The Alpha and the Mistake

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

"See this isn't so bad," Ryder said, leading me into one of the tables in the cafeteria-style dining room.

He only let go of my hand when we sat down with the others. I didn't say anything back. What could I NôvelDrama.Org content.

say? He was just so nice and seemed authentic. It all left me so confused. Harry made it seem like I'd

lose everything if I stayed, but Ryder was right. He never asked me to stay, not really. It was all so

confusing and gave me a headache.

"Hey Brookie," Dean said, waving to me.

Several people from the other tables looked over at ours, and I hunched up. "Hey," I said in a grumble.

"You're really grumpy. Is it that time of the month?" Dean asked.

He did not just ask me that?

Andy groaned, glaring at him. "Dude, seriously. Shut the hell up."

"Typical guy," Kara said, rolling her eyes. "Any time a girl is in a bad mood you guys think it's because

of that. Could you be more sexist?"

"I am not," Dean complained. "It was an honest question."

"Maybe I'm like this because I don't like any of you," I told them. The words barely left my mouth before

Ryder's lips were on mine. He smirked at me when the kiss was over with an I wasn't kidding look.

Kara aww-ed, smiling at us while Dean made gagging noises."Okay, so that was something I didn't

need to see. I might be traumatized." He shuddered for good measure.

"Shut up Dean," Ryder told him, but the smile took any heat out of his words.

"Anyway," Andy said leaning forward with his arms on the table. "I know you like me. Everyone likes

me." He nodded, obviously convinced of the truth of his statement.

"It's true, unfortunately," Kara said, rolling her eyes.

"I don't like you," Dean said.

"You don't count." Andy shoved him, making him bump roughly into Beth. She looked irritated at first

then laughed lightly giving Dean a little push back towards Andy. Neither of the guys acknowledged


"Come on let's get some food before all the good stuff is gone. Need us to get you anything Brookie?"

"Ryder will take care of her," Kara said, standing with the others.

Dean got a sly smile on his face and elbowed Andy in the ribs. "I bet he does." He winked and nudged


"You're an idiot," Andy said, shaking his head.

"We'll be right back," Ryder told me with a smile, joining the other heading to the food.

As soon as they were more than halfway there Beth sneered at me. "You just think you're so special

don't you?"

"No, actually I don't," I replied. Beth rolled her eyes at me. "Beth, I get you don't like me being around,

but instead of giving me crap about it, why don't you tell them that you don't want me here."

"Right so I'm the bad guy. I'm not as stupid as you look, Missy! Enjoy it while it lasts because after

Ryder has had his fun with you, you'll be back in your place. A stupid, unimportant, waste of space. You

deserved to what my brother did to you. You're so pathetic, it would be funny if it weren't so sad."

Beth kept going, but I stopped listening and glared at the tabletop. My hands shook so badly I had to

fist them to hide it. She wasn't worth it, just a little person trying to make herself big at the expense of


"I guess you're a big of a slut as your mom," Beth said, catching my attention.

I looked up at her. "What did you say?"

"You are a skank, exactly like your Mom."

Something broke inside me and everything I've been hiding away inside me these past years came

rushing to the surface. There was nothing I could do to stop it either. I jumped to my feet and slapped

her hard. Her eyes widened in shock then she screamed as I climbed up on the table. I tackled her,

knocking us both to the ground. "You. Don't. Get. To. Talk. About. My. Mom," I shouted as I punched

her, over and over.

"Get off of me, you crazy bitch," she shouted back and kicked me off of her.

I flew through the air, hit a table, bouncing off of it, and crashed to the floor. Pain radiated through my

back as I stood. Someone take hold of my arm, but I pushed them away. The pain only fueled my

anger. Beth shot me a brief but smug smirk. She wasn't smug when I ran at her again. Eyes wide and

mouth open, she looked almost afraid. She should be afraid. I was going to tear off her lips, so I'd never

had to see that smirk again.

I grabbed her cheeks, digging my nails into the skin. "Like that? How's that for pathetic? How's that for

a waste of space," I yelled over her screaming.

Beth pulled my arms away from her bleeding face and grabbed my hair in one hand, pulling it hard, and

the other twisted my arm she still held. She jerked it so hard something popped in my shoulder followed

by a fresh wave of pain. Tears swam in my eyes, but I didn't give Beth the pleasure of hearing me cry


"Stop it. Let her go," someone yelled.

Beth did just the opposite. With a superior smirk, she jerked my arm, making me gasp out from the

intense, stabbing pain. No. I wasn't going to lose this one. Not this time. I was done losing to damn

werewolves! I threw back my head, hitting her right in the nose, but my head throbbed from the hit. My

vision blurred and I stumbled. Someone grabbed me, causing my arm to send pain washing through


I tried to shove whoever it was away with my good hand, but they wouldn't let go. It was probably a

good thing because the next moment I doubled over and threw up.

