The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 70: Deborah's Wedding

Chapter 70: Deborah's Wedding

“ Work on my face, come on don't be slow ” I swore to the make up artist who was making up my face. I

don't even know where she came from. Left to me, I would have requested for Juli but Mrs. Thompson

said she's good. I hope she is!

Today was my wedding, I couldn't help being proud of how far I've come and endured. I rub my hands

gently on my stomach and turned to look at my wedding gown which was already on the dress stand.

“ Congratulations, Deborah” Diana's sweet voice exclaimed from the doorway as I turned to stare at her

with a smile on my face too. She came over today to help me dress. I'm so grateful for her coming as I

had dreaded mom helping today.

“ Thank you, Diana. How's Michael?” I asked her slowly pretending that I wasn't a bit curious. I wanted

to know if he had pulled out of the wedding or had said anything to them.

“ He's good. He's getting ready and very excited about this wedding. I think our Michael is back ” Diana

blabbers on with a smile on her face, she gushes over how beautiful my skin is and how she loves the Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

makeup on my face.

I tuned out on her as I focused on what she had just told me. How can Michael be happy with our

wedding? Has he changed his mind? Or Does he really love me?

“Who is going to be your bridesmaid?” Diana asked me, I came out of my inner battle to look at her.

“ I wanted Nina but she's not okay!” I told her, shrugging. Diana looked at me with a frown on her face

like she couldn't believe that I asked Nina to be my bridesmaid.

“ You'll need someone to be your bridesmaid. Who could that be? Oh yes! I have the perfect person.

Give me a minute” Diana exclaimed as she ran out of the door.

I turned to gasp at her retreating back. Hope she isn't getting Lilian for me cause I hate her just as

much as I hate Nina.

“ The make up is done Miss. Melton ” The makeup lady called to me, smiling as she appreciated her

hand work. I stood up without saying anything to her and went to put on my dress while she wordlessly

packed her products into the box with a frown on her face.

I had finished putting on my gown and was about to zip up my dress when the door opened, Mom

walked in a blue straight gown with a gold purse in her hands. She nodded at the makeup artist who

greeted her and made her way to me.

She dropped her purse on my bed, while I stood unmoving watching her with my eyes across the

mirror. She came over to help me zip up and turn me around to look at me “ You look so beautiful

Deborah. I'm sure your Mom will be so proud of you ” she called to me, her voice a soft whisper in my


This was the first time she has ever spoken to me in that tone. It was a change from her usual harsh


“ I wish you best of luck, and hope you stay in Thompson's house ” She continued gently chastising me

on what to do and what not to do. I'm sure dad must have begged her to come see me but I'm

surprised that she accepted.

“ Ops! I'm sorry for interrupting the mother and daughter moment between the two of you ” Diana called

from the doorway as we both turned to look at her. A lady with high cheek bone and pointed nose was

beside her looking out of place. I've met her before but I can't really say where?

“ Deborah met Mika, Andrea's girlfriend. She has agreed to be your bridesmaid ” Diana came into the

room, she introduced us with a smile on her face.

“Oh!” I exclaim, suddenly remembering meeting her with Andrea one certain time.

“Nice to meet you Mika and thank you for wanting to be my bridesmaid ” I told her looking at her all

over just like my mom, she was also dressed in a blue straight gown with a flare at the knee. A gold

embroidery was at her breast pocket.

“ Then, we'll leave you both to get ready, ” Diana said about leaving the room. She dragged my mom

off with her.

“ I will get your dad to come excort you ” Mom called out to me before closing the door.

I nodded to Mika and went to get my silver shoes from the closet, putting it on. I turned to stare at Mika

who was helping me to arrange the flare at the back of the gown.

“ Do you know if Michael has arrived?” I asked her. I don't why I'm being paranoid but I can't help it but

worry that Michael might stand me off at the altar. I don't know what I'll do if that should happen.

“ Relax ” Mika called out to me by tapping my shoulder lightly, I forced a smile on my face while bracing

myself for her response.

“ Michael is around, he arrived thirty minutes ago with Danny and Andrea ” Mika replied offering me a

smile. I nodded at her as I walked closer to stare out of the window, I could see everyone rushing down

to the cathedral which was not far from my house.

My eyes scanned the crowd for Michael but he was not in anywhere. Maybe he has gone into the

auditorium. I replace the curtain and walked back into the room to see my dad coming in looking

handsome as ever in a blue suit and a gold shirt underneath.

“ Look at my pretty daughter ” Dad smiled as he came over to hug me. I love my father so much. Today

wouldn't have happened without him by my side.

“ Dad, ” I called to him peckung him on the cheeks, which caused my dad to laugh excitedly.

He turned to say something to Mika who nodded and walked out of the door “ I'm so happy that after

everything Nina has done, you and Michael are finally going to be together ” Dad said with a smile on

his face after Mika had gone out.

