The Alpha and The Fool

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

When Dean joined me on the front porch, we walked back to his house. Something had been bothering

me since I spoke to Harry. This plan for a better pack wasn’t something Harry just thought up. Clearly,

it’d been something he’d been working on for a while. So why was Dean only telling me now?

“Well, what do you think?” Dean asked after we’d been walking for a few minutes.

“It’s a great idea. Something like this should’ve happened long ago,” I said and with some hesitation

added, “Harry didn’t seem to like me too much. Is that why you didn’t tell me about this before?”

Dean scoffed and gave me a sidelong glance. “You’re kidding right?”

“No, not really.”

“How could anyone not like you?” He said smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes and hit him lightly on the shoulder. “Yeah, because I such a charming person.

Seriously though, why didn’t you tell me about this before.”

Dean shrugged. “I couldn’t.”

I glanced at him. “What do you mean?”

He blew out a breath. “If I had mentioned Harry and his project you would’ve gotten mad at me. You

would’ve thought I was telling you to give up like everyone else had been doing and I wasn’t ready to

get on your bad side. Hell, I’m not now either.”

Well, hell, he had a point there. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Of course I am,” he teased and took my hand and giving it a squeeze. “Also, I was also hoping we’d

find a way for you to kick the douche’s ass. I mean seriously what he did was one hell of a dick move.”

Again, the fluttery feeling swam through me, and my throat tightened. Dean was amazing, and I haven’t

yet figured out why he was putting up with me. I hadn’t done anything to deserve him. I squeezed his

hand back, and we walked the rest of the way in silence. My mind a whirl of thoughts and possibilities. I

liked Harry’s idea, I really did, and I hoped he’d let me be a part of it.

“Well I’ll catch up with you tomorrow,” Dean said once we reached the house. “I got to do an all nighter

at the hospital again. I’ll talk to Harry too, see what we can do about getting this ball rolling.”

“You mean if he decides I’m not some ambitious wanna-be top dog?”

He gave me a lopsided smile. “That’s Harry being Harry. If he didn’t like you, he would have said no

right then and there.”

“Thanks, Dean. I really mean it, thank you,” I told him, trying to convey how thankful I was for all the

support he was giving me.

“No problem,” he said, grinning. “But ya know, if you really wanna thank me…” he wagged his

eyebrows at me.

I laughed, shook my head, hitting his arm lightly again. “Good night Dean.” But, maybe it was time I NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

stepped up and showed him how much everything he was doing meant to me.

I texted the others to meet me in the game room. I took a seat at the bar as usual, and they arrived

shortly after me. “I met with this Harry, and he has an interesting project,” I said and explained to them

about Harry’s idea for a better pack. “Dean says I would be a good alpha working with Harry and

keeping the pack safe from other alphas from those who would challenge the pack. What about you


“Sounds a little like a pipe dream to me,” Sade said with a slight cringe. “I mean it’s nice an all, but the

other alphas would ever stand for it.”

“They wouldn’t have a choice,” Jon said, jumping in and repeated the fact alphas were free to rule as

they choose. “I’m all in and seems like a great idea.”


“It’s going to be hard work and not going to make you very popular among the other alphas.”

“I don’t care,” I told him, surprised at how true that was. I was done living by the standards of other

people. “I believe werewolves need this change and I want to be a part of that change.”

Wesley nodded, rubbing his chin. “Then we’re behind you, Nic, and you’re right. It is time for a change.”

“Great,” I said, clapping my hands. “With that settled, we’re done. I’ll get with Harry and see what needs

to be done to get the ball rolling and let you guys know. Sade, can I talk to you before you leave.” Both,

Wesley and Sade, paused, giving me a worried look. “Relax, it’s nothing major. Just want to talk about

some stuff.”

“Right, it’s something about Dean, Come on Big guy, let's get out of here before they start,” Jon said,

reaching up and clasping Wesley’s shoulders and herding the bigger man out of the room.

“You want to talk about Dean?” Sade asked, looking surprised.

“In part,” I admitted. “I also wanted to make sure you’re okay with all of this. You don’t seem too


She let out a breath and sat next to me. “I won’t lie. I’m worried. This better packs thing, it’s very noble,

but I can’t help but remember those who’ve come before. Lincoln, Kennedy, and King all wanted to

make changes similar to yours, and it didn’t end well. I mean, is it really worth it if it’s so dangerous?”

“Yes,” I replied without hesitation. “You have lost your friends and family by sticking by me when I

haven’t done any wrong but expect what was promised to me. Dad specifically said we came here to

find a mate for me and become alpha. Worse, I can’t do anything about it because I’m a woman. I can’t

change the packs, but I could run one where we aren’t limited by gender or even dominance. I’m willing

to take risks.”

“But it’s not only you. It’s Wesley, Jon, Dean, and God knows who all else,” Sade argued.

“I can’t be responsible for other’s choices. If they want to walk away, they can. You can walk away right

now, Sade, if that’s what you want. I won’t hold it against you.”

She sighed and slumped on her stool. “No, but thank you. So what’s up with Dean?”

My stomach churned, and I twisted my fingers together. “Well, I want to do something for Dean well I

guess for us, to kind of show I’m thankful for everything he’s done, and I’m, uh, ready to accept him as

you know…”

She giggled, rolling her eyes at me. “So basically you’d like to take him on a date or something, right?”

“Uhm, yeah I guess so.”

Sade laughed again then nodded. “Okay, well you’ve come to the right place.” She patted my hand and

grew thoughtful. “I suggest as it’s your first, we should keep it simple and avoid the fancy restaurants. I

have no doubt, you two would make a spectacle of yourselves.”

“Hey,” I said, not sure if I should feel offended or not.

“Oh come on, admit it,” Sade said, tapping her chin with her forefinger and looking thoughtful again. “I

think it’d be best if you went with the classic movie and a dinner, but keep it low key - a nice restaurant,

but no dress code. How does that sound.”

I shrugged. “It sounds doable...but is it good enough? I mean it seems like of lame and Dean has done

so much.”

Again Sade rolled her eyes, but this time she surprised me by pulling me in for a hug. “Nic, it’s you

that’s going to make it special and important. That you want to do this with him will be more than

enough for Dean. Trust me on this.”

I wasn’t so sure, but I shrugged again. “Okay, but now what restaurant. I don’t know anything here.”

“Leave that to me. I’ll do some fishing and find out a really good place. You sit tight and trust me.”

“Famous last words,” I replied, but agreed.

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