The Alpha's Rejected Heir

Chapter 32: Epilogue

Chapter 32: Epilogue

Rosalyn's POV

"I, standing here in front of you and the people that we both love so dearly, promise to always love you. I, will always love you. To me, your love is like water. It is shapeless and it is formless but it is also peaceful, yet so, so strong. You cannot live without water and I cannot live without you. You, my darling, are my heart. Remember the very first day we met? From the moment I saw you, I knew, I just knew that you were The One, the one I MUST spend my life with. Our courtship has been the happiest period of my life because, in that time, you become not just my lover and companion, but also my best friend. I promise to support you, through thick and thin. I cannot wait to walk back down that aisle so that I can start the rest of my life with you by my side. You, darling are my best friend, my mate, my confidante and my greatest gift. You are the love of my life, someone who always make me happier than I could ever have imagined and you have made me a better person than I ever thought I could be. I feel truly blessed that the moon goddess chose me as your mate and that I get to share my life with you and that you have chosen to share yours with me. So now I Genevieve Allison Carson take you, Micheal Julius Parker, to be my husband. I vow to be your biggest fan and partner in crime. I promise to support a family with you in a home filled with patience, love and understanding. I vow to grow old with you. I will love you faithfully and unconditionally through difficult and easy times. Whatever may come, I promise to always be there with you. As I have given my life to you." Genevieve says reciting her vows and puts the ring on Michael's finger

I'm currently standing behind gen along with her two other bridesmaids. It took a while but were finally at their wedding. You may be wondering what happened the day kevin and nora died, well I'll fill you in.


"Its sundown guys lets leave this place and go home" alessandro says

We all nodded then turned and started walking away. He reached the steps before ke'shaun's voice stops him saying

"Alessandro wait"

We all turn looking at him wondering what the hell he could want now.

"There's some unfinished business we have to attend to, there's one more monster that needs to be taken care of" keshaum announces

Immediately his pack gathers around us. Smirking triumphantly keshaun says "You cant win alessandro just give yourself up"

Laughing Al replied "you really believe that don't you"

"Yes i do and do you want to know why?" He asks

"Please, enlighten me" alessandro says

"Because i have the upper hand. Bring them out" he says with an evil grin

The two men who had brought out Nora earlier left the stage and came back with Dad, Genevieve and baby Cameron all held with knives at their throats. A loud thunderous growl from Micheal echoed through the air "Let them go now!" He commanded in his beta voice

The men whimpered at the power in his voice and bared their necks as a sign of submission.

"Don't listen to him" keshaun says in his alpha voice making the men tighten their grips on our family

I could feel Althea's presence strengthen in my mind as my rage built and evolved beyond its limits. We all got into defensive stances ready for a massacre which is what it will be when were done.

Before any of us could make a move the sound of Amber's scream filled the air.

Turning so quickly I'm surprised he didn't get whiplashed keshaun runs to her side in an instant "what wrong?" He asks

"The. Baby, I. Think. My. Water. Just. Broke. And. There's. Something. Wrong. With. The. Baby" she barely breathes out

"Oh there's nothing wrong with your baby, Yet" Sage alessandro's friend says

"What do you mean? What have you done to her?" Keshaun demands walking towards her. He tries to grab Sage but is thrown across the stage by an invisible force.

"I wouldn't recommend that alpha" she tsk

"There's nothing wrong with the baby i just sped up Amber's pregnancy and increased the pain of her contractions now release alessandro's family before i give your luna a miscarriage" she warns

"You slut I'll kill you" keshaun yells

"Try it i dare you" Brandon and Alessandro says in unison

"Kill them" keshaun orders the men holding our family hostage

"Oh no you don't, Flame circle!!" Sage yells and suddenly the men holding dad, gen and cameron screamed, they all erupted in flames as a magic circle appeared under their feet.

"Alessandro go save them now the protection spell i casted wont last long" sage says

Alessandro and micheal immediately ran towards the huge circle of fire. I saw micheal grab the baby and Genevieve while alessandro held on to dad and they both pulled them out of the fire.

"Go take care of them, I'll deal with this here" Alessandro instructs Micheal

"Make sure you make his death painful" micheal says looking at keshaun

"Oh i will" Al replied cracking his knuckles and walking in the direction of his father

"Everyone attack" keshaun yells and immediately the back yard turned into a war zone.

Jermaine and i fight wolf after wolf trying or best not to kill them since they're just following their alpha's orders. I can see it hurts him to have to fight the people he grew up with, his family. But we had to defend ourselves or they wont hesitate to kill us all. After fighting for goddess knows how long with the help of Sage's powers we managed to subdue all the wolves. Most were injured but only three died so in all it wasn't that bad. The only fight now going on is Alessandro and keshaun.

