The Challenge Two Alphas, One Girl

Chapter 26: Cupcake Conversation

Chapter 26: Cupcake Conversation

Fang’s POV

Friday’s broken foot meant that the Alphas would be physically carrying her around time. I roared in anger, slamming my fist into the bathroom mirror. Astrid flinched.

“What’s wrong, Fang?” She cooed. “Talk to me.” This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I looked at my bloody wrist. The flesh began to heal instantly pushing the glass splinters out and then the skin came together until every trace of the injury vanished. I had to admit. It must suck to be Friday, knowing that this was in her genetics but it skipped her somehow. Healing at a human rate seemed like a nightmare but it would also bring out the most protective sides possible in both of her alpha mates. They weren’t even fighting with each other anymore because they were so concerned. This was horrible timing.

“I’m upset because…” I paused, thinking of a plausible lie. “I wish Friday and I could be closer.” That came out fake and Astrid raised her eyebrows incredulously.

“I mean…she’s going to be Luna. There’s no higher rank than that and she dislikes us you know. It might jeopardise our position here,” I said.

Astrid looked pensive. She clearly had not considered this before. “We just have to be nicer to her,” she suggested, shrugging.

“Maybe…you should spend some time with Friday,” I added.

Astrid looked like I had asked her to eat a tablespoon of ground glass.

“Remember when you dressed her up for the opening ceremony of the challenge. Everyone was amazed at how different she looked and she made the front page of the Marigold Morning newspapers,” | said, throwing the larger shards of glass away.

Astrid smiled. “I did do a good job.”

“You should offer to fix her up for her wedding, her engagement party, her bridal shower…that kind of thing,” I continued.

Astrid was nodding fervently. I knew Astrid adored the limelight.

“Those are great ideas, Hun,” she said, clapping her hands together. Thaddeus’ POV “I love you,” I whispered, gazing into her eyes. It was true.

Her eyes widened. They were glistening with tears. A stray tear escaped down her cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I had loved her since the moment I laid eyes on her but now it had become more apparent. Her pain was my pain. Her joy was my joy. Her suffering was my suffering. Her triumph was my triumph. She was my heart, existing outside of my body.

“I love you, Thaddeus,” she said.

I nuzzled her and held her closer. We stayed like that until it was five minutes to midnight. I tucked her in and kissed her goodnight. I was really apprehensive about leaving an injured Friday on her own but I was right next-door and Maze was opposite. He was far from my favourite person but we did see eye to eye on one thing and that was Friday. She was the top priority.

Maze’s POV ao sometning relaxing, something that was manageable even for someone nign on pain- Killers. I was lucky I was the Alpha. I called in a last minute favour. I went to fetch Friday first thing in the morning and found Thaddeus already in her room. I was livid. He put his palms up. His tone was apologetic.

“I know it’s your day but I wanted to make sure she had help for anything she needed and I woke up before you. I couldn’t just not check on her,” he said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Friday was dressed in a blue sundress that Thaddeus had probably helped her pick out on my day. He had no right to infringe upon it, especially with that half-baked excuse, as if I couldn’t help Friday get ready.

“Thanks Thaddeus,” said Friday sweetly. She was sitting in her wheelchair. She had crutches but we had also gotten her a wheelchair which allowed her to put her feet up. I wheeled her to the dining room. It did not make sense snatching her away early today. I had to give my special guest time to prepare for my date with Friday. Thaddeus followed us into the dining room.

Friday refused everything she was offered for breakfast, complaining that the pain-killers were making her nauseated. The thought of little Friday not eating properly for the next six weeks was making me nauseated. Thaddeus and I both pleaded with her to have something so she would not have to take her medication on an empty stomach. She obliged, sighing. I carried her bridal style down the stairs and to my surprise, Thaddeus followed us holding the folded-up wheelchair and crutches. He put those things in the trunk and opened the door so I could gently place Friday in the car. I looked at him awkwardly.

“Um, thank you,” I said nodding.

“You’re welcome,” he said, shrugging his shoulders at me and waving and blowing a kiss to Friday who had begun to sing again. She did have a sweet soft singing voice but the lyrics which I was sure she made up herself needed work. The chauffeur took me and Friday to the Marigold Hotel. I carried her into the huge empty kitchen there. There were several kitchens at the hotel but I had shut down this one in particular for Friday and me.

“What’s going on, Maze?” Asked Friday excitedly, her breath ticking my ear.

