"May I take her in my arms?" He redirected his focus to Ariana in order to avoid being devoured by rage.

"Certainly, but be cautious with her, as she is a little heavier." She informed Marcus prior to giving birth to their daughter.

It was his first time, and he wanted to hug her close, but he knew he needed to be cautious not to crush her delicate bones, as she was a delicate little angel. He gloated over AJ's dimpled chin. When he smiled, the child smiled back, which was the most wonderful sensation, then his daughter reached for his nose and inserted her little finger into one of his nostrils, then into one of his ears, before inserting that finger into his mouth. "Eww, you're so disgusting!" He reacted and attempted to reunite Daniella with her kid.


Daniella couldn't believe what she was hearing! She felt cheated when her daughter's first word was PAPA rather than MAMA but was overjoyed when AJ began to speak. "Did you happen to hear it?"

Marcus was overcome with emotion and delight, and he silently told AJ that he would be the greatest Daddy he could be. "Indeed, baby. "Papa is here," he said as he fiercely held his daughter. He was just sad that he was not present on the day she was born and throughout her childhood.

Marcus practically took over when it came to teaching AJ how to swim like a pro, and Daniella wasn't expecting Marcus to be so kind since he was too tough and difficult to deal with. AJ was having a good time in the water, and she hated to be a downer, but that was sufficient for the day.

"What are your plans?" He inquired as to when Daniella stole AJ away from him.

"I'm on my way home, Marcus." She was less abrasive with him than she had been previously, and was more respectful in her interactions with him.

"I will accompany you," he urged.

Daniella declined his offer, but the man persisted on going regardless of the consequences. However, he was intelligent enough to wear his mask even without the rest of the suit. "It'll be problematic if anyone sees you with me," she explained.

"You're being paranoid for no reason, Dani." He reassured her and volunteered to carry AJ for the remainder of their stroll. When she was in her father's arms, the youngster squealed with happiness. "However, I questioned how you could hold her constantly since she was so heavy."

"I'm accustomed to her stature, Marcus." She kept her response brief since she didn't want to go into depth because it would appear as though they were rekindling their friendship.

"I observe. Her weight must be one of the reasons you are so seductive," he complemented her figure, which rendered her unconscious. Daniella repositioned the robe over the swimming suit she was wearing, and Marcus found her vanity amusing and endearing.

She had not anticipated his carrying the infant up to their bedroom. "I appreciate your assistance," she replied as she opened the door.

"May I enter?" He desired to spend more time with her kid and to visit her more frequently.

"How come?" she inquired.

"I'd like to watch you nursing my child," he stated plainly.

"Marcus!" Daniella flushed at the prospect of the scene Marcus alluded to.

"You're simply being impure, Dani. Breastfeeding is a natural process," he reassured her.

"Are we getting near now?" You act as though we are in close proximity! Perhaps you've forgotten how you broke my heart?" Daniella saw a difference once she was no longer angry with him.

"Perhaps you've forgotten what you did to me as well?" Without me, you will be without a lovely daughter." He reciprocated by reminding Daniella of her error.

"Fine!" She accepted and allowed him to enter. Once entering the room, she requested Marcus's assistance in watching their daughter while she changed her clothing. She then escorted her daughter to the nursing station she had established beside the window. She thought that providing her kid with a comfortable nursing station would go a long way toward providing her daughter with much-needed relaxation and bonding time. Daniella gazed at Marcus before allowing AJ to lick on her breast.

"Go ahead," he responded when Daniella hesitated to feed their infant while he was present, and then he witnessed his daughter take a large mouthful of Daniella's breast and begin sucking for milk. He was hardly a sex-crazed pervert, but seeing Daniella nursing their daughter sparked his interest. Alternatively, it might be that his affections for the lady were always present.

Typically, her daughter would fall asleep while nursing. Daniella transferred AJ to their bed after ensuring she was deep sleeping. "Are you still here?" She inquired of the man who was snoozing in his seat.

"I awaited your arrival. However, Dani, don't you believe it would be better for AJ if he slept in the crib?" Yes, her bed was enormous given the room's configuration of two queen-sized beds, but a kid must remain in the crib for safety reasons. Occasionally, adults move a lot while sleeping, putting the youngster in risk.

"I'm comfortable when she sleeps alongside me; why are you so concerned?" She became upset with his nosiness.

"But the crib is safer," he insisted.