They are both filled with cuts and each other's blood. I could tell alessandro was holding back not wanting to risk his wolf taking over and going on a rampage however, he still had the upper hand. Alessandro managed to pin keshaun but he clawed him in the shoulder and Al let go.

Keshaun got up and grabbed his jacket that he had on earlier. Fishing through the pockets he drew out a vile with a yellow liquid and i immediately recognized it. It was the same serum the council injected alessandro with, i could tell although this one seemed more potent.

"Keshaun don't!!!" I yelled but it was too late as he downed the liquid in one go

We all stood their watching him to see what would happen. It took a few minutes but suddenly keshaun doubled over screaming in pain. We could see his body physically changing as his muscles became more defined and he seemed to have gotten bigger. His nails changed to claws and his eyes became pitch black not just his pupil his entire eye. A few more minutes passed and the pain seemed to have passed as he stood up towering over us. He had shifted to a wolf man like alessandro could but he looked more beast than man even way more beastly than alessandro and that is saying a lot.

He had a wicked grin on his face as he said to alessandro "shift"

"Why on earth would i do that" alessandro asked

Using his new found speed he appeared beside me throwing jermaine off the makeshift stage and putting one of his claw on my jugular

"I said shift pup i want to see who's more powerful you or me"

"Fine but just remember you asked for this i wasn't gonna kill you before but now you crossed the most dangerous line when you threatened my family" Alessandro replied as his eyes turned black an physical features changed.

Grinning like a maniac keshaun moved his claw from my neck and walked over to Al. I quickly ran over to jermaine to check on him as he fell pretty hard. Checking him for injuries i see he had nothing major just a few scrapes here and there

"Hey are you ok" i ask running my hand through his hair

"Yeah I'm good" he says leaning into me

I helped him stand and we stood there watching keshaun and alessandro tearing at each other like the wild beasts they are. They scratch claw and bite each other as blood and body parts splatter over the stage. Keshaun then shifted into his wolf. The black furred creature looked even bigger than it did before and i knew it was the serum he drank. Al then shifted as well his wolf as well was way bigger than i last remembered but keshaun's still towered over his. Both of them lunged at each other and once again the fighting start, both of them clawing and biting like there's no tomorrow.

Keshaun swiped his left paw at alessandro who quickly dodge but he wasn't fast enough and one of keshaun's claws scratched him above his eye making Al growl. The injured eye closed due to the blood

that was getting into it. Keshaun used this opportunity pin alessandro he then bit at his neck but Al used his hind paws to push him off. Even though he missed keshaun still managed to bite him in the shoulder ripping out a chunk of flesh. I saw Alessandro's eyes darken as he howled in pain. He quickly got to his feet and lunged at keshaun, something about him was different his fighting style completely changed and his speed increased but he was injured badly and i could tell it was taking a toll on him.

Both wolves kept attacking each other constantly and suddenly i see alessandro shift to his human form and extended his claws as soon as keshaun jumped to attack however he didn't get far as Alessandro stuck his hand out and he fell onto it in midair. At first glance it seemed as if alessandro's hand was stuck in keshaun's chest but it was in his stomach. He then dragged his claws upward ripping away at keshaun's stomach as he goes. He then dropped the now dead wolf to the ground his entire body covered in blood. He then turned to look at me and i gasped at what i saw, his entire eyes were black just like keshaun's were when he drank the serum. He reach out to me as he swayed, seeming to have lost his balance. I quickly ran to him and caught him in my arms as he fell.

"Its ok baby momma's got you" i say wiping the blood from his face.

"M-mom I'm sorry i-"

"Shhh its ok sweetheart i know what's happening" i say cutting him off

"T-they're gonna come for me and everyone else i care about"

"I know but I'll raise hell before i let them take you"

"Haha, You. Cant. Stop. Them. They're. Coming. For. You. You. Abomination" a weak voice says

We look in its direction to see keshaun who had reverted to his human form barely alive. I gently placed alessandro on the ground an walked over to him and said out loud

"I know your all watching in the shadows so this message is for you and whoever is running this experimentation. IM COMING FOR YOU" before ripping keshaun's head from his shoulders.

Then i walked over to alessandro and picked him up from the ground, then walked back to the pack house heading for the infirmary. There was no way in hell I'm gonna let those bastards get away with what they did to my son. Hell knows no fury like a woman's wrath and their about to taste mine.

