The Billionaire’s Prodigal Wife (Mackenna and Alessandro)

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

The sound of the beeping of a heart monitor was the first sound Mackenna recognized when she regained consciousness. The time she'd spent working in the hospital plus the time she'd spent in one when she'd had meningitis, she knew the sound well. She wanted to open her eyes, but her head throbbed, even blinking made her want to cry.

As she lay there listening to the sounds of the equipment in the room, she felt her heart lurch as she heard Alessandro's deep voice in the near vicinity. She fought against the pain in her head to open her eyes and found a pretty nurse standing over her.

"Ah Signora, you wake," the sympathy on the nurse's face made Mackenna's heart ache. She knew deep down her baby was gone and this woman's soft gentle voice telling her the doctor would be right in to talk with her confirmed her worst fears.

She grabbed the woman's wrists. "Don't let him near me."

"Who?" The nurse seemed perplexed.

"Alessandro, I don't want to see him." Her voice was raspy and raw.

The nurse nodded, obviously not understanding the request but agreeing to it. She closed her eyes again and heard his voice raise as the nurse obviously relayed the information, she didn't want him in the room. The sound of another man telling Alessandro to vacate immediately, or he'd have the police down to remove him, made her breath catch in her throat.

The doctor closed the door behind him as he stepped into her room. "Signora Giordano," he wheeled closer to the bed on a stool and urged her to open her eyes.

"Call me Mackenna," she whispered. "My baby is gone, isn't he?"

The man's eyes were sad as he nodded. "I'm afraid so, cara," he patted her hand gently.

She closed her eyes again and then a thought popped in her head. Why were her grandparents not at her bedside? Were they also hospitalized? She looked back to the doctor aware he was staring at her intently. "My grandparents, they were in the


"I'm so sorry, cara," he whispered softly. "Neither of them survived the crash. The rescue team found them both deceased," he paused pondering his next words, ' They were holding hands, I thought you should know. If it helps."


Mackenna's wail was heard through the entire floor as grief consumed her. She was all alone in the world, no family left, no grandparents, no baby. She was inconsolable as the doctor tried to get her to calm down, but she was beyond reason. She heard the doctor give an order to the nurse and within seconds she felt the darkness of sleep pulling her downward.

When next she surfaced it was to find Camille sitting at her bedside. The lights were dim in the room and when she looked to the window, she knew it was nighttime.

"Hello Mackenna," she said gently moving closer to her to hold her hand. "How are you feeling?"

She felt the tears welling in her eyes. "I don't know," she whispered quietly. "I'm so confused." "Can you tell me what happened? Do you remember?"

"There was black car following us. My grandfather was upset." She wiped a tear with the back of her hand. "He was angry before we'd even set out. He felt he should have protected me better from Alessandro. He was never a great driver, my grandfather. The car kept getting closer and closer, so he started driving trying to get away from him."

Camille was quiet as she absorbed what Mackenna was saying. "My grandfather kept saying he was going to have words with Alessandro when he saw him and putting a detective on his wife was a violation. He was going off about the sanctity of marriage and how Alessandro violated every beautiful thing about marriage."

"Do you know who was driving the car?"

"No, I've never seen him before. Dark hair, blue eyes, thin lips, very long nose."

Mackenna grimaced, surprised she'd recalled it so easily. "I kept trying to wave him

so close."

"Then what happened?"

"Then the car got closer, too close. It tapped our bumper, not hard but enough to make Nonno need to adjust his driving My grandfather lost control," she whimpered, "there was the sound of tires, metal, gravel, and then nothing. It was eerily silent. Then I heard someone call me. Signora."

"So, he called you signora?"

"Unless he was calling to my grandmother?" Mackenna shook her head, "but, no, I heard him, say Signora Giordano." She closed her eyes.

"There are only a handful of people in all of Italy who know you are Signora

Giordano," Camille's lips were pressed tight together.

"It was the private investigator, wasn't it?"

"I believe so." Camille's eyes were sad as she squeezed Mackenna's hands.

Tomorrow the police will want a statement. Do you think you'll be able to?"

"My grandparents are dead, and my baby is gone," she felt the sob choking her,

"Camille, I want the man's head on a pike."

"Mackenna, you should know Alessandro hasn't left the hospital. He is just outside the door. The doctor has stationed security at your door to keep him out per your request. Do you want to see him?" "No," she shook her head. "I don't ever want to see him again. There's a court order, right? Can you make him go away?"

"I can. I'll have the police here within the hour to remove him from the premises.

I just wanted to make sure it was what you want considering he is listed as your next of kin on hospital records." Camille shrugged. "You were here at the beginning of your marriage for a cut needing stitches and he's listed as your next of kin."

"I'll fix it before I leave." She closed her eyes against the pain she felt all over her body. "Everything hurts."

"The car rolled multiple times down the embankment. You have bruises over your entire body, broken ribs and some of your internal organs also have some

"When can I leave?"

Camille was surprised by the question. "Mackenna, did you not hear me? You have multiple injuries. Your spleen is battered."

"I need to bury my grandparents," she said quietly. "I can't give them the burial they deserve while I'm here."

"I will help you with all of those things." Camille patted her hands gently. "For now, you rest. I will be back in the morning."

Mackenna's eyes fluttered closed at the woman's urging and she fell into a deep sleep full of nightmares involving the car chase and her grandparents.

"Hey Mac," she heard Savannah's voice and the feel of her best friend brushing her hair off her forehead. She had to be dreaming because Savannah was in Phoenix and she was here in Milan, all alone. "Hey sleepyhead, the doctor told me you've been sleeping for almost thirty-six hours. You need to wake up sometime."

