Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Isiah’s POV 20% Jude has been in my dungeon for weeks and every day I visit him, draw a little bit of blood from him, and then patch him up again. He has been begging for death, but I’m not really to let go of him yet. Inflicting pain on him is the only way I know how to cope with the loss of my beautiful daughter whom he took from me. He killed my child and I’m going to make sure he feels every pain she went through before passing away. I step out of my room, a grin on my face as I prepare to go pay Jude another belated visit. Has it really been two hours since I last went down to check up on him? Sigh. That wasn’t a good trait to show as a host. I better go and rectify it. The door beside mine opens as I’m shutting mine and Veronica steps out, pausing when she sees me standing in front of my door. She frowns. “You’re going to meet him again?” She and a few trusted others know about the prisoner in the dungeon. She doesn’t like the fact that he’s still alive and keeps telling me to just end it already. “Yes, I’m,” I answer, walking towards her as she folds her arms over her chest and pouts. “You promised to end it soon,” she reminds me of the promise I gave to her when she had first told me about her concern. She wanted the man responsible for killing her sister dead and forgotten, but I’m still holding on to this sick version of revenge. In a way, it felt like killing Jude would mean that I’m finally accepting that my daughter is well and truly gone. I know it sounds crazy, but thoughts about finding Jude were the only things that kept me sane for the past few years. If I kill him then I’ll have nothing left. I will finally have to face the fact that I’ve been avoiding for years -my daughter is gone and nothing I do will ever bring her back. I’m

not ready for that. “Please, Dad. I don’t like knowing that he’s living under the same roof as us. Please, put an end to this,” she begs, her eyes watering. “It’s driving me crazy. I just want him gone.” I watch her in shock. I never knew it was this hard for her to handle. I lost one daughter and I’m not willing to lose another one because of the same man. “Ok. I’ll end this.” I pull her into my arms, wrapping my arms around her as I place a kiss on the side of her head. She gives me a watery smile and sniffs. “Thank you.” I return the smile and place one last kiss on her forehead, vowing to put an end to this. It’s time I stop holding onto one daughter and focus my attention on the one I have before me. Veronica deserves to have my time and devotion too. Squeezing her shoulder, I walk into the dungeon and fix my gaze on the man I hated the most. Never once did I think I could harbor this much hate for someone. It’s unreal how my heart burns with the desire to keep hurting him for an eternity. He sits up straight once he notices my presence, blood draining from his face and leaving behind a chalk-white color filled with fear. No, terror. Walking towards him, I stand in front of his seat and watch him coward into the chair he’s sitting on. It’s f u c k i n g pathetic. His eyes fall to the table behind us where all the items I’ve been using to inflict pain on him were all laid out nicely, ready for 15:26 Tue, 30 Apr MBC Chapter 125 0% another round of usage. My fingers itch to pick up the chainsaw and use it on him or maybe pick up the blade and carve my daughter’s name into his flesh. I close my eyes, curling my fingers into fists as I fight the urge. I made a promise to Veronica and I’ll

be d a m n e d if I break that promise. Walking closer to him, I stop when we’re a hair apart and he shrinks. “I’m going to ask you a question and your answer is going to determine how painful your death will be,” I inform, enjoying the way his eyes bulges out of his head. “Who is the spy in my pack?” I ask. I know that Caden’s pack had no spy and I’m sure it’s the same with mine. I don’t see anybody betraying this pack, but It wouldn’t hurt to solidify my assumption though. “Who is it?” I repeat. Something passes over his eyes, but it’s gone before I can pinpoint what it is. He shakes his head. “You don’t want to know who it is.” It’s not the answer I was expecting and I won’t deny the hurt I feel at his response. Someone actually betrayed this pack. “Who is it?” I repeat a third time, ready to unleash hell on whoever the b a s t a r d is. He sighs, his eyes falling to the ground as he rubs his stump with his other hand. “It’s your daughter. Veronica.” My heart shatters. I shake my head frantically, pinning the b a t a r d down with a deadly glare. “Is this some kind of sick joke to you?” I draw my hand back and send him a punch that has him falling from his seat and onto the ground. How dare he think of lying and framing my daughter for such a despicable crime? I’m going to f u c k i n g kill him and it’s going to be the most painful and agonizing death. He crawls backward on the ground as I march towards him. “I’m telling the truth!” He yells, “She was also the one giving me intel on Caden’s pack. She let me know when it was the perfect time to attack them.” My mind flashes to a time when Veronica was always visiting her sister. She said she missed her and missed the time that they lived together and I never thought much of it. I found the gesture cute. Was I wr- I shake my head, getting angry at myself for letting Jude plant his lies into my head. He’s probably laughing within himself and patting himself on the back for getting one over me for the last time.

