The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 44: Danny

Chapter 44: Danny

“ Daniel ” Lillian's mother's called out to me. I stood up from my place beside the bed and went to meet

her where she was seated in the resting room with Lillian's Dad.

“ Yes Mom. You called me ” I answered looking at the both of them as I avoided their eyes. Anytime I

see them, I can't help feeling guilty that I've failed them. That I couldn't protect their daughter.

“ Daniel, why don't you go home to rest. I and Lilian' s father will watch after her till you arrive. Okay ”

Lillian's Mom said as she stood up to pat me lightly on the shoulder.

“ But, I want to be here with her always ” I protested bitterly looking at Lillian's father for help.

“Yes. We both know that but don't you think Lilian will not be happy if she wakes up and sees you

looking like this. You need to rest, you've been here for four days already” Lillian's father said as I

nodded reluctantly and walked back inside to take my car keys and kiss lilian softly on the check,

praying that she's alright.

“I will be leaving now” I called Lillian's parents as they both nodded at me, smiling sadly.

“ Take your time Daniel. Don't worry ,we are both here to look after Lillian ” Lillian's mom said as I smile

sadly at her before stepping out into the hallway.

Getting into my car. I pull out of the parking lot. I couldn't help wondering if my parents had asked for

Lillian's parents' help in getting me to go home. Dad has been pestering me to go home ever since the

first day of the accident but I had always refused with one excuse or the other. Now, here I'm on my

way home, even though I dreaded it.

I drove the car down the lane towards my house pulling the car over. I walk out and step into the

elevator that will take me into my penthouse suit.

I wish Lilian was here with me. I don't know what to do without her beside me. How do I start living

alone again? We've always been together since the first day I met her now I'm so lonely without her.

I stepped out of the elevator after it dinged and put in the code into my penthouses. Opening the door, I

walk in. Everything was as it was when I received the call that Lilian has been rushed to the hospital

after being involved in an accident.

Though, the cleaning lady did come in from time to time to clean but everything still reminds me of that

night. Where I was lying helplessly waiting for Lilian not knowing that she was in the hospital.

I pull off my clothes, after getting into the bedroom and walk into the shower to bathe. I don't blame

Lillian's parents for wanting me to come home. I stink, to think that I didn't shower for four days. Gosh!

Lillian's must not see me like this.

I was in the middle of cleaning my body when my phone suddenly rang. I walked closer to the bedside

drawer, where I had dropped the phone after coming in to pick it up.

“Hey! Andrea? ” I called into the phone as I put it on loud speaker and continued with my dressing. I

want to get back to the hospital on time to be with my woman .

“Danny. Where are you? Have searched everywhere for you in the hospital ” Andrea called excitedly

into the phone.

I shrugged as I wonder what could have happened to make him so excited “I'm at home. Lillian's

parents forced me to come take a shower”

“ Really. That's great then. I have been calling you for ages. Guess what happened? ” Andrea said

excitedly. Without waiting for my response he went ahead to tell me the answer “Lillian's awake ”

“What?” I screamed as my heart beat escalated “Are you sure? When did she wake up? Did she ask

for me?” I questioned him loudly as tears of joy fell down my eyes.

“ Calm down . I will answer all of your questions. Yes, I'm sure, she is awake. She woke up an hour

ago, and we've been trying your number since then. And she did ask of you. Do you want to say hi to

her?” Andrea asked as I nodded, rushing to button up my shirt.

Remembering that Andrea couldn't see me“ yes, put her on the phone”

“Hello, Danny ” Lillian's soft and frail voice called into the phone. I hung up the call and went frying out

of the door into the elevator that will take me to the ground floor.

Getting into my car, I drove speedily to the hospital, I just couldn't wait to hold her close after waiting,

crying and praying for four days. I can't believe that she is finally awake. I pulled the car into the

hospital's parking space and ran into the hallway searching for the elevator that will take me to the

private I C U.


I woke up to the sound of my parents' voices whispering softly to themselves as they watched me“

Mom, why are you crying?” I called softly to her as I tried to stand up but noticed that I was weak“

Where am I?”

My Mom rushed to my side with tears streaming down her face. My dad was behind her as they both

rushed to me“ Oh my God! Lily, you are awake” Mom said as she ran kisses down my cheeks and


“Mom, why are you crying? Where am I? Where's Danny?” I suddenly asked her after searching the

room but couldn't find Danny.

The door opened and Andrea walked in with a sad expression on his face. Immediately, he saw that I Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

was awake. He ran to meet me, with excitement on his face.

“My God! Lilian. You're awake. Gosh! I'm so happy ” He exclaimed , as he hugged me close. My

parents smiled as they watched him.

“Andy, go get the doctor” Mom said to him as he nodded and went out of the door. Mom came over to

hold me while Dad went out to call Danny “Mom, what happened to me?” I ask her after she has

offered me water for my dried throat.

