The CEO's Return (Tracy and Alex)

Chapter Six

Chapter Six


There is no way my salary would be enough to pay our bill, rent, the children's school fees, and other

necessary bills, the money I saved had been used up and I needed to find another job, so I started

making enquires for any position at all, I submitted applications letters but only one company looked


It's a new company in town for a different purpose, you can find almost anything there, but then looking

promising is not enough, I pray they pick me because if they don't I'd have to go to my family and ask

for money.

I don't want to result in that, they've done so much for me including rendering financial support when I

was pregnant and when I was moving into the house with my children, I don't want to put my burden on

them, that's why I'm praying that the company gives me the job, then I would be able to support myself

and my children, probably save up to buy my own place too.

I have decided to move on with my life, I have to admit that I didn't know part of me was still waiting

and yearning for Alex, I was waiting for my husband to come back and apologize to me, I was waiting

for my husband to come back and declare his undying love to me, like the heroes in the books I read

do, they always come back to their love, they always live happily ever after, but then I was wrong, the

fact is that I don't have a husband and it took seeing Alex engaged to another woman for me to realize

that, Alex coming back is now a fantasy, another woman now hold his affection and there is no hope for

us being together again.

I wonder what I did to Alex, I want to know why he had to marry me just to jilt me barely twenty-four

hours after, I want to know what I did to deserve all Alex did to me, is it because of my body? Was that

what he wanted? Was I below his standard, why would he do that to me?

Different thoughts were running through my head, tears began to fall, I was alone at home since the

children were in school already so I didn't bother to clean my tears, I let them fall freely.

What did I do to Alex? Why did he leave me? Am I so despicable? Am I a pushover like I was always

told in school? I couldn't just stop thinking.

My phone rang shattering my thought, I cleared my throat then I picked it.

"Tracy Jones, who is on the line please?" I said.

"Mrs. Johnson? This is Mr. Brown from Michelle and Michael's school, we need you at the hospital

please." He said desperately.

"What?!, what happens? how are my kids? I hope nothing is wrong?" I said grabbing my bag and car

key at the same time heading out.

"Calm down Mrs. Johnson, I would send you the hospital's location now." He said before hanging up.

I drove as fast as I could to the hospital not bothering to follow the speed limit, if anything happens to

any of my children I can run mad, anything can happen so I sincerely prayed that nothing was wrong

with my children.

As soon as I got to the hospital I parked the car and rushed inside, thankfully I sighted the headmaster

at the reception the moment I entered.

"What happened to my children?" I asked moving close to him and grabbing his hands, my heart was

beating hard against my chest and I was hoping it was not what I was thinking.

"Calm down Mrs. Johnson, I would explain." He said nervously.

"Okay then explain."

"The twin and other pupils were coming from the playground, there was a little bit of a rush and some

of the pupils were about to fall off the stairs when your children stepped and tried to rescue them,


"Unfortunately what?" I asked when I noticed he was hesitating.

"They fell off the stairs and hit their head, we rushed them to the hospital as soon as we could."

"Where are my kids?!" I asked as tears fell from my eyes.

"The doctor is checking on them." He replied.

I started pacing around, as we waited for the doctor, the tears kept falling, why I'd my life like this?,

Why is this happening now? I thought still pacing.

The doctor came out minutes later and we rushed to meet him.

"The twin's parent?" He asked looking from the headmaster to me.

"I'm their mother, I'm the twin's mother," I said unable to keep the fact that I'm panicking out of my


"Please let's go to my office." He said leading the way.

When we got to the office, he told us to take our seats before he started talking.

"The twins happened to have sustained head injuries when they rolled off the stairs and injured their

head, we would have to perform surgery to stop the internal bleeding, we need to perform the surgery

soon and I would like you to fill this form." He said handing me a form and a pen.

I filled it as fast as I could and I gave it back to him.

"Their father's name is not there." He pointed out.

"Don't bother about it just proceed with the treatment," I said standing up trying to get the hang of my


"Sorry ma'am, we need their father's name." He said returning the form to me, I was scared and my

nerves acted up.

"They don't have a father! their father is not here so, please attend to my children, please don't let

anything happen to my children!" I yelled crying profusely, I crumbled back into the chair and cried my Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

eyes out, the doctor and Mr. Brown were staring but I didn't care, I'm tired.

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