It’s time I put an end to this. Walking over to him, I kneel beside him on the ground. “Goodbye,” I mouth, gripping his head and turning it to the side before he can react. I let out a shaky breath as he draws in his last breath and slumps on the floor. Standing up, I start heading straight for the door, not turning back to look at the man that someone still managed to cause pain even in his death. The nonsense he spilled out can’t be the truth. Veronica would never do that to her sister. I’m still reeling within when I step out of the dungeon and find Veronica pacing right outside the door. She stops when she sees me. “Did you do it?” She asks eagerly, practically grinning with happiness when I give a silent nod. She throws her arms around my shoulders. “Thank you! Thank you so much.” She bounces on her feet when she pulls away and I find myself asking if all this excitement is because I ended the life of the man who killed her sister. 0.20 Chapter 125 5 As soon as that question enters my head, I curse myself for it. Of course, she’s happy because the man that killed her sister is dead. What other reason could it be? I needed to get his words out of my head and stop doubting my only daughter, but the suspicions has taken root inside of me and they weren’t leaving no matter how hard I tried to shake them off. “Veronica,” I call out while swallowing around the lump in my throat. “Yes,” she answers with an arch brow that furrows when she probably notices the turmoil brewing within me. “Is something wrong?” Ignoring her question, I ask her one of my own. “Is there something you want to tell Confusión clouds her eyes. “I don’t understand,” she says with a nervous giggle. “Did something happen in there?”

Closing my eyes, I pinch the bridge of my nose, cursing myself for the words I’m about to utter but knowing that I have to get it done. I can’t live the rest of my life in doubt. “Jude told me something before he died.” I watch out for her reaction. Her whole demeanor changes with my words and I feel my heart sinks to my stomach. “Is it true?” I ask, holding her gaze and pravi “? “You didn’t do it, right?” I beg. that she tells me how s t u p i d I’m being for believing that b a s t r d over her. my heart “I didn’t do what?” She echos, gulping as she takes a step back. “What did Jude say I did?” Her chin wobbles and starts screaming at me to stop this line of questioning. If what I suspect turns out to be true my life is over. Everything I have will be gone and I will spend the rest of my existence miserable, but…I just have to know. I take in a deep breath. “Were you his informant?” I ask in one breath. A tear rolls down Veronica’s cheek and falls to the ground along with my heart. No, no, no! This can’t be happening. Why would she do that? then She moves towards me and I pull away when she tries to touch me. She falls to her knees and “I’m sorry, Dad. Please, forgive me.” the end grasps of my pants. I look down at her in disbelief. “You killed your sister,” I whisper. She shakes her head frantically with tears streaming down her face. “He said she wasn’t going to get killed.” She looks crazed as she keeps on talking. “He was only supposed to cause a bit of damage to her so that Caden would leave her and finally look my way.” Caden? What does any of this have to do with him? “Caden?” I ask. “You did what you did for Caden?”

Her eyes turn dark, the girl that had been weeping at my feet now completely gone. “I met Caden before she did. Why did she get to be the one to keep him?” The person in front of me looks nothing like I daughter I knew and loved. “She got to be with her mate and moved in with him while I was stuck in this st u p i d pack. I just wanted a piece of what she had. Was that so wrong?” I close my eyes as a tear slides down my face, piercing me with its razor-sharp edges as it goes. Where did I go wrong? I tried my very best to give them whatever they desired but I still failed. Was it because I raised them all on my own without the help of their lovely mother? I open my eyes to find a warrior heading our fusion evident on his face as he watches the scene in front of him. “Beta Isiah, is everything alright?” He looked down at a who was still on her knees and grasping my pants. 15:26 Tue, 30 Apr MB Chapter 125 “Take my daughter and throw her in the dungeon,” I order firmly. I bite my bottom lip to hold in the s o b that tries to escape as Veronica grasps my pants tighter and begs me to give her one more chance. The thing I feared most has happened. I’ve lost my two daughters.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

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