“ Darling, you were in an accident ” She replied as tears streamed down her face” I and your dad

thought we were going to lose you forever. I'm so happy you came back to us”

“Mom. I ________``''

I couldn't complete my sentence because the doctor and nurses were rushing into my room.

“Miss Thomas. How are you feeling ?” Dr Sanders said as she smiled at me.

“ I'm good doctor. Though, a bit weak and tired” I replied as I took another sip of the water in my hands.

“ That's normal. Welcome back ” She smiled as she checked me over, writing something down on her


“Miss Thomas. Do you remember why you are here? She asked me as she watched me curiously. Both

my parents and Andrea all stopped what they were doing to listen to my response.

“ Yes, Doctor ” I replied. The memory of the accident has come back to me as I sobbed uncontrollably.

Gripping my stomach tightly. Mom came over to hug me as she tried to calm me down.

“Doctor, how is my friend Nina. Is she awake?” I asked Dr Sanders waiting for her response.

“ I'm sorry, Miss Thomas but I'm not in charge of your friend ” Dr. Sanders said , My face fell as the little

hope I had vanished from me.

“ But if that will make you feel better. I will ask the doctor in charge of her ” Dr. Sanders replied, offering

me a sad smile.

“ Thank you Doctor”

“ My pleasure, Miss Thomas. Have a good day” Dr. Sanders walked out closely followed by the two

nurse who were her.

I turned to look at both my parents, Andrea has stepped out to put a call through to Danny again “ Mom

how is Nina?”

“ Nina is fine, She couldn't wait for you to wake up” Mom replied smiling as she avoided my eyes.

I smiled at her just as Andrea walked back, and thrust the phone at me“ Danny wants to speak to you” I

collected it from him as I smiled “ Hello! Danny ! “ I called softly into the phone. I heard a loud sob on

the other line and a rustling of clothes before the phone went dead in my hand.

“ Maybe he's on his way here ” Andrea reassured me when he saw the dead phone on my hands.

“ Are you sure ?” I asked him skeptically “ Yes . He's been with you for four days now. Your Mom just

forced him to go home, to bathe and changed his dress” Andrea replied.

“That's enough. Let her rest ” My mom said chastising Andrea as she came over to put me to bed.

I protested furiously but immediately my head touched the pillow, I fell asleep going into the dreamland.

Danny was by my side when I awoke the second time today. My parents and Andrea were no longer in

the room.

“Hello handsome!” I called softly as I ran my hands through his thick blonde hair. He fell asleep on my


“Hi angel!” Danny replied as he raised his head to stare at me “ I can't believe you are here staring at

me. I thought I will never see_______”

I put my hand on his lips to shut him up as I kissed him slowly savoring the taste of his lips on mine.

Oh! How I missed him “ Don't you ever say that. I'm not going anywhere. You are stuck with me

forever” I replied as I smiled at him.

“I love that too” He replied smiling as he stood up to bring me my food

“ Your parents left a while ago, they went to prepare the house for your homecoming ” Danny said

immediately he saw me searching for my parents.

“My homecoming? Am I getting discharged today? ” I asked him, shocked. I can't believe this. I can

finally go home. I can't wait to see Nina, I'm sure she's as excited as I am to see her too.

“Yes. The doctor said you can go home today ” Danny walked over with a tray of food. He gently placed

it on my lap and started to feed me slowly.

“Say ah....” He urged me to open my mouth. I smiled at how cute he looks.

I opened my mouth to receive the spoonful of food. I chew on it slowly, savoring the taste in my mouth “

Wow!! I've missed this. This is so delicious ” I exclaimed with delight at the food in my mouth.

“I'm glad you love it. Your mom cooked it for you. I'm sorry that I couldn't cook, I would have made you

something ” Danny apologized shyly as he looked down embarrassed.

“Tck. What are you saying? I'm okay with this” I replied, smiling at him as he fed me another spoonful.

“I can't wait to get home. I want to see Nina. I bet she's happy to see me too. Did you tell her that I'm

awake?” I asked Danny, giggling happily.

Danny hand froze in the air. He glanced nervously around the room avoiding my eyes “ What's wrong

Danny? What are you not telling me? ”

“I_____I'm sorry Lilian” Danny said as tears fell from his eyes “ Nina is still in coma. No one knows

what's wrong with her”

“No......” I screamed and sent the tray flying to the floor. I sobbed uncontrollably. I can't believe I won't

be seeing Nina again.

“I want Nina. I want to see her. Take me to her”

Danny nodded. He stood up and brought a wheelchair for me. I sat down on it and waited as Danny

took me to Nina's ward.

I cried until my eyes itched and turned red immediately. I saw her sleeping soundly covered in

bandages. Only her eyes were visible. I can't imagine what her parents are going through right now.

“What has Nina done to deserve this?” I asked Danny. He couldn't answer as he bent to comfort me

lightly on my shoulder.

I went back to my ward to see my parents already packed and waiting for me. Wordlessly, guide me

into my parent's car. I rested my head on his shoulder as I succumbed to sleep.

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