The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Twenty Six

Sheila's point of view

I scurried out of Killian's office; I simply couldn't stand the heat in there. I raced to my chamber without looking back. As soon as I was in, I slammed the door shut, my body leaning on it. My heartbeat was spiraling out of control, hammering hard against my chest, my body still trembling from the effect of Killian's body on mine.

I sighed, plopping on my bed. My gaze stares up at the blank air. I was rooted in that position for a long time, several thoughts grazing through my mind as time flew by and twilight slowly crept in.

I went down for my dinner, but instead of having my meal in the castle dining halls, where I'd be forced to tolerate Thea, I followed Brielle and Ria to the packhouse, which was only a short distance from the lonely castle walls. It was my first time stepping into the Packhouse since my stay so far was limited to the castle grounds and the garden. But I wanted to step out more, and get to know more about the pack and its members. I wanted them to get to know me a little better. I couldn't compete with Thea. Though she barely mingled around, everyone in the pack seemed to think highly of her.

I shook out of my depressing thoughts when Ria placed a plate of food before me. I was in the large Packhouse dining hall, with Ria, Brielle, and many of the pack members seated around the tables, chattering over dinner. It was better to have dinner here than to be encamped in the close space of the castle with Killian and Thea.

Thankfully, the awkwardness that stalked the air when I entered the Packhouse was no more. I felt more comfortable with every passing second as I ate my food.

By the time I was done with my meal, the moon was standing up in the sky, its bright rays piercing into the darkness that surrounded us as Ria and I left Brielle and Allen and headed back to the castle.

Tonight I skipped training with Morgan because my mind and body felt exhausted, and the ache in my head was back. As soon as I reached my chamber, I changed into more comfortable clothing, slipping under the covers on my bed. I felt exhausted and tried to fall asleep, ignoring the growing ache in my head.

I wasn't aware of how deeply I had slept. I gasped awake in the blinding darkness that encircled my chamber. I couldn't move a muscle. The harmless pain that pounded against my skull had spread around my body, its sharp pain causing me to groan deeply into the cold night.

It felt like I was going to die, with pain writhing through every bone in my body, which seemed to contort against its joints. Another painful cry escaped my lips as I began thrashing on the bed, begging for the new pain that crawled into my chest to stop. It was as if it pierced my very own soul, while more pain pounded against my skull.

It felt almost as if the pains that surged through my body had fused into one at the back of my mind, wanting freedom. My heart banged against my chest as I kept thrashing on the bed. The pain at the back of my mind kept on growing as if giving birth to a life. The pain intensified, and I could hear faint whispers again, echoing in my head. It sounded weak and tired, but I was in too much pain to even make out anything.

The more the whisper kept echoing in my head, the more the pain intensified. The whispers were becoming more frequent and more urgent, demanding to be heard and craving freedom.

I groaned, tears slipping from the corner of my closed eyes, through all the chaos storming within me. I heard it. It was in a faint whisper, but I could hear the soft voice that broke through the wild storm in my mind, putting an end to the pain and chaos in my soul.

"Hi there, I am Adie, your wolf,"

My eyes shot open, glowing a bright shade of blue that burned my eyes.

What the heck?!

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Third person's point of view

It was at the peak of midnight, and the night's air was colder. The moon shone brightly from its abode, trailing the subtle movements of the shadow that moved into the castle, wearing a long, hooded garment.

The figure moved hastily, the cold night's air registering its presence, and the moon discreetly trailed behind it. There was only a light movement in the air, as the figure walked completely unseen. It moved carefully within the familiar castle walls, swiftly taking turns down every hallway. Moving with aim to the castle dungeon.

The figure moved deeper into the dungeon's darkness, and with a snap of the finger, yellow flames burned the wooden torches glued to the walls at every corner of the dungeon, illuminating the entire place.

This sudden action caused a stir in one of the cages. There was a light movement of metallic shackles against each other and a painful groan from the cage.

The figure came to a halt directly in front of the cage bars, dark eyes falling on the man crouched on his knees, both hands pinned to the wall by metallic chain shackles. The man groaned again from the wolfbane that was feasting on his skin, torturing him.

He mustered a lot of strength to push his head up, his gaze holding that of the figure in the long hooded garment.

"You sure took your sweet time." Rowan's voice was strained and dry, his words escaping in a helpless whisper. He could barely keep his head fixed on the figure.

"Get these bloody things off me," he said again, feeling his throat too dry to make any more sounds.

The figure moved closer to the metallic bars that stood between the man and the figure.

Again, the finger rose in the air, and with a wave, the shackles laced with the poisonous wolfsbane came crashing against the humid and hard floor, but it's shrilling sounds against the floor never escaped the walls of the dungeon.

Rowan sighed in relief, but could barely get up.

"So what now? Your whole plan failed. That woman wasn't executed as you had hoped for, and I am in a bloody mess. " Rowan spat in pure rage and vexation. His voice was not above a whisper, but his visitor could hear him just fine.

"You have to get me out of here," This time he attempted to gaze at the face of the person before him.

"Tomorrow, at the first light of dawn, the Alpha himself is coming to see me. You know how dangerous that is. His lips moved again, but still, the person before him didn't utter a word, instead kept on regarding him with an expressionless dark gaze Rowan couldn't fathom.

"Say something," He was getting a little pissed at the person's silence and more frustrated at his situation. "I am here because of you," he sparked furiously.

"Lose that bloody tone of yours," For the first time the figure spoke, it sounded like that of a female. The voice held great intensity as the figure moved closer to the bars separating them. The burning torches illuminated the face, allowing Rowan to see perfectly. "If you did things right, that idiot of a Luna wouldn't be alive this instant." The voice was furious, her words holding hatred and dislike for his apparent failure.

Rowan fell silent as if pondering something, his eyes forced to meet the dark gaze of his visitor. "You could have killed her yourself. Why did you have to create this whole drama in the first place?"

"There's no fun in that, it's much entertaining to have the fucking Alpha murder his own mate," Her voice was filled with rage.

"That doesn't matter right now. First, you have to get me out of here, "Rowan said.

Even though her face was covered by the hood above her head, Rowan could make out the blinding rage that flashed on her face.

It frightened him so much that the pain in his body vibrated against every joint in his body. "We don't have much time. Let me free." He urged

The figure in front of him had her hands folded against her chest, her gaze fixed on him.

Rowan's chest prickled with fear at her hesitation. He sucked in the pain tormenting his flesh and bones, forcing himself to stand.

"Alpha Killian will be here tomorrow, wanting answers. We both know we wouldn't want him to find out about you just yet, because otherwise all your efforts and plans will be flushed away, and you will be the one getting executed instead. "

His words seemed to anger the figure all the more. And this made Rowan smile.

"If you don't want me saying things I shouldn't, set me free now and I'll leave this place."

"You are right, I wouldn't want you saying things you shouldn't," A sick smile haunted her round lips. "Thank you so much for your service all this while, but unfortunately, this is as far as you go,"

Rowan's eyes widened as her words echoed in his ears. "You can't–" He began, his heart jamming against his chest as she pulled her hand up in the air.

With a snap, his insides burned profusely with his lips sealed shut, allowing not a single cry to leave his lips.

Rowan clutched his chest, feeling the murdering pain in his chest, and immediately, he collapsed on the hard floor, dead.

Her dark gaze examined his body coldly with disdain. Without wasting time, she moved out of the dungeon and into the moonlit night that witnessed it all, fading out of sight.

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