I kissed her gently. Right on cue, Gregory Georgetown walked into the kitchen. Friday squealed in delight. I could not help the smug smirk that slid onto my face. Gregory was one of the most famous werewolf chefs in the world in addition to being a Marigold native and family friend. He was well-known

for his desserts so I had hoped my mate and her sweet tooth knew of him. She clearly did by her reaction.

“I’m Gregory Georgetown. Call me Greg. I’m the head chef here at the Marigold Hotel Restaurant which boasts five Michelin stars,” said Greg, winking. He was a tall guy, lean with wavy blond hair and brown eyes. He had on his white chef’s uniform and hat. “I also have my own cooking show, Wolf it or Waste it, where amateur chefs win cash or their food ends up in the thrash!”

I struggled not to roll my eyes. Greg was all about self-promotion. Friday clapped after his introduction and I grinned at her. She was so adorable.

“Greg is going to do a private cooking class with us,” I explained as I put Friday down on a chair near the kitchen counter. “This is my mate, Friday.”

“Nice to meet you Friday!” Said Greg cheerfully. “Now as I always say, if you want to learn how to bake, you gotta start with the cupcake!”

Ugh! But Friday was into it. Greg walked us through the batter recipe. He had everything already measured out in bowls so we basically just poured things and mixed them. We made chocolate, vanilla and red velvet. Friday kept stealing batter to eat. I took the bowls away from her. Just because I was not going criticise did not mean I would not confiscate either. She pouted and sulked.

My family never let me watch too much television but even I knew who Gregory Georgetown was. His desserts were legendary and all of his restaurants were top rated. All of his cooking shows were hits. He showed us how to make three basic cupcake batters. The chocolate was so rich, the vanilla was light and fluffy and the red velvet had an exotic flair to it. Maze took the batters away from me after a while to my chagrin.

Next we made chocolate buttercream frosting for the chocolate cupcakes, vanilla buttercream frosting for the vanilla cupcakes and cream cheese buttercream frosting for the red velvet cupcakes. The cream

cheese buttercream was my favourite of the frostings. Maze eventually took that away too. We assembled the cupcakes and had fun decorating them. There were so many cute decorations in the kitchen, star sprinkles, heart sprinkles, all colours of edible glitter, and dark, white and milk chocolate chips. I could tell Maze was wary of me being around the chocolate chips. He said I had a chocolate chip problem.

Maze made his half-dozen cupcakes say Friday. I smiled. I wrote 1<3 Maze on my six cupcakes. Maze grinned. We fed each other cupcakes. They were delicious. Greg was looking at me curiously.

“Why are you in that cast?” He asked. “I broke my foot yesterday,” I explained. “It should be healed by now,” he said matter-of-factly. I felt a small prickle of shame. “I heal at a human speed because I’m wolf- less,” I mumbled.

“That’s tough!” Exclaimed Gregory. “You gotta watch her like a hawk to make sure she doesn’t get injured again,” said Greg to Maze who nodded in agreement.

“I remember I would never let my wife out of my sight back when she was wolf-less,” said Greg thoughtfully.

Huh. “Your wife was wolf-less, meaning she’s no longer wolf-less?” I asked eagerly.

“Yeah, she was wolf-less when I met her around age twenty-one. After I marked her, she shifted,” said Gregory plainly, his mouth full of cupcake.

I wondered if that could happen to me. Could I shift once I had been marked? Perhaps, I needed another wolf to bring out the wolf in me. I did not want to get my hopes up. I looked carefully at Maze’s expression. His expression was unfathomable, I did not want him getting his hopes up either. I had a moment of dread where I wondered if Maze was only trying to win me, thinking I would eventually develop some lupine powers. I remembered his Gamma, Slogan, thinking I must have power hidden

somewhere as I was fated to two alphas. My heart hurt. What if Maze did not care about me? I had been so quick to forgive him, to believe him, to move on from the rejection. What if I had let him in too hastily?

Maze’s POV

My little Princess Friday had a troubled expression on her face. I wondered if her foot was in a lot of pain. I massaged her shoulders and kissed her cheeks. She relaxed a little. I wished there was something! could do to get Friday to heal faster. I hated the idea of her being in pain everyday for six weeks. I wished I could lend her some of my alpha powers somehow. I ran my fingers absentmindedly through her tousled waves. Greg claimed that marking his wolf-less mate had brought out her wolf. I wondered if I could do

that for Friday. In a weird way, I did not actually want Friday to have a wolf anymore. The lupine life was too rough for her. She was so dedicate. I did not want her near a battlefield ever no matter what the circumstances were.

