Unveiling the Truth

“You know that’s not possible” Daniel replied, stating that what Richard had requested for wasn’t possible.

“I know that’s exactly what you would say. You have never really cared about me. Do you even love me at all? Why do you love him more than me? Is it because I am a bastard born out of wedlock? I shouldn’t even be surprised. What did I expect from a man who chose the company over the woman he claimed he loved and her child? It’s no doubt he is your offspring, which is why he also abandoned the woman he publicly confessed he was in love with and his unborn child. A dog can never give birth to a goat” Richard, who was now standing spilled, facing Edward with disgust on his face. The room became tensed and both Sophia and Daniel became uneasy as they thought the truth they had kept away from Edward was about getting revealed. Edward was lost and confused, as that was the second person accusing him of abandoning his woman and his unborn child.

“What do you mean by that? This is the second time I will be hearing this. What the hell are you all hiding from me?’ Edward, who was also standing yelled, facing Richard and getting infuriated.

“You really want to know? Why don’t you ask your lovely wife? She is the one in the best position to tell you what happened six years ago, when you lost your memory” Richard said, fuming with anger. By this time, Sophia had begun to sweat. Her breathing became shallow and she couldn’t bring herself to look at Edward in the eyes. Just as Edward was about probing Sophia for answers, Daniel cut in.

“Can you two please behave like adults that you are and let’s settle this amicably?” Daniel yelled, calling his two sons to order. Upon hearing this, they both sat down, breathing heavily and fuming with anger.

“Richard, I can’t give you the positions you requested for as you already know both positions are currently being occupied by Edward and Sophia. I can fix you and your fiancee in another positions at the company. I also want you both to know that I will be retiring from my position as the President of the company soon and I will be handing over the management of the company to one of you” Daniel declared, which caught everyone off guard.

“We already know who will be taking over” Richard mumbled, trying to throw shades at Edward.

“I will be assigning you both with a task and whosoever among you performs the task well, will take over my position” Daniel further clarified his intention.

“We will be taking a family photo together today. The photographer will soon be here, we just have to wait for some time. While we await him, I will have to rest my head in my study room” Daniel said, getting up from where he was sitting.

“Once the photographer is here, please do come for me” Daniel said, facing Allison who acknowledged his instruction before walking up the stairs, heading to his study room. As soon as Daniel disappeared out of their sights, Allison walked up to Richard.

“Son, can we discuss for some minutes?” Allison asked, facing Richard. He was reluctant at first but finally decided to give her an audience. He excused himself from Hillary and trailed his mother behind to a corner where they would have enough privacy.

“How have you been, son?” Allison asked, holding her son’s hand.

“I have been good, all thanks to you and Sophia” Richard responded, yanking his mother’s hand away from his aggressively. This hurt Allison but she couldn’t say anything as she realized she deserved to be treated that way, as she had hurt Richard a lot.

“I am sorry for all I have done to you in the past. I really am. I was just trying to fight for your interest. All I wanted was for you to takeover what belongs to you. I didn’t mean to hurt you” Allison said in a pleading voice.

“Fighting for my interest? No, you weren’t. You were fighting for yourself. You never had me in mind and due to your selfish act, I lost the woman I loved because of you!!!! Have you forgotten so soon?” Richard yelled angrily at his mother.

“I am sorry. Like I said, I only wanted the best for you. I wanted you to enjoy the things Edward is enjoying. I wanted you to find your rightful place in your father’s company. That’s all I wanted” Allison said, feeling sad and trying hard to convince her son that she really cared about him.

“Okay. Now that I am back, will you be willing to help me achieve my aims and have my way into your husband’s company?” Richard asked, thinking it was the best time to make use of his mother.

“Yes, I will. I am willing to do anything to assist you. But if I may ask, why did you choose her of all people?” Allison asked, curious as to why her son had chosen Hillary as his fiancee.

“Is it to get back at Sophia?” Allison further probed Richard.

“At first, it was because we have the same enemy and the same goal but now, we are truly in love. Ever since Pamela died, I had never fallen in love with anyone but ever since I met her, everything has changed. She is some dear to me and I hope you will respect my decision. I won’t tolerate anyone disrespecting her or trying to harm her. And anyone who tries doing that, I wouldn’t mind taking such person out of the way, even if such person is you, my mother. I hope that is understood?” Richard asked with a stern voice, that sounded more of a threat than a warning. His look was fierce and serious, which hinted Allison that her son was serious and he wasn’t whom he used to be.

“I understand” Allison said, nodding her head and forcing her saliva down her throat.

“I need to use the restroom, if you will excuse me. Also, tell Hillary I will be back shortly, on your way back to the living room. Thank you” Richard said, walking to the restroom and not waiting for his mother’s response.