I walked closer to him and sat down beside him on the bed “ But dad. I'm scared. Michael isn't saying

anything. What if he decided to end the wedding before it even started” I told him my fears. It has been

bothering me ever since Diana said Michael was excited today.

“Don't worry your prettiest head angel. Today is your wedding you ought to be happy. And moreover,

Michael came to greet me a while back, he doesn't seem like he has anything planned out. I guess he

is doing this because of the prenuptial agreement he signed ” Dad explained to me causing me to

smile. Why didn't I think about that? I guess I was just worrying my head for nothing.

“ Come on, let me walk you out. Your husband to be is waiting for you at the altar,” Dad said, winking at

me. I couldn't help smiling as my heart swell with pride. I never believed this day would come. A day

where Michael will await me at the altar. A day where I will be officially referred to as Mrs. Deborah


I linked my hands with my dad as he walked me out of the room to where the most handsome man I

had ever loved was waiting for me.

“ Today, we are gathered together to witness the holy matrimony of our beloved son, Michael Thomson

and daughter, Deborah Melton ” The priest was saying as I stood side by side beside Michael at the


He was watching me with a wide smile on his face. I couldn't help feeling unnerved. Is he really happy

to be wedded to me or is he only doing this because of the prenuptial agreement?

These thoughts were running through my head nearly driving me crazy as I forced my mind back to

what the priest was saying “ As we are about to join these two loved soul together, if any man is here in

the congregation that wouldn't want them to be joined together, let him speak up now or forever remain

silent ”

My heart skipped a beat, I dreaded that part in every wedding I had attended. Why couldn't they just

take it out? Why must the priest have to ask about that?

I turned to subtly glanced at the audience who were watching us with smiles on their faces. No one was

raising his hands. I was about to turn back to the priest when my eyes met with Lillian's across the


My heart skips a beat as she offers me a smile with her hand rubbing her stomach lovingly. Her other

hands were holding onto a document tightly. I gasped and turned back lost for breath. Why is she

smiling at me like that? And what's that on her hands?

“ I'm against the wedding ”

A few gasps were heard at the congregation. I turned to look at Michael beside me who was raising his

hands. I thought as much, he wouldn't be agreeing to this wedding so easily if he doesn't have anything

up his sleeve.

My eyes found my dad as I begged him to save me from this embarrassment. Most of the television

stations were already stationing their media to make breaking news. I don't think I could ever survive


“ Oh my God! Michael, what do you think you are doing?” Diana exclaimed as she charged forward to

her son who was adamant to back down.

“ Mom, I'm serious. I'm against this wedding ” Michael refused to see reasons with his mother. His

father was fuming in anger as I watched on....

“ On what basis are you against this wedding? Huh!” Diana continued slowly trying to pacify her son to

drop his case and let this wedding continue.

Michael turned and nodded to John who walked out of the auditorium. He returned sometime later with

a file on his hands. My heart skipped a beat for every step he took to the altar. I couldn't help

wondering what could be in the envelope.

“ I'm against this wedding on the basis of cheating. Deborah Melton has been cheating with Austin

Walker behind my back. I'm sorry but I can't marry such a woman” Michael said as he threw the

pictures on me.

I was so embarrassed to do anything, I willed the tears back from my face and looked down at the

pictures on my feet. My eyes nearly burst out from their socket as I watched the pictures where I was

having a quickie with Austin at the hospital. How did he know? How long has he made a fool of me?

I was so ashamed of myself that I couldn't look into Diana's face. What will I see there? Regret? Hurt?

Pity?. I was about walking away from the altar when she held my hands.

“Stay Deborah. You shouldn't be ashamed, you didn't do anything wrong ” I was shocked. In everybody

that I had expected to defend me today, It wasn't my mom, the woman that I had spent the rest of my

life hating.

“ What do you mean by she didn't do anything wrong? She cheated on my son, remember?” Diana

exclaimed as anger oze out of her eyes. I had never seen her this angry before.

“ Yes, I accept that she did cheat but that was before she signed the prenup and speaking of cheating,

didn't your son also cheat on her with that his mistress ” Mom retorted back glaring at the Thompson's.

Seeing the defeated look on the Thompsons faces, mom continued triumphantly “ We've come a long

way together as one family. Don't let us break up this marriage on the basis of a flimsy flings. Moreover,

Austin walker is dead ”

The Thompson walked dejectedly back to their seat at the front of the altar. I couldn't help the smile

that spread through my face. I'm still going to get married to Michael. I turned to glare at him seeing

that the smile had disappeared from his face.

“ You can continue, priest. We've settled our differences ” Mom smiled at the priest urging him on.

The priest cleared his voice and made to continue “ With that out of the way, I would like to ______”

“ I'm against this wedding. Let me see how you argue your way out of this ” Lilian exclaimed as she

moved out with the document in her hands.

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