The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 4: Meeting Michael

Chapter 4: Meeting Michael

The week flew by quickly, than I could imagine. I hate weekends. Nothing to do and no friends to visit.

Lilian has flew to Paris with Danny to shop for her wedding gown, I was supposed to go with her but

I've been busy with work and since I just resume didn't want to ask for any excuse just yet.

Sitting in front of my Tv, my favorite program was on" The Thundermans", I know you all wondering

why a grown up like me is watching kid movies. I so love it and right now with nothing to do, I have no

choice than to watch what I have. I was watching thunderman with popcorn beside me, when I heard

the doorbell, I left to open the door only to see Debbie standing in front of my doorstep. Unlike me she

was dressed while I was just in bomshort and crop top.

"Hey" she smiled widely at me, checking me out with disgust. Looking back at her, she was all smile,

that made me wonder if I was hallucinating.

Reaching forward to touch me "I'm so sorry to bother you but I and my fiance is hanging out and I was

wondering if you like to join us"

"Are you sure?" I was sceptical, I know she won't mind, cuz she is loving and kind but I doubt her

fiance will like it.

"Yes and don't worry about Michael I told him I told him about you, and he's excited to meet you"

"Michael" that name again!!.

I've been hearing Michael everywhere i go and anytime I glance back there will be no one there . Is as

if I'm hearing things and it's driving me crazy.

"Ok I will just change out of this" I gesture to my clothing and she smile.

I invited her in but she declined saying she prefer to stay in the car with Michael. I only just noticed the

red Benz parked in front of my house, wow!! her fiance must be really rich.

I couldn't see him cuz it was tainted.

After ransacking through my wardrobe on what to wear. I settle on a black fitted Straight gown which

was just below the knee, and it shows of my hourglass figure since I was of average height. I pair it with

a nude flat slippers and a nude colour purse with my phone intact and my house keys. I locked up and

went to the car, Debbie open the back door for me since she was sitting in the front seat and I make

myself comfortable in the back and I suck in breathe when I notice the person on the driver seat, I can

never forget his black hair .

"Nina meet Michael, Michael that Nina" I stretch my hand to greet him politely immediately Debbie Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

made the introduction but he responded with a nod without looking back.

The drive to the restaurant was the worst outing of my life, cuz I couldn't contain my my fury when

Debbie keep holding Michael arms and resting her head on his shoulder.

They were conversing like couples that love each other so much, I was jealous and so stupid I wish I

was the one who was talking to him, that I was one resting my head on his shoulder.

I wish lot of things, but he didn't even look at me twice, he was just conversing with Debbie about the

weather, about their wedding.

I didn't want to listen to them anymore so I plug in my earphone and listen to music on my phone. But I

couldn't stop the erratic beating of my heart.

Immediately we got to restaurant Royale, Debbie tap me on my shoulder and we went in.

"Welcome to Royale Restaurante" The waitress greeted us and guide us to a table at a secluded place,

immediately when we arrived at the restaurant.

"What will you like to order "Lisa as her name tag read, open a notepad with a pen to take down our


We all order Pasta and begin to eat, Michael tried to speak to me in Italian knowing very well that

Deborah wouldn't understand cuz she's America, but I was just giving him the cold shoulder like I didn't

understand anything he say. The meal was delicious, everyone busy with their own food when I

decided to break the silence.

"So when is the wedding" I drop my fork and wipe my mouth with the napkin as I look from Michael to


"Actually we've not pick the date yet, but we've done the engagement and introduction. We are still

thinking about the day and month to use and anytime we do that I will let you know and I would love

you to be my bridesmaid". Deborah also drop her fork and turn to me to reply me.

"Really!! Are you really giving me that spot?"

"Of course. Yes, you're my friend! and moreover I don't have any friend to begin with you're the only

one I know so, yes I would love for you to have that spot.

"Really?. Thanks so much" I said excitedly. The smile not really reaching my heart. Who best someone

who is getting married to the man you love. I look at Michael but he seems oblivion to whatever we

were saying as he typed away on his phone.

"Thanks, for yesterday. It was fun" I smile genuinely at her as I remember the fun we had.

Debbie face hardened as she look at me, she suddenly turned to Michael and smile "Can you believe

that Nina here has only had sex once?"

I was embarrassed, I never believed she could do that that but no one is to be trusted except Lilian.

Michael turn to look at me, as fight to hide the smile on his lips.

"She said she had a one night thing with a guy, some years back" she continue.

"Is that what you call it now, I thought you call it love then" He turn to Debbie and smile.

"Why didn't you date another man, Miss Miller" He said as he regard me, Challenging me not to

answer. Oh! So we are back to Miss miller. I knew what he's trying to do and I'm ever ready for him.

"Well there was no time, I was busy with school work then and now I'm very busy with work. Mr

Thompson?" I smiled at him.

"How long have you had a night stand with that guy" He ask, trying to hide his smile. I know the games

he's playing but two can play this game.

"For ten years, Mr Thompson" I said sweetly as I turn to Debbie who was staring at us like we've grown

two heads each.

"Ten years is such a long time to hold a grudge, Miss Miller. Don't you think so?" He said while looking

at Debbie for support, she nodded while looking at us closely. I was getting scared, What if she

knows?. I can't risk her relationship with Michael because of me. I try to ignore Michael but he's no one

to back down until he has all his answers.

"I never say I'm holding a grudge. He's not the kind of person, I can love". I replied while looking at him.

