeping me out a little.

Beta Theodore said, “Lu-, I mean Miss Friday, allow me to give you and Thaddeus some privacy.” He spoke to me so respectfully as if he were addressing a queen and he bowed and backed out of the room, smiling. He shut the door.

I looked at Alpha Thaddeus, hoping he was less weird. At least, they were being nice to me. I could handle weird. I smiled and Alpha Thaddeus’ face lit up even more, if that were possible. He was so handsome. I blushed and looked away.

“Friday,” he murmured, bending a little towards me, “where are your shoes?”


“Oh!” I said. “I’m sorry, Alpha Thaddeus, I was in such a hurry to get here.”

I had to lie. Fang would throw me against a wall or something if I said it was his fault.

“Please don’t call me Alpha. My name is Thaddeus,” he said gently. A gentle giant.

I smiled even more brightly.

“Ok,” I said simply.

“Please sit,” Thaddeus said, gesturing to one of the chairs at the table. I sat.

Thaddeus’ POV

Theo and I were goofing off in my room when I smelled it. The most intoxicating scent imaginable was wafting towards me. What was that? Could it be?

“Theo!” I yelled, making Theo jump.

“My mate, she’s here,” I said.

Theo was over the moon, almost excited as I was. He was definitely a true friend. The smell was getting more and more overpowering. There was a knock at the door.

“She’s here!” I said.

Theo ran to open the door. I followed him, accidentally pushing him from the doorway in my haste. Theo recovered, still smiling.

Fang was at the door and standing just behind him was the most gorgeous girl I had even seen. Her hair cascaded down her back in dark waves, her golden skin gleamed and she regarded me curiously with her brown doe eyes. She smelled of wildflowers. Fang introduced her.

“This is my wolf-less sister Friday who cuts my hair like I was telling you,” Fang said.

My mate had an a**hole for a brother. I was glad to see him leave. Theo said some words to my mate but I didn’t hear them. I wasn’t listening. I was just staring at her. Theo left, closing the door. My future Luna was in a short red dress that flared out around her. The red suit her so well. I noticed my little mate was not wearing any shoes.

“Friday,” I murmured, bending towards her to better inhale her scent, “where are your shoes?”

“Oh!” She said. “I’m sorry, Alpha Thaddeus, I was in such a hurry to get here.”

She was lying. Why would my little mate lie to me? She was the one they had banned from the pack house because she was wolf-less. My heart hurt for her. She moved as if she were in pain. I wanted to rip the perpetrator’s throat out. Someone had been mistreating my mate!

“Please don’t call me Alpha. My name is Thaddeus,” I said softly, keeping my anger at bay. I didn’t want to scare her. She was tiny compared to me. Perhaps, she would be average height if she were a human girl. She looked about five-foot-four.

She smiled happily, making my heart leap. “Ok,” she said. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Please sit,” I said, gesturing to one of the chairs at the table. She sat.

I wondered if she could tell we were mates. She was wolf-less. Her instincts might be dull. It did not matter. I would explain everything to her.

“Friday,” I said cautiously, sitting opposite her but wishing she were in my lap. “Do you notice anything different about me?”

She blinked. “You’re the tallest werewolf I’ve ever met, even for an alpha,” she said, smiling.

“Ok,” I said.

“What about my smell?” I asked.

“I-, it’s…really…,” she said, fumbling. Her eyes filled with tears and I almost scooped her up immediately.

Friday’s POV

Alpha Thaddeus started asking me weird questions, very similar to the ones Alpha Maze had asked just last night. Why was this happening? Why couldn’t they just leave me alone? Memories of last night

flashed through my mind. My eyes filled with tears. Alpha Thaddeus smelled even better than Alpha Maze but what was the point of telling him that. Who cared?

“Friday,” Thaddeus said softly. “I’m not sure if you can tell because I know you are wolf-less but I can tell and…you are my mate, Friday, my Luna.”

Not this again. They were playing a joke on me or something. Did Fang put both Alpha Maze and Alpha Thaddeus up to this. What if Maze had lied last night? And I was no one’s mate? I did feel heartbroken though, due to Maze’s rejection, even after only knowing him for five minutes. I’d only known Thaddeus for five minutes too and I already felt enamoured with him, but I was a lonely person. I couldn’t trust myself.

I ran to the door but Thaddeus was quick as lightning. He grabbed me and spun me around. He held my arms gently. I looked up at him.

“Are you playing a joke on me?” Was all I could say.

He laughed but before I could panic or cry, I was in his embrace. He sat back in his chair, with me in his lap. He hugged me tightly to his chest. His rainforest smell was so wonderful. I inhaled it deeply and it relaxed me. His arms were strong but he held me so gently, as though I were a porcelain doll. My whole body tingled. I sighed happily. Thaddeus was massaging my back with his hands as he held me to him. I remembered how sore I was and leant into him. We stayed like that for a while.

“Why would you think I was playing a joke on you?” He asked.

“You’re an alpha. I don’t have a wolf. I know no one wants a wolf-less luna,” I said, still worried despite being held by Thaddeus. What if he planned to use me and then reject me? That would be even worse than what Maze had done.

“I want you,” Thaddeus said simply, meeting my eyes. The way he said it aroused me. My breath quickened. I knew Thaddeus could smell my arousal. His blue eyes darkened, his wolf taking over. I wanted him too.

“I, Thaddeus Hawthorne, Alpha of the Berryndale Wolf Pack, accept you, Friday Fenestra, as my mate and Luna,” he said, looking me dead in the eyes.

I gasped. Was this really happening? His eyes were almost black when someone burst through the door.

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