The Alpha King's Claim

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 60 by desirenovel


As much as I didn’t want to part with my queen, I had to. Elijah had confirmed my meeting with the

guardian of Ehnrelil and I believe he was already waiting for me in the throne room when Serena and I

left Greece.

Serena told me she wanted to change into her gown and head out to the south wing to check the

progress of the fire victims. I let her while I too changed my casual clothes, choosing an ensemble that

would fit the occasion: a royal-grade button-up shirt and slacks, and a dark blue embroidered frock


As soon as I finished, I marched out of the walk-in closet, but then I was impatient already to meet him,

so I decided to teleport there.

“Nevannir, I hope you didn’t wait for me that long,” I said the moment I materialized next to my grand

seat with my hand touching a fang of my enormous wolf statue. Just as I ordered, there was no one but

the two of us inside the throne hall.

Dressed in fine Ehnrelil silk, he slowly shifted to me, taking his eyes away from the ceiling painted with

Phanteon’s royal crest.

“Your Majesty,” he lowered his head and executed a calculated bow. “Quite sublime to meet you again.

The Crown Prince said you wanted to discuss an important matter with me.”

My brow arched up as I eyed the rich gold of his long, braided locks. It was a silver back when I last

saw him…when Ehnrelil crowned a new king. He must have changed the colors to fit the new rule, but

really? Gold? Quite showy for my taste.

Sitting down the throne, I cleared my throat and went on, “Yes, I want to. Recently, I have had recurring

visitors in my kingdom; winged creatures that I am sure is native to your realm.”

On my signal, William entered bringing with him a metal birdcage. Inside it was two insects I had told

him to capture while I was still in my impromptu honeymoon. They were as still as stone, perching on

the vertical wooden beam at the center of the cage as if they weren’t concerned they were captured.

“Care to explain what these bugs are and their purpose?” I added once William placed the cage at the

base of the stairs and left.

Silence ruled the hall first. Nevannir examined the creature without even moving an inch of his feet to at

least take a closer look. I gave him time, during which I also took note of his expression to get some

clues. Even though guardians declared honesty and fairness with their treatment in all realms,

Nevannir was still a fae, and faes, based on my experience, couldn’t be trusted.

Well, except for a few handfuls like Adamar and Adaen.

“My…” he finally spoke and cracked a small smile, “this is unusual.” Judging from his reaction, it was

obvious he had seen them in the fae realm.

He neared the cage, stooped low, and opened the hatch, effectively freeing the bugs.

I didn’t mind them escaping. They already served their purpose well.

“These creatures are not bugs, Your Majesty,” Nevannir said whilst standing up. “They are called

‘Filliyaen’ or Familiars in simple terms—energy spirits in the form of animals or insects that are rare in

Ehnrelil. To find one is considered a blessing in the fae realm but to find one in Phanteon makes me


“My thoughts exactly. I’m also confused,” I confessed, but smartly chose not to mention Serena’s

connection with their presence. He didn’t need to know. “What are the purpose of this so-called

Familiars, Nevannir, especially these special bugs?”

“Hmm,” he lowered his lids and acted as if he was contemplating something. “I could tell you more

about these ‘bugs’, but…this is going to cost you, Your Majesty.”

My fists clenched upon hearing his subtle hint of blackmail. Huh. Just as I thought.

“I’m aware, so continue. Name your terms, but don’t hold back on whatever information you have on

these Familiars.”

“Well, I’d be happy to, Your Majesty.”

Beaming a smile, he continued and I, silent and unmoving, digested all the information as much as my

head could hold…


Visiting the south wing again sure brought me back to reality. Being with the king, making love with him,

just spending time and getting to know each other seemed like heaven to me. I didn’t want it to end, but

as royals, we had to return to our duties.

I found Rhea fixing the buffet table when I arrived in the mess hall. There were also other volunteers

with her, but I specifically called her attention, signaling for us to meet outside. She followed me when I

exited the building and in a shaded area a few feet away from the doorway, we talked.

“For you and Elijah,” I said, handing her six bottles of extra virgin olive oil and four bottles of high-grade

honey all in one box. “The king and I went to Greece this morning and I figured I could bring you two

some souvenirs.

