The Babysitter

Chapter 50: God bless America

Chapter 50: God bless America

Chapter 50: (Aubrey's POV)- God Bless America

I thanked my dad and hugged both of my parents goodbye and goodnight before we left my house. We

stopped in front of his car while he leaned on its hood as I stood facing him. "You knew, didn't you? He

already said yes to you in the backyard, didn't he?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"Yes, he did." he nodded while biting back a smirk. I took a deep inhale before slapping him. "Wh-" he

began but was shut up when I grabbed his collar and pulled me in for a kiss.

"That was for not telling me." I slowly pulled away, my eyes trailing along his face.

"The slap or the kiss?" he smirked before planting another kiss on my lips. I pulled away and answered.

"Both since I got a lovely surprise after a shit ton of anxiety." I smiled at him sarcastically before going

and sitting in the front seat of his car. He laughed before getting in and starting the car. I grabbed my

phone and hooked it to the Bluetooth of his car and began playing music.

"Come on, sing it with me, you know the words," I said in a sing-song voice while nudging his shoulder.

"Maybe it's the way she walked straight into my heart and stole it!" I shouted while he shook his head

and laughed. "Through the doors and- sing it!" I shrieked demandingly.

"Just like she already owned it!" He finally gave in. "I said, 'Can you give it back to me?' she said 'never

in your wildest dreams!'" we both shouted at the top of our lungs. "And we danced all night to the best

song ever, we knew every line now I can't remember how it goes but I know that I won't forget her!" and

this went on and on till we got to his house.

He parked in the driveway and turned the ignition off but I kept screaming the lyrics and had now fully

lost track of reality and was in my world. He laughed as he walked over to my side and grabbed my

hand, pulling me out of the car as I stumbled, drunk on pure joy.

We got to his front door where I leaned against the door and continued singing. He wrapped my arms

around her waist as she began losing her balance.

Now I'm starting to think I'm drunk on pure alcohol. I really wouldn't shut up.

He held my face in his hands as he kissed me, finally shutting me up. My arms went around his neck

as I smiled into the kiss. And then the door swung open, making us both stumble back and causing me

to fall with him on top of me, luckily he managed to put my hands on the ground.

"Oops." Violet shrugged before going back and sitting on the couch.

"How did you guys get inside?" he asked while helping me to my feet.

"I know where the key is," Ace appeared while shrugging. "Pack your bags," he said suspiciously.

"Huh?" Xavier and I said in sync. "Why?" I whined while clinging onto his arm.

"Because my lovelies, we're going on a spontaneous road trip tomorrow morning." Violet chirped

enthusiastically while glowing in joy.

No. "Umm, no," I replied. "I'm not going anywhere," I stated. I was in no mood of leaving this house let

alone this town. "I plan on staying in bed for the rest of the summer break." I felt my eyes getting heavy.

"You are so boring. Xavier, explain to her why we should go!" Violet scolded me while ordering Parker.

"I don't think we should either. We can have fun in this town too." he shrugged, taking my side.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why this guy is my boyfriend and soulmate. "See!" I grinned.

"Why don't you two take this opportunity to go on a little honeymoon." I teased the two while shifting my

weight from one foot to another due to the desperate desire for a bed and tired legs.

What did I do that was so tiring? Nothing.

"We wanted to go to the lake but guess not." Ace huffed before shrugging and plopping on the couch

while Vi took a seat beside him.

I sighed before speaking, "Well, I must go and take my makeup off and change. I'll be back." I began

heading towards the stairs before turning back around and grabbing Xavier's hand, taking him with me.

I went into his room where all my stuff was and collapsed on his bed, curling up into a little ball. "I'm

tired." I yawned while closing my eyes. I heard shuffling before I felt him grab my face and cleaning it

with my makeup wipes.

This is the type of boyfriend every girl should have. "I love you," I mumbled as he finished taking my

makeup off which luckily was the bare minimum. I heard him shuffling around again before he spoke


"I love you too, now change." I felt the bed dip slightly.

I groaned, "Give me my sweats." I reached my hand out blindly which he placed my sweats in.

"Now turn," I spoke knowingly. He chuckled before turning and I made sure to look. I threw my sweats

on, not bothering to take the dress off on top. "Now goodnight." I huffed, cuddling the pillow. Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

He sighed before grabbing my wrists and making me sit up. "It'll take two seconds then you can sleep

all you want in all the comfy clothes you need." he sighed as I opened my eyes tiredly.

I sighed, "I'm going to need your shirt for that." I stated. He smiled before grabbing one of his shirts and

handing it to me. I threw the dress off and the shirt on. "Now sleep with me," I demanded, lying back


"Whatever you say, Carthy." I could hear the smirk in his voice as I kicked his back while he stood up to

go change. I don't know how long he was taking but it felt like forever.

"Hurry up, you're doing this very slowly! It makes me want to pull my hair out!" I exaggerated.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind. You like me going fast." he teased while lying down beside me. I elbowed

his stomach before grabbing his hand and draping his arm over my waist. I woke up the next morning

to shower water running.

I slowly opened my eyes as the water died down. I stared at the ceiling for a moment before the

bathroom opened to reveal Xavier with black joggers, damp hair, and no shirt and I've thought it once

but I'll say it now.

God Bless America.

"Morning," he smiled as he lay on his stomach, resting his head on mine. I ruffled his hair before he

looked up at me smiling.

"Are they awake downstairs?" I asked while grinning down at him. He nodded his head and told me

they left before resting his head on my stomach, drawing circles on my waist lazily.

"I'm hungry so may I have your services please?" I smiled at him while he huffed.

"Yes my lady, you may." he got off of me and went downstairs while I went to brush my teeth. I went

downstairs after freshening up to see Xavier placing two hashbrowns on a plate and leaving them for

me on the plate before heading out the front door.

I didn't hear his car or bike leaving so I supposed he was standing outside. I grabbed my plate and

headed outside, wanting to figure out what just happened. The minute I stepped down the mood was

entirely different, it was more... tense. I went outside and saw him sitting on the porch with a cigarette.

I sat down beside him with a sigh before setting my plate down next to me. I turned to him and grabbed

his cigarette, tossing it as far away as I could. He sighed while looking down at the ground.

"Hey," I whispered, "What happened?" I asked while turning his face to my direction to see a fresh cut

on his cheekbone.

"Don't." he pushed my hand away as I tried to touch it. I sighed before retreating.

"Are you okay? Who did it?" I questioned hesitantly. I didn't want to anger him more.

"Your ex-boyfriend did it." he snapped. I bit my lower lip, not knowing how to respond to that.

"How did he get in? How did it happen?" I questioned. I needed to know. This was getting way out of


"He knocked at the door and when I answered he threw a punch then ran and drove off. I swear to god

if he wouldn't have scattered I would have killed him," he spoke through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry," I stated. "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

He shook his head before kissing me, "No, it's not."

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