Allison was glad her son was finally back and she would do anything to keep him by her side forever. So, she decided to accept any decision her son made, even if she wasn’t okay with it.

Back in the living room, Edward wanted answers to his questions and so, probed his wife into spilling what she was hiding from him.

“What are you all hiding from me? What the hell was Richard talking about?” Edward asked, almost yelling at Sophia and becoming aggressive. Sophia shivered and became overwhelmed with fear. Edward had never raised his voice at her since he lost his memory, which made her shivered when he did that day.

“Let’s …….. tal…… talk about it once we get home” Sophia managed to say, amid her fear. Hillary, who was sitting in a corner of the living room and was witnessing the scene that transpired between the couple, put on a satisfying smile on her face.

“No, I want to talk about it now!!!!” Edward said in a decisive tone, which showed his mind was made up and he wanted to get the answers to his questions at that moment. Sophia didn’t know what to say and she began to stammer but Allison walked in right in time, to save her.

“Hillary darling, Richard had to use the restroom. He will be joining you soon. Do you mind if I get you a glass of juice while you await him?” Allison asked, acting all lovey-dovey towards Hillary. Hillary was surprised by her action and she wondered why she was being all nice towards her all of a sudden, when she hated her in the past.

“I am okay, thank you” Hillary responded, showing her gratitude.

“If you do not mind, can I sit with you? I need to know more about my daughter-in-law, don’t you think so?” Allison asked.

“Sure, you can” Hillary reluctantly gave in, although she didn’t want to. Seeing that was her chance to have a tete-a-tete with Richard, Sophia excused herself, on the ground that she needed to use the restroom. She headed to the restroom where Richard was and just as he was about getting out of the restroom, Sophia pushed him in and closed the door from behind after she had entered.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Richard asked, questioning Sophia’s presence and behavior.

“I need to talk to you, Richard. Why are you doing this to me? Is it because of what I did six years ago? Is that why you are with her to get revenge on me? Is that why you are tormenting me so hard?” Sophia said, shedding tears.

“The earlier you know your tears doesn’t move me anymore, the better. And who are you talking about? I am lost” Richard said, trying to taunt Sophia the more.

“Stop pretending like you do not know who I am talking about!!!!!!” Sophia yelled, expressing how frustrated she was. Richard enjoyed seeing her frustrated and he smiled.

“Hillary, I know she is Ellie. Why are you two together? Why are you both hellbent on destroying me?” Sophia yelled the more.

“Why can’t I be with her? You left me for Edward, so why can’t I do the same? Why can’t I marry a lady Edward was once in love with? I am with her because I love her and I will do anything to support her in getting her revenge on you. You have hurt her so much and you deserve all that she is doing to you right now. Mind you, this is just the beginning of your torment, the real torment is yet to come. Excuse me” Richard said, with his eyes cold and moving towards the exit of the restroom.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Can’t you think about our son and let go of all these? Think about Austin. For his sake, let go of Ellie’s hand and come back to us. I promise to leave Edward. I never loved him from the beginning, it is what you know. I only approached him for your sake. Richard, let go of your revenge and come back to us. I, you and Austin can go to a far away place and live as a family. Please, Richard. Try and reason with me for our child’s sake” Sophia said, still shedding her fake tears and holding Richard from behind. This made Richard halt in his steps and he began to laugh hysterically. Sophia became confused and wondered as to why he was laughing

“Our child? You think I do not know Austin isn’t mine? I know he isn’t yours either!!!!” Richard revealed, with shock written all over Sophia’s face.

“What …… are ….. you talking about?” Sophia stammered, while blinking her eyes repeatedly.

“I know you had a miscarriage and you never birth a child. You took away the child Ellie had for Edward and instructed the doctor to tell her she had a stillborn. When Ellie didn’t believe the false narrative she had been told and kept on demanding for her child, you and the doctor decided to eliminate her” Richard revealed, while Sophia began to shiver with fear, at the revelation of the truth she had concealed for six years.

“How did you get to know?” Sophia managed to ask, amid the shock she had gotten.

“Think about why you have been unable to reach the doctor and you will get your answer. This will be the last time I will be saying this, do not touch a strand of Ellie’s hair. If you mistakenly do, be ready to face my wrath. She is my woman and nobody has the right to touch her. I hope you understand?” Richard asked, wanting to make sure his message was well received. He expected to get a response from Sophia who was still in shock but he never got any.

“Well, I think I should be grateful to you. If not for you, Ellie and Edward wouldn’t have separated and I wouldn’t have had a chance with her. Thank you for that” Richard said, showing his gratitude before finally walking out of the restroom.

But what Richard and Sophia didn’t know was that, Edward had eavesdropped on the conversation they had from the beginning to the end.

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