Friday seemed content to just eat cupcakes for lunch but I encouraged her to have some savoury food at the hotel restaurant. After that, we returned to the pack house. Astrid, Beta Fang’s mate, stopped us on the Beta floor. Her wardrobe consisted entirely of outfits that resembled the one I had confiscated from water in ner skimpy outit that day. Astria made my eyes purn. Sne naa no business aressing like this. I sighed when she came over, preparing myself for some bullshit that Fang had probably put her up to.

“Friday!!! Fancy seeing you here at the pack house?” She said incredulously. I narrowed my eyes at her.

“She lives here now. We’re in the middle of the challenge, remember? You dressed Friday up for the opening ceremony yourself,” I reminded her.

Fang had found someone just as cringe-worthy and fake as him to be with.

“Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that,” said Astrid absentmindedly. “Anyhoo I was wondering if Friday and I could have a little chat. A little girl time.”

Astrid winked at me. I stared blankly at her. “No,” I said. “Maze!” Protested Friday. She was in my arms. I had refused to let her use crutches on the stairs. “I said no,” I reiterated and carried Friday to the Alpha floor.

I put her down on her bed. She folded her arms, clearly cross with me. I ignored her angry expression, focusing my attention on her feet. I put the left foot which was in the cast on a pillow to keep it elevated. I took the other foot in both of my hands and began massaging it. Friday relaxed at my touch. I kissed the sole of her foot.

Friday motioned for me to come closer. I did and we were soon breathless from kissing. I planted kisses down her neck and she kissed across my jawline all the way to my ear. She rubbed the bulge in my pants and I growled instinctively, my eyes darkening. For a split second, I thought I had seen Friday’s eyes darken too. I looked at them closely. They were large and a warm brown just like always. This was why! stayed away from sugar. It made people unstable.

“Are you ok?” Asked Friday, looking at me with concern.

“Am Tok?” I asked incredulously looking at her cast.

She giggled and squeezed the large bulge in my pants again making me groan. She nuzzled me and kissed the tip of my nose.

Fang’s POV I was livid. Maze had said no to Astrid spending time with Friday out right. “Why not?” I snarled. Astrid shrugged her shoulders. “Well, what reason did he give?” I asked. “None, Fang. He just said no,” Astrid said, biting her lip. “So you didn’t ask him?” I growled. “No,” she said softly. “He’s the

Alpha.” “Well, I’m your mate and the Beta. Go ask him why not!” I ordered. Astrid sighed. “Right now,” I added.

She flinched and walked out of our bedroom. I felt a little guilty for being harsh with Astrid but she barely even tried to do what I had asked of her.

Maze’s POV

Friday was kneeling on the bed and straddling my face. Her scent overwhelmed me. I kissed her folds. She was so wet already. I licked her eagerly and she squealed. I chuckled at that and the vibration of my laughter made her squirm. She was stretching over me and unbuckling my pants. I hissed when she took ass ana sne squealed again. Berore Friday couia take me into ner mouth, there was a KNOCK on the door.

If that was Fang, I was going to kill him.

Friday was still in her dress. I helped her put on her underwear and then I buckled my pants. I opened the door to reveal a frightened looking Astrid. Ugh.

“Yes?” I said dryly. Friday’s POV

Astrid was at the door. I was annoyed about being interrupted but Maze’s tone reminded me of something. I used to be so nervous to talk to him. He had that way about him. I felt a little sorry for Astrid even though she had never exactly felt sorry for me. Why was I like this? I sighed.

“Astrid,” I said softly. “Are you ok?”

“Yes,” she said quickly. “I just really wanted some girl time and I know Alpha Maze is not ok with it and that’s totally fine but I was wondering if he might…”

She was rambling. Maze cut her off. “I already said no,” he practically snarled. “Maze, stop it!” I said sharply, surprising myself and Astrid alike. Maze flinched.

I bit my lip, expecting him to be furious with me. Astrid was looking at me like I was crazy for ordering around the Alpha. She had a point. Alphas could not be ordered not even by other Alphas. They could only do what they chose.

“If you want to spend time with Astrid, it’ll be under my supervision,” Maze said exasperatedly.

Whoa. Maze had just changed his mind because of me. I smiled. Maze returned the smile. He came over and kissed me gently. My heart felt very full.

“Well, close the door, please, Astrid,” said Maze.

Astrid quickly obeyed and came over. She sat in one of the chairs near the bed. What were Astrid and I even going to talk about?

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