End Of Flashback

After everything that went down that day since the pack was left with no alpha and Amber's baby was roo young to assume the role the title had been passed to alessandro since he was the one who defeated keshaun. However, he inturn refused and passed the title on to Izzy who then disbanded the pack as she had no intentions of becoming an alpha but she did help most of the members get into a new pack instead of them becoming rogues. So long story short the howling moon pack is no more. Micheal, dad and Genevieve came back to italy with us along with alessandro's friends and izzy seeing as Aj is her mate. Mrs black went to live with a friend of hers who's a human and amber went back to her father's pack.

So now were standing in Tuscany beach finally at Micheal and Genevieve's wedding. I'm her maid of honor along with two of her other relatives who are her bridesmaids while Alessandro, Jermaine and dad are standing behind Micheal, dad as his best man. They were asked to recite their vows, gen already said hers and now it was Michael's turn. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

"What can I say that I haven't already said? What can I provide you that I haven't already given? My body, my mind, my soul and my heart. They're all yours. Everything that I have and everything that I am, belonged to you long before today. And I promise that it shall all be yours forever. I will be yours forever. I will follow you anywhere you go and anywhere lead me to. Hand in hand. Heart in heart. Let's get on with this so that we can grow old together!From this day on, I choose you to be my wife. To live with you and laugh with you; to stand by your side, and sleep in your arms; to be the joy to your heart,

and food for your soul; to bring out the best in you always, and, for you, to be the most that you can. I promise to laugh with you in good times, to struggle and support you in the bad times; to offer you solace when you are downhearted; to wipe away your tears with my hands and my love; to share with you all my riches and honours; to play with you as much as I can until we grow old; and, still loving each other sweetly and gladly, until our lives shall come to an end. Genevieve from the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one with whom I wanted to share my life. Your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honouring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you this is my solemn vow." Micheal says placing the ring on Gen's finger.

"With these vows promised i now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The pastor says. Micheal pulled gen close to him and kissed her passionately.

I made the mistake of choosing that moment to look over at jermaine who saw me ogling him and smirked. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red and I've never been so thankful for my caramel skin

"Ladies and gentle men i give you Mr&Mrs Parker" the pastor introduces

Everyone claps shouting congratulations to the newly wed couple. Micheal took Gen's hand and they both walk back down the isle. With the ceremony officially ending we were all gearing up to head to the reception that will be held at a hotel.

Jermaine walked over to me with a mischievous look in his eyes and i wonder what he's up to.

"Hey" he says

"Hi" i reply wrapping my hands around his neck

"I have an idea why don't we skip the reception and go do something a bit more fun" he whispers biting seductively on my ear lobe

"And what could be more fun than going to a wedding reception where there is food wine and cake?" I ask

"I can think of a few things" he replies wiggling his eye brows suggestively

Before i could reply alessandro and izzy shouts "Ewwww

"Ok get a room you two, my sensitive ears are being damaged" Al whines

"Don't listen if you don't want to hear" jermain retorts sticking his tongue out at Alessandro

"You guys are old you shouldn't be talking about such things" izzy says

"Your the ones who shouldn't be talking about it" i say

"What, you guys don't want to hear how i make love rose? First i-" jermaine teases

"NOOOOOOO" they both yelled

Jermaine and i doubled over laughing at the horrified looks on their faces. I swear they are crazy.

"Ok guys lets go before were late for the reception, i don't want to miss dad's best man speech" i say

We all walked in the direction of where the cars are parked leaving the beach with smiles on our faces. Finally everything is as it should be.

Third Person POV

Four cloaked figures stood in front a tank filled with water, in that tank is a man riddled with wounds and scars. He was unconscious but alive.

"Another failure, what do we do now?" One of the figures asked

"This experiment can still be salvaged but its still not compatible with the serum. And further more we still have subject 114 we can continue to watch how he progresses, everything seems to be right on schedule." the second figure replied

"But even so we have to produce more results because when he gets here if we have nothing to show he'll kill us all" the fourth figure says

"I think i may have a way for our experiments to yield some results. There is a girl who's blood can do amazing things. Here's her file, this is all we have on her" the third figure tell his companions

Name: Lillian Carter

Age: 17

D.O.D: June 9, 2000

Father: Deceased

Mother: Married, lives in seattle

Location: last seen in California

"Why does this look like that human girl our predecessors had here some years ago?" The first cloaked figure asked

"Because it is. It seems subject 114 isn't the only one compatible with serum H."

"This is good, we can use her to create the soldiers he's looking for. Lets send some men to retrieve her instantly.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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