"Wait a minute, Marcus. Is it possible that I did not make myself clear? You have no right to criticize my daughter's upbringing. You know, you're rather amusing. Who do you believe yourself to be?" She became enraged when he insisted on the location of her child's crib.

"I apologize if I offended you, Dani; it was only a suggestion!" He had no intention of raising her blood pressure at a time when they had just begun to be cordial and nice, but he succeeded. The woman was completely taken aback by his idea.

"Suggestion? To be honest, it did not sound like one. If you truly care about our kid, simply let us to live our lives as usual and make no suggestions, understand? Now, exit!" She walked up to the door and pushed it open for him.

"But Dani, we discussed this previously; as her father, I have every right to ensure that she was in a secure setting!" Did she truly believe he would abstain from defending his rights? She was mistaken, for he was determined to reclaim his family regardless of the cost. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"There you are again, doing the 'correct' thing. However, I am stating that a dead man cannot claim his right, Marcus. I'm sure you are aware of this." Daniella was astounded by Marcus's obstinacy.

Marcus gritted his teeth as he prepared to answer. "If that is the case, you have left me with no choice."

"What are you referring to?" Daniella could hear her heart racing as Marcus vowed to take action over his position.

"I assumed you were intelligent," he replied as he opened the door.

"Wait! Put on your mask!" She reminded him, but the man had already exited, and the next thing she heard in the corridor was a loud scream. She rushed outside to find her stepmother inconsolable and shouting about a ghost. When she realizes what has occurred, her eyes widen. That wretched man! He truly put her patience to the test! "Would you kindly calm down, Ma?"

"Ella, I saw a ghost. How am I to regain my composure?" Her yelling roused the rest of the occupants of the house, and they all rushed to see what was happening.

"Is there a ghost in the morning?" Usually, Ma, they arrive at night." Daniella made light of the situation, but Paloma maintained that the ghost had even smiled at her.

"Believe me when I say I saw him. Marcus was already dead and cremated when I saw him emerge from Daniella's chamber!" She informed the other guests, but it appeared as though nobody believed her and denied the possibility that she had been drinking. How could she be inebriated in the morning after only having coffee?

He heard the hubbub outside but made no attempt to get outdoors. He grinned at the prospect of Daniella being concerned that someone had seen him. Marcus donned one of his vintage t-shirts with a good pair of blue jeans and exited the corridor only after the corridor was completely empty. Everyone had assembled in the main area following Paloma's uproar upstairs. Daniella instantly confronted him on the stairwell, glaring at him.

"I despise you!" She slapped his knees, but the man brushed it off and walked downstairs.

Marcus wrapped his arms around her waist and said, "No, you do not. Because you're still in love with me," he replied, his grip on her waist tightening.

Paloma yelled aloud for the second time, but as Marcus began to explain, she approached the guy and squeezed his flesh. "My God, you're still alive!"

"Hello, mother in law; it's been a while." He was joking in his greeting to Paloma.

"Welcome home, Marcus! What transpired? Paloma continued, "We were informed that you perished in Syria."

Daniella looked at Marcus, a tacit warning not to divulge her secret in front of everyone, and she didn't stop to pinch his side to ensure he didn't do something humiliating.

"It was someone else who died and I was fortunate," he said succinctly, yet everyone was relieved to find him alive and well.

"Then let us rejoice!" Paloma made the announcement. "Ella, you should have informed me that he was returning; why did you withhold information?" Paloma reprimanded her stepdaughter but then retracted it. "I apologize; I forgot that you must have want some quality time with your spouse prior to informing us."

Daniella was shocked when Paloma and the rest of the room believed she had purposefully hidden Marcus in her room in order to spend some quality time with him. "Correct. We haven't seen each other in much too long, and you can imagine how startled I am to see him again." She lied, but she noticed Marcus smiling, which enraged her even more. "That concludes our discussion, gentlemen. I apologize, Ma, for your prior fear. It was intended to be a surprise," she grinned as she became adept at concocting another fabrication to bolster her claim. "I apologize for interfering with the celebrations, but please pardon us." She grabbed him and dragged him upstairs with her. He began this, but she would bring it to a stop!

They were cheered on by her family and Paloma's visitors, who were undoubtedly thinking she was going to perform that thing with him! She was mortified when they imagined she kept the man in her room. "Are you content now?" You obtained what you want!" She yelled at him, oblivious to the fact that her kid was nearby asleep.

"I was powerless, Dani!" He reasoned his way out.

"That is not the case. You could have walked away, but you didn't!" She yelled at Marcus for being obstinate, and she was enraged.

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