"What is going on here," Ryder's dad demanded, his voice doing that gravelly growl that werewolves

did when they were mad. I had to blink a few times to focus on him.

"She attacked me for no reason. She wouldn't stop," Beth sobbed, with several blood-stained napkins

held against her nose. "I was just trying to talk to her and...and," she said in a quivering voice that

made me angry all over again.

People started to whisper with each other as they glanced at me. My stomach tightened, but I refused

to feel guilty. If they swallowed her bullshit, well that's their problem.

"Insulting someone and their family sounds like a reason to me," Ryder said from behind me. I glanced

back, realizing he was the one holding me up. "Who do you think you are? What right do you have to

judge her as unimportant or if she deserved to be abused by your brother?"

Beth flinched, lowering her eyes. "But she attacked me first."

"Damn right and I'll do it again," I said, managing to slip Ryder's grip. I took a shaky step towards her. I

still had to rip off her lips. Beth screamed like a horror movie extra and clung to the alpha. I took

another step when the world decided to jump its axis, and I fell, blacking out.

My heavy eyelids little by little opened. Pain shot through my eyes and bounced around my head. I

started to lift my left hand but there was a twinge of pain, and something held it down. I was in bed, like

a hospital bed, bed. My left arm was in a sling. My whole body ached. Great, I passed out. "Brook,

you're awake," Mom said, her eyes looked red and puffy.

Oh no. She'd been crying. "Mom, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You get into a fight with Beth, end up with a dislocated shoulder, bruising, a

concussion, and you ask me what's wrong?"

"Oh, that."

"Yeah, that. What were you thinking Brook? She's a werewolf, an alpha werewolf. Beth could've killed

you? And for what? Because she was an idiot?" Mom's face flushed red, looking torn between bursting

into tears and yelling at me some more.

"Sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to attack her like that. Something snapped, and it just happened. I'm tired of

them acting like they're better than us because of their stronger, faster and better looking."

She stood, leaned over me, and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "You should've walked away, Brook.

Come talk to Harry or me." Mom's expression turned suddenly sly. "Of course, I will say the little brat

got what she deserved." I couldn't help but giggle at the sly grin she had now. Her expression turned

serious. "The alphas came to talk to us earlier. They know about Harry's plan to run."

"Is Harry okay? What did they do to him?"

"Nothing really," she said, sitting down on the bed with me. "Honey, Harry is wrong about them. His-"

"Mom, you can't trust what they say to your face. They are the real-life version of a wolf in sheep's


Her eyes narrowed at me. "Brook Veronica Grigsby, I have walked this earth far longer than you have.

Do not think because you and Harry kept what was happening to you from me for so long means that

I'm an idiot who doesn't know what's going on. Now Brent and his wife have much quite honest and

open with me. I dare say much more than my own daughter has, so yes, I'm quite competent to say

Harry is wrong about them."

I snapped my mouth shut and stared at her, no doubt in wide-eyed shock. I had no idea what to say

after that.

"Exactly," Mom said, giving me a sharp look. "After several discussions with Ryder's parents, I believe

until this mess with Ryan is resolved it's in our best interest to stay here. If we run, we'll be alone and..."

Her anger faded to a more saddened expression. "Neither Harry and I can keep you safe if they catch

us out there." She blew out a breath. "I'm so sorry Brook. I'm sorry I have put you in this situation." She

started to cry again

"Mom," I said, ignoring the pain as I forced myself to sit up. "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known

any of this would happen."

She sniffed, hugged me tight, and dabbed her eyes with a tissue. "I'm going to go tell the others you're

awake. They refused the leave the waiting room until they were allowed to see you," she said with a

laugh and left.

I sighed, leaning back on the bed, exhausted. Things were changing all too fast, and it was so hard to

keep up. I had just closed my eyes when the sound of the door slamming up made me jump.

"Brookie, you're awake," Dean said with a high pitch squeal that made me wince. He ran into the room

and jumped on the bad, making me gasp as I bounced.

"Be careful, idiot," Kara said, hitting him on the back of the head.

"How are you feeling?" Andy asked, coming to stand next to me while Ryder took a seat in the corner.

"Like one who got their ass kicked," I replied in a flat tone.

"I don't know I think you held your own pretty damn good."

"It was about time someone put her in her place," Kara said.

"No kidding!" Dean held up his hand. "Come on Brookie, high five it!" I glance at his hand then back to

him. "Don't leave me hanging, Sista!" When he started to pout, and Andy nudged me with his elbow, I

gave in and gave him his high five, fighting a smile.

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