The Alpha King's Claim

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 33 by desirenovel


Said that it was customary for the king and queen to enter together during a party, so here I was,

standing behind the door of the grand ballroom, waiting for her to arrive.

Let’s be clear, I was forced to do this by Phanteon’s tradition. If I had control, I would never wait for that

woman on any given day, time or occasion. The fact that I was still married to her under the people’s

eyes added to my problem. It basically prohibited me from avoiding her and unfortunately forced me

into approving the council’s request for a banquet in her honor.

I had been waiting for almost fucking ten minutes, scowling; my mouth drew into a grim line; my hands

tightly clenched. I had no patience over such female preparations. Such outside appearance didn’t

matter when their character was still rotten to the core. It had sickened me watching these stupid

women flaunt their fineries in the past, it still sickened me today, and this night didn’t hold any


My wolf however thought otherwise. It howled inside when it felt a sudden pull behind me. I gaped, my

mind turning blank when after turning around, I saw a shimmering gown float effortlessly towards me. It

was in some shade of pink and blue, framed by…to my surprise…a thick white robe that spilled to the


I’d recognize this robe anywhere. It was created for the queen…for the first luna…but my whore of a

mother never used it because she didn’t like the pureness of the color. She preferred a red robe just

like my father’s. That was exactly the reason why I had never worn the king’s robe. It was tainted with

her distasteful memory.

Hiking my sight up to the owner’s face, I found my fake wife already looking at me with a serene

expression of contentment. Despite my better judgment, I admitted she looked stunning.

And seeing her wear the white robe, I was beyond pleased. It indeed brought a whole new meaning to

the robe’s purpose. A sudden swell of pride hit me. I rushed to contain it, fearing it would manifest as a

smile on my face.

“You’re late,” I stated flatly, sending her a scrutinizing eye.

“Sorry to be not sorry, Your Majesty,” she replied, flashing her sly smile. “Rhea and the other maids-in-

waiting got carried away with dolling me up. Your brother specifically said I should look my best on my

first party.”

‘Yeah, they did their job right,’ my mind commented after examining her entire form. She only wore stud

earrings, a pendant necklace, and the queen’s crown as fineries and nothing more. The gown she wore

complimented her skin and it fitted her curves just right.

‘Curves…’ On cue, my eyes landed on her cleavage. I inwardly groaned again in response.

“An unnecessary party if I should say so myself. Know that this wasn’t my plan,” I lashed.

“I know,” she grinned and with that, I saw a vixen under a sheep’s clothing. She earlier said she was

different from the general female population. I couldn’t agree more. She was the most dangerous of all.

“Let’s go?” she said and then boldly clutched my elbow.

I cringed at the contact but I reminded myself this was all for show. After this night’s banquet, I’ll be

back inside my chamber relaxing, or better yet, doing a run along the hills of Phanteon and stay the

night inside my manor away from this woman.

Two knocks and the enormous double doors opened for us. My beta introduced us with a loud voice

and we started our way to the throne platform.

I looked straight, not at all in the mood to meet anyone’s eye, but for my first-time queen, she

responded to the greetings of my subjects with much enthusiasm. They were enthusiastic themselves

and it looked like they were happy to ignore my chilly mood.

Traitors, the lot of them.

When we arrived at the platform, she released her grip on me and audaciously stepped forward without

my signal.

“Thank you, dear friends, for your presence here tonight. This would be my first time at a grand party,

so bear with me if I make a mistake.”

I heard giggles and chuckles of understanding in the crowd. That alone, I knew, this woman had

captured their hearts and sympathy already.

“Please enjoy the food, drinks, and entertainment. On the King’s behalf, I formally start this night’s


Thunderous applause erupted around the ballroom after her short words. The live band played their

jolly music. Everyone started chatting and eating without waiting for me to talk. I felt out of place for the

first time. Me, their alpha king, actually thrown out of the picture.

Had she overpowered my influence over my subjects? Was this how a luna’s power work? I was

confused about what to feel. Burdened? Freed? Happy? Angry? Proud? I clenched my fists instead

and decided to let these emotions fade away as the clocked ticked.

She returned to my side with a grin plastered on her face.

“You give quite a good show. My subjects adore you,” I stated, holding my temper at bay.

She glanced at me and shrugged. “Since this party is made in my honor, I see it fit to talk. Did I offend


Her question took me by surprise. She hit the bullseye, but instead of saying yes, I answered her with

complete silence and a sharp stare.

I turned around thereafter and claimed my seat. She followed, smartly staying silent, and sat beside

me, in my right where the queen’s throne was now reinstalled. I showed no remorse when my mother

died and I wasn’t even batting an eyelash when I ordered the queen’s throne be taken down right after

my father passed away.

Now, whoever reinstalled this blasphemous object without my permission deserved an award. They

better ready their furs skinned down to their paws for displeasing me.

As I looked at my fake wife sitting in the royal seat, bubbling anger started inside me. Anger directed to

her or to the throne or to myself, I couldn’t really be sure which was which but it was tangible on my

skin and I just wanted it out. I wanted to thrash. I wanted to howl and break someone’s bone. I wanted Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

to start a fucking fight…

‘Calm now, brother, I could see your sour face surfacing all the way from here,’ my brother’s words

filled my head in an instant. I turned to the source and saw him sitting at the left side of the ballroom, in

a table next to Alpha Kade, the alpha of Jaxis, a place in my kingdom where combat and skills were

honed for my army.

With the two of them together in one table, the female population in the party was already in chaos. It

was sickening to watch how they were both flocked and fawned over.

‘You actually still have the time to watch me when there are lots of leeches there with you,’ I grounded,

mind-liking him.

He snickered at me and slightly shook his head. ‘No, brother, I only got my eyes set on one woman

only now.’

‘Huh, that’s a first,’ I answered mockingly, then rerouted my eyes to the numerous guests before me.

Sure enough, my bubbling anger earlier had dissipated a little because of Elijah’s interruption. I was

calmer now. I was more in control of my emotions. Instead of entertaining my hatred of the queen’s

throne, I decided to ignore it, and yes, as a result, ignore her too.

I ate and she ate. Not her and definitely not me, decided to start a conversation. I let the music and the

noise of the guests bury the silence that surrounded us. For a moment it was all good until a certain

gate crasher arrived and made my lycan side stand on guard.

It was Lord Ziur fucking Hale Lioncourt.

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