"Savannah?" Mackenna's eyes opened in surprise. "Are you really here? I'm not dreaming?"

"In the flesh Mac," her normal smiling eyes were cautious and sad. "I'm so sorry

Mac. I flew over as soon as I heard."

"They're gone, Savannah, they're all gone." She felt the tears welling up. "I lost them all in one day."

Savannah leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I know Mac. There's nothing I can say to make it better but I'm here and I'll do whatever you need me to do."

"Camille said she'd help with the funeral arrangements, but I think I would very much like to have you with me. Can you stay so long?"

Savannah gave a wave of her hand. "I'm not going anywhere until I know you are safe."

A knock on the door made them both look towards it and Savannah didn't miss the terror on Mackenna's face before she masked it. Savannah was going to kill Alessandro for putting her through this.

"Signora Giordano, I am with the local police department. Camille said you had

"My friend can stay?" she asked tearfully.

"Yes, of course."

Savannah held her hands as she recounted the story to the police officer and when the police officer finished taking her statement, she read and then signed the document with a shaky hand. "Do you know who the man chasing us was?"

"Your husband had hired a private investigator to locate you. It seems the investigator took it upon himself to tail you. Mr. Giordano had explicitly given him instructions to simply locate you and then leave you be. The man was quite overzealous in completing his task."

"You can prove Alessandro didn't tell him to chase us?" Mackenna asked, needing to be reassured.

"Yes, there are multiple text messages and email exchanges where he explicitly advised him to find you, confirm you were well and safe and then to report back to him only on those matters. He simply wanted to ensure you were well after your transatlantic flight. The investigator saw you were leaving Bergamo and decided of his own accord to follow you."

She nodded quietly, a sense of relief Alessandro was not directly responsible for her grandparent's death and her miscarriage.

"The man has been arrested and is

in jail. He will face a trial for the

deaths of your grandparents and the accident causing your injuries." The police nodded professionally. "If you wish to participate in the trial, it would be acceptable, however we also know you may want to put it behind you. It will be your choice. We are still gathering evidence and it could be months before we go to trial, so you have time to decide. For now, Signora, I encourage you to rest and heal." The police offered his sympathies again and then left the room.

"Well, at least you know Alessandro didn't tell him to chase you," Savannah offered gently.

"No, but he hired someone who obviously lacked any kind of moral compass, off the hook yet. "He had no right."

"Agreed," Savannah said quietly. "There's something else you should know Mac."

"There isn't anything you can say to me worse than hearing the doctor tell me my baby and my grandparents are dead," she said coldly, and Savannah's head snapped back in surprise. "I'm sorry Savannah, I don't know where that came from."

"It came from being hurt and sad and angry," Savannah tucked her hair around her ear. "The car crash got some news coverage. It's all over the news, everywhere, Alessandro has had a hidden wife years. It's a sensation. Dulce is



being called a homewrecker Alessandro is the nations Scoundrel." Mackenna's jaw was hanging open. "The hospital has paparazzi staking the place out. Even when you're ready to go, we will have to come up with a diversion

to get you out because they're


"Seems like his dirty little secret got exposed," Mackenna grimaced, hating the bitter taste in her mouth.

"Hopefully, it dies down quickly

because it's foolish out there,"

Camille spoke as she strode into the

room confidently. "Alessandro

couldn't get into this hospital right

now if he dropped in via helicopter. At the moment he is not Italy's sweetheart. Someone at the courthouse spilled the news to the



press he's refused tong

divorce and he'd been harassing you." Camille shook her head. "I would hate to see what happens to the poor soul who thought it would be worth a few euros to spill confidential court documents. I already went through my team, and it wasn't any of them, so it had to be

either someone working in the courthouse or someone from Alessandro's own team. Heads will roll, it is for certain."

"This is a nightmare," Mackenna groaned and pinched her eyes.

"Perhaps, perhaps not." Camille perched on the edge of the bed. "The judge has warned Alessandro's lawyer without clear evidence the marriage is viable, he will grant divorce in thirty days. He is giving you time to be released from hospital, bury your grandparents and grieve a bit but then he wants us all in front of him."

playing with the blankets on the bed. "1 want to go back and just forget all of this. I don't care anymore. Camille, I have enough money in my savings to pay you for all your work up until now, but I'm done. I can't do this. If I end up with my divorce, it will be because Alessandro chooses to get it done. I no longer have the fight in me."

Camille patted her hands gently on the table. "I understand Mackenna. I really do. You have been through so much. If there is anything else you need, ever, you call me."

"I will," Mackenna nodded wiping the tears off her cheeks with the back of her hands.

Once the woman left the room, Savannah sat on the bed and pulled Mackenna's hands into hers. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes," she nodded. "Alessandro can't do anything which could hurt me more than I feel right now."

"What if he doesn't give up though Mac? What if he chases you to America and tries to drag you back?"

"1 let myself be bullied by him for the last time." Mackenna was quiet for a few minutes before she asked quietly. "Do you think it's my fault I lost the baby?" "What? Savannah was incredulous. "Where on earth

is this coming from?" "Because in our last call, I said if I could go back in time," Mackenna started sobbing as she recalled the conversation.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

"No, no, no, no," Savannah didn't think she could say the word enough. "This is not your fault. This is not something you dredged into reality. You wanted this baby. I was with you remember. I saw thejoy in you face. Please Mackenna, never think any of this was your fault." Savannah crawled right into the bed andpulled her into her arms. "Oh, my dear friend, I'm so sorry you're feeling this way."

Mackenna continued crying, her heart broken with despair while her friend held her. Eventually, she stopped crying and allowed herself to again fall into another dream-filled sleep.

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