The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 104: Epilogue

Chapter 104: Epilogue



“ So girls, here is our house” I heard Michael calling to the girls with his hands stretched to the property

in front of us as soon as we stepped down from the car.

“Do you like it?” Michael asked the girls who were giggling beside him while I was on the phone with


“ Of course, dad. Did you buy it? It's so beautiful” Nora exclaimed excitedly as she ran up the stairs to

the front porch.

“ Look Nora, it has a beach” Nadia's giggling voice called to her sister who came bubbling down to see

the beach which was at the back of the house.

“Wow!! This is so beautiful. I can't wait to tell Joey. We've got a wonderful beach at the back of our

house” Nora exclaimed excitedly, her eyes gleaming with happiness. I could help being glad that

Michael and I had made the best decision deciding to relocate to Greece.

“ Is that the girls' voice I'm hearing?” Lillian's voice pulled me from the girls' excited voice as I turned

back to our conversation.

“ Yes. We just landed and Micahel is showing them the house. You can imagine their excitement when

they saw the beach at the back of the house. Thank you so much, Lillian, for purchasing such a lovely

house for us. We couldn't have done this without you” I told her, turning away from the happy chatter of

the girls with the father while I walked up the porch to stand beside the rim.

“ Anything for a sister. So, how are you? Have you gone for the checkup?” Lillian asked me before

turning to call something to Danny in the background.

I smiled as soon as I remember that we will be having a new addition to the family. I found out a few

weeks ago and Michael had been very excited, I couldn't wait to break the news to the girls. We wanted

to be sure of the sex before telling the girls.

“Yes. It's a boy” I told Lillian, her excited shriek causing me to turn to see Michael calling out to me. I

made a wait sign for him as he stood on the other side of the room urging me to end my conversation

with Lillian.

“ Really? I'm so happy for you, dear. Are you keeping the sex from Michael again?” She asked me, I

could hear her scolding Joey not to finish the beverages in the freezer. I couldn't help rolling my eyes at

her. She is always reprimanding Joey every chance she gets.

“ Not at all. He wouldn't allow that. He was the one who took me to the hospital himself for the check-up

and waited until the doctor had proclaimed the sex, he said he didn't want to be kept in the dark this

time around” I explain to her, smiling gently at the memories. It was right after our night at the club that I

find out I was pregnant since then Micahel had been too protective of me and I couldn't say I didn't love


Michael's glare from across the room got my attention as I turned to say a quick goodbye to Lillian“ I'm

sorry, I have to go before Michael has my head in the platter” I told her and continued seeing that she

was reluctant to let me go. This was the first time in years we wouldn't see each other for almost a

month. She had left a few weeks after the shoot and we'd only been communicating on the phone, I

could feel her excitement to meet me.

“ But not to worry, I will invite you over one of these days for dinner. I'm sure the girls will be excited to

meet Joey again. Bye, Have a nice day!” I told Lillian. I heard her faint goodbye before I hung up and

went to meet Michael who stood in the doorway, his hands folded across his chest and a faint frown

creased his brows.

“ I'm sorry” I apologized to him, pecking him lightly on the lips, I pulled him into the house where the

kids' excited voices were calling to us from their room.

“ Mom”

“ Dad”

“ Thank you. I love my room”

We both smiled at each other before I went into the kitchen to see for dinner.

Michael was on the phone talking with his parents as I chopped the vegetables for dinner. I could hear

him shouting and screaming for his mom not to take the first plane to Greece.

I smile and shake my head trying to hold back my laugh. So typical of Mrs. Thompson, she was the

only one who was so adamant about us relocating especially after she found out that I was pregnant.

My parents were so supportive and promised to visit us regularly. Dad was mostly glad that I would

look over at his company here in Greece while Michael's Dad though reluctant at first but allowed us.

“ Mom, you are not visiting. I'm only allowing everyone to come after Nina delivers and that's just for

you to see the baby, nothing else. You are only allowed to stay for three days” I heard Michael

screaming on the phone as he paced around the sitting room.

“ Bye, Mom” I heard him say before slamming the phone off and walking close to where I stood in the

kitchen cabinet.

“ Can you imagine that?” Michael asked me, looking at me as he fumes in anger.

“ She asked to come, right?” I asked him and he nodded before settling himself on the stool across

from me eating an apple he saw on the table.

“ You shouldn't have been so harsh on her, you know she's worried about you and care a lot for her


“ Whatever, she's not coming and that's final. I mean we just left New York, how can she miss us after

such a short time?”

I left Michael ranting loudly and went into the kitchen to pour my now sliced vegetables on the pudding I

was making. I covered it and went searching for the girls to see how they were doing?


We were halfway through with dinner when Michael tapped me lightly on the shoulder. I raise my eyes

at him silently asking him“ What?”

“ Tell the girls the news?” He mouthed at me before turning to smile at the girls who were watching us

with curious looks on their faces.

I shake my head at him, scared. I don't know what the girls will think? Will they be angry at me? Will

they think it's too soon?

