The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Book 2 Chapter 14

Caleb’s Point of View

I am not even surprised that I am once again waking up alone. Although my anger has left me the hurt consumes my soul, and I briefly wonder if I even need to get up from the bed today. Laying here is a special kind of torture. I can smell my beautiful mate, and a part of me wants to roll over and hug her pillow to my chest and just deeply inhale. On the other hand, my pride is wounded and now I feel like pushing her away. Perhaps if I treated her the way she had treated me these past few weeks she would understand better the torture she has put me through. There is that wonderful voice of self-doubt that creeps in asking would she even care.

Allowing myself a few moments to

continue to wallow in my own

depression, I finally resolve myself to

climb out of bed. Hoping that a nice hot

shower will help lift the dredges of the soul crushing depression that has seeped deep into me. Climbing into the steaming shower I ponder how I am supposed to

handle the precarious situation involving Daphne and me. Eventually I conclude that there is no longer anything that I can do to help the situation. 1

I have done everything in my power to gain her love and trust. I have been patient and loving. I have never strayed from her, and I do not plan on it even under the circumstances that we find

ourselves in now. In truth I am out of ideas. I understand that she lived in hell when she was younger, and that it would leave a lasting impression on her. I fought to dispel the negative thoughts she had about herself. I surrounded her with loving and supportive people. I have

always been there to tell her that she is beautiful. I try to praise her daily, but

despite all of this it did not matter. She

never gave me her full trust.

Hopping out of the shower and toweling

off I decide that I need to focus on the

pack. I have an upcoming meeting with a

few trusted allies, and I need to be

prepared. Thinking of the upcoming gathering I remember that Alpha Noah

will be in attendance. I need to discuss the

turn of events with Theo. While I know

that we need to be amicable to each other, I still do not trust the man. Just thinking about him being here turns my stomach.

I will want to heighten security in the pack house as well as throughout the

grounds while he is here. I also need to

see if the catering has been taken care of. I will also need to find out if the guest rooms have been made ready. Most of the

Alphas will be bringing their wives. Typically, the Luna organizes a few events with the other wives. Brunches, movie nights, and things like that. I make a mental note to see if Daphne has

thought about it. If not, I am sure that

Scarlett will give her a hand, but I also

make need to see if Hannah will be

willing to help.

Having my mind consumed by pack business, I walk out of the room almost on auto pilot. It does not take me long to make it to the kitchen, I am startled out of my thoughts by Daphne’s voice. This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

“Hey, I wanted to say sorry.” Glancing over to where she is leaning against the breakfast bar, a fresh wave of sorrow rolls through me. Knowing that my mate does not trust me, and questions my character makes me feel physically ill. I grunt a

hello in response while pouring a cup of


I am not purposely trying to push her away, but I was not expecting the pain to still be fresh today. Seeing her, even being this close to her is almost physically hurting. It is as if an elephant has sat

upon my chest, or an evil sorcerer has

placed my heart within a vice and is slowly crushing it. “Daphne as you know I have a few of our allies, and friends. visiting next week. The meeting is important as we discuss the upcoming winter, and

supplies. We will also be discussing this years Mabon Ball.” Her eyes go wide as I mention the dance that brought us together originally. This is a bittersweet moment for me. At one time I thought that it would be a rather romantic night for us both, an

anniversary of sorts. With this new

tension between us though I do not even want to see how she feels about the event.

“The only reason why I bring this up now is because usually the Luna will host or hold events during these kind of

meetings like brunch, or movie nights. I was not sure if you knew about that. If you do not currently have anything planned both Scarlett and Hannah will help you to organize a few things. They do not have to be large grand events, but something to show the wives that we welcome them with their husbands.” My voice is hollow even to my own ears. I am straight to the point, and I do not dabble

with small talk.

I take the risk and briefly glance at Daphne’s face. I see the tears slowly falling and there is a part of me that wants to rush to her and wipe her face clean. To gather her close to my chest, inhale her sweet scent, and tell her that everything will be fine. There is a larger

part of me at the moment that

remembers her striking me and accusing me of cheating on her. With that brutal

memory flashing through my mind, I

quickly look away from her.

“I also need to tell you that amongst our guests will be Alpha Noah. Although I personally despise the man, he is one of

our allies, and he is one of the closest

packs to ours.” I drop the bomb on her in

an almost mechanical voice. She states

that she understands.

I turn and place my empty mug in the

sink and start to leave the kitchen. I

almost make it out before her voice stops


“Caleb, I love you.” I do not even

recognize the cold laugh that leaves my lips at her remark.

“No Daphne see I can say I love you and

mean it with every fiber of my being. You

on the other hand can not truly mean

those words because the fact remains that

you still do not trust me. Here we are almost together a full year, and you still question if I am a good man, a man worthy of you dropping the impossibly high walls surrounding your heart. Last night proved that I have fallen short of scaling those walls.” I had to walk away quickly. I had not meant to tell her everything that was in my mind, but she broke through the thin veil that I had tried to bury those thoughts behind. I hope that she did not hear my voice crack

at the end. I angerly swipe at the few tears

that have fallen, betraying the tough

exterior that I am desperate to keep up.

Storming out of the house, I march steadily towards the training center. I need to hit something, anything at the

moment will do. I mind 1**k Theo and

ask him to meet me there. I need to get everything off my chest and he is the only

one I can trust.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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