The Billionaire's Twins Play Matchmaker

Book One: Chapter 18

Book One: Chapter 18

Early in the morning Macey’s bedroom door quietly swung open. Two sets of eyes peered in to see

their parents intimately entangled under the sheets. There was no trace of embarrassment even as one

raised their mother’s phone and snapped a picture before they quietly closed the door.

Julius lazily stirred. Blinking he found himself staring at a field of red hair. He smiled recalling the

previous night. Macey still snuggled closed to him her face nestled against his neck. Her soft breath

fluttered against his chest. He caressed her gentle curves, squeezing her butt as he pulled her closer.

Silently he told himself it wasn’t a dream. This was real. She was back in his arms. He would do

anything to keep it that way.

Macey stirred shifting her hips causing Julius to groan as they rolled against him. He could already feel

himself stiffening. Macey sighed shifting again.

“Macey, sweetheart, you might want to stop that unless you want to finish this,” Julius whispered

kissing her forehead.

Her eyes fluttered open. She stared at him. At first he saw confusion then surprise and finally

realization as she blushed. Julius chuckled leaning over and kissing her.

“You are beautiful in the morning.”

“You’re biased.”

“Yes. I am.”

Macey relaxed as his fingers lightly traced the contour of her back. His body was always so warm she

hardly needed blankets. It had been years since she felt so relaxed. Suddenly she stiffened and her

eyes went wide with shock.

“What time is it?”

“Umm,” Julius raised his head to glimpse the clock. “Seven.”

“The kids!” Macey pushed away looking toward the door. Caden woke up at six thirty every morning

without fail and though Aria complained she was never far behind.

“It’s all right,” Julius pulling her back to spoon her. “They’re probably still asleep.”

“No. They are up,” Macey insisted.

“Well…I don’t smell anything burning so I think we’re fine,” Julius smiled.

Macey stifled a laugh and slapped his arm but there was no force in it. Julius chuckled. As much as he

wanted to stay in bed he knew they had to get up. He still had to drive home and change before he

headed to work. Mentally he chastised himself for not being prepared but how could he have known the

night would end like it did?

“Okay. Why don’t you take a long, hot shower and I’ll check on the rugrats,” Julius kissed her shoulder.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course. Besides if I stay here while you freshen up I won’t be able to stop myself from joining you,”

Julius kissed her again before rolling out of bed.

Macey averted her gaze covering her face as it reddened with the image he evoked. Grabbing his

pants Julius briefly disappeared into the bathroom emerging after he relieved himself and dressed. He

grabbed his shirt and leaned over her kissing her deeply.

“Take your time,” he whispered before leaving.

Macey lay several minutes calming her racing heart. How did he have such an effect over her after six

years? She had to be crazy and what was last night? How could she have lost her self control so

easily? Was she really just sex starved as Vicki loved to claim or was there something more between

them? Would it be wrong to hope for the latter? Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Her head muddled with contradictory thoughts she forced herself out of bed and headed to the

bathroom. She only intended to take a short shower but the relaxing steam kept her in much longer.

When she was done her thoughts were just as muddled as before.

* * *

Julius pulled on his shirt as he stepped down the hall. He paused at the kids’ door to see it was open

and their beds empty. Aria’s bed covers had been recklessly tossed aside while Caden’s was neatly

made. Macey’s motherly instincts were not wrong. Impressed he continued to the living room to see

them kneeling at the coffee table. Aria was quietly coloring with her hair a tangled mess. Caden tapped

at his mother’s laptop. His early morning hair sported a cowlick.

“Good morning,” Julius greeted.

“Bonjour,” Aria smiled. Now that her language skills were out in the open she was happy to use them.

“Are you two hungry?” Julius asked.

“Yes!” Aria gave a characteristically enthusiastic answer that made Julius chuckle.

“So what do you normally have?”

“Mommy usually makes oatmeal.”

“And do you like oatmeal?”

Aria made a face and stuck out her tongue. Caden scowled. Their mother dressed it up with fruit but it

always tasted the same and they weren’t fond of the texture either. Julius chuckled. He hadn’t liked

oatmeal as a kid either.

“How about French Toast?”

“What’s that?”

“You’ve never had French Toast?” Julius looked from one to the other in surprise to see the same

curious gazes. “Well, let’s fix that right now.”

They trailed him to the kitchen and hopped onto their step stools as he dragged out a griddle and

placed it over the stove burners. Grabbing a mixing bowl he cracked several eggs into it adding milk, a

generous amount of cinnamon and vanilla before whisking the contents. Once mixed, he dipped bread

in it thoroughly coating both sides before laying them down on the now hot griddle.

Aria and Caden watched the process in fascination. Their aunts Vicki and Dillon occasionally made

them waffles but they never saw this sort of preparation before.

“Are you’re sure this is French?” Aria asked.

Julius chuckled as he flipped the toast, “Probably not. I’m not sure how it got the name actually.”

Caden whispered in Aria’s ear after a moment of thought. She nodded saying, “It does sort of look like

pain perdu.”

“What’s that?” Julius asked.

“It’s French for lost bread,” Caden explained. “They use stale bread to make it so it doesn’t go to


“Ah…yeah I can see that,” Julius nodded. “This would be a good recipe for stale bread. Okay do you

want maple syrup, honey or fruit on your toast?”