“ Girls. Your mom has something to tell us” Micahel called to the girls who paused and turned to look at

me with excitement on their faces.

“What is it, Mom?” Nora asked me with excitement on her face as she tried to position her curls back.

I opened my mouth to answer but Nadia beat me to it as she went on to say:

“ Is this about mom having a baby?” Nadia asked her father while my eyes nearly burst out of their

sockets in shock.

“ Yes, darling. How did you know?” Michael asked her, his voice not in the bit shocked at how she could

know. I guess he had accepted the fact that she was too smart for her age but even I was dying to


“ Come on, dad” Nadia replied half rolling her eyes at Michael“ Every sane human in the world would

know that mom is pregnant with the way you are being overprotective with her”

“ Woah! That's a good observation. Keep it up. Anyway, we are having a boy. Are you excited?”Michael

asked her as he bent to ruffle her hair while Nadia slapped his hands away with a frown on her face Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

while trying to rearrange her braids.

“ Yes. I've always wanted a baby brother. I can't believe I'm finally having one” Nora exclaimed

excitedly as she stuck her tongue out at her sister who obviously wanted a girl.

“ Great. I hope you girls will love him when he arrives” I told them looking from one to the other, they

both nodded with smiles on their faces.

“ Yes, mom. I'm off to bed, goodnight” Nadia said, coming over to peck me and her dad lightly on the

cheek before going up the stairs to her room.

“ Me too. Goodnight” Nora replied as she followed her sister up the stairs after pecking us on the


I took the dishes into the kitchen and went to sit beside Michael in the sitting room while we chatted into

the night before finally retiring to bed in the early hour of the morning.




“ Mrs. Thompson, I need you to take a deep breath” The doctor was calling to me as I gazed around

the theatre, anxious to get out. I was only so glad that this wasn't like the twins. This seems to be easy

if I just follow the doctor's lead which was what I did. I took a loud deep breath while imagining Michael

pacing through the corridor. We've left the girls with Nina immediately after the labor pains have


“ Now, push!” The doctor screamed at me and I did just that. The cry of the tiny voice caused me to

relax as I waited for the nurses to clean me up.

“ Congratulations, Mr. Thompson. What a wonderful son, your baby is” I watched as the doctor

congratulated Michael as he came in with the girls. I was now resting in one of the presidential suits in

the hospital with a drip on my hands while holding on to my baby.

“ Mom” The girls both exclaimed, rushing over to my side in excitement.

“ Is that our baby brother?” Nora asked me pointing to the little bundle in my hands.

“ Yes, love. I hope you take care of him and love him”

“ Sure. Woah! He's so cute!” She exclaimed excitedly as soon as he held tightly to her little pinky finger.

“ Welcome to the world little brother. We pinky promise to protect you” Nadia said as soon as he held

her little finger with his other hands

“He seems to know who his family is? Such a smart boy. Welcome son!” Michael called to him as he

bent to peck him on the forehead before turning to smile at me after he had sent the doctor away.

“ What is his name, dad?” Nora asked us as she turned to gaze at her father waiting for his response.

“ Nelson. Nelson Thompson” Michael repeated proudly glad that he was with me through it all. I could

see his eyes shone with so much pride. I guess he was finally happy to have his heir.

“ Nelson it is. I love it, dad” Nora exclaimed with a smile on her face as both Nadia and her played with

their little brothers.

“ He looks the type with his curly hair. I think he looks more of dad than mom, what do you think,

Nora?” I heard Nadia ask her sister as she tilted her head sideways to examine her little brother in my


“Yes. He's so handsome just like dad” Nora replied smiling with her hands wrapped around the little

baby in my hands.

I watch my little family with a contented smile on my face. Against all odds, love prevails. I wouldn't

trade them for anything. And I will gladly walk through hell again just to have them with me...

We could tell everyone about my giving birth later just like Michael had said, but for now, I want to be

with my family alone.

“ Group hug, guys” I exclaimed in excitement as they all drew nearer and hugged me close. I close my

eyes to savor the memories of today, knowing everything will be fine from onward!!

“ I love you so much, Nina Thompson. Thank you for coming into my life and giving me such precious

gifts I could ever ask for. Thank you for being with me through trials and temptation, I could never have

done this without you by my side. Thank you for making me a better person. A better husband to you

and a better father to our children” Michael said, I could feel the sincerity in his words as he bent to kiss

me passionately on the lips.

“ And thank you for keeping your promises then and now. I could never love another like I love you.

Thank you for being a wonderful husband and a caring father to our kids. I could never ask for anyone

else but you. I love you Michael Thompson” I replied with so much love in my eyes. There was no

holding back, I needed to show this wonderful man how much he meant to me.

“ Thank you for being the best Mom and Dad” Nadia and Nora giggle, breaking us from our trance of

gazing into each other eyes.

“ And thank you both too, for being the best kids we could ever ask for. And wonderful big sisters to

Nelson. We love you!!” Michael and I both told them with a wide smile on our faces as we pulled the

girls into our embrace.

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