The Billionaire's Twins Play Matchmaker

Book Two: Chapter Twenty-Two

Book Two: Chapter Twenty-Two

“So tell me how the heck you knew about the raid?” Thomas asked as they made their way down the

stairs to the street where a limo waited. Duncan acting as chauffeur stood beside it ready to usher them


“Custody battles aren’t my usual fare,” Tracy replied with a shrug. “I specialize in criminal cases so I

have a lot of friends in the criminal justice system. I asked them to keep an ear out for any calls in or

around Ava’s apartment building. They gave me a heads up…but really it was Lexi’s idea.”

Tracy dropped her voice so the content family behind them didn’t hear.

“Lexi?” Thomas glanced at the girl. “Really?”

“She’s bright and a schemer. We knew Emerson would try to prove Ava was an unfit mother which was

why I made sure to have the kids’ medical files and school files on hand. Lexi is the one who brought

up the possibility of her mother being framed. So that’s why I called in a few extra favors to have Emily

analyze their hair. It was just a precaution but she thought it was great fun.”

Thomas chuckled shaking his head. He didn’t know if he was more impressed by Alexis or Tracy for

anticipating and preparing for such things. It was clear both were clever and astute and he wasn’t

certain who learned from whom.


“You got that right. ‘Bout time you noticed.” Tracy gave him a wink.

Thomas felt his face warm realizing he spoke aloud. His startled reaction caused her to snicker but she

didn’t feel like letting him off the hook easily.

“You just make sure you’re security boys are up to snuff. Emerson isn’t going to give up and if anything

happens to Ava or the kids I’ll come after you first.”

Thomas blinked, “You sound…very serious.”

“Oh, I am. And don’t forget it.” Tracy turned walking down the sidewalk with a wave. “I have a meeting

to get to. Ava, kids call you later.”

“Bye Auntie Tracy!” the trio called after her even as they turned their attention to Thomas.

“You don’t have feelings for our aunt, do you?” Alexis asked.

“What? No. Of…course not.”

“Too bad. Because she’s awesome.” Alexis shrugged as her brothers escorted her to the waiting car.

“Home Jeeves,” Theo said as they climbed inside.

“Of course,” Duncan nodded controlling a smile. The children’s casual demeanor was growing on him.

Thomas looked after Tracy’s retreating form a moment longer before following the kids inside. Sensing

someone watching her Ava looked over her shoulder to see her father glaring down at her. She


“Ava?” Silas felt her shudder then followed her gaze. Spying Emerson he scowled. He slipped his arm

around her waist and pulled her close kissing her temple. “Don’t mind him, Ava. I’m right here.”

She relaxed leaning into him. Ava was still unsure if she should allow herself to rely on him but she also

couldn’t face her father alone. Surely it would be okay this time.

“Let’s go.” Silas gently directed her into the waiting car and gave Emerson one final glare before


The kid chatted easily as the limo pulled away from the curve. Sean dug into the mini-fridge for water

while Theo played with the automatic windows and Alexis prodded Thomas hoping to get him to admit

his attraction to Tracy. Normally Ava would have admonished them for being so boisterous but now she

remained quiet twisting the ring on her finger as she tried to convince herself it was going to be okay.

Reaching the brownstone the kids burst out of the car immediately heading for the nearest snow pile. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

With ungloved hands they packed snowballs and unleashed them on the adults. The action finally

brought Ava out of her stupor.

“Kids!” Her exclamation came even as Silas shielded her from the unexpected onslaught.

“Why you!” Thomas found his own snow pile and launched a counter attack while Silas herded Ava to

the door.

Somehow Duncan made it there before them and held the door as they escaped within. Once Ava was

safe inside Silas shook off his coat calling, “All right, inside before you get frostbite.”

“Oh come on!” Theo yelled back unimpressed. “It’s not even that cold!”

“Duncan’s made a special dinner to celebrate and you won’t get any covered in snow!”

“Oops! Come on!” Theo and Sean immediately took their sister’s hands and led her inside. Shaking off

snow the trio hurriedly shed their coats practically flinging them at the waiting butler.

“Kids!” Ava gasped as their rude behavior but Duncan merely chuckled.

“They are excited to be home,” Silas said helping her out of her jacket pleased to see it was the red

one he bought her. “Duncan, did you move everything as I asked?”

“Yes sir. It is all arranged as you instructed.”


“What is arranged?” Ava asked not sure if she would like the answer. After today she had enough


“You’ll like it, promise,” Silas assured her pulling her into his arms.

She stiffened in his embrace and was slow to relax. Though she said nothing Silas felt her reluctance

and uncertainty. Did she still think he would eventually chase her away? Was his intentions not clear?

“I was going to save it for later but let me show you now,” Silas said after a moment.

“But the kids…”

“Thomas and Duncan can mind them for now. Come on.”

With one arm around her waist he gently guided her to the stairs and up toward the bedrooms. Ava bit

her lip as they walked past the rooms given to the kids and herself unsure where he was leading her.

He finally stopped at the final bedroom opening the door and ushered her in.

Like the others she had seem this one was lavishly decorated in rich, dark colors alongside expensive

artwork. Yet there was also something grandiose about it that made it feel different from the others.

