The Alpha and The Fool

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

I sat in the living room with Mom in our nightly routine of a cup of tea. I wasn’t a huge tea fan, but I

enjoyed having the time to catch up on things. Sometimes, like tonight, even Dad joined us. I preferred

the simple black while both Mom and Dad went for the fancier stuff. “How are things with Nicole?” Mom

asked after Dad finished filling us in about today’s meeting progress. It was interesting when I wasn’t

the one involved in all the politics crap.

“It’s going pretty good,” I admitted.

“She’s not shown any more tendencies of violence has she?” Dad asked, worried.

Again, I found the worry to be a little insulting. They wouldn’t worry about this so much if it was Dean

instead of me. Though, considering Aunt Helena had allowed her mate to beat on her and their

children, perhaps Dad would’ve worried no matter what. I shook my head. “Nah, as far as I can see it

was a one-time thing. I, honestly, think it was a bad judgment call on my part.”

He nodded, looking pleased as he picked up the tray on the coffee table between us. “I’m going to take

this to the kitchen, but we’ll need to talk Dean. The meetings with the alphas are only for two more

nights, and after that, they all return to their territory. I need to know what your plan is.”

My stomach sank as I watched him leave. Plan? When did I ever have plans? I don’t do plans, but what

was I going to do? Two days then Nic would leave. I don’t think she would stay if I asked her right now.

Damn it I needed more time. Running a hand through my hair, I looked up to find Mom smiling at me.

She could probably guess I was scrambling.

Before any of us could say anything, someone growled out, “You!” Nic’s dad stood in the doorway,

pointing at me with blazing amber eyes.

This wasn’t good. “Me?” I asked, standing.

“Yes, you! You pathetic little clown,” he demanded as he took a step into the room. “You’ve poisoned

my daughter and my people.”

“Wait a minute-” Mom said, standing.

“It’s okay, Mom, I got this.” I moved, so I was between Alpha Joseph and Mom. I wasn’t sure how much

of this guy was all bark, but if he decided to bite, I didn’t want her getting caught up in it. “Alpha Joseph,

I haven’t said anything against you to your people.” Oh, I’d said a lot of nasty things to Andy and the

others, but not to Nic or her friends.

The alpha sneered at me. “Nic never defied me before we came here.”

I couldn’t help it, I laughed. “And that’s my fault?”

“I know it is!”

“I promise the only thing I’ve done is talk your daughter,” I said and shrugged. “Sorry dude, but you’re NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

not on the subject list of topics in our conversations.”

He took another step into the room, his hands curling into fists. “You think you’re funny, doncha? Well,

listen here funny man. You’ll never have my pack-”

“I don’t want your pack,” I said, dropping my tone into a flat, boring sound. I got a taste of being alpha

when Ryder had to take a step back to fool our uncle, and that was all I needed. I’d never been under

so much pressure and stress in my life. It was not something I planned on repeating any time soon.

He blinked obviously surprised by my response then he simply scowled at me again. “Listen here,


“Dean, I’ve used your name Alpha Joseph, I’d like you to use mine.” I was starting to get a little tired of

the nicknames he kept giving me.

“You’ve not earned the right,” he said before literally spitting on the floor a few feet in front of me.

Gross. “Now listen here, Boy. You will stay away from my daughter. She not ever going to be your mate


“Shouldn’t that be her choice?” Call me an ass, but I was rather enjoying interrupting him.

“No, it’s not! She’s mine-”

“She’s not underage, so I don’t see how she’s yours.” I had to use all my willpower to keep from smiling

and my expression curious instead of smug.

The alpha’s eyes widened and his nose flared. “I don’t care what you think. She is mine, and I will do

whatever I want with her! You will not. You will never speak or be near her again.”

My amusement died. Oh now, this was enough bull shit. I narrowed my eyes at him. “No, no you won’t.

You are Nic’s alpha, you are her father, but that does not remove her basic human rights.” He opened

his mouth to speak, but I kept going. “This isn’t about me claiming her as my mate or anything. It’s

about no one should be treated as if they don’t matter and I will not allow you to make Nic feel like


“I am an alpha, you fool,” Alpha Joseph said, his whole body tensing. “You can not allow or forbid

anything of me. You are not strong enough, you pathetic clown.”

I noticed the subtle shift of his weight so not only was I not surprised when he swung his fist at me, but

I avoided the swing altogether. Mom sucked in a breath, and I checked my position to stand between

the two. “You should stop and think about what you’re doing, Alpha Joseph. My father-”

He swung at me again. This time I ducked and hit him hard in the chest with the heel of my palm,

forcing him to take several steps back. “Seriously, Dude, this isn’t going to end well for you.”

When the alpha tried to hit me a third time, I blocked his arm then hit him with the heel of my palm in

the nose, hard enough to break, but not displace the bone and risk his life. I kneed him, and with a

pressure point on his wrist, I forced Alpha Joseph to his knees and shoved him on his stomach. I

grabbed his other hand, pulling it back behind him and kept him there with a knee on his back and all

my weight on it. Alpha Joseph fought to get me off him, but I had the advantage.

“Enough,” Dad shouted. His voice booming off the walls, stilling the alpha beneath me. His expression

was stony, and his eyes practically glowed icy blue. He was pissed. “Diego, help my son retrain Alpha


Dad’s beta stepped around him and silvered Nic’s dad. It was a zip strip with a silver core. It removed a

werewolf of most their abilities but didn’t burn them like skin on silver contact would. Diego used

another silvered strip to bind the alpha’s hands together. I got up, and Diego helped the alpha stand.

“I made it quite clear as we started this week’s meetings I would not tolerate any kind of violence in my

pack house. I was willing to overlook your daughter’s violence as a misstep of youth. She’s not the first

young woman to resort to our more primal ways of resolving conflict. However, you have long past the

springtime of your life so I can not forgive this act so easily.”

“That boy left me no choice,” the alpha said, trying to pull himself from Diego’s grip.

“Do not test me, Joseph. I witnessed the whole encounter, and I know who was the aggressor and why.

It is for your daughter’s sake, I will not take your life and pack from you as is my right by our laws, but

instead banish you from my territory, death being the punishment if you return. Until your departure,

you will remain in the holding cells. Oh and Alpha Joseph perhaps you should reflect about how a

distaste for violence does not equate to weakness. If this had been a challenge Dean, the pathetic

clown would’ve won the right to take your pack from you.”

When Dad nodded, the beta escorted Nic’s dad out of the room, and I sighed, running a hand through

my hair. “That could’ve gone a whole lot better.”

“I’m sorry, Dean. This will complicate matters with Nicole,” Dad said, shaking his head. “I couldn’t let

any of his actions or words stand without answering them.”

“Yeah, I know,” I said and ran my hand through my hair again. “I should go tell Nic and his people what


“Actually, we were here outside,” Wesley, Alpha Joseph’s beta said from the doorway. “We tried to talk

to him, but...” He shifted his weight, clearly torn between the truth of Nic’s dad brought this on himself

and loyalty which told him to say nothing against his alpha. “I’ll go inform our people and Nic of what

occurred and make the necessary arrangements.”

As the beta left my stomach sank for the second time today. “You’re going to make them leave?”

Dad shook his head. “Alpha Joseph’s people will have too. I am willing to allow Nic to stay.”

But would she? My stomach tightened, and I ran a hand through my hair. Mom laid a hand on my

shoulder. “Easy, you’re going to go bald like that,” she teased then gave my shoulder a squeeze.

“Relax, let’s give the beta some time to speak with her and digest the information. We’ll figure

something out.”

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