The Billionaire’s Prodigal Wife (Mackenna and Alessandro)

Chapter 25

Mackenna stepped off the airplane and immediately felt the sweltering heat of Milan envelop her. The flight back to her grandparents had been long and grueling, her pregnancy-related sickness airing its ugly head on the flight.

She turned her phone on sent her lawyer Camille a text message letting her know she'd arrived. While at the airport booking her flight back, Camille had reassured her even if Alessandro with all his money and power tried to take the child from her, Italy's legal system rarely ruled against a woman. Camille was certain at the most Alessandro could get shared custody. Mackenna would provide a deposition to the courts and petition for child support.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

She made her way through customs and fanned her face as nausea began to creep back up on her. The agent at the gate noted she was turning green and asked if she needed a wheelchair. She wanted to refuse but the last thing she wanted was to faint in the middle of the airport. So it was in a wheelchair, pushed through by security personnel when Camille first caught a glimpse of her exiting the arrivals doors of the airport.

She gave a half-hearted wave and sighed as the woman began to immediately fuss over her. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Baby just wasn't thrilled with boxed air in the airplane."

"Well, let's get you out of here before one of Alessandro's goons find you," Camille rolled her eyes.

"Are you kidding? He wanted me gone. He said so himself," Mackenna objected. "Someone needs to remind him of this," Camille muttered as she helped her friend and client to the car.

Mackenna was confused as she waited for Camille to come round and get in the driver's seat. "What do you mean?"

"It means I've already filed a protective order on your behalf. Alessandro

Giordano is a pain in the backside." She threw her fingers up in the air in a hiss of frustration. "I don't think you were even through American customs when he started blowing up my phone. We filed an injunction already with the courts and the judge

2S once I told him of the harassing and bullying behaviors. He isn't allowed to be within

100yards of you unless under the supervision of a court appointed guard."

"How did you get the judge to agree?" Mackenna was amazed. "Surety his lawyer objected because I know he's been a colossal jerk,"

"I told him the stress caused by Mr. Giordano was a potential risk to your unborn baby. The judge has already made it clear she is tired of the stalling tactics. Alessandro's lawyer suggested the baby was proof that the marriage should not be terminated." aAre you kidding me?" Mackenna felt her temper rising at this game. "Two days ago, he threw me out of the hotel because he thinks my friend sabotaged his precious Dulce and today, he changes his mind?" She threw her hands up in the air. "Unbelievable."

"It's okay Mackenna," Camille shot a worried glance as the woman in her passenger seat went from pale to flaming red. "You need to take it easy. I will handle

Alessandro." She reached between them. *This is the court injunction prohibiting him from having contact with you without your solicitor present. He is also ordered to stay one hundred metres away at all times, unless during a legal setting."

"This won't be worth the paper it's printed on," she felt the emotion clogging her throat. "I'm never going to be rid of him and his high-handed control over my life. He does not care about court injunctions and the law. In his eyes, I belong to him like property, and he will stop at nothing to keep me chained to his side like a little dog." "And this is why, I have already transported your grandparents to my husband's family home in Bergamo. I am taking you now to my office in the city where my husband's cousin will take you to them. It is a lovely little place, and you will be able to rest. I would suggest you keep your phone off as much as possible as it is entirely possible, he has tracking on your phone. Using one of those 'find my phone' apps would be easy enough for him."

"I told my friends back in America I would call once I was settled. I bought a pre-paid phone at the airport. There is no way he can trace this number. Camille, I


"Mackenna, it is my absolute pleasure, and I assure you, Alessandro will pay for every single minute of my time with you." She shot her a wicked grin. "And I am very expensive." Mackenna chuckled, the first laugh she'd uttered in days. "Good, hit him where it hurts, in the wallet."

"He is a madman where you are concerned Mackenna. Italian men and women as well" she spoke wryly, "can be very passionate and obstinate. Unfortunately for him, I have zero tolerance for the primitive ape-like behavior he's displaying and so, I will fight for as long as you want Mackenna."

"Thank you," she smiled.

Two hours later, after two clandestine switches involving two cars, a change of clothes, meeting one of Camille's cousins who was remarkably close to Mackenna's height and sneaking out the backdoor of Camille's law office, Mackenna was settled nicely in the home of her lawyer's family.

Her grandparents were fussing over her, and she was nestled between them on the sofa, explaining to them all the things to have happened since her last visit. "I had hoped Mackenna this baby was because you were able to resolve your differences, but it seems it was more of Alessandro's bullying tactics." Her grandfather was distressed at her situation.

How did she explain to a man of a certain age with old-fashioned views of the world sometimes s*x was just s*x?

"Nonno, please, I know this is hard for you, but I have no regrets I am pregnant. For as much as Alessandro disrespects me and our marriage, I know this baby, on my part, was made with love. I may not like o respect Alessandro, but the heart is a very weird and complex thing and I do love him."

"Then why are you here and not with him?" her grandfather shook his head in confusion.

"Because Nonno, he would much rather the world never know I exist like some dirty little secret, while he gallivants all over the world as Dulce's lover."

Why does he insist on continuing to hurt you over and over again?"

"And this is a question you will have to pose to him," Mackenna shrugged. "He is an overbearing spoiled man, and he is not used to the word no. He takes what he wants and disposes of it when he's done and not a moment sooner. At some point he will tire of me, like a small boy with a toy, and be done. He is angry now because I walked away from him and not the other way around."

