The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)


Elena’s POV Beep…. Beep… Beep

She’s stable, someone says.

I can hear other voices, but they seem far away. I don’t want to hear voices. Maybe if I go back to sleep, it will all go away. Beep… Beep… Beep I’m up again. What’s that beautiful smell? Did someone bring me roses? They smell so nice. Thank you, kind person. People aren’t nice to me these days. Beep. Beep… Beep This sound is so annoying, I’ll open my eyes now. Somehow my eyes don’t want to open. Wait, people are arguing again, and I think someone brought more flowers. Ugh. I want to open my eyes. I feel like something is covering them. I can’t move either. Why can’t I move? Beep. Beep… Beep I am slowly peeling my eyes apart; yay, I can finally open them, even if it’s for a little bit. The light is bright, but my eyes are adjusting. I saw a form standing beside me. He is so handsome. It’s easy to get lost in those ocean eyes. He smells just like roses. I’m breathing in the scent even though I can hardly move any other parts. He is stroking my cheek, and I feel sparkles there. Mate! Something inside me says: Really. Is he my mate? He is so handsome. But why does he look so sad? Did I do something wrong? I tried to talk to him and tell him to smile. I’m okay now, but I can’t move my mouth. It’s like my whole skull is wrapped around something. I can see the doctor putting something in a tube. Whatever that was, it made me drowsy. I’ll go to sleep now. I hope you’re there when I wake up, mate. Beep… Beep. Beep I opened my eyes again. I can see everything now, and someone removed the cast from my head. Ugh finally. I want to get up, but I can’t. Casts around my legs and arms. Why is the cast there? Suddenly, I felt the pain from it all. It all hurts so much, but I know my wolf will heal them. It may just take her about a day or two. I can tell it’s nighttime. I should be helping with the party, but I can’t move. Why? I’m trying to remember what happened when he rushed in. I know the smell of roses from anywhere. My mate. Marcus. He looked so relieved. I try to smile, but my jaw hurts. I gave him a small smile. I looked to the edge of the bed to see my brother, mom, alpha, alpha son, and my brother’s mate all staring down, glaring at me as if I were the worst person in the world right now. Their faces, though. What happened? It all starts to come back in bits and pieces. And then it all comes rushing back. I can hear my heart monitor go wild as I’m trying to tell the doctor to make them go away, but I can’t. My doctor soon told everyone to leave. However, Alpha and Marcus stay behind. Marcus looks at the alpha with an upset face, and somehow I know that all the pain I’m in now is nothing compared to what is about to come out of his mouth. ‘Now Marcus, we don’t have all day,” the alpha says. Marcus takes one look at me. I can feel all the love he has for me at that moment, and I am hopeful. Then his face started to harden. It becomes… emotionless as he says the next words. I wish for a goddess I had never heard. “I, Marcus Clearwater, Beta of the Black Sun Pack, reject you, Elena Davis, as my mate.” “Good boy,” the alpha says and smirks at me, gripping Marcus’ shoulder and pulling him out of the room. He rejected me. He rejected me. No, maybe this is all a joke. He can’t reject me; he is supposed to save me. Why isn’t he saving me? I can hear my heart monitor go nuts, but I don’t care. This pain comes from deep within, and I can feel the bond breaking. Come back, Marcus. Please, come back. I’m crying as each tear leaves me numb and numb. I know he is feeling the bond break with me. I know he was forced to do it, and I don’t want to cause him any more pain than I have to. I saw the alpha’s face. I know Marcus will feel this, but I want to help him. If I know Marcus, I know he has no choice. He would never do this willingly. With the last bit of strength, I have left “I, Elena Davis, accept your rejection.” Then I flatline. I opened my eyes, and I was lying in a meadow. Roses and flowers are everywhere. “Come to me, my child,” I heard a voice say. It’s the woman from my dreams. The woman with the silvery-white hair. She is holding out both arms for me to come to her. It’s so inviting. I walk up to her, and she embraces me, and suddenly, I know who she is. “Moon Goddess,” I said, smiling at her beautiful face. She looks just like she did in my dreams, but this time, she is wearing a light pink dress that flows elegantly along her body. She stands up and takes my hand. I follow her and look down. I look at my body to find myself in an all-black lacy dress that flows behind me. It’s breathtaking. We walk hand in hand until we come up to a beautiful pond. The pond has white and blue roses in it. The water is so clear considering it’s almost nighttime here and there is a bit of a low fog around, but the