“Syrup!” they both exclaimed earning a chuckle from their father.

“All right. Go sit at the table.”

Aria and Caden hurriedly climbed off their stools and dashed for the table. They watched him cut the

toast and add a generous amount of syrup before bringing them their meal. He followed that with

glasses of apple juice. They dug in immediately enjoying the sweet breakfast their father made.

“More please!” they both exclaimed holding out their plates when their first serving was done.

Chuckling Julius complied with second helpings full of pride at how readily they enjoyed the meal he

provided. He couldn’t help but wonder if every day would start like this once he convinced Macey to


“Mmm….what smells so good?” Macey asked emerging from the bedroom. Her hair was still damp

from her shower and pinned back with barrettes. She wore similar mid-rise jeans as yesterday this time

topped with a turtleneck sweater that Julius was already mentally peeling off.

“French Toast!” the twins exclaimed at the same time.

“What about your oatmeal?” Macey asked. She tried to provide them with the most nutritious meals she

could though Vicki claimed there was no joy in such food.

“It was vetoed,” Julius said handing her a plate with a stack of toast topped with honey and kissed her

temple. “It’s their vacation. Let them live it up.”

She sighed but there was no denying their contented looks. It was fine for now she supposed. The

French toast did look good and he even remembered to top hers with honey.

“Shit…” Julius muttered looking at his phone.

“What is it?” Macey asked as she set her breakfast on the table.

“Something’s happening at work. I have to get going.”

“You can’t stay and play with us?” Aria asked.

“’Fraid not, peanut,” Julius leaned over her and kissed the top of her head. “How about I come back


“Yeah! Then we can cook for you!” Aria announced. “And you’ll stay and play with us after?”

“Absolutely,” Julius smiled circling the table to grab his jacket, tussling Caden’s hair as he passed.

Caden snickered. Usually he hated when others messed up his hair but he didn’t mind if it was his dad.

Julius circled an arm around Macey’s waist and kissed her temple again. He really wanted to kiss her

like he had last night but thought it best to keep it PG in front of the kids.

“See you tonight,” he whispered.

Macey managed a nod fighting her fluttering heart. She was already looking forward to his return

wondering if he would spend the night again. Her body almost shuddered with anticipation. What was

wrong with her?

“Okay, you two, let’s finish breakfast and we’ll get dressed.” Macey sat down finally ready to eat.


* * *

After dressing in cargo pants and a tee-shirt Caden returned to the computer. Aria joined him awhile

later. She always took longer to get ready because of her unruly hair. Today she wore a flower skirt and

rainbow leggings along with a black shirt. Like their mother her hair was tamed with braids and


“Whatcha looking at?” Aria asked seeing her brother still on the laptop.

“Pictures of us and daddy.”

“Really?” Aria eagerly joined him.

Caden paged up to the top of the site. There he showed his sister pictures of their parents. In one their

parents were kissing holding each other in a passionate embrace. In another their father was giving

their mother his coat. Aria happily giggled. Their parents were getting along so well.

Her brother continued to page down to get to the pictures of them and their zoo trip. There were shots

of them as they looked at the sea lions, the tigers and gorillas as well as petting the alpaca. There was

even a picture of them on the bench with their Icees.

“Those are really nice,” Aria said. “Can you save them?”

“Ah-huh,” Caden nodded. He had already saved the files to the computer.

“What are you two looking at?” Macey asked seeing how engrossed they both were.

Wide-eyed the twins looked up caught red-handed. They didn’t realized their mother had returned to

the living room. Caden looked to his sister terrified not knowing how to explain without revealing their

plan. His sister on the other hand was always a fast thinker when put on the spot.

“We’re looking at pictures of Mister Jules,” Aria answered truthfully.

“You’re what?” Macey circled around them to peer down at the computer screen.

Biting her lip she knelt reading the article accompanying the pictures. There was nothing inherently

wrong with the images themselves. They were actually rather sweet. The article was concerned with

the identity of the children and why Julius DaLair was with them. Julius was considered something of a

playboy so it was natural to wonder why he was suddenly babysitting children.

“Mister Jules is very handsome, isn’t he mommy?” Aria prompted.

“…Yes. He is,” Macey sighed. “What do you think about him? Do you think he’s nice?”

“He’s really nice! And he’s a good cook too!”

“What about you Caden?”

It wasn’t always easy to get him to speak with Aria around. She was far more excitable and vocal when

expressing herself so Macey learned to ask Caden questions directly to get answers from him.

“I like him,” Caden said. “Do you think I’m as handsome as he is?”

“Yes, yes I do,” Macey hugged him reaching a decision. “Do you know why?”

They shook their heads not sure where their mother was going with her questions. Could it be possible

she knew what they were up to?

“Well…it’s because he’s your father.”

Caden and Aria shared a look. They weren’t sure if they should admit they already knew or not. It

seemed their mother was still unaware of their plan so Aria decided to play it safe.

“Is he really our daddy?” Aria asked.

“That’s right,” Macey nodded waiting for their questions.

“Has he always been here?” Aria asked, happy to oblige. “Why doesn’t he live in Paris too?”


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