The CEO’ s second choice

Chapter 59 Secrets

Chapter 59 Secrets


As soon as I step out of Elena’s hospital room, the flamboyancy leaves my body and the smile

drops from my face. I walk down the halls until I reach the exit and get into my Mercedes. Then I pull

out my cell phone. “Still nothing, but it’s as we suspected. Attempted murder and from what I’ve

overheard between Dumont and Somersett, there have been numerous attempts on Dumont’s life over

the last few months.” The Scottish accent immediately drops as my usual Cockney one takes over. I

give my report to my superior on the other end and await his response.

“Hm, and you’re positive this was not the Thompson woman’s doing? She did try before.” The

voice comes from the other end, but I shake my head to no one in particular. “No, Thompson was way

too clumsy to attempt something like this. This goes deep into the older families. I’ll report back when I

find out more. They all trust me.” I say as the burning in my chest starts again, but I push it down. I

cannot allow this to interfere with my mission.

“Good. Has she regained her memories?”

“No, she has not, but she’s remembering more as she progresses,” I say, recalling Elena’s

endearment earlier. A huff comes from the other end. “Good. Don’t screw this up again, MacGowan.”

Then the call dies, and I am left staring at the phone.

The mission was simple; get close to Elena Dumont and do not allow anything to happen to her

until we find out who was behind the murdering of the upper-class elite. I failed the first mission, even

though I weeded Anabelle out of her life. I never expected it to be Anabelle, but someone closer to

Elena and since she has not made an appearance since they admitted her sister, she was looking

guiltier by the day.

Eliana Dumont.

It felt as if this mission into the Dumont’s lives was preordained. Elena and I clicked immediately

and there was this instant connection, one neither of us could explain..Well, I would be lying if I said I

couldn’t explain it. Elena and I were family, yes, but she wasn’t aware just how close. She never caught

the way my blue eyes shone in the sunlight and how they mirrored hers completely.

I was a bastard, for all intents and purposes. Susanna Wilford was to marry William Wiltshire when

she turned 21 but had an affair with her cousin, my father when she was only 18. She fell pregnant

during one of her trysts with my father and Magnus Wiltshire; her intended father-in-law, paid my father

3 Billion Pounds to take the child and not mention anything again. This would have ruined the Wilford’s

and Wiltshires, so my father agreed, seeing as he was the one who got Susanna pregnant. His wife

was barren and welcomed the child, even though it was a product of his affair.

Of course, I was the child.

Elena is my half-sister and for the last year I have been trying to protect her from harm, but in the

end, I failed. I was told not to get too close to Sebastian because he would figure me out immediately,

but he hasn’t yet. Partially because he has been so caught up with Elena’s accident and amnesia. But I

have a feeling once he gets to know me that he would put two and two together. But for now, I need to

figure out who was behind the attack on Elena’s life before they decide to strike again. I pushed down

the guilt burning hot in my chest and started my car; I had a mission to complete and could not allow

my feelings to get in the way.


This entire day, that memory played over and over in my head. Sebastian seemed so kind and

sweet to me, and I could tell that he loved me deeply. So where did that memory come from? Did I walk

in on Sebastian cheating on me? Should I ask him what is going on or keep quiet? I know keeping

quiet would eat me alive, so perhaps I should just come clean when he arrives. Honesty is the best

policy, after all.

The nurse has just returned me to bed after my sponge-down, but Sebastian still has not returned.

I wanted to see him again, but I was too scared of what I would say because at this moment I wasn’t

his wife. I just looked like her. A knock at the door alerted me and as soon as his head peeks in the

door and I see those gorgeous honey eyes, I feel myself faltering how did he have this effect on me

when I don’t even remember him?

“Hey,” he says with that stupidly gorgeous smile of his that I couldn’t help but return. “Hey,” I say,

unsure of what else. He walks in with what I can only assume was food because of its glorious smell,

and I perk up. “Hungry?” he asks, and I nod with glee. Apparently, this was a high-class hospital wing,

but it was still hospital food and it sucked. “I’m dying for something that I’ll regret later,” I say, literally

salivating, and I see Sebastian blink in surprise. Then he chuckles. “You sounded just like my Elena

there,” he says, swivelling my tray towards me and placing the food on top of it. We ate our meal in

silence, a meal which was apparently my favourite take away and I could see why. Oodles of calories This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

and I didn’t care at all.