bluish fireflies hanging around make everything just more visible and more beautiful. When we get up to the pond, we sit on the stones, and she gazes at me. Her beauty is undeniable, and I can’t help but stare. I realized she had the same eyes as me. The same jewel blues. Just when I was about to ask, I saw a pure wolf coming towards me. The wolf is so beautiful, with deep purple eyes that take my breath away. She towers, even the tallest alpha I have ever seen. I can tell; however, she is weak, and I want to help her. The wolf sits by my feet as I lightly grip her fur. I turn to the moon goddess, who is watching with dazzling eyes. “Can we help her, Moon Goddess?” I asked. “She seems so weak.” “She is feeding off my life energy; any moment now, she will be able to help you.” I look at her questionably. “Help me with what, Moon Goddess?” “Help you return home, my child.” I ponder what she says, and I think about all I have endured in life. “My lady, if this is your wish, I will do so willingly. However, I have to tell you that my heart is very heavy. I do not think I can continue to carry on.” I told her, tears forming. She wipes my tears away. “I know what you have suffered, my child, but you are the only one who can right the wrongs that have befallen you, as well as prevent it from happening to my other children’, she says with sad eyes. “I am just a nobody, my lady. a lonely servant girl who has seemed to become everyone’s punching bag lately.”. “It is those very scars you have, my child, that make you worthy of such a task. Braving through all you have faced and still keeping your heart pure. You will restore balance to the wolves, my dear, for you are not just a wolf. You are the alpha of all wolves. Your wolf is the last Lycan wolf. A leader of all. I am a direct descendant of myself. You bow to no one. Everyone will bow to you. You will speak, and everyone will listen. You will communicate with the masses with so much as batting your eyelashes. I have seen this, my child, in the water. Your memories lie there. Let me show you.” My eyes are wide with the information I received. I am a child of Mother Moon herself. It would explain the similarities and why, at times, it felt like I could make my alpha submit. Sometimes, I get up and follow her into the warm water of the pond. She beckons me to sit and lay my head back in the water, and I do. All around me, I can see my memories as if I am reliving them all. I can see my past lives and a man who stands beside me in these memories with each new reincarnation. He is handsome, with golden eyes and jet-black hair. His eyes are liquid pools of honey. I am smiling as I see generations and generations of us together conquering foes and battling enemies. I see the weapons I used in wars. Not weapons, but powers. The power of the moon, water bending-and is that energy? I suddenly sit up, and the moon goddess guides me out of the water. “Moon goddess, I have none of those abilities that I had before.” “I know, child. Your abilities will come when you need them the most, but your Lycan abilities will always be a part of you.” “I rejected your gift, moon goddess. I rejected my mate. How do I go on protecting everyone with no mate beside me for strength?” Wouldn’t my wolf wither and die with no mate? “You are about to become a part of something much bigger than yourself, my child, and not to worry. Marcus was not your original fated mate. “Yes, my lady,” I responded. I know I have to go back. So many people are living in poverty with a tyrant alpha, a deceiving luna, and a whole pack of abusers. I have to make things right again. For my father. For myself. For them. I may be the woman in my memories of the water, but I am also different now. I know this to be true. “My lady, how can I reconnect with my wolf? I believe I lost her, and I need to reconnect with her.” “You have already done that, my child,” she said. The huge white wolf from earlier now stood up proud and tall, waves of energy and aura pouring from her. “Snow,” I said, smiling at her and rubbing on her white coat, which is indeed like snow. So, this is my wolf. Wow! She is huge, standing near 8 feet tall. My love, Elena, I have followed you since the dawn of time, leading kingdoms with a full and bright heart. We shall, again, reconquer our kingdom from those who seek to tear us down. Those who seek to make us afraid. I always told you, my love, we are strong, and I will stand by you. Always. “I rub her coat, believing her every word. I am ready. I know it. It is time for you to wake up now, my beautiful child.” The moon goddess touched my cheek. “Watch over me, mother moon,” I say as I embrace her. “Always,” she says, kissing my forehead. Everything is swirling around and fades to complete black.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

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