He grip tightened on the cup, wow! Have just mashed his ego. I smile to myself.

"Why did you say so" Debbie ask curiously.

"Because he couldn't wait the next morning to say goodbye. He left after taking my virginity, he

disappears me like trash" I scream angrily. Debbie froze, I smile sadly at her while she look on.

"I'm sorry that was a sensitive topic. How did you and Michael met?" I said trying to move the attention

from me.

She smile happily" We met at a birthday party ten years ago"

"Ten years ago!?" I question softly as I did the math in my head. Apparently Michael and Debbie were

together before he came unto me. Gosh! I hate him so much.

"Yes, it was after we met that we found out that our parents were friends and then one thing led to

another and now we are engaged"

"Really!. That's good.But why did you wait so long?. You could have married earlier like three or four

years ago".

"Yes we could have. But we were only friends then. We just found out recently that we were both in

love with each other and then we decided to get married." She said as she stood up to hug and kiss


"Ten years is such a long time to get to know someone. Don't you think, Mr Thompson" I slap his words

back at him. His face hardened as -e clear his throat and stood up.

"I'm afraid ladies, but I have to cut short your chitchat. I have one or two things to do at the office". He

signal the waitress, and paid for our lunch. As we all turn to leave.

Immediately we got to the parking lot, the valet brought the car over while Michael offer to take me


"No. Don't worry about me, I don't want you to be late for whereever is it that you are going to " I refuse


"I didn't say I was worried". He said as he walked to the driver side after opening the door for Debbie to

get in.

"But he can still drop you off. Right Michael?" Debbie said, she seems happy that I refuse the ride ,

though I wonder why. Maybe is just my imagination.

Thankfully, Michael didn't force me though I wanted him to, he reached over to fasten Debbie's seatbelt

as he perk her softly on the lip. I didn't wait for them to leave, as I walk down the road to the park which

was not far from the restaurant.

I never would have believed that I will see him so soon and in the arms of another woman, happy. I

walk down the street with tears in my eyes as passers-by keep glancing at me. I was like a fool in love.

I sat down at the park as I watch couples laughing and smiling to themselves oblivion to the people

around them. I felt jealous of them. I never really had a proper relationship that involves dates and

romantic dinner.

Even after seeing what Michael did, my heart still beats for him. I get butterflies anytime I hear his face.

All those times at school, I rejected different offer just because I wanted to keep myself for him thinking

that he will come back for me.

My phone ringing brought me out from my thought.

"Mom!". I call immediately I answer the phone.

"Ina. Have you been crying" She said her voice laced with concern. Have missed her voice, she and

Lilian are the only one that call me Ina.

"No, mom" I reply quickly"I'm down with cold, that's why my voice is sounding that way".

"OK dear. Have taken drugs?" Mom ask, I could hear the clicking of pans in the background, she's in

her shop..

"Yes mom. I'm fine. How's Shane?"

"He's fine" Mom said as he call to him, I can hear his voice in the background. Oh! I've missed my little

brother so much.

"Hiya! Big sis" He call happily into the phone.

I laugh happily"Hiya! Back little bro. How are you?".

"I'm good sis. And you?"

"I'm good too"

"Are you sure?. It looks like you've been crying"

Leave it to my little brother to worry about me" Sure . why did you think otherwise"

"Is it Michael?" He asked, I was shocked, how did he know?. I never told anyone about him.

"Shane, how did you know?"

"I guess so too. I've seen you cry yourself to bed every night after reading that letter. I might be seven

but I'm not stupid" He said sounding angry.

I couldn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes, I cried loudly into the phone as my brother tried to

comfort getting angrier the more.

"Did you see him" He asked me after I had quiet down.

"Yes. But he's engaged to someone else"

"What?"Shane shouted causing mom to ask him what's wrong. "Nothing mom" he reply her.

"That son of a bitch" He swore loudly.

"Did you tell anyone?" I ask him as I ignore that he swored.

"No. He should better treat you right or else?" He said and hung up. I smile, he's always acting like an

adult. I shrug that between Michael and him. I don't care.

I walk back home, my heart light now that have spoken to Shane about it. I miss Lily so much, she's the

only person that would know what to do in such a situation.

"Why don't you fight for him after all you're still in love with him"My subconscious said getting tired of

this cat and dog games we are playing.

"That's easier said than done. And what should I do about Debbie?"

"Who cares about Debbie?" She counter back, probably not understanding me any more, even i don't

understand myself.

"All is fair in love and war, baby girl!" She continue, I wish I was brave like her. I wish she was me and I

her. She has a feisty personality that I admire about her.

"OK accepted that all is fair in love and war. But Michael doesn't love me, I can see it in his eyes and

the way he treated Debbie today".

She retreated to the back of my mind,not knowing what to say anymore. While I walk home with a

heavy heart.

When I got home, I check on Debbie at her apartment but she was not yet back.

"Did they go to his house?.Or maybe they went to his parents?. Or maybe they are having sex right

now in his room with lighted candles since you said he loves her" My subconscious said, she's back

now to taunt me.

I ignore her as I walk with a heavy heart to my apartment. I didn't even bother to cook or eat, I went

straight to bed as I kick and turn trying badly to sleep but it just wouldn't come.

I took out the letter Michael left for me and read it over and over again as the tears keep flowing. I

finally went to bed with the letter in my hand and tears in my eyes......

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