"But now there is a child to consider," her grandfather shrugged incredulously. "

How can he disrespect the mother of his child in such a way?"

"Again, Nonno, another question for Alessandro. I cannot answer." Mackenna leaned backwards as exhaustion from an overseas flight overwhelming her.

"We should tell you Mackenna," her grandfather started, scratching his balding head with his index finger, a very telltale sign he was uncomfortable with what he needed to say, "Rosetta has reached out multiple times to us since Alessandro told her you were pregnant."

"He is her son, this will be her grandchild," Mackenna shrugged, "she is bound to be curious. It is not my intention to withhold the child from Alessandro's family. I

simply refuse to give my child away. I will raise this child myself. Alessandro will not bully me otherwise and Camille is certain, because of his behavior in front of the judge I will get custody."


"And if you don't? There is a risk Mackenna he could take this child from you," her grandmother clutched her necklace and cross pendant tightly in her hands. "What then?"

"Then Camille will subpoena Dulce

to the stand and all of our dirty laundry will be aired to the entire

world. I also have multiple staff members at the hospital willing to testify she, even now, continues


insist she and Alessandro have been lovers since the day she strode naked to his hotel room." Her disgust was evident as she clenched her fists. "I would hope it doesn't come to this, but I'm prepared to drag Alessandro and Giordano House through the mud for the torture they have put me through in the last six years. Nobody is taking this child from me. Hell will freeze

+5 Bonus

"You are very brave Mackenna," Enzo Deluca was angry his only grandchild was going through this, and his eyes flashed with the fury of an overprotective guardian.

"We will be beside you no matter what happens."

"What was Rosetta asking for when she called on you?" Mackenna asked suddenly.

"She had said she was ashamed of what Alessandro had done to you and to offer you any help necessary. She said she'd always liked you and hoped even with the issues of you and Alessandro, she would be welcome to be part of the child's life.

"Rosetta was always kind to me." Mackenna gave a sad smile. "She will be a lovely grandmother to the child."

"Mackenna, perhaps you should lie down and rest, you are looking a bit pale," her grandmother urged suddenly.

"I think I'll go outside to the garden and put my feet up. I promised Savannah, I'd call her."

"Can I bring you something to eat? Some cheese and fruit perhaps?"

"Nonna, it sounds heavenly, yes please."

Mackenna smiled as her grandmother instructed her grandfather to make sure Mackenna was escorted safely the few feet into the garden and then ordered him to grab the throw blanket off the sofa to keep her warm. Mackenna shook her head as she considered it was very warm and comfortable outside, but she needed this. She needed to be mollycoddled by her family.

Mackenna waited until her grandfather moved back inside before pulling her prepaid phone out and dialing the only number, she had programmed into it.

"Hey Savannah, it's me."

"Hey, you," the sound of Savannah groaning made Mackenna smile. "How was the flight?"

"It was long. Had some pretty awful air sickness but otherwise I'm well." She closed her eyes and leaned in the chair. "How are things there? Did you work another

-s +5 Bonus

"I've worked the double and volunteered for another shift so just staying here in the staff lounge," Savannah gave a mirthless laugh, "Alessandro is banned from this section of the hospital and security has threated to throw him out if he attempts again to accost me while I'm with a patient."

"Oh my god, tell me you're joking. He did not."

"Oh, he did." Savannah griped. "He went from you were getting your divorce to you're his wife and he will never let you go in about twelve hours."

"But he's still there though, right? Still in Phoenix?" She held her breath as she waited for the response. She knew deep down nothing would pull him from his precious Dulce, not even her and their child crossing the Atlantic.

"Yes, I saw him about an hour ago in

the cafeteria. Also, Nuncio had the balls to yell at me when I went for a coffee break. He did not like we tricked him into thinking you needed to go to the hospital right away" Savannah actually laughed, " think


he thought I was going to be

intimidated. He obviously never met

anyone with an abusive, raging

alcoholic for a parent." Content

Mackenna shook her head. "I'm sorry my friend. I've left you there with all my problems."

"They aren't bothering me. I'm working, minding my own business and I know you are safe away from the craziness of this three-ring circus. Also, the good doctor asked about you. He said he was worried

when he saw Alessandro pretty much carry you out of a restaurant in a rage the other night. He asked if the man beats you.

She grumbled under her breath. "You know, he's such a good man. Why couldn't I have fallen in love with someone like him instead of the possessive macho jerk I married?"

"Well Doctor Fitzgerald, if you need anything else, I'll be taking my mandatory break in service with a sleep and then I'll be available for next shift. I'll set my alarm.

For a split-second Mackenna was

confused until she realized Savannah was pretending to be with someone else on the phone. Which mean Alessandro was nearby. "He's there?" Mackenna squealed with, fury, aware he was harassing her she shut the phone off. She knew the phone display on Savannah's phone would show an unknown caller and Savannah had practiced erasing the calls faster than they came in. Yet, she turned the phone completely off. They had already agreed Savannah would not call her so if anyone called this phone, it had

to be him.

She gave a half-hearted smile as her grandmother came out with a tray of food and drinks for her.

"You finished your call already?"

"Alessandro interrupted. He was in a section of the hospital he is not permitted to be in. I believe Savannah will have him thrown out."

Her grandmother cupped her cheek gently. "Well, Savannah sounds like she can manage him. Since he is still in America you can rest safely here. Take advantage of this time because I worry when he returns

to Italy, he will bring hellfire with him." As her grandmother headed back inside, Mackenna was afraid the woman was correct.

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