Her face was a picture of happiness immediately. “Wow, thank you, Serena!” Taking out one bottle of

honey from the box, she lifted it up and positioned it against the sun. “Yup, this is their product alright.

The golden yellow color is a good hint. Let’s open one bottle and try it!”

I nodded at her whilst flashing a smile. She certainly read my mind.

We went inside the mess hall again and in there, we called the volunteers for a little snack together.

One of them neared me and smiled. She was a beauty: long, black hair with streaks of white, pale face,

bluish-black lashes, and eyes that have an icy blue shade. She was as tall as me but looked to be four

years older or maybe more by Phanteon standards.

“Hello everyone, try this, it’s uhmm…my special recipe,” I stated, deciding to lie since they didn’t still

know yet I came from a different realm.

With Rhea holding up the tray, the volunteers started sampling the snack: a piece of toasted bread with

Greek honey spread on top.

The black-haired volunteer smiled again and picked her share all the while she gazed at me. “Thank

you, Your Highness. This is delicious,” she said.

“You’re welcome. Are you one of Alpha Aaron’s pack?” I asked, thinking that with her beauty she could

well be a partner of a very capable Alpha.

She chuckled first before facing me fully. “No, Your Highness. I don’t belong in Alpha Aaron’s pack or

any other pack for that matter. Let me introduce myself formally.”

Stepping backward, she then executed a curtsy, much like the ones humans do on Earth. It was a

surprise to watch.

“I am Farryl, Guardian Extraordinaire of the Realm of Werewolves, Your Highness. I am well pleased to

finally meet you.”

The moment I heard her name, I gaped. I had wondered when I could meet her. Although he didn’t

promise, Prince Elijah did say he could arrange a meeting for the two of us. Was this what he was

talking about?

“Farryl,” I muttered, not at all breaking my gaze with her. “Thank you for accepting Prince Elijah’s

invitation to meet me.”

Her brows furrowed as if confused, then she laughed a little. “There must be some mistake, Your

Highness. I hadn’t met the Crown Prince yet. I came to meet you at my own free will.”

“Oh,” I blinked. “Then, let me extend an even greater appreciation for your visit.” I lowered my head and

placed a hand on my chest, acting all respectful, but at the back of my mind, I was hoping this was how

a queen was expected to behave under such circumstances.

Rhea saw the exchange and was sensitive enough to give both of us privacy. She ushered the other

volunteers in another table a few feet away from us and there, they continued eating.

I took a glass of water from the table behind me to flush out the sweetness of the honey and thereafter,

refocused my attention on her.

“I guess there’s a reason for you to see me like this? Under normal conditions, we were supposed to

meet in the throne room with my husband, King Aero.”

Very subtly, her face changed expression: from calmness to disgust. It was so fast a change that I

thought I was just imagining things. I understood why though. I was well aware she hated the King of


“Honestly, Your Highness, I had always wanted to meet you since the day you first stepped foot in this


My eyelids fluttered fast, feeling surprised, but then I reminded myself she was a guardian. ′She could

very well know everything that was happening in this realm, my presence included.′

“You came without my knowledge,” she added.

′Or not.′

“All visitors in this realm should go through me first, but you…you bypassed me by suddenly

materializing inside the king’s chamber,” she continued. “I wanted to reach out to you since then but an

unknown force I couldn’t figure out kept on stopping me.”

Oh wow. That was something I didn’t expect at all. An unknown force she said?

My curiosity peaked, so I decided to dig deeper.

“Since you’re here now, I reckon this unknown force you speak of, you must have figured already?”

She scoffed and shook her head.

“On the contrary, no. I’m still working on it.” Then, she looked at me with deep interest. “You are a

precious being, Se…re…na. I long to learn more about you.”

Disregarding the fact that she used my first name and even went as far as stating her interest in me, I

cleared my throat and asked, choosing to stay within the topic, “So how did you manage to reach me

now then?”

Sighing, she gestured to all of me and dipped her head.

“I was hoping you could answer that question. Whatever unknown force that kept me from nearing you

seems weak now and I first noticed it at the start of the snow moon’s phase.”

