The Billionaires Mistress

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Present Day

I woke up from the constant buzzing of my phone so after some twisting and turning, I finally decided to

pry my eyes open and answer my phone already knowing it was probably Emma who would wake me

up at this ungodly hour.

"I need to talk to you. What time do you want to meet," She asked, as I placed a hand on my head.

I think I did a little too much drinking last night.

I examined the right side of the bed to make sure Ethan wasn't there before speaking freely. " Yes, I will

meet with you in thirty minutes,"I replied, quickly ending the call.




I walked into the same cafe we meet at last time to find Emma sitting in the corner waving her hand

and I walked to the table.

She stood up shaking my hand."Good morning Ms.Scott," She said, as I motioned for her to sit down.

"Can we get right to the point," I said, sitting right across from her.

She shook her head as she gave me a familiar look.I knew that look perfectly, it was the look of

sympathy.I hated that look. "Ok, did you know that your eggs were not even used in the process of

Rivers impregnation." My jaw literally dropped as I looked at her in a skeptical manner.

"What that cannot be true," I replied, glaring at her.

"It is the doctor confirmed that an artificial insemination did not take place because Angelina did not

want it to take place," She handed me a paper with the name and number of the doctor.

Panic was literally written all over my face because my mind began thinking the worst."So who's baby

is River carrying?" I asked, with sweat nearly dripping down my back.

"The only possible conclusion is that the baby is Ethan and Rivers."

I felt something was compressing against my heart making it hard to intake oxygen. "No, no, no, no,

no," I yelled.

I tried to calm down a bit so I could ask her the question that was racing through my head."Did an

artificial insemination take place."I visibly gulped, and she looked away.

She turned her head back slowly and her eyes were squinted shut."Um no they reproduced-"

"Stop, just stop"I cried and ran out of the cafe without another word.

How could he cheat on me?

I thought he forgave me.


Once Ethan left I began to drown my bloodstream in any alcohol I could find in the cabinets and no one

was here so no one could stop me.

Yeah me!

It had been a couple days since he left and I just didn't feel like thinking about any of it.At all.I wanted to

clear my mind off things and alcohol was my best solution.

I was currently watching Pride and Prejudice well more like trashing it when the doorbell rang I was

hoping the Chinese food I ordered but I was greatly mistaken when I swung the door open to find Ryan

at my door.Aka Ethan's Best Friend.

He let himself in and poured himself a glass of bourbon before I could even question him."What are

you doing here Ryan?"A smirk appeared on his face and then he devoured the glass.

"We're going out for some fresh air you look like a pig and this place smells like a mother fuckin barn

!"He mocked, pouring himself another glass of bourbon and devouring it just as fast.

I rolled my eyes."I'm not going anywhere."I protested, throwing myself on the couch.

He examined the t.v screen before giving me his judgy look."You'd rather watch a shit load of romance

movies like an old cat lady thinking about what could have been and what should have been."I

shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a bag of potato chips.

He grimaced,"Eww how old is that it?"Now he was being quite dramatic its only been lying here for a

day maybe three and I knew he was doing that so I could get up.

"Ryan I'm not going anywhere."He gave me a disappointed look before grabbing a bunch of snacks

and throwing them along with many other things in the garbage.

I would have fought him but I did not have the energy.

He returned grabbed another glass of bourbon and sat right beside me.

After twenty minutes later the food arrived we ate and we continued to drink.

"You know there is no man who doesn't get turned on when another woman so much as touches him

near a specific area this shit is lies."He slurred while sipping on his bourbon.

I rolled my eyes and hit him with the nearest pillow."Can't we go through a whole movie without you

judging every frickin scene." Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

He grabbed onto the pillow while I pulled and it went on like this until eventually, he landed on top of me

and the only thing keeping him from moving any closer was the pillow.

He removed, the pillow while looking at me with his brown eyes and stopped a centimeter from my lips

before finally brushing his lips against mine.




I awoke with a scorching headache to find Ryan on my bed shirtless and all the memories of last night

flooded through my brain like a never-ending freight train.

Just when I was about to get up and kick him out the door swung open revealing Ethan.

"Diana I am sor-"Ethan stopped when he saw Ryan lift his head up with widened eyes.

He observed me, then Ryan before saying."I don't want to see or hear from either of you."


What I did to him back then caused him to leave me for over four years and just like we got through all

the bumps of the road we were going to get passed this River bump so I had to get rid of her but there

was only one way and that was to get rid of the baby.

I rushed home and into my room to call Emma.

Shortly after she answered."Hello."

"Emma I need the poison that would get rid of the baby can you send it to me today."

"Yeah, it won't take longer than an hour for you to receive it."


Hello My Babies

So what do you think will Diana get rid of the baby?

Does anyone feel sorry for Diana

Please Vote § Share!!!!!!

Until Next Time


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