When we were done, Sebastian discards the empty containers and hands me a fruit juice. “You’ve

been very quiet since I returned. Is everything okay?” He asks me and for some reason, I feel as if he

could see right through me. I look down and sigh, “I had another memory flash today,” I say and look

up, brushing the tear away that had fallen down my cheek. “You in a tux, and a blonde woman on her


As soon as I say this, Sebastian pales and sits down. He leaned forward and placed his elbows on

his knees, lacing his fingers in front of his mouth. “Of all the memories to return, it had to be me at my

worst.” He says with a wistful scoff and looks up at me. “Our marriage, Elena, wasn’t exactly a normal

one. Our families arranged it and we had to adhere to their rules. You used to hate me,” he says and

laughs sadly. “Until I stopped being an arsehole and admitted that I was in love with you. The

connection we shared… couldn’t be explained and it still can’t. I have tried my best to make up for what

you walked in on, me at my most despicable.” He says, guilt lacing his tone, and I could not help but

believe him. The look in his eyes alone shone with regret and convinced me of his honesty.

I nod, “That would explain it,” I say sadly, and he takes my hand in his, looking up at me

apologetically. “You must have been so confused during the day, I am so sorry Elena.” He says, “I have

tried my best to do right by you and our son for my wrongdoings before we fell in love. I hope you can

see that one day.” Smiling, I nod again, but then… wait…

The smile drops from my face. He said… he said…

“S-son? I have a child?!” I exclaim and I see his eyes widen as he realises his error. I have a child!

This would explain the cut across my lower midsection that no one could explain to me. Then I gasp,

“Was I pregnant when the accident occurred?” Oh my gosh, I don’t think I want to know! But I need

to… I need to know. Sebastian runs his fingers through his hair in frustration, then gets up and walks

away! “Sebastian!” I called after him. Did I scare him off with my reaction? What was happening?!

Before I could freak out any longer, Sebastian entered the room again, and he was cradling

something. Oh, my gosh, was this my baby?! He walks towards me, “Yes, love. You have a son and he

was still in your womb when the accident occurred.” He says as he looks down at the bundle with

nothing but the purest love. Then he looks up. “He’s very lucky to be alive. Would you like to hold him?”

I feel a wave of fear wash over me. What if I drop him? What if I hurt him? Or even worse… What

if I don’t feel anything when I see him? Sebastian looks at me with an encouraging smile, and I nod. He

leans over and places the little thing gently in my arms… Then I look down and see his perfect little

face. My heart melted right on the spot and I felt the tears as they streak down my face. This was my

baby, a child borne from Sebastian, and my love. I look up at my husband and I feel it all flooding

back… every feeling, every touch, every caress, every kiss, Exeter, Elijah, Sarah, Anabelle, the


“Sebastian…?” I say in a whimper, and he immediately wraps his arms around me. I look back

down at my son, who proved to be the key in unlocking my memories, my miracle and blessing, and I

kiss his little forehead lightly. “I love you already,” I whisper to him alone and hold him closer to my

chest as small sobs wreck through my body.

“I remember,” I whisper, holding my child tightly, then I look up at Sebastian, “I remember!” I cry out

and see his eyes widen before he wraps his arms around me again and kisses my hair repeatedly. We

sat like that until the nurse came in and told us that the baby needed to rest.

“Aaron,” I suddenly said, recalling a name I saw in a baby book once. Back then it didn’t catch my

eye, but now things were a lot different. “It means blessing, exalted… miracle. His name is Aaron.”

Sebastian looks down at me with pride and nods, “Aaron it is.”

As soon as the nurse leaves, Sebastian makes his way over to me and kisses me fiercely. I return

his kiss with the same passion and feel his trembling fingers as they caress my face. We break our kiss

and when I open my eyes; I see his were brimming with unshed tears. He cups my face in his palms,

“Truly, you remember?” he asks in a strangle choke and I nod. “I remember… it all. The car that hit us, I

remember the driver’s face.”

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