I directed my eyes on the floor and mused. Two days ago…that was when the snow moon started. And

two days ago…Aero and I…we first made love. That was when we gave in to our desires. I doubt that

that was the reason, but all possibilities were welcomed.

“I, unfortunately, couldn’t answer that, Farryl,” I stated whilst meeting her gaze.

This woman was giving me a sense of calm, but also I sensed extreme anger inside her.

“No worries,” she shrugged her shoulders. “That doesn’t matter anymore. I’m just happy we could talk,

as queen and as a guardian, and a woman to woman. You do know you could trust me right?”

It was an unexpected question, but not difficult to answer.

“I’m unsure,” I replied. “You are after all still a stranger in my eyes.”

“Hm, safe words, Your Highness.” She didn’t seem hurt by my honesty.

“I asked Prince Elijah to invite you to the castle as my guest out of courtesy since you’re this realm’s

guardian,” I started, explaining my side. “I wanted to meet you and maybe establish a bond. How about

you, then? What are you here for? Why do you want to meet me?”

She stayed silent for a moment, then signaled me to follow her. We exited the mess hall, walked past

the front door, and continued to a garden nearby. Maybe because she was posing herself earlier as a

volunteer that’s why I didn’t notice, but now I certainly could see how determined she was with her


The garden we chose had mostly untrimmed grass. It had shrubs of flowers and slim trees, but still, the

placed looked grim. Mentally, I noted to have them tended later.

“If I had the chance…” she started, facing a pathway towards another area of the garden, “I would have

warned you of this realm’s king. I would have sent you back to Earth to be safe from him and his awful

attitude. But, I see now that you have grown accustomed to life here as his queen, so I had to ask…”

She turned to face me with her brows furrowed, marring her beautiful face, and then continued, “What

did he promise you? I’m sure he struck a deal with you. With such a despicable character, I’m sure the

king forced you to marry him.”

Her teeth clenched, but it wasn’t the kind when a woman gets jealous. It was the kind when injustice

was done. I was taken aback. Sure, at first, King Aero was exactly the man she described, but… Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“I want to help you out of his control,” she went on. “Tell me, Serena, what agreement did you make

with him?”

‘Our agreement…’ my mind blankly wondered. Didn’t that turn out to be null and void now that we

consummated our marriage? Now that I decided to stay for the time being in Phanteon? Our wrist

marks certainly weren’t an issue anymore so…

“There’s nothing of the sort,” I told her, partly lying, partly telling the truth. “I simply agreed to marry


Her expression turned into a full-fledged frown.

“You lie,” she declared without hesitation. “I can see it in your eyes that you’re lying. Are you made to

do so because he ordered you to? That damn king would do everything to crush your spirit simply

because you’re a woman. I have the power to ease your pain. I can send you back to Earth, Serena.

You only need to ask and all this hardship with him will disappear. Think about it.”

And I was. Heck, I was. Her offer was indeed tempting, but having experienced my husband’s kindness

and passion, and the endless possibilities while we’re together, I couldn’t accept it.

“No, but thank you for the offer, Farryl,” I declined, smiling serenely at her.

This, however, she didn’t accept well.

“You’re insane. He hates women don’t you understand? You’re nothing but just a tool for him!”

“Your Highness,” William’s voice cut through the air, effectively saving me from an awkward moment.

Immediately, I turned around and faked a smile.

“Yes?” I said.

“Alpha Trevor needs your presence at the construction site,” he informed; his eyes shifting from me to

Farryl with uneasiness.

“Right, I’ll be there,” I said. Returning my attention to her, I sighed and lowered my head.

“Farryl, I understand your concern, but really you don’t need to worry about me.” We held gazes; hers

still a raging fire while mine a calm river. “I am here on my own free will. Plus, I can’t leave Phanteon

just yet. I have a mission to fulfill.”

I began to walk but then paused halfway and glanced at her over my shoulder. “Thank you for

volunteering by the way. If you wish to continue serving, you are welcome to do so. I’ll see you around.”

“You’re making a mistake, Serena. A grave mistake,” she voiced out; her tone a dead warning. I

decided to ignore it and just continued to walk towards the awaiting stallion with William guarding me.

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