Intuitively she knew this was the master bedroom. Silas stood behind her gently wrapping his arms

around her waist and held her close.

“You probably already know this is my room,” he whispered. “Now it’s yours too.”


“Hmm.” He kissed the back of her head before leading her to the walk-in closet at least twice the size of

the one in her original room. “I had Duncan move all of your things in here. That side is yours.”

Ava stared into the closet. One side was lined with men’s wear. The other side held her clothes though

they barely took up a quarter of the available space.

“We’ll work on filling it,” Silas assured her.

“I don’t…that’s not necessary.”

“Ava,” he slowly turned her to face him. He cupped her face forcing her to meet his gaze. “You are the

mother of my children, my fiancée and soon to be wife. This is the very least you deserve. Let me take

care of you the way I should have been doing from the beginning.”

Ava could barely contain her pent-up emotions. Was she just hearing things she wanted to hear? Was

it a trick? Was she a fool for wanting to believe him?

“Ava, I love you,” Silas said carefully enunciating each word wanting to take away her lingering doubts.

Tears welled in her eyes.

“Shh….Ava. It’s all right.”

Leaning forward his lips brushed hers. She didn’t resist. He hesitated a moment longer before

capturing her mouth fully. Her lips were so soft, pliable and wanting. She moaned softly as he pressed

for entry letting his tongue twist around hers. Slowly easing back as they parted he stared into her

startled gaze. Her cheeks were flushed as she tried to process what just happened.

“I’ve been waiting to do that for ten years,” Silas whispered.


He smiled leaning close again. This time he captured her mouth with more force as he pulled her

against him. Hesitantly her hands moved and her arms wrapped around him. He felt her fingers tangle

themselves in his hair and a shiver of pleasure surged through him. Groaning he pulled back meeting

her gaze.


Before he could formulate the words he leaned into her again crushing his lips against hers. After one

taste he just couldn’t stop. Everything in him called for more. Her body quivered as his hands slipped

under her shirt caressing her skin. She moaned but didn’t try to pull away.

“Ava, do you want this?” He huskily whispered.


Without another word he peeled off her top kissing down her neck. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons

of his shirt so he helped eager to feel her skin against his own. Guiding her to the bed he tugged off her

pants before lowering her onto the waiting mattress. All thought to a family dinner was lost as he

reveled in the feast in front of him.

Shedding the last of his clothes he joined her, his hands caressing her. She whimpered as he traced

her ribs still prominent despite the meals his staff had been providing and the weight she gained. But

there was still time to make that right. He kissed down her throat to her chest.

“…S-Silas.” She gasped as he found her breast sucking on it hungrily. Pleasure tingled through her.

She shuddered with an unexpected orgasm as his teeth teased her nipple.

“Ava,” he whispered, “was that what I think it was?”

She moaned unable to answer. His hand moved between her thighs pressing against her moist

entrance as his thumb rubbed her clit. Ava whimpered surprise. Silas hummed as he nibbled at her ear.

“Looks like you’re ready for me,” he teased.

She felt her face warm even as her back arched pressing her entrance against his hand as if her body

had a mind of its own. Silas sucked in his breath. He had been ready to tease her a little while longer

but it was clear what her body wanted and he couldn’t deny his need for her.

Pressing his hard member against the moist folds of her entrance he coated it in her natural lubrication.

He groaned as he pushed his way inside of her warmth. His entrance was slow allowing her body to

accommodate him until he was fully sheathed within her. Ava whimpered as her body stretched and

accepted him. She tensed causing pain to erupt through her.

“Easy…relax Ava,” he whispered encouragement letting her get used to him.

Slowly she relaxed and the pain eased.

“There you go,” he continued to whisper encouragement.

He pulled out of her and she briefly wondered if it was over before he thrust inside her again. She

moaned as he slowly found his rhythm. Her body rocked with his pace. She shuddered with another

orgasm as her body clenched around him. Silas groaned his motion slowed drawing out her pleasure.

As she relaxed his pace increased. Her mind was muddled by the sensations coursing through her. Her

fingers curled into the bed spread as if it was the only thing maintaining reality.

“Ava, open your eyes.”

She forced her lids open to see his face close to hers. His expression seemed strained from controlling

himself but his gaze was lit with a cold fire full of possession. The intensity scared her but the pleasure

he gave with each thrust consumed her.


Whatever she wanted to say was cut off as her body reached another peak. This time his body

shuddered unable to hold back as he filled her with his warm seed. He groaned reveling in his release.

Finally, she was his.

They came down from their climax together panting to catch their breath. Kissing her he gently pulled

out. She whimpered tears seeping from her eyes.

“Shhh.” He whispered gently wiping her tears away as he lay beside her and pulled her into his

embrace. “Sleep, Ava. Sleep.”

She snuggled against him relaxing as he gently caressed her. When she was asleep he carefully

disengaged himself and retreated to the bathroom. He returned with a towel, carefully cleaning her and

made her more comfortable. Then he rejoined her tucking her in before pulling her back into his

embrace. She had turned in her sleep so now her back was toward him but this just meant he could

hold her closer as he spooned her. Belated he realized they would miss the celebratory dinner Duncan

prepared. But in truth he wasn’t particularly bothered and fell into contented sleep.

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