Veil of Vengeance

Just as she had instructed, Clark’s manhood was cut off and he was beaten to the point that his spinal cord got broken. Ellie never wanted to get anyone’s blood on her hands and so Clark was dropped in front of a nearby hospital to receive medical care and for his life to be saved. As Ellie drove away that night with her mind reeling with betrayal and hurt, a call came in and it was no one other than Richard who had called.

“Hello” Ellie had said, upon parking by the roadside and picking up his call.

“Where are you?” Richard asked, sounding concerned.

“I am on my way home right now. I had a business to take care of” she responded, sounding down with no zeal to engage in a conversation.

“Are you sure you are fine? You are sounding somehow. Hope you are good?” he asked, upon noticing her voice wasn’t as vibrant as it used to be.

“Yes, I am. Why did you call?’ she queried, wanting to shift his attention away from her.

“I have something important to talk to you about. Let’s talk about it when you get home. I will be waiting for you” Richard said.

“Okay. Will be home soon” Ellie responded, while ending the call. Upon dropping the call, she started her car and zoomed off onto the road, heading home.

Sophia, however, was seen pacing up and down in her room, putting on her nightgown. She was restless and anxious. She looked frustrated and she transferred her aggression on her fingers, which she kept on biting so hard till they began to bleed. Since she heard Ellie’s voice from the background while on a call with Kevin, she had become restless and scared, as the secret of what she had done 6 years ago was about to be revealed.

Six years ago, she had connived with Kevin, who was supposed to be dead, to send Ellie to prison for a crime she didn’t commit. That day six years ago, when Ellie had hit Kevin on the head with a flower vase and had left the hotel room thinking he had died, Sophia had visited Kevin and after being bribed by Sophia, Kevin had agreed to pretend to be dead just to send Ellie to prison.

With the help of the police and people of high authorities, Sophia was able to perfectly stage Kevin’s death and made everyone believe he was dead. All those years, Kevin had been in hiding, cleaning up Sophia’s mess with Sophia paying him for the services he rendered. The call she got from Kevin that day made her confirm that Ellie was truly back. With her finding Kevin, Sophia knew she would get to her soon, which got her worried. Since the call with Kevin was disconnected, she had been trying to call him back, but she couldn’t. She feared Kevin would make their secret known to the world, hence the reason she had been trying to get in touch with him.

“Why did she come back now after all these years? What is she up to? How did she and Richard meet? Why are they together? Why did she change her name and why is she pretending not to remember anything? What is she planning on doing? How is she still alive? Why can’t I fucking get a hold of that stupid doctor?” Sophia kept on thinking inside of her head, with her confusion turning into anger and frustration. All through the night, she didn’t get a wink of sleep, as she kept on trying to figure out what Ellie was up to and how to finally get her out of her way, with no chance of her rising from the dead again.

Ellie, on the other hand, drove home safely that night and upon entering their apartment, she had met Richard waiting for her in the sitting room.

“Hi. How are you doing?” Ellie asked, making her way into the living room and finding a good spot to have her seat.

“I am good. Where did you go to?” Richard asked, with concern written on his face.

“Just had to take care of a business” she abruptly responded, which showed she didn’t want to talk about it. Richard and Ellie weren’t lovers as Richard had claimed. They had met in Paris 3 years earlier and had come together to get revenge on their common enemy – Sophia. Although they started their love as a facade, Richard had begun to fall in love with Ellie, but Ellie didn’t feel the same. What she was focused on was to get her revenge on those who hurt her; nothing more, nothing less. Richard had tried many times to make Ellie feel free around him whenever they were together, but Ellie didn’t seem to take the initiative which hurt Richard. He wanted her to tell him about her pains and worries, to see him more than her revenge pawn, but that was all he meant to Ellie. When Richard realized she didn’t want to talk about where she had gone after they had left the birthday party earlier that day, he decided to let go of the matter.

“About the important discussion I talked about on the phone earlier, dad called” Richard announced.

“He did? Never knew his call would come in early like this” Ellie said, surprised by how smoothly their plan was going.

“I was surprised too. He requested for us to meet with him tomorrow at his house, in the early hours of the day” he continued.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“That’s fine. Seems like everything will be wrapped up sooner than we had planned. How is the company doing? Did you hear any news from them today?” Ellie asked, waiting to get a response from Richard, who seemed to be lost in a fury of thoughts. Richard knew the only chance for him to be with Ellie was during their revenge period and at the mention of it coming to an end soon by Ellie, it broke Richard’s heart as he knew they might never be together again.

“Hey, are you still with me?” Ellie, who didn’t get a response from Richard and had realized he was no longer with her asked, snapping her fingers across his face.

“Yes??” Richard, who had been jerked out of his thoughts and who seemed to have lost track of Ellie’s talk said, sounding lost and confused.

“I asked about the company. Did you get in touch with them today?” she restated.

“Yes, I did. Everything is going on as planned and they are getting the designs ready already” he responded, sounding confident.

“Okay, that’s good. I need to go to bed now. Take care of yourself” she said, making a move to head to bed.

“Why don’t we watch a film together?” Richard suggested, wanting to keep Ellie by his side.

“Maybe another time” Ellie declined and headed to her room. As soon as she left, Richard kept on thinking of what to do to make Ellie be by his side permanently, but he couldn’t place his hand on any lead.

Morning came and Sophia, who had locked herself in her room all through the night, went downstairs to eat breakfast. Upon getting to the dining room, she had met Edward and their son seated. She ignored their presence and quietly dug into her food. Edward noticed her puffed eyes and the dark circles underneath her eyes, which were signs of her not getting a wink of sleep.

“Did you sleep well?” Edward queried, getting concerned and worried.

“Can I please, eat in peace?” Sophia replied aggressively, which stunned Edward as she had never spoken to him in that manner before. He thought she needed some time to herself and decided not to probe her further.

After forcing some spoons of her food down her throat, she decided to excuse herself.

“Dad requested to meet with us this morning at his house” Edward said, making her halt in her steps.

“He did? What for?” she asked, getting worked up.

“I can’t say until we get there. He said to meet by 9. Let’s get ready so we can be there in time” he responded, looking at his watch.

“Okay” Sophia said reluctantly, making her way to her room. They got ready and headed to Daniel’s mansion alongside their son. So also, Ellie and Richard.

The two couples arrived at the mansion at the same time. As Sophia alighted from the car and sighted Richard and Ellie also getting out of their car, her body tensed.

“What the hell are they doing here?” Sophia had said aggressively, which brought Edward’s attention to the presence of Ellie and Richard. He watched as Richard opened the door for her and how he had stretched forth his hand, offering to serve as a support for her to get out of the car. Upon getting her out of the car, Richard kissed her forehead, which made Ellie giggle. That got Sophia angry and at the same time, got Edward bothered, although he couldn’t explain the reason he was bothered by the couple’s public display of affection. Taking her hand in his, Ellie and Richard moved towards the entrance.

Each step Ellie took towards the entrance where Edward and Sophia were standing was magnificent. She put on quite a confidence which bothered Sophia and made her wonder why the couple were there and the reason for the emergency meeting Daniel had called for.

As she stepped forward with Richard beside her, all Ellie could think of was her revenge, which made her put on a ruthless and wicked look in contrast to the smiling and lovely look she had put on, the day she appeared at the birthday party. The more she saw Sophia and Edward’s faces, the angrier she got and with each step she took towards them, she vowed to make life miserable for them and bring them to the lowest point in life, where they would wish for death.

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